
This blog is to help her get to Disneyland. You guys, how awesome would it be if we could help raise enough money to send Aaron to Disneyland? You realize that every little bit helps, I hope – if you can spare some money, pleasepleaseplease go donate!

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Happy, happy birthday, Say!!!
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Tomorrow’s the weekly comment-answering extravaganza! Got a hot question? Ask it in the comments!
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Poor Sugarbutt. Sunday, his eyes were fine. Monday morning, Fred said “Would you look at Sugarbutt’s eyes and tell me if they look bad to you?” I looked, and yes – they were awful. I got a tube of Terramycin out of the drawer and we put ointment in his eyes, which he SO didn’t appreciate, and then spent half an hour cleaning his face. We put Terramycin in his eyes again when Fred got home, and again at bedtime. Sugarbutt’s eyes didn’t improve, so we moved on to the other ointment I had, and that didn’t seem to help, either, so I called and made an appointment at the vet’s. Come 10:00 yesterday morning, Sugarbutt just happened to be in the house, so I bent down to grab him, and something in his little brain connected the fact that I’d brought the cat carrier into the computer room with the fact that I was leaning down to grab him, and he ran off upstairs. Luckily, Sugarbutt might be pretty, but he’s not the brain trust of the And3rson cat community, so when I went into the kitchen and opened and closed the refrigerator a couple of times, he came running back in to see if maybe it might be Snack! Time!, and I grabbed him and popped him in the carrier. Oh, the look of betrayal he gave me! It’s enough to break a Momma’s heart. Except that I’m hard-hearted so I wasn’t too heartbroken. Besides, it’s not like I was throwing him in the carrier for the fun of it. He needed to go to the vet! The vet put drops in his eyes and shone a black light at his eyeballs to look for scratches (there were none), remarked that his nictating membrane was quite swollen and inflamed, and ultimately gave me ointment with a hydrocortisone, told me to stop giving him his twice-daily dose of chlorpheneramine (for his neck) for at least a week. Once his eyes are under control we can start back with the chlorphenwhatsis if we need to. Given that his neck is almost completely healed, I think we all know what the next seven days will bring: his eyes will clear up completely and he’ll start digging at his neck again, leading to a big, gaping wound that will need to be covered by a bandage. It’s a good thing he’s so cute. I guess no one told him that the “money pit” role was being played by Miz Poo in thishere household. *************************************************** The clock on my computer runs fast. I’ve reset it several times, but it always gets out of synch within a couple of weeks. I don’t know exactly how fast it’s running – ten minutes or so, I think – but I kind of like that it runs fast. Many times I’ll be sitting in front of the computer, look at the clock, think “Oh, it’s 10:00! I need to (whatever)!”, get up and do whatever, then go into another part of the house, do even more stuff, and then eventually look at the clock to find that… it’s not even 10:00 yet. It’s like my own little time machine – I’m in the computer room, I get up and go to another part of the house, and I get those ten-ish minutes that I just spent sitting on my ass aimlessly surfing back again! It’s a miracle! Part of the reason I don’t want to know exactly how fast the clock is, is because then I’d do the “It says 10:28, but it’s REALLY 10:16!” thing, and that’s just too goddamn much math and it would ruin the whole time machine thing. Let me have my dorky fantasies.
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*************************************************** Did I mention that I’m a dork? I know, probably you’re thinking to yourself in shock and dismay, Robyn? A dork? Unbelievable! But the older I get, the more I find that I really like to know what the temperature outside is. Is that weird? I mean, I ALWAYS want to know the outside temperature, every single morning. I check out weather.com first thing when I get up. What do I do with this fascinating information? Why… nothing. In fact, ten seconds after I’ve looked up the current temperature, I’ve most likely forgotten the number. So when I was in Maine and we were in LL Bean, I bought a handy thermometer that displays the inside AND outside temperatures (it came with a sensor for outside that I hung on a tree about twenty feet from the side door), and every morning when I get up – and various points through the day as well – I check the inside and outside temperature. Sometimes I have brilliant comments to share with the cats. “Hmm,” I say to Mister Boogers. “It’s almost 80 outside, but only 74 inside. Imagine that!” Says Mister Boogers: Life here at Crooked Acres? It’s fascinating and filled with excitement, every single moment of the day. You KNOW you wish you lived here! *************************************************** The kittehs sing the blues. I look at this picture, and I cannot stop laughing. What is up with those freakishly long orangutan arms? “I’ve got the I-needs-me-a-snuggle bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuues.” *************************************************** Fear him. *************************************************** Previously 2006: You really don’t want to fuck with the Plumbing Mafia. 2005: “GodDAMN you, Mister Boogers!” I yelled. 2004: “This book makes me want to have a baby!” I said to Fred when I was about halfway through the book. “Let’s have a baby!” 2003: No entry. 2002: Gag city. 2001: I think you know what I’m thinkin’. 2000: I’d like to return to my regularly scheduled life, please.]]>

26 thoughts on “9/20/07”

  1. Oh my GOD! Those those freakishly long orangutan arms made me laugh so hard I nearly shot coffee out my nose!

  2. Hi Robyn!
    I have a question for you. I seem to remember you dealing with one of your cats who would always pee over the side of the litter box, and I’m facing the same problem now. Almost every day when I go in to scoop the litter, there is a puddle of pee outside of, or underneath, one or both of the litter boxes. The fuckers. 🙂 I’m thinking about getting a couple of boxes with covers on them (you know what I mean – they have the opening in the front, but the sides and back are solid), but wondered how you dealt with it. Do those work? Or did something else work for you?

  3. I’m so glad you spell out “Mister” in Mister Boogers because “Mr. Boogers” is just wrong, isn’t it? Still the best picture ever!
    Questions for Friday (about “Weeds,” of course, because I can’t stop obsessing): Do you think Agent Wonder Bread is REALLY dead? And doesn’t that Deschanel sister (Zooey?) have some of the craziest twirling eyes ever?

  4. Hahahahahaaaaaaaaa! Tommy’s serial killer name would be “Gay Ass Slasher”.
    I guess that is not politically correct. Oh well. I guess you all will just have to stop reading my journal. Which doesn’t exist. Hee!

  5. I have not one but -two- indoor / outdoor thermometers. Actually more weather station type deals that have lots of other information on them as well. My house faces North so the back is on the South and it is always warmer as it gets full sun while the front is pretty much in the shade. I have one sensor north and the other south and it’s interesting to check the temperatures as they are almost never the same. Also another thing I have noticed is when the Weather Channel says it’s 101 my thermometer usually says 95 or 96. If mine says 100 or over it’s hot! Makes you wonder where they put the “official” thermometer.

  6. Question for tomorrow:
    On November 10th we’ll be going to see Phantom of the Opera in Chicago. Will we come away from it singing like a bunch of loons?
    Speaking of Phantom, has Fred and/or you ever seen the youtube mixing of Phantom and Star Wars? There’s a few that come up when plugging in Star Wars Phantom of the Opera so go to the one that’s 4 minutes and 26 seconds long. In my search it was the 1st one listed. If you haven’t seen it yet you need to, it’s awesome.

  7. That picture of Boogs is hilarious! I crack up every single time I see it. Oh and Tommy has quite the pretty manicure/soft paws thing going on.
    Have a good day! 🙂

  8. I never gave a thought to what praying mantis’s (mantii?) eat until the other day when I saw one chowing down on a caterpillar. So of course I grabbed my camera and in the name of shameless promotion here it is. A little blurry. Someone buy me a new camera. Please?

  9. I have all the clocks in my house set 10 minutes fast. It’s the only way I can get my kids out the door on time for school! After they leave, I kinda feel like I’ve cheated time or something. I have 10! extra! minutes! to myself before I have to get ready for work.

  10. Even dorkier than wanting to know the temperature outside is KNOWING what it is before checking. I head out at 5:30 every morning for the gym (I know, I know, that’s yet another sign of dorkdom)and by the time I start up the car and look at the temperature display, I always seem to know spot-on what the temp is. Weirdness.

  11. How wimpy is it that that I refuse to click on the praying mantis link? On a scale of 1-10, that’s gotta be an 11 on the wimpy baby scale. right? I don’t care, though. I’m going to sit right here and pretend I never heard of such a thing. LALALALALALA. Praying mantis’ eating hummingbirds? Ridiculous!
    Whew, I feel better now.
    I’m off to write my letter to Santa now, so as to avoid the rush.

  12. Its really hard to take Tommy seriously with the multi-coloured softpaws. He looks like he just got a manicure.
    I refuse to look at the praying mantis link too.

  13. So now that Big Love is over for the season, what do you think is going to happen in the next one? I am so hooked on that show, and I can’t wait! I asked my husband if he wanted more than one wife, and he gave me this look and said, “Enough problems come with having one wife. I don’t need any more!” Then, of course, he said he love me. I don’t remember, but did you ever ask Fred his feelings on polygamy?

  14. Hmm,” I say to Mister Boogers. “It’s almost 80 outside, but only 74 inside. Imagine that!”
    ahahhaahhahaha. That is so freakin’ funny. I love that pic. of Mister Boogers.
    I so do that with my pets. The dog sort of looks like he cares, the cat? Notsomuch.
    So – questions eh?
    1. Have you read the new Charlaine Harris/Sookie Stackhouse (too lazy to look up the title) book yet? If so what do you think of the series at this point?
    2. You used to mention driving around to various stores alot – Sam’s, etc. etc. Do you do less of that now that you are out in Smallville?
    That’s about all I can think of for now… 🙂

  15. OMG Robyn I do the exact same thing. Weather.com each morning, check out my own zip, and then my work zip. Because I only live 10 minutes from work if the traffic’s good – but you know that the weather might be different there. Every.Morning.

  16. We have 5 indoor/outdoor thermometers in our house. And we live in the Southern California desert where it’s always damned hot in the summer. Somehow it makes a big difference to my husband that it is 2 degrees cooler under the tree than on the patio. When it’s 118 what difference do 2 degrees make, I ask you!?

  17. Do you end up paying the vet bills for the foster kitties, or does the shelter do it? I admire you for taking in the homeless, but man, that’s gotta get expensive after awhile.

  18. We just bought this AWESOME indoor outdoor therm that also PREDICTS the forecast !!! I’m totally addicted to it and I suggest putting one on your Christmas list !http://www.lacrossetechnology.com/ws.php I’ve become very popular since this purchase-everyone always calling to find out what the weather will be tomorrow 🙂 And yes..it’s definately an *as you get older* addiction. I could care less about the weather when I was in my 20’s-and fondly remember my grandmother forever knowing what we should bring with us regarding coats,raingear etc.. on our overnite vists !
    Love Love Love the cat pictures !

  19. AHHHHH! I knew better, I really did. I have an unnatural fear of praying mantises (and walking sticks). I shouldn’t have looked, but I did, and I am now scarred for life.

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