new logo! This one was created by the lovely and talented Chrystal, ain’t it great? Thanks, Chrystal!
Those of you who have sent me logos, don’t worry – I still love ’em, and they’re still in the queue; they’ll show up sooner or later!
* * *
Today’s earworm:
Let herself go on a singles cruise,
To Vegas once, then to Honolulu.
Let herself go to New York City:
A week at the Spa; came back knocked-out pretty.
When he said he didn’t love her no more,
She let herself go.
(She Let Herself Go, by George Strait.)
* * *
I discovered yesterday that there’s a
Super Suppers in Huntsville, and I spent a good ten minutes looking over the site and drooling. And then when I was cooking dinner (how awesome am I, cooking dinner I can’t eat? Luckily it’s something I’m not all that crazy about.) Fred came downstairs to put green beans and almonds in the microwave, and I said “Do you know what Super Suppers is?”
“No,” he said.
“It’s this place where you go, and they have all the fixins ready to make dinner, and you make it and bring it home and freeze it and eat it when you want.”
“And this makes you a sucker?” he suggested.
“No,” I said, laughing. “Super SUPPERS.”
“Oh! I thought you said Super Suckers.”
I totally need to get a job, so I can afford to (1) Hire cleaners, because GOD IN HEAVEN do I hate cleaning house and I don’t do it nearly often enough and (2) Visit Super Suppers once a month or so because GOD IN HEAVEN do I hate cooking, and I’ve had most of the last month off from cooking for Fred and the spud, but still? Hate it. HATE.
I might have had the weight loss surgery, but it doesn’t deter me from going for the world title in laziness. I might have been beaten out by a tenth of a point last year (STUPID judges, “leech” does not equal “lazy”, there’s no WAY Kevin Federline deserved that title!), but this year I WILL PREVAIL.
It’s funny that I talk of how much I hate cleaning, because yesterday I spent about two hours cleaning, between scrubbing down the bathroom (which I JUST cleaned last Sunday! Did you feel the earth stop turning on its axis?) (PS: Those Mr. Clean Eraser sponges ROCK; I don’t know the last time the shower was that clean.), vacuuming the entire house, and doing laundry.
The bad part about the cleaning was that I got a little too close to the cleaner fumes when I was in the shower, and I coughed so hard I shot a lung across the bathroom, where Sugarbutt grabbed it up and took off with it. I don’t know where it is now; either he ate it, or it’s sitting under a bed, covered with cat hair and dust. Good thing I have two of ’em!
Still so much cleaning left to do, though. I haven’t mopped my downstairs floors since the day before I had surgery, and they’re in desperate need of cleaning. Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow after I have my hairs did.
Speaking of Fred misunderstanding me, I called him on Friday after I started reading
The Working Poor, specifically the chapter on how people get screwed over by H & R Bl0ck.
“Did you talk to the accountant about the fact that we shut down Thr3e T0es Pub1ishing, Inc?” I asked him.
“I sent her an email. Why?”
“Because I’m reading this book and the chapter’s about how people get screwed over by H & R Bl0ck, and it reminded me of taxes.”
“Is it a good book?” he asked.
“So far it is,” I said. “But it makes me feel like a bloated rich person.” (Not working makes me feel guilty when I read about how hard some people struggle just to make ends meet. But then, if I got a job I’d be taking it away from someone who needs it, right? Um… right? And it’s not like I’m wasting my ivy league education or anything. These are the justifications I give to convince myself I shouldn’t feel guilty. Doesn’t work, though.)
Fred started laughing. “Did you – what did you say? Because what I heard sounded awfully funny!”
“That I feel like a bloated rich person*?”
“Oh,” he said, still laughing. “I thought you said ‘bloated French person’.”
Either he needs a hearing aid or I need to be more careful about enunciating what I’m saying.
*We are not rich people. We are not poor people. We are middle class-ish. If we were rich people, I’d HAVE cleaning people and a cook and would be driving a yellow mustang. (Not that I don’t love my
E’gar. He’s a good little car!)

I have no cat pictures for you today, so I thought I’d post some pictures of Sugarbutt and Tommy so we can marvel that they were ever that tiny.
* * *
2005: Tony: Yeah, sure.
Jack: Okay, fine.
2004: This is my new boyfriend. I call him Jimmy.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: “If you get a package that’s too big for your box,” he said carefully, “we. will. put. a. yellow. slip. in. your. box. You. should. bring. it. up. to. the. counter. and. we. will. get. the. package. for. you.”
2000: No entry.]]>
“I coughed so hard I shot a lung across the bathroom”
That had me rolling! (I did that on Sunday. Steve and Mark (meow men) missed out, though. Bathroom’s too small for all of us while cleaning.)
Anyways, great way to start the day! Thanks!
Sugarbutt was the cutest kitten EVER. Well, right behind Gizmo. Why do they have to grow up?
A friend of mine does Dream Dinners (I think that’s what they’re called). She loves them. They do seem a little pricey to me, but if you’re someone who genuinely dislikes cooking (she does) but has to anyway (she’s a single mom with two kids), I think it’s a decent way to go. She’s also said she’s met some cool people there and that it’s kind of fun putting all the meals together.
I was hoping this entry would be all about the 2-hour beginning of the Amazing Race!
Did anyone catch it? Who do you like/hate?
LOVE the new logo!!
And don’t you dare feel guilty for not having a job outside the house…if you were to get one it would more than likely cut down on your entries and WE need you!
Do love the new logo! And Bonnie’s right – don’t you dare get a job – as I’ve said before, we do live our lives through you……
I totally love the new logo!
What is it with Tommy and the Spreading of the Kitty Toes whenever he jumps! It cracks me up!
The logo is awesome! I can’t believe how much the boys have grown!
Andrea: I haven’t seen it yet; we taped it and will be watching it tonight!
1. Did you screw us out of ever having kittens to look at because of Tommy and Sugarbutt? It’s fine if you did, I just couldn’t remember the rules.
2. I’m in a similar situation as you are in that my husband works and I do not. Dude- I am SO HAPPY for this set up because I am not well suited to having to deal with other people. I promise if I had to hold down a job I would all the time be getting fired due to eye rolling and loud sighing and under the breath muttering.
My husband mishears me all the time and I think it’s hillarious. One day I looked at him lovingly and said “You’re swell” and he looked at me with big eyes and asked “Why would you say that I smell? I don’t smell! That’s just mean!”
I of course laughed at him which just freaked him out even more.
In my family, when someone mishears we call them Grandpa Hurley from a time when my mom said “Rae raked all her leaves into the middle of the street” and my dad asked “Who’s Grandpa Hurley and what is he doing in the middle of the street?”
Catie: No, we just have to wait until Sugarbutt and Tommy are “older” (close to a year, I think Fred said) so they won’t be so susceptible to the illnesses strange kittens can bring into the house. So, there WILL be kittens in the future, just not for a few more months.
Jessie: That is HILARIOUS! Hee! I think I’m going to start calling Fred Grandpa Hurley.
Robyn, Bob and I use a make and take every month. We go to a local one here called Simply To The Table. It rocks! For only $99/month, we get 9 full dinners for 2 (though we always have leftovers). LOVE! THEM!
Thanks for the kitten pictures. They grow up so fast and are so cute!
Best logo ever!
In the last photo, Sugarbutt’s looks like he’s rooting Tommy on!
Funny you should mention Super Suppers. I have to pick my meals today. I’m going to my first “party” next Wednesday. I’ll let you know how it turns out.
the way I get through all my cleaning is to whack a bunch of podcasts on the ipod – go to for some good ones – and I literally just don’t notice the cleaning. And now you have an ipod so you can do that too!
Oh that logo is so sweet! I really love it.
The last picture makes Tommy look like a hip-hop badass.
Best logo I’ve ever seen on a blog, er, personal webpage. Please leave it up for a loooong time, okay?
Dear Lord, I HATE that “Let herself go” song by George Strait. He always sings these dorky-ass songs that sound pro-woman, but really aren’t. It’s like he tries to bash men to gain the female audience or something. Don’t like him.
Zazzu: I’m not terribly fond of George Strait myself, but that song will NOT leave my head, especially the lines Let herself go to New York City:
A week at the Spa; came back knocked-out pretty. Grrrr!
Really love the new logo!! Those kitties grow fast don’t they? They are so cute! Also, I posted a link to WaiterRant on my site a couple of weeks ago and I have to say it is a really good one so I’m glad you are enjoying it too.
Wow! A mention and a link from THE Bitchypoo. I feel so famous!
Super Suppers sounds like a terrific idea! Now, if only i’d thought of that. heh
I agree that this is the best logo ever and deserves to stay for longer than a month.
Probably that book is telling the truth about H&R Block. I’m glad you don’t go there. I worked there for 2 tax seasons and the first one they only trained me for a couple of months on how to do the tax forms and then the second year they teach you a little more but still not enough to be messing with people’s money, ya know what I mean? Talk about a stressful job! All the people I worked with felt the same way I did, we all had nightmares about that job! Maybe they’ve changed since then, I don’t know, just DON’T go there. Jeez, they can’t sue me for that can they? Never mind then, heh.