
Me, myself and I.

Fred – husband and best friend. He likes cheese, just not on a salad. Or burger.

The Spud – My 20 year-old daughter. Reminds me so much of myself at that age that it’s scary. Doesn’t like reading nearly as much as I did and do. She likes drawing pictures, writing stories, watching TV and hanging out on her computer. She graduated from high school in May 2007, and recently moved to Rhode Island to live with her father. She’ll be starting college in the Fall of 2008.

Debbie – My two-years-younger sister, and my best friend (aside from Fred, o’ course). She lives in Maine. I’m trying to convince her to move to Alabama, but she’s apparently unenthralled at the idea of sharing a coop with the chickens. Where’s her sense of adventure, I ask you?!

Brian – The adorable, sensitive son of Debbie. Debbie, Brian, the Spud and I lived together for about two years when he was a wee one, and so I spent plenty of time watching him and changing many a diaper. Big-time into the local fire department, where he’s a junior firefighter. The sweetest guy you’ll ever meet.

Mom and Dad – my parents. Duh!

Tracy – my 6-years-older brother. Retired from the Navy, living in Maine at the end of the universe. Father to Chris (20) and Mireya (14). Makes an incredible guacamole, cooks creative and yummy-sounding stuff, and keeps an impressively clean house. Also, loves cats. I recommend you snap him up right quick, ladies.

The Kitties

E’gar – (or, if you must, Edgar. But I pronounce it “E’gar”, in imitation of Siobhan Fallon, who played Edgar’s (“E’gar!”) wife in Men in Black.) my car, a 2004 Suzuki Aerio SX. I’ve been driving SUVs for several years now, but I’m really a small-car gal at heart. E’gar fits the bill nicely. You can read the long, long saga of E’gar here, with a follow-up here.

Update: E’gar now belongs to the spud, who took him off to Rhode Island. I miss the hell out of that car, and consider my current car (Delmar the little red Suzuki Reno) to be a placeholder until I can get the car of my dreams in a few years. What’s my dream car? Fuck if I know.