
Sometimes I miss Maine with a visceral pain and I wonder whether Alabama will ever truly feel like home the way Maine does. Sometimes I wonder how on earth I ended up living so far from the ocean. Sometimes I am saddened knowing that I can never move back to Maine. Sometimes I wonder why I’m so resistant to change. Sometimes I can’t wait until Fred gets home from work, and I practically sit at the front window with my tongue hanging out, panting happily like a puppy. Sometimes I wonder if I could sneak something into Fred’s food to cut down on the gas factor. But I think he’d be seriously depressed if he didn’t have the Joy of Farting in his life. Sometimes I wish I could adopt every kitten I see, and let them live long, happy, healthy lives in comfort and peace. Sometimes I wish I could spay and neuter enough cats in the world so that there would never be another unwanted kitten. Sometimes I think people who are cruel to animals should be strung up by their toes and left there to slowly, painfully die. No, strike that. I always think that. Sometimes it amazes me that people who shit (figuratively speaking) on those around them can be surprised when no one wants to be near them. Sometimes I want to get pregnant IMMEDIATELY and give birth to triplets and spend the next 20 years raising them. (But mostly, I do not) Sometimes I wonder when I’m going to get my ass in gear and write down the stories which have been bouncing around in my mind for years. Sometimes I wish I could shave all the cats so I’d never have to see another dust bunny compiled of nothing but cat hair go sailing across the floor. Sometimes I wish I was someone who found cleaning the house fulfilling or soothing, or even something I could force myself to do on a daily basis. Sometimes I think about heading to Canada, swinging by to pick up Nance, visiting Mo, and dog-napping Vince. (But I know that the argument over who gets to be Thelma and who gets to be Louise would probably degenerate into a slapfight somewhere before we hit the Canadian border) Sometimes I think I’d like to live in Canada, then I remember it gets all cold and shit up there, and I consider Florida instead. Sometimes I lay in bed at night and think about my cottage, and it seems so real that I can almost touch it. And sometimes I end up dreaming about my cottage, and I wake with a smile on my face. Sometimes I lay in bed at night and dream about what I’d do if I won the lottery, and I come up with very elaborate ways to give money to friends anonymously so we wouldn’t have to do the “Take this money!”, “Oh, I couldn’t possibly!”, “TAKE IT!” dance. Sometimes I think I’m evil, because I laugh so hard I cry every time one of the cats gets startled and jumps three feet into the air. Sometimes I wonder how I lucked out in this life and ended up with such a great husband, kid, and life. Sometimes I’m just a great big sap.]]>

13 thoughts on “2003-08-30”

  1. Uh, if I recall correctly (and I know that I do)…
    Thelma and Louise drive over the edge of the FUCKING GRAND CANYON! No way would I be involved in a slapfight to be one of them. You and Mo can take the honors and I’ll be the one standing back (way back because of my fear of heights and all) waving goodbye. ~snort~

  2. Hey! They coulda made it to the other side!
    I call dibs on Thelma, ’cause she got to sleep with Brad Pitt.

  3. I really liked this entry, Robyn. I just wanted to tell you that the remark about seeing the dustbunnies compiled of nothing but cathair go sailing across the floor hit me in just the right spot and I laughed hysterically for about a good 5 minutes, because I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!
    What was even funnier was that Snoopy (my cat) got this sort of alarmed look on her face when I started laughing, because she’d been sleeping peacefully right next to me and it was all quiet up until then, so that made me laugh even more.

  4. Trinity – glad you enjoyed the book! 🙂
    Elizabeth – you should have seen me half an hour ago, trying to rid the house of all the cat hair floating around. I vacuumed the stairs (why on earth did we buy a house with carpeted stairs? Whyyyy?) and then went over them again with a cat brush and got a TON of hair. And I can guarantee there’ll be another huge cat-hair dust bunny running rampant when I get up tomorrow!

  5. You guys go on ahead and do the Thelma and Louise thing. I’m gonna be Drew Barrymore, anyway. She’s younger, cuter, and blonde.
    I think that a road trip would be a hoot!!! I get the front seat though.

  6. You said this “Sometimes I think I’d like to live in Canada, then I remember it gets all cold and shit up there, and I consider Florida instead.”
    Aren’t you from Maine? Most parts of Canada don’t get any colder than Maine in the winter, unless you’re refering to the Yukon.

  7. Yeah, but you notice I’m not living in Maine, either. 🙂
    Seriously, while I miss Maine an awful lot, I think the winters, after 7 years in Alabama, would kill me. I’ve turned into a wimp.

  8. Hey, you better visit me before dognapping my little puppyhead. Sheesh.
    And come in the winter: it’s green and gorgeous here.

  9. The lower mainland of BC and Vancouver Island do not get very cold. We’ve had snow maybe half a dozen times in the 8.5 years I’ve lived here. Then again, it rains a ton. You’d like the island- very much like the Maritimes/New England in spirit, although a few more crunchy granolas.

  10. Of course we’d stay and visit for a few days, Chris.
    We really must begin planning a CanadaCon. 🙂

  11. Enjoying your journal (Lee sent me!), but as far as living in Florida…it’s just like Alabama, except with Cubans and more mosquitoes.
    But I’m still here…

  12. But y’all got the beaches down there, Gary!
    I mean, I know we do in Alabama, but not anywhere around where I am! 🙂

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