2/23/10 – Tuesday

Oh, readers. Readers, readers, readers. You disappoint me, greatly. You make me tearful and sad. I made a bet with Fred, and y’all let me down. Last week I posted: Y’all said: NOTHING, because you totally missed: Hmph. And I also posted: Y’all said: NOTHING (though probably you were thinking Oh look, an exciting picture … Continue reading “2/23/10 – Tuesday”

Oh, readers.

Readers, readers, readers. You disappoint me, greatly. You make me tearful and sad. I made a bet with Fred, and y’all let me down.

Last week I posted:

Y’all said: NOTHING, because you totally missed:


And I also posted:

Y’all said: NOTHING (though probably you were thinking Oh look, an exciting picture of Robyn’s hospital room. Could she BE any more boring?), because you totally missed:

And then I posted:

You: Nada.

And lastly:

You: Zzzzzzzzzzzz



Considering how, back in October, I posted a pic of my canning cabinet, and y’all were like “ZOINKS! IS THAT A BABY CHICK IN THAT JAR?! ARE YOU CANNING BABY CHICKS?! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?!” in about ten seconds flat, I expected more from you.

(The pic in question: )

I told Fred before I posted those pictures last week, that I was sure by comment #3, someone would be all “Um. Is that that doll you showed us a few weeks ago, peeking creepily from one side of the picture, or have I just gone insane?”, but nada.


No one noticed!

Ah well. I have to admit to you that we giggled like the great big dorks we are when we were setting up those pictures, so it was worth it, even though no one else got the joke.


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I had an appointment with my gynecologist yesterday (thus the lack of update), and it was the first time I’d driven since surgery. The driving went fine, and the appointment went fine, too. She was just checking my incision and checking in with me to see how I’m feeling. I got another four weeks’ worth of estrogen patches. So far, the estrogen patches seem to be working okay, but I think it’s too early to declare that we’ve found my dosage. Who knows what my body’s going to be pulling in the next few months?

I have developed, due to the surgery, a lovely little pot belly. She told me that eventually it would go away. IT BETTER, is all I’m saying. I didn’t pay for that damn lower body lift to end up with a pot belly, damnit.

These days, I’m spending my days wearing a pair of pajama pants that are about two sizes too big, and a sweatshirt. The pajama pants are perfect, because they don’t put any pressure on my swollen guts. I can wear jeans for a little while, as long as I don’t tighten the belt all the way, but the instant I get home it’s back into the pajama pants for me. (I think the kids call them “sleep pants” these days.)

Sunday, I felt so good that Fred and I actually went up to the flea market in Tennessee and walked around for about an hour. Fred bought three $3 t-shirts, and I bought a box of Girl Scout Cookies. They were out of Samoas (DAMNIT), so I got the chocolate/ peanut butter ones.

There were a lot of puppies for sale at that flea market. I came thisclose to throwing a temper tantrum and demanding that Fred let me buy a tiny little Shih-Tzu/ Yorkie puppy, but then I came to my senses and remembered that we’re not dogs (in the house) people. And especially we’re not buying-dogs-at-the-flea-market people when so many dogs are languishing in shelters, needing homes.

S/He sure was a cutie, though.


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I have been a TV-watching fool while I’m recovering from surgery. I actually ran out of stuff on the DVR, and had to flip wildly through the channels and set up to tape more stuff. I watched the biographies of Kristy McNichol and Carrie Underwood last week, and I still have Val Kilmer and Leonardo DiCaprio to watch. I started taping Ellen again, to add to my Dr. Phil and Oprah episodes (I don’t watch every episode of Oprah or of Dr. Phil – usually they have five minutes to catch my attention before I delete it).

I am caught up on Hoarders – I think I watched about ten episodes in the last week and a half. Are you watching Hoarders? You totally should, because it is an utterly fascinating show. The hoarders on that show seem to be divided into two camps – the people who hoard stuff but manage to get the garbage out of the house, and the people who have a house full of stuff AND garbage. I mean, seriously, the lady with the house full of adult diapers? What the holy hell must that house have smelled like? And the people with dead animals under piles of stuff? AGH.

These hoarders, god almighty, they ALWAYS seem to have cats. And they NEVER seem to clean UP after the cats. Okay, MAYBE I’m guilty of not cleaning up a pile of cat barf if I think Fred will see it and clean it up within an hour or so, but I don’t leave it there for DAYS MONTHS YEARS. And I would never ever leave a pile of crap laying on the floor for longer than it took me to stand over it in disbelief, swear a blue streak, and then find the cleaning stuff. If I catch even the slightest hint of cat pee, I’m a woman on a mission, walking around sniffing wildly, the spray in one hand and the cleaning rag in the other. Ask Fred – I must ask him a million times a week “DO YOU SMELL CAT PEE?” and “SMELL THAT CAT BED OVER THERE AND MAKE SURE IT DOESN’T HAVE PEE ON IT.”

The problem is that anything with the slightest chemical smell to it can initially smell like cat pee to me. There are these cord protectors that are, “infused” with a citrus scent, to deter cats (and other small animals) from chewing on them. To me, these cord protectors do NOT smell like citrus. They smell like cat pee with the slightest side of ass, at least the first whiff does. All the cords in the foster room are covered by the protectors, and most of the cords in my room are, and so are the cords in the guest bedroom. Any place where kittens might chew on cords, are these cord protectors. So I spend a LOT of time walking around my house going “OH. Is that CAT PEE?!”, sniffing wildly, and then determining that it’s the cord protectors I’m smelling.

Um. Look at me, I got distracted there. That was NOT where I meant to go when I started talking about the hoarders.

Where I meant to go, was to tell y’all that there hasn’t been one single episode of Hoarders where I haven’t spotted at least one Amazon box, and at least one Target bag. Every single episode. If I were the drinking sort, I’d make up a drinking game where you did a shot every time you spotted a Target bag or Amazon box. Then you could do a shot every time someone hovered tearfully over a piece of garbage and ended up deciding to keep it. And a shot every time someone’s family member got fed up and stomped off.

Actually, a better game would be one where every time you spotted a Target bag/ Amazon box, you pause the show and go find something to toss in the trash. Your house would be clean in no time!

Truly, I do not know how the therapists and organizers deal with this shit. The first time my client was all dithery about whether or not to keep the stack of classified ads from 1998 or the pile of unopened Target bags that were brought directly home from the store and tossed in a corner of the room, I’d be snatching that shit from their hands and screaming “GET OVER IT!” in their faces. I get really impatient while I’m watching the show. I mean, are you KIDDING ME, you have a pile of bags from the store chest-high, that you never touched once you brought them home, and somehow you’re SO attached to this shit that the idea of seeing it thrown out pushes you to the point of a nervous breakdown? SERIOUSLY?

I also – JUST MY OPINION – think that when your house is so stuffed with crap that your partner has fallen down the stairs and broken her leg because of it, and your response is to get overwhelmed and declare that you’re not getting rid of anything at all, that is incredibly fucking selfish on your part, and FUCK YOUR DISEASE.

See? I’d be a horrible therapist.

I’ve also powered my way through one and a half seasons of Californication, and I have to admit to you that I am loving that damn show. I’ve never really watched David Duchovny in anything, but I like him in this show, and I LOVE the holy hell out of Marcy. She’s like a tiny, younger, funny Demi Moore. Truly, the only character who annoys me is Mia and even she’s starting to grow on me.

The second disc for Season 2 is on the way from Netflix, and I’ll likely get it watched in an afternoon. THEN what the hell am I going to watch?



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Thanks for all your comments regarding Hoyt. Someone is seriously interested in adopting him, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that that works out. Y’all keep your fingers crossed, too, and I’ll be sure to let y’all know more when there’s more to know. 🙂


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Lena posted in her blog that her son – who lives in Jacksonville, Florida – found this poor, malnourished pit bull. Look at the pictures of that poor dog, is he not the most pitiful thing?

Wes is pretty sure that his homeowner’s policy won’t allow him to keep a pit bull, so he needs help – if you’re in the Jacksonville area and you’re willing to foster or adopt this sweet boy or know someone who will, contact Wes (email address is toward the bottom of this page).


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Has everyone read about little Myron, Sue’s sweet foster boy?

Bad news: Myron tested positive for Feline Leukemia.

Good news: Sue found a great shelter with a small Feline Leukemia ward, willing to take him!

I love Myron because he reminds me more than a little of my sweet Mikey (who is now Aaron & Marian’s beloved Topher). I think it is absolutely awesome that there’s a facility willing to take sweet Myron.

You can make a donation to Purrfect Pals here.

(And keep your fingers crossed that the lottery ticket we bought yesterday wins. How amazing would it be to have a small facility devoted to taking care of special needs cats? I’d love to be able to do that!)


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Hey, look who we’ve got pictures of!

That’s sweet Clairee.

And Drum and Clairee!

They are reportedly very happy in their new home, and their new parents adore them and are glad they adopted both of them. I mean, seriously – have you ever seen such happy monkeys?


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“Do I need to come over there and smack you around a little, perhaps?”


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2009: They are weird-looking and obnoxious.
2008: No entry.
2007: Seriously, I might be a bit lackadaisical in my housekeeping, but I wouldn’t let CAT POO sit around on the floor, let alone let it show up in a picture!
2006: Second of all, we both hate our voices and to release them forth into the world would be a cruelty beyond measure.
2005: Impromptu day off.
2004: I’m going to save a fortune on tampons, that’s for sure.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Damn that Sam’s.
2000: Heartless bastard.

2/22/10 – Monday

I have to leave for an appointment with my gynecologist in a few minutes (she’s way on the other side of Huntsville), so here’s a picture to tide you over, and I’ll see you tomorrow! Until then, may all your tunes be loony.   * * * * * * * * * * * … Continue reading “2/22/10 – Monday”

I have to leave for an appointment with my gynecologist in a few minutes (she’s way on the other side of Huntsville), so here’s a picture to tide you over, and I’ll see you tomorrow!

Until then, may all your tunes be loony.


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2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: I’d hate for him to be able to CLIMB things.
2006: HOT MONKEY SEX, that’s what.
2005: I can tell you this – I’m not terribly fond of my mailman right now.
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: Not bad, since it’s been ten years or so since I read the play, eh?
2001: Resolutions for 2001.
2000: Well, apparently “coke” sounded like “coffee” to the Einstein taking my order.

2/20/10 – Hoyt

Do you remember Hoyt? Hoyt was from the True Blood Six. He looked like this. Then he looked like this. And ultimately, he turned out to look like this. Then he went to the adoption center. And then some people came along and fell in love with him and adopted him. He’s been doing well … Continue reading “2/20/10 – Hoyt”

Do you remember Hoyt? Hoyt was from the True Blood Six. He looked like this.

Then he looked like this.

And ultimately, he turned out to look like this.

Then he went to the adoption center.

And then some people came along and fell in love with him and adopted him.

He’s been doing well in his new home, and his people love him. They even trained him to use the toilet!

Recently, he had to go to the emergency vet, and was ultimately diagnosed with Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD). It ended up costing his people $1500 to make him well again. They’ve changed his food and are keeping an eye on him. According to the Cornell page on FLUTD, most cats rarely experience the problem again or will have only occasional recurrences. But for some cats, this can turn into a chronic condition.

The bottom line is that Hoyt’s people can’t afford to spend that kind of money on him on a regular basis, and if this happens again, they would have to put him to sleep. They travel on the weekends a lot, so keeping an eye on his food intake is near impossible (they have another cat). They contacted the shelter saying that they might need to return him, and of course Challenger’s House will always take back any cat at any time, for any reason.

Here’s the thing – Hoyt could go to the shelter itself, but he’d have to spend most of his time in a cage so that he could be monitored, and that’s just no life for a cat. Fred and I talked about having him here as a long-term foster, if need be, but my concern is that he might get lost in the crowd, and we might not notice that there’s a problem until it turns into an emergency situation.

I have no experience with FLUTD (and if you do, feel free to add your opinion/ advice in the comments), but I suspect that if Hoyt were in a home where his people were able to keep a close eye on him and could monitor his food intake and see symptoms of an issue arising in the early stages, even if it were to turn into a chronic problem, catching it before it turned into an emergency situation might make it not a big deal.

(WOW, that was a long, convoluted run-on sentence, wasn’t it?)

What I can tell you about Hoyt is this: he’s a great big sweetheart. When he was with us, he always announced his entry into a room with his funny “Here I am!” meow. He gets along well with other cats, and he LOVES people. And he is GORGEOUS.

Is there anyone out there who might be willing to adopt this great big sweetheart? Do you guys have any advice or suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment or email me!

I mean, seriously – LOOK at that face! And did I mention he’s trained to use the toilet instead of the litter box??

2/19/10 – Friday

“SHE asked me to post something to let YOU know that she’s alive and doing fine and is just taking it easy today. She hasn’t even rolled her lazy ass out of bed yet.” “She’s all ‘Ohhhhhh, I’m still recovering from surgery!’ and ‘Ohhhh, can you get that heavy pan and put it on the … Continue reading “2/19/10 – Friday”

“SHE asked me to post something to let YOU know that she’s alive and doing fine and is just taking it easy today. She hasn’t even rolled her lazy ass out of bed yet.”

“She’s all ‘Ohhhhhh, I’m still recovering from surgery!’ and ‘Ohhhh, can you get that heavy pan and put it on the stove?’ and ‘Ohhhhhh, I can’t lift that, it’s too heavy, can you do the laundry, can you fill the cat waterer, can you do the dishes?’, real dramatic-like. THEN she says to The Man, ‘If my uterus were a cat, it would be Stinkerbelle!’ and he was all ‘And The Grays would be your ovaries, dancing around her, pissing her off.’ and they laughed and laughed. What the fuck does that even MEAN?!”

“I hate her.”


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2009: Hello, Gorgeous.
2008: “And the next, you and Franklin are being chased across the back forty by a really pissed-off injured pig who has slop in her mouth and murder in her heart.”
2007: We’ll be spending all day at the house.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Bet I was a cold splash of water in HIS night.
2003: Poor Miz Poo.
2002: Give me a guy with a great smile any day.
2001: Yeah, I know, it’s goofy.
2000: No entry.

2/18/10 – Thursday

Somehow yesterday, during my rigorous schedule of doing NOTHING AT ALL (seriously, the most rigorous thing I did was watch an hour-long Biography channel show about Kristy McNichol), I overdid it. Today, my body informs me that I’m not doing a damn thing today OR ELSE. So I’m going to go lay in bed and … Continue reading “2/18/10 – Thursday”

Somehow yesterday, during my rigorous schedule of doing NOTHING AT ALL (seriously, the most rigorous thing I did was watch an hour-long Biography channel show about Kristy McNichol), I overdid it. Today, my body informs me that I’m not doing a damn thing today OR ELSE.

So I’m going to go lay in bed and read for a few hours in an effort to convince my nerve endings to stop putting out PAIN.

Gone for a week and a day and THAT GODDAMN UTERUS is still makin’ my life difficult!

“I TOLD her not to lift that car! I told her she’d be sorry!”


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2009: I held up four fingers. “I. Have. A. TOTAL. Of. Four. Buckets. Of. Litter.” I said slowly.
2008: This is my “What the fuck am I supposed to do here with this board that isn’t as tall as the others?” face.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Amazon is the Jonathan Baker of boyfriends.
2004: I could have crowned myself “The Queen of Fuck.”
2003: Because M&Ms rock, and so does my husband.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Have I mentioned that three-day weekends rock? They surely do.

2/17/10 – Wednesday

Before I forget, Jennifer asked in my comments yesterday: You’ve yet to explain the mushy aspect of Satan’s Uterus. Lurid minds want to know. First of all, “Satan’s Uterus” made me laugh, and OW (but HA!). Second of all, marinating in all that endometriosis-y goodness is apparently what made my uterus mushy (or “boggy”, as … Continue reading “2/17/10 – Wednesday”

Before I forget, Jennifer asked in my comments yesterday:

You’ve yet to explain the mushy aspect of Satan’s Uterus. Lurid minds want to know.

First of all, “Satan’s Uterus” made me laugh, and OW (but HA!). Second of all, marinating in all that endometriosis-y goodness is apparently what made my uterus mushy (or “boggy”, as they sometimes refer to it). I did much Googling over the weekend to find this information out, turned around and told Fred “APPARENTLY the mushiness of my uterus was caused by the endometriosis!” and Fred said “Yeah, well, that’s what I figured from what she said after she did the surgery…”

Okay, well, HE DIDN’T TELL ME THAT, just said “And she said your uterus was mushy” as if she’d just casually tossed that in there for no apparent reason, all “So, the surgery went fine, took her ovaries, all endometriosis-ed up, she’s in Recovery, should be along soon, have a great day, ohright, uterus was mushy, whatevs.”

I wish there were a more exciting explanation, frankly.

And that reminds me – I told Fred the night before surgery that every single time I go into surgery, I fully expect that the surgeon is going to get me open, and then stare in amazement into my abdominal cavity and say “What the HELL is THAT?!”

I like to imagine my surgeon standing over me like Vincent standing over the briefcase in Pulp Fiction, my abdominal cavity shining a golden light up at her while she stares in amazement.

I might need a life.


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(Please don’t give me a what-what. I don’t know what-what it is, and I’m not sure where I’d put it.)


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Today, I am feeling really good. We’ve hit the point, post-surgery, where my spirits are really good, I’m feeling fine, and yet I’m a little frustrated because there’s so much I’d like to get done but am physically unable because it involves lifting.

(Example 1: filling the bird feeders.)

This is the danger point, where I have to stand over myself and sternly tell myself to take it the hell EASY, because all I need is to injure myself and end up flat on my back and add more time to my recovery.

(Example 2: vacuuming the house.)

But I promise, I will take it easy. I’m going to spend a little time in front of the computer, then I shall haul my ass to the couch and watch some TV, maybe do a little reading. Tomorrow I’m planning to drive to town and do a few quick errands.

I’m taking it easy, I promise!


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I got a lovely bouquet from my peeps at Challenger’s House:

Flowers make me so happy.

AND a very happy and healthy looking mini rosebush from my parents:

Seriously, how happy looking is that little rosebush? I can’t wait ’til it blooms!

And though I didn’t snap a picture of the tin itself, a tin of the MOST fabulous popcorn from Nance and family. Seriously, I’ve HAD Kettle Corn before, but this is some serious GOURMET stuff. It’s one of those tins with three flavors (LOVE the three-flavor popcorn tins!), and it’s got Kettle Corn, Cinnamon Toast (OMIGOD!!!), and Crunch Caramel. I actually had to put it in an out-of-the-way place so I wouldn’t stuff a handful in my mouth every time I walked into the kitchen. It’s so good I simultaneously want to eat it all immediately, and eat it slowly so it lasts. It’s a conundrum!

Jake thinks the box the popcorn came in is the BEST Jake Cave ever!


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LOOK who I found on my memory stick!

That’s Ouiser in the front, M’Lynn and Clairee in the back.

Drum and M’Lynn.

I forgot they were so little!


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“What’s this ‘recovering from surgery’ bull? When Spanky wants his Snackin’! Time!, Spanky WANTS his Snackin’! Time!, and I recommend you hop to it, lady!”


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2009: It was like nails on a chalkboard every time someone said it.
2008: We’re very protective of our property, if you couldn’t tell.
2007: No entry.
2006: Don’t call me paranoid – it happens to me ALL THE TIME.
2005: I feel like every time I run an errand in the Jeep I’m tempting Fate.
2004: I am blogrolling’s bitch.
2003: We figured if nothing else, we’d just start killing and eating cats.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: ***Warning! Adult language and situations ahead! Skip the first three paragraphs if you’re easily offended***

2/16/10 – Tuesday

The faculty member who shot other faculty members (killing three, wounding three) at the University of Alabama at Huntsville last Friday IS married to a man with the last name of Anderson, but she (and he) are no relation to us. In case you were wondering. The spud asked, between the shooting at her old … Continue reading “2/16/10 – Tuesday”

The faculty member who shot other faculty members (killing three, wounding three) at the University of Alabama at Huntsville last Friday IS married to a man with the last name of Anderson, but she (and he) are no relation to us. In case you were wondering.

The spud asked, between the shooting at her old middle school recently and this shooting at UAH, what the hell they’re putting in the water down here.

Good question. No more school shootings, please, can we agree on that?


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Okay, so, a brief overview of the whole surgery thing. I’ll try not to do a blow-by-blow, because I know it can get long and boring. But of course I am SO FASCINATED by everything having to do with ME that warning: this could get long.

We had to be at the hospital at 5:30, so we left on time, made it there a few minutes early, and once I signed in and answered all the questions, I don’t think we had to wait longer than five minutes before they whisked me back to the preop area. They had me pee in a cup, then get undressed and put the gown on and wait for the nurse.

But oh, y’all, the gown. The gown was the most fabulous invention on the face of this earth, and I am NOT kidding. It was a Bair Paws gown, and it’s this lovely johnny-type gown that you put on, and then there’s a PORT at the waist where you hook up a hose, and then you turn this dial, and heated air is injected into the gown and it is FABULOUS.

I told the nurse I need something like that at home, and I am SO not kidding!

Of course, it puffs you right up, so you look a tad fluffy, but when you’re getting ready to go into surgery, who cares how you look, amiright?

The nurse got the IV started, and then they brought Fred back to sit with me. The anesthesiologist came in and talked to me, asked if I wanted something in my IV to relax me, and then went along his merry way. A few minutes later, the nurse came back in and gave me a shot of phenergan in my IV, and shortly after that, that was all she wrote. My surgeon did come in after that, but I barely remember it, and then I was on my way to surgery.

I forgot about it until a few days ago when Fred and I were talking about it and he reminded me, but Fred gave me a kiss before they wheeled me out of the room and then said to me, “Don’t die.” The nurse gave him a look, and he said to her, “Don’t kill her.” The nurse said “Do you know how much paperwork would be involved?!” Heh.

Next thing I knew, of course, I was in Recovery. They kept me there a little longer than usual because they were waiting for a room. As one Recovery nurse turned me over to another, I heard her say “Total Abdominal Hysterectomy and BSO.” Which I took in and understood, but didn’t really think about, at least at the time.

For those of you who don’t know, BSO technically stands for bilateral salpingo oophorectomy, but it’s much simpler to think of it as both stupid ovaries. In other words, they’d taken both my ovaries AND done a total hysterectomy instead of a partial (they were supposed to leave my cervix).

So they got me up to the room and I had to scootch from one bed to another and by that time I was HURTING, but luckily they got my morphine pump set up and handed me the control. When Fred came into the room they told him that I could get a dose of morphine every ten minutes, and that he should keep an eye on the clock and nudge me when it was time to hit the button because I’d likely be dozing.

After about an hour, the pain was gone. I had gotten to my room around noon, and though we’d originally decided that there was no reason Fred couldn’t get in a half day of work after I was out of surgery, I asked him to stay. I was mostly sleeping, but waking up and having him in the room made me feel better. He sat and read, and I had CNN on TV, and the nurses were in and out.

My room was a nice one – they always are – and I was a little surprised to see that I was in a room by myself. When I’d checked in, they’d specifically asked if I was requesting a private room, and I said no, figuring that I could share a room for one night if I had to. Later, I decided that if I’d ASKED for a private room, there would have been some sort of charge added on to my bill, which I’m sure insurance would have taken one look at and scoffed at the idea of paying for. Kind of a tricky little maneuver there, I’m thinking. (That’s just supposition on my part, though – maybe they ask so that if the hospital gets overwhelmed and they need room for more patients, they’ll be sure that patients who are okay with sharing a room are put together. Or something.)

From my bed, looking toward the door.

From my bed, looking toward the window. (Missing: A shot directly ahead, where the flat-screen TV was hanging.)

Me, snoozing. Heavenly, heavenly ice chips in the white cup to my left. First they don’t let you eat or drink past midnight so you go into surgery hungry and thirsty, then they cut you open, THEN they only let you have ice chips for several hours. By that point, you’re all “ICE CHIPS?! REALLY? I CAN HAVE ICE CHIPS?! YES PLEASE THANK YOU!”

At one point, what I’d heard the nurses saying to each other hit me, and I opened my eyes and said to Fred “DID SHE TAKE MY OVARIES?!”, which is when I found out that when she opened me up, she found an abdomen filled with endometriosis. She thought at first that she would be able to leave me one ovary, but ultimately wasn’t able to save it from the endometriosis. One ovary was adhered to my bladder, the other was covered in endometriosis, and there was just no saving it.

I was, to put it mildly, bummed. Because while I was ready to have my uterus out, I had wanted to keep my ovaries so I wouldn’t have to mess with hormone replacement therapy. I know it doesn’t always work that way, that sometimes having the uterus out kicks your ovaries into no longer working, but my ovaries and I had an understanding. OR SO I THOUGHT – obviously they were secretly working in conjunction with THAT GODDAMN UTERUS behind my back. Or in front of my back. WHATEVER.

I do not, by the way, blame my doctor for not knowing that the endometriosis was there. I wasn’t having any symptoms that would indicate endometriosis, for one, and apparently the only way to know it’s there is to see it during surgery. Given the lack of symptoms, it’s only happenstance that the endometriosis was found before any lovely, lovely complications could occur. While still not thrilled about the loss of my ovaries, I’m considering myself lucky at this point.

After several rounds of snoozing, waking up, exclaiming “I can’t believe she took my ovaries!”, then snoozing some more, I told Fred around 3:00 that he could go home. He kissed me, wrote down the direct number to the room (remember back in the old days when calls to hospital rooms had to go through an operator? No longer!), and left. I spent the afternoon dozing, waking up, watching TV, and dozing some more.

If you followed my Twitter while I was in the hospital, you probably noticed that I Twittered inanely every few hours all night long. I don’t know how it goes for other people when they’re in the hospital, but for me, an overnight hospital stay consists of no real sleep, just dozing and waking, dozing and waking. Thus, the Twittering.

At some point my doctor stopped by to check on me, and we had a discussion about what had happened. At another point, the kitchen sent up a tray of clear liquids for me, and I had a cup of chicken broth (surprisingly better than I expected) and some Jello. The night passed slowwwwwwly, and then the morning came and in short order, my pain pump was disconnected and I was switched over to oral pain medication, my catheter was removed, and I got up and moved around.

I was able to move around a lot easier than I expected, and after the nurse gave me a hand the first time, I was able to get in and out of bed with no help at all. My bladder was functioning perfectly fine, and I did several laps of the hallway.

Though, of course, I wanted to go home as soon as possible, I had to stay longer (I’m pretty sure I was ready to go home about five minutes after I got to my room), and they finally released me around 2:00.

Side note: Fred annoyed the shit out of me by being far too concerned about my bedhead. My hair, being short, was all pushed up in the back since I’d spent much of the last 24 hours and he would not shut up about the amazing height my hair had attained (to be honest, it was kind of amazing. Too bad he didn’t have the camera with him.)

The ride home was painful, and as soon as we got home, I popped a pain pill and try to settle down in front of the TV. Unfortunately, my butt has gotten a bit bonier since the last time I was recovering from surgery, so the recliner was not comfortable at all. Fred finally moved the recliner back to where it had been before and moved my couch back over, and as long as I had a pillow under my knees, laying on my back was pretty comfortable.

So, there you go. I’m home, I’m recovering pretty well. I’m taking it easy, and every day’s a little better than the day before. I’ve been off Hydroc0done since Saturday, since I just loathe the hell out of that dopey feeling. I’ve been taking Tylenol and Advil, and it’s working just fine keeping the pain at bay.

Yesterday I saw my doctor to have the staples removed from my incision. MAN did it sting, having some of those suckers removed! We talked about hormone replacement, and she gave me some estrogen patches (they applied one before I left the hospital on Thursday), and she said that at my age I’d likely need a higher strength of estrogen.

(The funny thing is that when she said “at your age”, I knew she meant “at your young age”, because I am relatively YOUNG when it comes to needing hormones, I AM ONLY 42, for god’s sake. Fred, however, heard “at your age” and thought she was saying it because I am so VERY VERY ANCIENT. Fucker.)

I’m going back to see her next Monday for another followup. She said I’m doing well, that I seem “perky” (hee), and to call if I had any problems.

So there you go – that’s the state of me right now! I’m feeling no pain most of the time (thank you, Tylenol and Advil) except when I laugh, and who’s the lucky gal married to a funny motherfucker? (Also, sneezing REALLY FUCKING HURTS.)

I am making a concerted effort to stay the fuck away from Google right now because as I’m sure I’ve only mentioned 10,000 times before, I’m a worrier, and reading about the side effects of estrogen, for one, or the lowered life expectancy for someone who’s had a Both Stupid Ovaries operation can be slightly terrifying. Sites like Hyster Sisters is a great resource, but it’s also a site where you tend to read less “I had a total abdominal hysterectomy and I’m doing great!” and more “I had a total abdominal hysterectomy and I can’t sleep, I’m depressed, my skin is shit, and I haven’t taken a proper crap since!” Which is to be expected, really – you don’t go on a site like that to report that you’re doing great, because you’re busy doing great. You go there to be sure that you’re not alone.

I prefer to keep my head sort of in the sand for now because really – I AM doing great, and I DON’T want to spend all my time worrying, you know?


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


“Stop lollygagging, woman, and give me my Snackin! Time!”


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


2008: No entry.
2007: (”Rescue me! I’m a sad little practically-orphaned waif, adrift in this cold, cruel world, wahhh! Save me! Pity me!”)
2006: So, in summary, if we are to judge all female cats by Miz Poo, then male cats are nicer, but female cats are clingier.
2005: Don’t you wish I was responsible for your books?
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001.: And almost wet my pants in terror.
2000: So, the nausea continues.

2/14/10 – kittehs

Awesome news – yesterday, Ouiser, Drum AND Clairee were all adopted! Drum and Clairee went together, Ouiser went on her own. We actually watched Steel Magnolias last night, and when it was over, I checked my email before bed to find the email from Susan letting me know. It seems like our last few litters … Continue reading “2/14/10 – kittehs”

Awesome news – yesterday, Ouiser, Drum AND Clairee were all adopted!

Drum and Clairee went together, Ouiser went on her own.

We actually watched Steel Magnolias last night, and when it was over, I checked my email before bed to find the email from Susan letting me know. It seems like our last few litters have found their new homes pretty quickly. I love that!

(I am doing fine, spending a lot of time on the couch, watching TV and snoozing!)

Won’t you be my Val-LOON-tine?

2/12/10 – Friday (I live!)

Hi all, and thanks for your well wishes! This is just a quick post to let y’all know that I lived and I’m doing fine. I got home yesterday afternoon and have been mostly laying on the couch and occasionally getting up to wander the house, take a pain pill, get some more water, and … Continue reading “2/12/10 – Friday (I live!)”

Hi all, and thanks for your well wishes! This is just a quick post to let y’all know that I lived and I’m doing fine. I got home yesterday afternoon and have been mostly laying on the couch and occasionally getting up to wander the house, take a pain pill, get some more water, and go to the bathroom.

Thus far, recovery is about what I expected. I’m actually able to lay down (as long as I have a pillow under my legs), which makes getting comfortable a lot more easy. I’m doing a LOT of snoozing in front of the TV. I’m keeping CNN on, maybe I’ll keep up on current events by osmosis.

I’ll write more about it next week, I’m sure, but I’ve got to tell you that my uterus, that fucking whore, got the last laugh. I know I mentioned in my Wednesday entry that I had endometrial tissue removed from my scar line a few years after the c-section that produced the spud. Well, guess what, unbeknownst to us all, has been growing in my abdominal cavity for the past 20ish years?

That’s right, more endometriosis. It was, in fact, all over my uterus and ovaries. My right ovary was actually adhered to my bladder with endometrial tissue. My left ovary was covered in endometriosis.

So my uterus, that whore, got the last laugh because I thought she was being evicted, but on her way out she took both ovaries (there was no saving them) and my cervix as well. I GUESS SHE DIDN’T WANT TO BE LONELY.

I am not thrilled about having both ovaries taken, but you know what? Who knows what kind of misery might have occurred if she hadn’t done the hysterectomy and we didn’t know that endometriosis was in there? And that my ovary was ADHERED to my bladder?


Stupid uterus.

(Also, the surgeon told Fred that my uterus was “mushy.” Gah!)

Seeing the gynecologist on Monday to have staples removed. I don’t expect to be online much between now and then, there’s too much bad TV to be watched. 🙂

Have a good weekend, y’all, and please be advised that you are legally required to be my valentines, every damn one of you.


Robyn is scheduled to come home in a few hours; she won’t be posting any more from her room because her cell phone battery ran down.

Robyn is scheduled to come home in a few hours; she won’t be posting any more from her room because her cell phone battery ran down.