I have watched this video one million times, and I still can’t get enough of it! Warning: you will die from the cute, oh yes you will. Thank you, Heather, for sending me the link. I LOVE IT. @ @ @ @ When I see this picture, I can absolutely understand why Fred … Continue reading “8/18/10 – Kitteh Wednesday”
I have watched this video one million times, and I still can’t get enough of it! Warning: you will die from the cute, oh yes you will.
Thank you, Heather, for sending me the link. I LOVE IT.
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When I see this picture, I can absolutely understand why Fred initially thought that Martin was a baby possum when he saw him sitting under the bush at the side of the house.
When I come into the room, Martin is invariably on the cat tree. He meows, stretches, then goes down the cat tree, meowing the entire way.
Then he runs over to me and sits at my feet, howling for me to give him kisses.
Dodger, Melodie and Moxie eventually come over to me, but they take their time doing it. Martin’s usually gotten all his kisses and is ready to go play before the rest of his litter wanders over for petting.
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Tommy in the basket, giving me the stink eye.
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Previously 2009: They’re blue. They’re brothers. They’re Jake and Elwood. 2008: YES THAT’S RIGHT I SAID SIX-THIRTY DON’T JUDGE ME.
2007: No entry. 2006: He truly amazes me. 2005: If I insert a brillo pad into my ear, will it eventually get to my brain and scrub that song out, or is that an urban myth? 2004: You know, I’m getting PRETTY FRICKIN’ TIRED of finding cricket legs all over the damn place. 2003: “Mother,” said the spud, “That is an excellent idea, for I am going to melt into a motherfucking puddle of goo in about 10 seconds.”
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry. 2000: In the future, the spud will be cleaning her own bedroom, since I took one look at her room and said “Fuck THIS.”
Okay, the site has been moved over to the new host, and the DNS has had time to propogate. Hopefully you guys are seeing the site and the pictures okay, and now that we’re not dependent on my suck-ass internet provider, perhaps there will be fewer issues from here on out. The lesser sites (so-called … Continue reading “8/17/10 – Tuesday”
Okay, the site has been moved over to the new host, and the DNS has had time to propogate. Hopefully you guys are seeing the site and the pictures okay, and now that we’re not dependent on my suck-ass internet provider, perhaps there will be fewer issues from here on out.
The lesser sites (so-called because I hardly ever do anything with them – crookedacres.com and onefatbitchypoo.com) haven’t been moved over yet but will be soon enough, maybe this weekend.
If there’s an issue with the site, please let me know. But know also that I won’t necessarily know how to fix it!
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Yesterday, I was cleaning the kitchen. The cats were wandering in and out, as they are wont to do, and after I wiped down the counters, I glanced down at Elwood, who was flopped on the floor near the air vent in a corner of the kitchen.
(There are air vents on either side of the kitchen, at floor level. When it’s hot – ie, all summer long – the cats like to flop down there to keep cool.)
Near Elwood was a chunk of dirt. The cats love to bring chunks of dirt and pecans in from the back yard and bat them around the house, because of course they don’t have enough TOYS in the house, right?
I grabbed a piece of paper towel and leaned down to pick up the chunk of dirt, which is when I realized that said dirt HAD EYES. That, my friends, was not a chunk of dirt. It was a mouse head.
No wonder Elwood looked so smug.
Not two hours later, I was vacuuming and paused briefly to go into the kitchen for a drink. Kara was surrounded by Bookworms, and as I got closer, I realized that she had a bird. I thought at first that it was dead, but after I grabbed her by the scruff so she’d drop it, the bird turned its head and looked at me. I didn’t have any boxes handy (we usually put captured birds in a box in a dark place for a little while to see if they’ll recover), so I took the bird outside and put him on top of a fence post. Ten minutes later, he was gone.
All I know for sure is that he didn’t come back into the house, so either he flew away or Newt or Maxi got him (though I didn’t see either of them hanging around).
I prefer to think he flew away.
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Something about grocery day really gets the Bookworms riled up. They love to hang out on – and in – my reusable grocery bags and fight with each other.
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Melodie’s face is cracking me up. She’s like “I SEE what you’re doing over there. STOP. IT. NOW.”
“Who me, bite? Never! Come closer…”
Moxie, up close.
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I’m a little impressed that Elwood managed to get up here. Even more impressed that the cabinet didn’t collapse under his weight.
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Previously 2009: The fact that several weeks after our favorite little gray cat died, two little gray kittens have shown up on our side stoop, well, kinda seems like a sign, doesn’t it?
2008: No entry. 2007: “Muff the magic pussy, lived by the cheeeeeeks!” 2006: I also thought my brother made up the word “fart” when I was a kid, so apparently I think he’s a real trend-setter. 2005: You know who really just completely repulses me? 2004: The only way it’d be better is if we could call and vote on who’s the most annoying.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry. 2001: Wouldn’t it have been ironic if I’d made assurances to the spud that we would probably all live for a long, long time, then promptly tripped over the cat, fallen down the stairs, broken my neck, and died? 2000: Man, I’m so unmotivated today (nothing new there).
It took me ’til Friday to get the house whipped back into shape after my visit to Nance last week. Which leads me to ask this question: If I have it written into my will that, if I predecease Fred, he MUST hire someone to come in at least twice a month to completely clean … Continue reading “8/16/10 – Monday”
It took me ’til Friday to get the house whipped back into shape after my visit to Nance last week. Which leads me to ask this question: If I have it written into my will that, if I predecease Fred, he MUST hire someone to come in at least twice a month to completely clean the house, can anyone actually compel him to do so?
Look, it’s not like I require a spotless house or anything – when you’ve got this goddamn many cats running around, requiring a spotless house is a first-class seat on the train to Crazytown – but I do have SOME standards. I sweep up the litter the cats track out of the litter boxes in the laundry room after I scoop the litter boxes. I never leave dishes in the sink overnight, because that’s a sure invitation to someone to pee on them (and I’m not talking about Fred, hyuck hyuck). I like to scrub the sinks at least once a day. I wipe down all the kitchen counters at least once a day – hell, I don’t ALWAYS move the canisters and stuff to wipe around them, I just get the big, uncluttered areas and call it good enough. On the days when Fred is working late and I have to feed the pigs, I let George lick the bucket and then I rinse the bucket out with warm soapy water, because if you don’t, the entire kitchen stinks like stinky dog breath. I vacuum about every third day (though I really think that the house probably needs to be vacuumed every day, I can’t bring myself to actually do it).
None of that is even on Fred’s radar. He vacuumed once while I was gone – the day before I got home – and he didn’t even vacuum the entire house. He vacuumed the downstairs and the staircase as far as the landing, which is why when I walked up the stairs to unpack, the bottom half of the staircase was mostly cat hair-free, but the top half had cat hair bunnies the size of my head.
I suppose I should be happy that he made sure the cats were fed and their litter boxes were scooped. And hey, he even watered my raised-bed tomato plants without being told!
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Speaking of my raised-bed tomato plants, I turned the water on to water them Saturday morning, then promptly forgot the water was going until three hours later, when we were headed to Decatur for lunch. By the time I got the water turned off, it had been running for 4 1/2 hours.
Those are some watered motherfucking tomatoes, let me tell you.
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I think I forgot to tell y’all what kind of netbook I got, remember when I was all “WHAT KIND OF NETBOOK DO I WANT?!?!” and y’all gave suggestions and then someone stepped up and was all “I wouldn’t make a purchase like that without, y’know, handling the equipment first, stupid” so then I ran around from store to store, fondling netbooks and determining what I did and didn’t like? I made my decision, and I ended up with a Toshiba Mini, in black. I eyeballed the blue one for a long, long time but it was more expensive.
I got some real use out of the Mini while I was in Pennsylvania, and I’ve got to tell you – two thumbs way, way up. I turned the touchpad off, because I hate touchpads, I’m a mouse girl all the way. The keyboard was perfect for my hands. There were times when the Mini was a little slow, but as soon as I got frustrated, I’d stop and think “This is a netbook, not a desktop”, and it always calmed me down. I did upgrade the memory from 1 GB to 2, and I think that was a wise choice on my part.
My carry-on bag – the one that held my netbook, camera, Kindle, iPod, and ten thousand charging cords – was super-light. Next time I travel, though, I think I’m going to leave the Kindle at home. I never really do any reading while I’m on vacation, and I have entertainment magazines that the awesome Katherine hands down to me that I read on the plane ’til we hit the point where the captain announces we can use electronic devices, whereupon I pull out my iPod. I’m still slowly working my way through season 2 of Gossip Girl, and enjoying every brain-candy moment of it.
(Regarding Gossip Girl: I can’t help it, I LIKE Chuck, I’m a little annoyed by Dan, I think Jenny needs to be seriously grounded, and I do NOT get why everyone acts like Serena is ALL THAT, when Blair glows with the light of a thousand suns every time she’s on screen. Also, we’ve hit the “Lily has a SEKRIT” portion of the show, and I have come to the realization that Lily is a spoiled rotten princess. You need someone to pay off the guy who uncovered your SEKRIT, Lily? Goddamn do it yourself, don’t ORDER your mother to do it, you entitled bitch! That is all.)
Oh, and I just remembered – one thing I really, really like about my netbook is that it’s so light, I can lay in bed and surf the internet with the netbook laying on my stomach, and it’s no heavier than a hardcover book.
That said, I got an email this morning from Sam’s Club. They’ve got a Nickelodeon Dell Mini on sale for $227, if anyone out there has a need for one.
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Bolitar. Oh, how I love this cat.
Reacher. Oh, how I love THIS cat.
Corbett. LOVE. (Do we sense a theme?)
Rhyme. LOVE him. At this point, all four of the Bookworms have figured out how to get from the floor to the counter, the counter to the top of the fridge, and the top of the fridge to the top of the cupboards. They hang out there from time to time, though never all four at once. YET.
Miz Poo’s all “Do you SEE what I have to put up with?”
Rhyme, up high. They make me nervous when they hang over the side like that – like they’re considering jumping straight to the floor. They haven’t yet, but they certainly like to make me worry.
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Whenever I go on vacation, I worry that by the time I get back, the fosters will have forgotten me, and I’ll have to start all over again. Melodie and Dodger did seem a little “And who are YOU?” for a couple of days after I got back, but something shifted suddenly over the weekend, and now not only is Melodie on the floor as soon as I walk into the room (instead of staying on the cat tree), she’s rubbing up against me, she’s demanding petting, she’s picking fights with Martin, she’s playing like a wild thing.
It’s really nice to see, I’ve gotta say.
Dodger’s still a touch on the nervous side, but he’s definitely coming around. He is SUCH a little love – he rubs on the other cats, he rubs on the chair, he rubs on the wall. He’ll walk across the room with his tail sideways like he’s rubbing on something in another dimension only he can see. And he’s one submissive little monkey – yesterday, Martin jumped on him, and they both kind of slid to the floor. Dodger just purred and looked at Martin like “Do whatever you want with me, I LOVE YOU.” Martin was annoyed that Dodger didn’t fight back, and stomped off for greener pastures only to get his butt kicked by Moxie, who will put up with none of his shenanigans.
LOOK! All four in one shot! This took some work, let me tell you. I couldn’t convince them to get any closer to each other, but this is good enough for now.
“Shenanigans. I disapprove of them.”
I saw a copy of Cat Fancy a few days ago, and on the cover was a Bombay cat. I looked around online, and I really think that our miss Moxie is at least part American Bombay. She’s got the silky coat, the beautiful eyes, and the personality.
Speaking of the silky fur, both of the girls in this bunch have that lovely, silky fur that’s such a pleasure to touch. The boys both have coarse fur that isn’t nearly as soft (which is not to say that it stops me from petting them, of course!).
Dodger in the sun. He appreciates a good sun puddle.
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One box of Loony, coming right up! Did you want that shipped UPS or Fed Ex?
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2009: No entry.
2008: No entry. 2007: And just like Alice, I get MY beefsteak wholesale, too. 2006: Questions answered.
2005: No entry. 2004: Oh, by the way? When you tell someone “Don’t worry, I won’t be back to read your journal”? Please. EVERYONE knows that means “I’m going to come back every six seconds to see the reactions to my asshole comment”.
2003: No entry. 2002: CHECK THOSE FEEDBACKS, people! 2001: 16 miles. Yeah, baby! 2000: I swear to god, that cat is half monkey.
This is Sophie. She belongs to one of my sister’s neighbors. She had a litter of kittens earlier this year, and recently went into heat, causing her owner to toss her outside in a neighborhood where at least two unfixed male cats roam. (I have no public comment on this, but I think you can … Continue reading “8/13/10 – Friday”
This is Sophie. She belongs to one of my sister’s neighbors. She had a litter of kittens earlier this year, and recently went into heat, causing her owner to toss her outside in a neighborhood where at least two unfixed male cats roam. (I have no public comment on this, but I think you can imagine the comment I’d have if I did. Imagine a lot of obscenities.)
Luckily, A Paw in the Door stepped up to help with having Sophie spayed so that she won’t end up bringing any more unwanted kittens into the world.
A Paw in the Door is a non-profit, all volunteer organization that is completely supported by donations and fundraising events.
If you could spare some money, I know it would be very much appreciated. They have a paypal link on the sidebar of their web page, or if you’d rather send a check, their address is also in the sidebar. A Paw in the Door is a 501(c)(3) organization, which means your donation is tax deductible. Remember, it doesn’t have to be a lot – every little bit adds up, as y’all well know.
Just tell them Sophie sent you!
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Hey, it’s the 13th. As of today, I’ve lived in Alabama for 14 years!
Okay, first pictures from my trip to Pennsylvania, then the answering of a few questions. I find myself amused by the fact that I was surprised to find that since comments were down for most of the week, there were no comments and thus the comment-answering extravaganza consists of maybe three comments.
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By the way, last year when I was in Pennsylvania, BlogHer was going on. This year, same thing. I swear we didn’t plan it that way!
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Pictures from NebBitchyCon 2010!
I must have taken 30 pictures from the plane. This is why I always sit by the window.
Julie is NOT sitting on the table. I just photoshopped it to look that way.
We had grilled corn (this is the corn before the grilling) and barbecued chicken. Did I get a picture of the chicken? Of course not. But DAMN it was good.
Felina and her chew. She tried to hide it in my mouth later that night.
We went grocery shopping. This place was HUGE. Neat, but overwhelming.
HOLY CRAP these things were good. I checked at the grocery store yesterday to see if they had any. Unfortunately, Publix does not have much (if any) of a Polish section. I bought some Pim’s cookies that were the same idea, but they weren’t nearly as good.
We had pizza on the grill one night. Nance was all “Come make your damn pizza!” and I was all “I’m a guest! I don’t have to make my own pizza!” Then Rick made my pizza and I was like “WHY does this not work for me at home???”
Wee baby bunny, living in the garden. I got too close to him and he ran away from me, though.
I thought they were good (I was the only one who thought so, apparently), but I should have only taken a few bites. I was in a sugar coma for the rest of the day.
Frog in the garden. Or toad. Whatever. Croaking, hoppy thing.
Waldo. He’s such a sweet boy. He cracked me up, because he LOVES Trey, and he follows Trey around, gazing at him with eyes of devotion.
Cupcakes. Nance thought they were “too floury”, but I thought they were fabulous. In fact, on the way to the airport Wednesday morning, I was kicking myself for not eating one for breakfast.
Felina has her own chair, with her own blanket on it, and when she’s not sitting in Shirley’s lap like a little princess, she’s curled up in her blanket.
Bridge to Canada. HI CANADA! Tuesday, we went to Niagara Falls. We left at 6 am and got back home at 1 am. It was a lonnnnng day, but fun.
Nance and Trey and the falls.
Rick and Trey and I climbed to the top of those steps. It’s not as bad as it looks.
We ate at Buzzy’s and it was really, really good. We had fried ravioli, which I have never had before, wings, and pizza.
And one last shot of Maddy.
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So yeah, originally we were supposed to go to Kennywood, but we started talking and I mentioned that I hadn’t been to Niagara Falls since I was very little (and to be honest, I’m not sure that I was really there – or if I was on the US side or the Canadian side, but I have a vague memory of some mist) and we decided to go there. We saw the falls, we walked around, we people-watched, shopped, ate, and people-watched some more. I sweated so much that I was kind of glad we hadn’t gone to Kennywood, because I think we would have all been flat on the ground from the heat.
We didn’t go over to Canada, because I didn’t have my passport with me, because I don’t have a passport, so don’t go offering me an all-expenses paid trip to Scotland for next week or anything.
Other than that, we stayed at the house, babbled at each other, stuffed our faces, and had a blast. We talked about doing a podcast and Nance even had Alex bring his recording equipment over, but when it came down to it, we froze and ended up not getting much. I don’t know why, but I had a harder time talking when it was just a microphone in front of me instead of the camera we used to do the video podcasts last year.
There you go – your NebBitchyCon recap for 2010!
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After recently reading a particularly horrific airline travel tale on a Childfree board, I’ve decided that I’ll never fly coach again. If first or business class is too expensive, I just won’t go. We always, ALWAYS get seated near screaming children and, apparently, the airlines are still doing nothing about them.
If I ruled the world, any and all unruly airline passengers would be quickly jettisoned. No one agrees with me on this, though. 🙁
I have to tell you that when I was boarding the plane from Pittsburgh to Charlotte, NC, there was this little girl who was having the meltdowns of all meltdowns. This child was screaming, and I am not exaggerating when I tell you that she screamed at the very very very top of her lungs all the way down the terminal, for the ten minutes before the flight boarded, all the way down the jetway onto the plane, and for the first 10 minutes of the flight.
I have to admit that I thought it was HILARIOUS. I felt bad for her father (he honestly was trying to get her to shut up, but when kids hit that state of meltdown, there’s little you can do), but I was impressed by her stamina and the fact that this apparently all started because she took her shoes off and couldn’t get them back on by herself.
I’m sure that if I was flying on very little sleep (like the passenger ahead of me), I wouldn’t have found it nearly as amusing, but I swear to you, I was laughing out loud at that child. I’m also sure that part of the amusement I felt was due to relief that she wasn’t my kid.
I flew with the spud a few times when she was tiny, and you know, it’s a long, boring plane ride from Maine to California and we had a few instances where I’m sure she was annoying to other passengers, however briefly, but I have one hell of a Mean Mommy face that worked pretty damn well on her.
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Apart from the fact that this picture makes me giggle like a fool, I also think it’s the pig equivalent of your Skimmer! photo.
I agree completely! That picture cracks me UP.
On a side note, don’t you love Lisa? She takes the most amazing pictures, I love checking out her Flickr uploads every day!
I think “hero” might be overstating it, but who of you who have real jobs have NOT fantasized about telling off the assholes around you, grabbing a beer, and jumping out the emergency exit, before going home and climbing into bed with your significant other before the cops show up to arrest your ass?
Pity me, ’cause if I were to have a Steven Slater day (in my version, I wake up, walk through a cold pile of cat barf, am slapped in the face by the smell coming from the litter box, drop my toothbrush on the floor, have to wrestle it back from the cat, almost fall down the stairs because Bolitar loves me so much he rubs against my left calf, then my right, then my left, all the way down the stairs, have to scoop 7 litter boxes, then have to scoop again because my cats LOVE THEM A LITTER BOX, stand in despair in the garden, glaring at my barely-producing tomato plants, tell the dogs multiple times to stop barking at whatever they’re watching in that other dimension, shoo several chickens away from the neighbor’s yard, and on and on and on) I can’t escape my workplace! I live here! (Yeah, yeah, woe is me.)
Unfortunately, Elwood fled the crime scene before Homicide Detective Maxi’s backup, Detective Coltrane, rolled up onto the scene. Rumor has it he was off rolling around in catnip. Has a ‘nip problem, that one, and you’d better believe Internal Affairs will have a field day with this one!
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“HEY! YOU! Where’d you GO? That GUY doesn’t kiss me nearly as much as you do! I can’t believe you’d leave him in charge!”
“You know I need my kisses. I can’t sleep if I haven’t been properly kissed!”
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Tommy, hanging out in the back yard. This platform (which Fred made, specifically for the cats to hang out on in the back yard. It looks like the fence is very close, but it’s not at all – they can’t jump from the platform over the top of the fence, believe me.) is about eye-level for me. Tommy seems to think I can’t reach him when he’s up there, so if I need to give him medicine or clean his eyes or whatever, he flees to the platform. Then he’s AMAZED when I grab him.
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Previously 2009: Another 13 years, maybe I’ll take up tea drinking and swanning about with big Southern hair. 2008: In lieu of a real entry today, sights and scenes from around Crooked Acres. 2007: “It’s not a tumah,” he said, as is standard.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry. 2004: Give me time, I’ll have fifteen different versions of “Xanadu” in my music folder. 2003: MY ARM HURTS. 2002: I think no one ever told Billy Bob that if you ANNOUNCE you’re taking the high road, then you aren’t taking it.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
I’m home! I have to tell y’all that I’m a US Air girl from here on out (whenever possible, that is). The seats on the planes from here to DC and then to Pittsburgh were HUGE. They were like first class seats, in my opinion, though let me add that I have never sat my … Continue reading “8/12/10 – Home again, home again (Thursday)”
I’m home! I have to tell y’all that I’m a US Air girl from here on out (whenever possible, that is). The seats on the planes from here to DC and then to Pittsburgh were HUGE. They were like first class seats, in my opinion, though let me add that I have never sat my ass in a first class seat, so it’s just supposition on my part.
(And no, no flight attendants went off on me, but I never give a reason for a flight attendant to have issues with me. I am polite, I thank them profusely, I sit my ass in my seat, I stow my electronic devices when they say I should.)
On the way to the airport yesterday, Nance told me I was going to not update today because I’ve been such a slacker about updating, and I’d claim I had too much to do. I denied it (“I have pictures for Thursday, then a regular entry on Friday!”), but you know what?
I’ve got too much to do. Damn her, she was right!
I’ll be back tomorrow with a buttload of pictures to share. I know you can’t wait!
Here at Crooked Acres, it’s business as usual. Elwood, having brutally murdered Reacher by licking him to death, desperately searches for a place to hide the body as Homicide Detective Maxi waits for backup just outside the door.
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Previously 2009: It’s a rough life, but someone’s gotta live it, right? 2008: ”What are we going to do when we find out?” Fred asked. I still don’t know the answer to that. I just want to KNOW.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry. 2005: Right now, Fred’s upstairs trying to snooze while Mister Boogers comforts him. 2004: Does she think she’s Paris Hilton? 2003: Me, earlier today: “I swear to god, I’m going to go on a shooting spree!” 2002: ME LOVE LOBSTER, have I mentioned?
2001: No entry. 2000: It sure is good to be home!
This is Maddy: She was my very first bottle baby, way back in 2006. Nance fell in love with her over the internet, and she and Rick drove down to Alabama – the first time we met in person after years of internet friendship! – and brought her home. This is one of my very … Continue reading “8/11/10 – Kitteh Wednesday”
This is Maddy:
She was my very first bottle baby, way back in 2006. Nance fell in love with her over the internet, and she and Rick drove down to Alabama – the first time we met in person after years of internet friendship! – and brought her home.
This is one of my very favorite foster pics I’ve ever taken:
When Maddy was still with me, she loved to sleep on the printer next to my desk. Someone asked “What does she do when you need to print something?” I didn’t know, so I found out:
(No Maddys were harmed in the making of that movie. Her pride was a little bruised and she stayed away from the printer from then on, but she was fine.)
At four years old, Maddy has grown up to be gorgeous, if a little antisocial. I managed to get one single picture of her.
Next time I visit, I’m bringing the GOOD camera with me, and I WILL get a million good pictures of her gorgeous face.
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I’m on my way home today. Fingers crossed that all my flights go well and I don’t have to spend the night in Charlotte!
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Previously 2009: Check out all the awesome new Fiesta ware I got in Pennsylvania! 2008: For the record Bill Phillips emus are very violent when you offer them a cup of corn.
2007: No entry. 2006: “You pipple giffs me zee headache.” 2005: God, I love the internet. 2004: Three days into the school year, and I’m sick to death of bus issues. 2003: My weekend can be summed up thusly: long periods of mind-numbing tedium broken with a stretch of horrified disgust, with a soupcon of panic tossed in for good measure. 2002: Maine recap.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
My sites have been moved to the new host, but things are still a bit wonky around here. I know you can’t leave comments – you’ll get an error if you click on the “comments” link – but you can always email me if you want. I’m hoping that things will be back to normal … Continue reading “8/9/10 – Monday”
My sites have been moved to the new host, but things are still a bit wonky around here. I know you can’t leave comments – you’ll get an error if you click on the “comments” link – but you can always email me if you want. I’m hoping that things will be back to normal by the end of the week. Thanks for your patience! 🙂
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“We can go, too?”
I love taking pictures from the plane.
Julie’s a little needy.
Felina’s decided I’m not so bad.
Waldo’s a pretty boy – but it’s close to impossible to get a good picture of him. I shoulda brought the good camera with me!
So, hi! Yep, I’m in Pennsylvania visiting with Nance and the clan. We’re having fun, laughing our asses off, eating like crazy, and so far Felina hasn’t barked at me even once.
Tomorrow, we’re going on a road trip! Woot!
There might be an entry tomorrow, or there might not. I’m only here ’til Wednesday, so things should go back to normal – posting-wise – Thursday or so.
Attention, Alabama and Tennessee residents! The North Alabama Spay Neuter Clinic is now open in Huntsville. They charge $35 for feline neuters, $45 for feline spays, $55 for canine neuters, and $65 for canine spays. The only cost above the basic charge is $10 for the rabies vaccination if you cannot provide proof that your … Continue reading “8/6/10 – Friday”
Attention, Alabama and Tennessee residents!
The North Alabama Spay Neuter Clinic is now open in Huntsville. They charge $35 for feline neuters, $45 for feline spays, $55 for canine neuters, and $65 for canine spays. The only cost above the basic charge is $10 for the rabies vaccination if you cannot provide proof that your animal has been vaccinated in the past 12 months.
PLEASE NOTE THAT ANYONE CAN USE THE SPAY AND NEUTER CLINIC. You do NOT have to qualify! There is no extra charge for weight or if the cat/ dog is in heat. Ear tipping for ferals is free.
The clinic also provides FeLV/FIV test and heartworm tests for $20 and the other vaccinations for $10, but those are completely optional. They’ll also do fecals!
Please please please pass the word. I know there are so many people who are unfortunately put off from having their cats and dogs spayed and neutered by the potential high cost. The fewer unwanted kittens and puppies who are brought into this world, the better.
Maybe one day there’ll be no such thing as unwanted cats and dogs. Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Forwarded from reader Nicole yesterday was this email from Animal Haven, a shelter in New York City. They recently rescued two blind kittens, Ray and Light, from a horrible situation.
Dear Friend,
Cruelty to animals takes many forms. Sometimes it involves violence resulting in injury or death. But most times, Animal Haven gets notice of cruelty that stems from neglect – animals deprived of basic needs like food, water and shelter from the elements.
This is what happened to two very special kittens currently in our care – Ray and Light. They were pulled from a hoarding situation in Brooklyn – the likes of which we had never seen. The building was falling apart around the hundreds of cats living there. As litters of kittens were born, they were left to fall through the ceiling cracks and on to the concrete floor below. Many didn’t make it but the few that did ended up with injuries and infections. Ray and Light are suffering from an eye infection that literally ate away at their eyes.
But with the help of caring friends like you, they can have a life filled with normal activity and love. Already as we medicate them daily and give them the care they need, each kitten is showing signs of affection, play and general contentment. Animal Haven couldn’t do this without your help.
What can you do?
You can help Animal Haven stop animal cruelty and help cover the costs of caring for the victims.
If you suspect cruelty or abuse, write down the details and report it to Animal Haven as soon as possible. Even if you are uncertain as to whether the situation warrants investigation, please call us and let us check it out. We would much rather get involved before it’s too late.
Taking in and caring for neglected and abused animals and working to find them a new home is a very costly undertaking. It is a critical part of Animal Haven…it’s part of what we do and we are committed to helping those animals in need. Please help us keep this commitment by giving a gift today. Will you please give?
How about letting some chickens in the garden during the day? They might help with the squash bug problem!
At this point, we have about 10 chickens roaming free at any given time during the day. They do go into the garden, but they’re really not interested in the squash bugs at all. I’m guessing that they just don’t care for the taste of the squash bugs. You’d think, being chickens, they’d eat any bug that crossed their path, wouldn’t you? They don’t like ants, either.
Holy cow – keith & chemda broke up?! I haven’t listened to the show in quite a awhile but this blows my mind and my next thought was…what does Miss And3rson think about this?!
Oh, I crack myself UP with that picture.
I wrote about that at the top of this entry and it pretty much holds true. I was worried that the show would end up going away, and I was worried that it would change, and it has, but Keith is still the obnoxious asshole who always makes me laugh.
What’s more disturbing to me is that Patrice up and freakin’ MOVED, and now there are no more Patrice Thursdays, and that makes me REALLY sad. I love me some Patrice.
Also, I think it’s WEIRD that Keith is dating Ray’s ex-girlfriend, but I haven’t quite caught up yet to Friday’s show where Ray Devito was on, so maybe Ray will be all “No big deal!”
I also have another kitten question. I’ve had to keep my sisters separated because of the conjunctivitis, but it’s much better now, so I’ve re-introduced them this morning. They recognized each other immediately and there was no posturing or anything, but they’ve been fighting non-stop. Is this normal? They’re just reestablishing dominance/territory? Will they settle down at some point? I mean, I can’t spend the entire day distracting them with toys! (They’re just over 3 months old.)
Man. Gomer, my 16-year-old three-legged cross-eyed scaredy cat, was a hell of a lot easier to deal with! 😉
I think they’ll settle down – they’re still so young that they’ve got that kitten energy going on, so I’m not surprised that they’re fighting.
Speaking of unwanted animals, we had another stray dog show up. It’s mostly hound with some boxer mixed in. Vet said that likely, some redneck hunter tried to train it to hunt, and when he didn’t take to it, the hunter released him so he wouldn’t have to feed him anymore. I can’t tell you how enraged the situation makes me. If you know of any hound rescues, please let me know. I’m willing to drive if need be to make sure he finds a good home. He’s such a sweet dog.
People drive me NUTS. I don’t know personally of any hound rescues, but maybe someone out there will or is in need of a boxer/ hound? This is from Michelle at When Cats Attack (she’s in Tennessee), y’all let her know if you or someone you know can help!
Tell me you gave that caterpillar to the chickens, I just know they’d love that fresh protein!
Of course! I tossed it in the chicken yard, and one hen picked it up and ran around with it while a bunch of other hens chased her, then she dropped it and another hen grabbed it up and ran around with it. I assume it was eventually eaten, though I didn’t stick around to witness the eating myself.
is that a burpee seed “time to plant” clock behind those jars of chicken stock? i covet one but they cost about a jillion bucks on ebay!
Indeed it is!
Fred’s father gave it to us. If I remember correctly, Fred’s stepmother’s parents gave the clock to Fred’s parents, and they had it for a long time, then stuck it in the attic. Fred’s father was cleaning out the attic and asked if we wanted it. I think it goes nicely with our decor (if we could be said to have a “decor”, that is).
We were just adopted by a long haired abused, starved, tortured little girl kitty that we named Daphne. She showed up on the porch one day and of course I fed her, kissed her, loved her and took her to the vet. Someone had actually shot her twice with a BB gun- once in the chin and once in the chest. One spaying, several shots, a port in her chest for the BB infection to drain from and VOILA we have a beautiful new girl. (Let’s not talk about the vet bill)
Yes, people should need permits to have pets.
PEOPLE DRIVE ME NUTS. Perhaps I’ve mentioned? Daphne is one lucky girl!
Looking at the photos of Elwood and Bolitar prompts me to ask if any of the permanent residents ever miss the lodgers when they are sent to the adoption centre? I know your heart breaks but I have an image of thousands of kitty tears being shed (which, I realise, in the case of some like Stinkerbell and Miz Poo, maybe tears of joy)!
I think – or I’d like to think, I’ll say – since Jake and Elwood have grown up having fosters come and go, they’re used to it. Of course, we’ve never had fosters for as long as we’ve had the Bookworms, so I don’t know what their reaction will be this time around. So far, the reaction to fosters leaving has always been no reaction at all. The permanent residents start taking over the computer room again, things get quiet… and then I let another group of fosters into the house to roam at will, and it starts all over again!
The best way to get photos that show the details of cats’ eyes, especially black cats and cats with dark fur is:
1. Turn the flash off. Flash often either gives cats “pet eye/red eye” or makes their eyes look bright yellow, or washes them out.
2. Photograph the cat in a room with a lot of natural light.
3. Try to get the cat to lay near a window, and get them to look up so the light from the window illuminates their face.
4. Stand back and zoom in to fill the frame with their face.
I have a black cat and have spent the past 5 years trying to capture her with my camera! I used all those techniques in this photo of her.
That is a GREAT picture! Thanks for the tips, I’ve already started putting them into practice. Or trying to – Moxie’s being difficult about posing for me, all she wants to do is sit in my lap and be petted.
when you foster…do the kittens that don’t get adopted in a certain amount of time, come back to you??
They can, and they have in the past for a few weeks, to give them a break from the cage. If they’re adopted and then returned to the adoption center and aren’t adopted from there, they’ll usually go to the shelter after a few weeks. They don’t come back here very often, though. We’re lucky that they usually get adopted!
Is the gun thing a joke or can you really shoot? It’s a skill I’d like to develop but first I’d need a gun.
I can truly fire a gun, but I’m not claiming to be the best shot on earth. I’d only ever fire a gun at a person if I felt my life were in danger (or they really pissed me off)(kidding!), and at that point I’d imagine they’d be pretty close.
At least Franco and Garrity are being returned because of the wannabe-owner’s allergies, and not because THEY have problems. Whoever takes them for good will adore and spoil them.
The girls who returned Franco and Garrity were VERY sad about returning them, from all reports – they cried and cried. At the moment only Franco from that litter is unadopted, and they put him in with another kitten so he wouldn’t be lonely. He’s such an awesome, sweet, snuggly boy that whoever ends up adopting him will be lucky indeed.
I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again – I’ve never had a black cat who isn’t completely awesome.
Robyn, I just have to say every time I see Newt I tear up. He looks JUST like my kitty “Yellow” (ironic since they are “buff”) that we lost 2 years ago to an illness. I just want to grab him and snuggle into his fur. Is he really soft? He looks like he would be.
Newt’s actually not that soft – he’s got wiry fur – but he’s a total sweetheart and he loves a good snuggle!
Before you throw the wisteria into the back 40, I have heard that it attracts rats. Not having wisteria, I have no firsthand knowledge of this.
I don’t know about rats, but I can report that mice really seem to like wisteria. Which is fine with me – the back of the back 40 is far enough away from the house that if a family of mice wants to set up in the wisteria, they shouldn’t migrate to the house. At least that’s what I’m hoping!
I have a cat, Emma. Emma is 8 yrs old and I have had her since she was about 1.5 – 2 yrs old. She weighs 12.8 lbs and the epitome of a quiet little angel with wings and a halo. Emma is the most submissive of kitties and, no matter what, she is at the bottom of the totem pole. Then, there is Sidney. He is 1.5 yrs old and a complete mama’s boy. He is 8.5 lbs and all boy-kitten. The problem is that he dominates Emma. He thinks he owns the world even though she was there first. He will charge after her to run her off from the food dish, from MY lap, and oh the tortures in the kitty box. In no way is Sidney aggressive or mean in that scary kitty way as it almost looks like play. I do know that if she chased him he would love it. He just knows that she will back down and he will get whatever he wants. I scold him when he tries to dominate her and I will not allow him to push her off my lap (jealousy). But of course, I work and am not always there. Sidney is not hateful or anything (he is actually incredible precious) but I would like him to be more accepting of his big sister and not act like a little Napoleon. Any suggestions?
I don’t have any good suggestions on this issue, but I KNOW someone (or several someones!) out there has some great suggestions. So let’s hear it, y’all! Leave suggestions in the comments, please.
What is the name of the driveway alarm that you have? Is it easy to use and where can one be purchased?
We have an Optex driveway alarm and according to Fred (who set it up), it’s very easy to use. My only complaint is that occasionally a bird flying by the sensor will set it off, but that doesn’t happen very often. We bought ours online, but I honestly don’t know where we purchased it from. The price at the link above is about what we paid, though you might find a better price by Googling around.
That right there is Dodger, the newest addition to the MMMs. Yeah, I know that his name doesn’t start with “M”, but Dodger’s such a perfect name for him that it’s going to stay. Dodger was found by Winnie and Kathie, a pair of Challenger’s House foster moms – the same ones who found Moxie and Melodie! He ran across a busy road right in front of them, dodging three cars along the way. As it turned out, he was living under a local business and they were feeding him leftover chicken fingers.
Poor baby.
I brought him home yesterday morning, and when I opened the carrier he walked out, spotted Martin, and head-butted him so hard that he almost knocked Martin over. It was SERIOUSLY sweet.
He was a little freaked out last night, but this morning he followed me around the kitten room while I scooped, and then sat in front of me and let me pet him and pet him.
He’s actually changed the dynamic in the kitten room a little bit – Melodie has suddenly become friendlier and less skittish. And there’s been a LOT more playing in there.
He’s about 9 or 10 weeks old, is the vet’s guesstimate, and he’s smaller than Moxie and Melodie, but bigger than Martin. He’s a sweet boy and a fine addition to the MMMs!
You know I was wildly waving a cat toy around to get their attention, right?
He’s got his pink fuzzy toy. What else does he need?
I was coming out of the foster room the other day, and Jake went running in. I had an armload of stuff and didn’t want to put it down to chase him, so I made a mental note to go back and get him after 10 minutes.
Three hours later I was all “Huh. I wonder where Jake is?” and then remembered.
I walked into the foster room, and Jake was in the condo on the cat tree, snuggling with Melodie’s “baby”, all nonchalant and “What?”
The kittens didn’t seem to care at all that Jake was in their territory.
Someone asked earlier this week if Jake and Elwood are our version of Charlene Butterbean. I guess they kind of are, though I think they’re probably rougher with the kittens than the sweet Miss Bean. We’ve always called Tommy our ambassador because he’s good with the fosters, but whereas Tommy mostly puts up with the fosters, Jake and Elwood actually seek them out and play and snuggle with them and really like them.
It’s funny, because I had SO hoped that Miz Poo would be the kitten lover, but she wants nothing to do with any of the fosters (she’ll grumpily put up with them after a while – they have to wear her down, though!). None of our girl cats have any desire to be motherly with the fosters, not even Kara or Maxi, who WERE mothers.
Previously 2009: I like how he thinks he has any choice in the matter. 2008: Meet Michele the chicken! 2007: (Miz Poo, upon seeing me pick up a fly swatter and walk toward her, whines and runs away. Like I beat her spoiled ass on a regular basis! I don’t, but I oughta. She deserves it.)
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry. 2004: The morning I wake up and find a cricket in bed with me is the day I start closing the cat door at night, believe you me. 2003: I HAVE THINGS TO DO THAT CANNOT BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH A PORTLY POO IN THE WAY.
2002: No entry. 2001: Yeah, like YOU don’t have a voice in your head that reads things to you…
2000: No entry.
Attention, Alabama and Tennessee residents! The North Alabama Spay Neuter Clinic is now open in Huntsville. They charge $35 for feline neuters, $45 for feline spays, $55 for canine neuters, and $65 for canine spays. The only cost above the basic charge is $10 for the rabies vaccination if you cannot provide proof that your … Continue reading “8/5/10 – Crooked Acres Thursday”
Attention, Alabama and Tennessee residents!
The North Alabama Spay Neuter Clinic is now open in Huntsville. They charge $35 for feline neuters, $45 for feline spays, $55 for canine neuters, and $65 for canine spays. The only cost above the basic charge is $10 for the rabies vaccination if you cannot provide proof that your animal has been vaccinated in the past 12 months.
PLEASE NOTE THAT ANYONE CAN USE THE SPAY AND NEUTER CLINIC. You do NOT have to qualify! There is no extra charge for weight or if the cat/ dog is in heat. Ear tipping for ferals is free.
The clinic also provides FeLV/FIV test and heartworm tests for $20 and the other vaccinations for $10, but those are completely optional. They’ll also do fecals!
Please please please pass the word. I know there are so many people who are unfortunately put off from having their cats and dogs spayed and neutered by the potential high cost. The fewer unwanted kittens and puppies who are brought into this world, the better.
Maybe one day there’ll be no such thing as unwanted cats and dogs. Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Remember last week when I told y’all about the lady next door sitting out on her deck and talking to those two men in business casual dress, and how I was very curious about who they were and kept watching them out the window? You guys suggested they might be selling religion or could be census takers. They stopped here after they were at the next door neighbors’ house, and of course I didn’t answer the door.
They came back Tuesday evening at 8 (which is far too late to be knocking on peoples’ doors, if you ask me), and Fred answered the door and went out on the porch to talk to them.
Turns out they were selling supplemental health insurance. Fred listened patiently to their spiel, lied and told them we already had supplemental health insurance, and when they started asking questions (ie, which company we had the insurance through), told them he was uncomfortable answering questions like that asked by strangers who showed up unexpectedly one night.
They backed off on answering the questions.
They also did that thing I’ve occasionally witnessed from door-to-door salespeople where they start naming off people who live in your neighborhood like it’s somehow persuasive. Like you’re going to be all “Bob Jefferson signed up for the insurance? Good ol’ Bob Jefferson! I need me some of that insurance too, then, good ol’ Bob Jefferson knows his shit. Sign me up for what you gave Bob!”. They told him that the lady next door had signed up for it, and this person and that person. They went on to tell him that people in our area were “very excited” to have the opportunity to sign up for supplemental insurance.
“Very excited.”
Somehow, I doubt that.
They also told Fred he was “hard to get hold of” and that someone had told them to watch out for “the blue car” if they wanted to talk to the man of the house. I don’t know which neighbor passed along that nugget of information but HEY THANKS, NEIGHBOR! APPRECIATE IT!
We didn’t buy any supplemental health insurance because (1) we don’t want supplemental health insurance, thanks and (2) if we wanted supplemental health insurance, we’d go out and find a place to buy it. The only door to door salespeople I’d ever bust out the wallet for these days is Girl Scouts, assuming they’re selling Girl Scout cookies, and I can’t remember the last time a Girl Scout knocked on my door.
I made a big batch of Ina Garten’s Chicken Stock over the weekend, and canned stock on Tuesday. I ended up with 7 pints and 14 half-pints, and a quart in the freezer.
I think the dog snack situation has gotten out of hand.
The squash plants are overrun with squash bugs, but the bees keep pollinatin’, bless their hearts.
The patch of weeds where the squash plants were.
The Copper Marans hen stalks me when I’m in the garden in hopes that I’ll toss her a tomato.
He was sound asleep like this. With the temps hitting 100+ lately, he’s been spending his mornings out in the back yard and his afternoons sprawled out like this in the house.
Previously 2009: One day, my marriage was complete and happy with just the two of us. 2008: Yeah, I don’t believe me either.
2007: No entry. 2006: The man KNOWS romantic conversation, doesn’t he? 2005: That Jane, she’s a smart and wily one. 2004: No, there are no current plans for Fredbyn offspring. 2003: I think we’re going to change Miz Poo’s name to Miz Money Pit.
2002: No entry. 2001: Picture entry. 2000: The word of the day is shopping.
Attention, Alabama and Tennessee residents! The North Alabama Spay Neuter Clinic is now open in Huntsville. They charge $35 for feline neuters, $45 for feline spays, $55 for canine neuters, and $65 for canine spays. The only cost above the basic charge is $10 for the rabies vaccination if you cannot provide proof that your … Continue reading “8/4/10 – Kitteh Wednesday!”
Attention, Alabama and Tennessee residents!
The North Alabama Spay Neuter Clinic is now open in Huntsville. They charge $35 for feline neuters, $45 for feline spays, $55 for canine neuters, and $65 for canine spays. The only cost above the basic charge is $10 for the rabies vaccination if you cannot provide proof that your animal has been vaccinated in the past 12 months.
PLEASE NOTE THAT ANYONE CAN USE THE SPAY AND NEUTER CLINIC. You do NOT have to qualify! There is no extra charge for weight or if the cat/ dog is in heat. Ear tipping for ferals is free.
The clinic also provides FeLV/FIV test and heartworm tests for $20 and the other vaccinations for $10, but those are completely optional. They’ll also do fecals!
Please please please pass the word. I know there are so many people who are unfortunately put off from having their cats and dogs spayed and neutered by the potential high cost (OY the stories I’ve heard!). The fewer unwanted kittens and puppies who are brought into this world, the better.
Maybe one day there’ll be no such thing as unwanted cats and dogs. Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Someone asked yesterday how much longer the Bookworms will be around. The short answer: I don’t know.
The long answer: Not only were Garrity and Franco returned to the adoption center last Friday (two college roommates adopted them, then discovered that one of them has allergies), but Lieu was returned on Saturday (the woman who adopted him lost her cat three years ago and once she got him home decided that she wasn’t emotionally ready for another cat yet.) Garrity was adopted again before the end of adoption hours Saturday, which leaves Lieu and Franco still looking for their forever homes.
None of Los Gatitos have been adopted yet. I KNOW, I DON’T GET IT EITHER. I thought for sure I’d be fighting off potential adopters on my way from the car to the adoption center when I took them in.
And my fosters aren’t the only fosters in line for adoption, so it’s going to depend on how adoptions go and when room opens up at the adoption center. In other words, if adoptions pick up it could be soon – and if they stay this slow, it could be a while. These goofy Bookworms with their ridiculously long and lanky legs crack me up, and obviously they’re welcome to stay here as long as they need to, ’til room opens up.
But just in case they need to go soon, Elwood will make sure that Bolitar is shined up and ready to go.
Previously 2009: I deserve a Nobel peace prize or something. 2008: This is MY SITE.
2007: No entry. 2006: I reflected for a moment that I wasn’t hovering over him in the dead of night, so I didn’t know how I could have possibly scared him. 2005: See that? I made a thinly veiled joke about his age! I am SO FUNNY! 2004: As for where the odd socks go – the bad ones go to hell, don’t they? 2003: Oui, I am back! Let the rejoicing begin!
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry. 2000: So we were at the beach this morning by 10.