January 27, 2005.

Taking It All Off is back and posting! Yay! (Thank you to reader Michelle, who let me know.)

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I had to be out of the house by 7 this morning to make my 7:10 appointment at the dentist to do the “bite registry” I mentioned yesterday. This entailed sitting in the dentist chair while the woman in charge (I have no idea what her job title is) used what looked exactly like a caulking gun to put what looked like pink caulk along the bottoms of my top teeth, then I had to bite down and wait three or four minutes for the pink stuff to harden. I did that once without the front tooth guard, and once with. Then I was done and on my way, and she said they’d call when the nightguard was ready, which will be about a week and a half.
Yes, I look like a dork. Also, a pinhead.
(In my defense, I was staring at the camera right before the flash went off, and I thought “Oh, I shouldn’t stare directly at the camera, I should be looking off to the side!”, and as I moved my gaze the picture took. Also, I’m aware that I am in desperate need of an eyebrow waxing. But it’s a really bad angle to begin with, so there’s no way I was going to come out of this picture looking like anything with a dorkwad. Also, I’m blotchy. And yet, I’m HOT and SEXY and you know you want me!) When Fred got home from work yesterday we were laying on the bed talking and he was laughing at how having that piece of plastic over my front teeth made me lisp. “What is it supposed to do?” he asked, although I’d already told him. “Relax my jaw so that they can get a good bite registry,” I said. “Does your jaw feel relaxed?” he asked. “Not particularly. Besides, I sit around with my mouth hanging open all the time; it’s not like my jaw was particularly tense to begin with.” “What are you, one of those mouth breathers?” “Yeah, just call me Cory Haim.” “Say ‘sufferin’ succotash‘,” he said. “NO.” “Please?” “NO.” “Awww Bessie, come on, just say it once!” he begged. “NO. Shut UP. I’m not going to say it!” Finally he gave up, but this morning on my way to the dentist’s office, I relented. I called him at work and when he answered I said “Sufferin’ succotash. Happy?” But he wasn’t, because he claimed I didn’t sound as lispy over the phone. Sucks to be him, I guess.
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I feel crabby, oh so crabby, I feel crabby and bitchy and wild!”
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15 thoughts on “January 27, 2005.”

  1. Poor Bean has this “Will you PLEASE get this flashing thing out of my face? What do you want ‘now'” look. Funny picture!

  2. I’m glad you posted that picture of your temp guard, Robyn, because when you described it yesterday, it sounded exactly like the one I’ve been wearing for 2+ years. My permanent guard fits over my top two teeth, as your temp one does. It alleviated my TMJ pain and definitely stopped me from grinding my teeth (actually, I think I just clenched my jaws, but the effect was similar to grinding,) and I slept better with it in. The only downside – for me – is that I now have to change my pillow case once a week because the damn thing makes me drool at night. Guess I’d rather drool than destroy my teeth, however.
    Best of luck with yours!
    p.s. – Bean’s “crabby” picture matches my mood exactly today.
    p.p.s. – We have the amnio results (I’m already 20 1/2 weeks,) and we’re having another boy – with 46 normal chromosomes. Cheers!

  3. Your temp bite guard looks just like my actual one. Your process is definitely more involved than mine was. My dentist put the bite guard in to do a quick test, filled it in with the silicone and fit it over my teeth, holding it in place while it set slightly. Then he “cooked” it (set the silicone) and then filed it down so that it was smooth and a good fit. Took about an hour total and I got to take it home with me. But yes, I understand exactly what you mean – I feel like a rabbit with buck teeth when it’s in. However, it keeps me from clenching my jaw (which in turn prevents a lot of my headaches), so it’s worth it. Imagine adding a CPAP mask and chin strap to the visage and you KNOW I’m just too sexy! Sigh. LOL

  4. Hi Robyn – I luv reading you. I was wondering, though. I am scheduled to have gastric bypass in April….I am currently on WW until then. What are your honest thoughts about this surgery. I guess I have never heard you mention this in your journal?

  5. Aly: As I was going to sleep last night wearing the temp guard, it occurred to me that just using that instead of paying for the full-mouth guard would work probably as well! I did wake up with a headache this morning, though. I don’t know if that’s due to the temp guard or not. If the permanent full-mouth guard makes me have headaches, I’m going to be seriously peeved. And congrats on your 46-chromosomed baby boy! Hey, you’re more than halfway there, right? 🙂
    Georgina: We don’t watch Spongebob Squarepants, so I had to go look up the picture. I have to say, I agree. Heh! What I really want to know, though, is how come there’s a squirrel living under the sea? Wouldn’t she drown?
    Becky: I talked about it a little over at OneFatBitchypoo, in this entry: http://tinyurl.com/5ozuo For the most part, I think that weight loss surgery is a good tool – and that’s what it is, a tool and not (as so many people like to say) “Taking the easy way out”. Because after surgery you still have to watch what you eat, you still have to exercise, and all that. At this point I know enough people who’ve had WLS and had really good results that I think it can definitely work for some people, as long as they research it thoroughly (which I’m sure you have!) and understand fully the complications that can arise.
    (And like I tell anyone who’s about to lose a lot of weight – take plenty of pictures of yourself before and after the surgery, because you’ll be glad you did!)
    Good luck, Becky, and let me know how it goes. 🙂

  6. Robyn I am loving that pic! Thanks for being so brave, you ARE a badass, you are!! 😉
    I love the expression on the Bean’s face. It cracked me up and then the lyrics just cinched it!

  7. April: She had to take everything down because a relative-in-law found her site and took exception to things she’d written.

  8. Hehehe, you would think, but when she’s outside her upside down glass bowl, she wears a sort of astronaut helmet. When Spongebob and Patrick visit, they were the same kind of helmet but with water in it. Kids these days!

  9. Per post request from yesterday:
    My beef stew which is loved far and wide in my little populated town. 😉
    Take big hunk ‘o beef or venison 4 times the size of my (your) hands (4 lbs??) throw into crockpot with water enough to cover it.
    Add french onion dried soup packets (2) & 2 big-ass onions.
    Cook on high 4 hours.
    Add potatoes, tomatoes and carrots till you can’t cram anymore in the pot. (I literally shuffle the food and lean my body weight into the pot … packing it down. heh
    Cook for 3 hours on high. Then simmer on low for additional 2 to 4 hours.
    To get the thick gravy look and/or feel:
    Add 5 TB of dried gravy powder to 1 cup water, turn crockpot on turbo, let boil for 30 minutes.
    There you have it. A wonderful beef stew and it only takes 10-14 hours!

  10. oh my god, my cat has that same pink mouse… I’d recognize that thing anywhere! It’s his FAVORITE toy. Gotta love the company that makes those things.
    But, I must say, when I have to retreive it from under the couch… there have been times I’ve been afraid it’s a real mouse… eeek!

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