almost a year now. Once the monitor was in place, I noticed that the top part of the monitor was a little more difficult to read, but I solved that little problem by just making it so whatever I wanted to read was in the lower half of my monitor. Also, if I was looking at pictures, I needed to drag them down to the lower part of my monitor so that I could see them; leaving them in the upper part of the monitor made them too damn dark and I couldn’t see a fucking thing.
Yesterday I downloaded the latest version of Firefox (I’d been using My IE; I switched from Firefox to My IE a while ago for a reason I can no longer recall) and was having problems with it, because it’s against the law for me to install something on my computer and not have a problem with it. So Fred sat down at my computer and fiddle-farted around with this, that, and the other while I sat in the recliner in the corner of the computer room and read whilst warming my feet in front of the space heater.
He fixed the problem and I sat down at my desk again, and the monitor had been… adjusted. Instead of sitting at a slant, the monitor was perfectly straight up-and-down.
“My monitor looks… different!” I said.
“Yeah, I adjusted it because I couldn’t see a fucking thing,” Fred said.
And I opened up a page, and guess what? I could see it perfectly clearly from top to bottom. All this time, and all I needed to do was adjust my monitor a little bit.
Who the fuck knew?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
He also turned off the num lock on the right side of my keyboard, though, and I
hate that. I use that little number pad
thingy almost exclusively for entering numbers, and when it’s turned off, it confuses the holy hell out of me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My visit to the gynecologist is over for another year, thank god.
My cervix sends its regards.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Actually, I think I’m going to start looking for another gynecologist. I don’t dislike my current gynecologist, but she also doesn’t give me the warm fuzzies, either. I don’t have to worry about seeing a gynecologist for another year, but it doesn’t hurt to look around now, you know?
If you’re in the Huntsville area and have a gynecologist that you absolutely love – or hell, even just like a lot – send me his or her name, would you?
If nothing else, I’ll ask my primary care physician for a referral.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I just realized it’s the 20th. Everything I signed at the gynecologist’s office, I dated the 21st. I wonder if that nullifies the “If insurance doesn’t pay for this, I’m aware that I’m responsible” form?
Probably not, huh?
Also, I stole two good pens from the cup o’ pens by the checkout desk. They were both Bic Clic pens. I love those damn things, have I mentioned?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Meme, stolen from
What color is most reflective of you? Yellow! It’s bright and happy, just like ME.
How did you get the idea for your journal name? Fred came up with it, actually, and as soon as he said it I knew it was perfect.
What time were you born? 5-something in the morning, I think.
What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing? Anything But Mine, by Kenny Chesney. I also wish I could download and play One Thing, by Finger Eleven, but they don’t have any songs on iTunes. Hmph.
Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? Princess Di’s death made me cry. Shaddup, she was a bit part of my childhood; I loved her, and even had her hairstyle for a while.
What color underwear are you wearing? It’s white with pink flowers.
Do you want a baby? I’ve got a baby; I don’t want another one, no. (Sorry,
What does your dad do for a living? He’s a Quality Assurance Specialist.
What does your mom do for a living? Something in a doctor’s office that has to do with filing and dealing with insurance.
What is your pet’s name? Which one? We’ve got Spot, Spanky, Miz Poo, and Mister Boogers.
What color are your bedsheets? Dark blue. I’ve got two sets in the exact same color.
What are the last 3 digits of your phone number? 520 (not necessarily in that order!).
What was the last concert you attended? Uh… maybe Patty Loveless or Toad the Wet Sprocket. It’s been a long while.
Who was with you? My mother went to Patty Loveless with me, and my sister went to Toad the Wet Sprocket. No wait, maybe it was Candlestick (Deb was with me that time, too). Or possibly it was that Lorrie Morgan Christmas concert? Gah, I don’t know. It’s been too long!
What was the last movie you saw? Garden State.
Who do you dislike most at this moment? No one, actually!
What food are you craving right now? Sushi!
Did you dream last night? I’m sure I did – I do most nights – but I don’t remember what it was about.
What was the last tv show you watched? American Idol!
What is your fave piece of jewelry? My engagement ring, though I don’t usually wear it. I’m jewelry-free most of the time.
What is to the left of you? My
What was the last thing you ate? A scrambled egg, a piece of whole wheat toast (dry), and a clementine. Also, a nice big cup of Diet Coke, which that horrid woman at the dentist told me I need to give up because it’s not good for my teeth. What, it’s not good enough that I don’t smoke or drink, and exercise six days a week? Now I have to give up the ONE GOOD GODDAMN THING IN MY LIFE? (Foodishly speaking, that is)
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? Fred, of course.
Write a song lyric that’s in your head?
In the midst of the music
I tell her I love her
And we both laugh, cause we know it isn’t true
Oh, but Mary, there’s a summer drawing to an end tonight
And there’s so much that I long to do to you
But in the morning I’m leaving, making my way back to Cleveland
So tonight I hope that I will do just fine
And I don’t see how you could ever be
Anything but mine
Who last imed you? Uh… Nance? Jane? It’s been months since anyone imed me.
Where is your signifigant other right now? At work.
Do you have a crush? Not at the moment, no.
What is his name? n/a
What shampoo do you use? Back to Basics Apple Ginseng.
When was the last time you cut your hair? I had it cut and colored last Tuesday.
Are you on any meds? Yes, but nothing exciting. Seasonale, Toprol XL, and Synthroid.
Do you have a mental disease? Not that I’m aware of. What a rude fucking question!
What shirt are you wearing? A gold t-shirt with a square neckline.
What time is it? 10:55 am.
What color is your razor? Blue.
What is your fave frozen treat? Dove bars!
Are you sexy? Oh, shut up. ::giggle::
Whats your favorite shopping store? Target!
Are you thirsty? No, I just finished a big cup o’ Diet Coke.
Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? If this one were to unexpectedly not work out? Hell no, I wouldn’t go for a third.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“They call me Fang.”
All the cats in one room, of their own volition. How often does that happen? Hardly ever.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~]]>
Great to see all the kitties in one shot! How come Miz Poo is the only one not napping? Maybe she’s keeping watch over the others.
Hey Robin!
I read in your survey that your on Seasonale. I have the pills all ready to take (just waiting on “Aunty Flo” to show. Hee). How do you like it?
Robin: I love it! When I first started it, though, I had breakthrough bleeding for most of the third month. It was very light, but still annoying. After that, no problems! My gynecologist said it’s because I needed to “train” my uterus. 🙂
You could also ask your GP to just do the exam for you… mine does when I do my yearly physical.
Anything But Mine just came on my radio while I was reading this. Weird! I love that song…..especially because he mentions Cleveland (that’s where I live).
Give up Diet Coke?! My friend and I were talking about how every single thing in the world is supposed to be bad for you to eat, drink, breathe…you get the picture. Robyn, you might as well enjoy the Diet Coke (I could not live without it) and live! Life’s too short.
Robyn…heheh we are SO much alike!!
There is a rule around my house that I cannot play with, adjust, install, whatEVER anything on my computer after 10 pm at night, because I am certain to wreak havoc with something blahblahblah or other. And, I typed with my keyboard FLAT for over a year and got crampy wrists before I turned the damn thing over and saw the little adjustable feet that come out to elevate one end of it. JAYSUSS! I used to steal pens, too, but since I worked in a physicians office we had them coming out our butt so I traded that petty crime for stealing magazines! I will be in the middle of a good article and they will call my name…so I take it in the exam room w/me and when I get redressed I just stick it inside my shirt…or if I have already read ones from home, I just bring them in and then I trade. That way I’m not stealing, kapish??
I, too, feel that Diet Coke is the last vice left and I am going to the grave clutching a big fountain one purchased from …..where else? My favorite store: TARGET!!
oh……and I ate sushi yesterday for lunch. heh.
Hold the phone on the Diet Coke. If my kid who wears braces can drink Diet Coke so can you!! But if it still nags at you, after you drink it just rinse out your mouth with water. That is what the orthodontist told my son to do. And why the hell do hygenists have to be such poopers? For God’s sake, isn’t it enough that I remember to brush them?? Now you want me to floss too? Sheesh
That insurance form is something you typically need to sign once a year, at least where I am LOL. They will probably just wait to enter it until tomorrow. I hate going to the Gyne doc *shudder*
I cant believe you stole TWO pens! Thats so ballsy. You are my hero!
And Mister Boogers isnt saying, “They call me fang.” He is saying, “They call my Mister Fang!”
First off I don’t mean this to come off as the hijack it seems but….(ok it is a shameless lookie lookie plug) but…
Robyn you have to click on my URL to see today’s pic and what I got!!
God here goes another kitty lurve journal and I have been SO strong!!!! But any of you may look and tell me that you could of turned him away?!
The daily entries by Robyn, the cute stories, the adorable anecdotes, I FOLDED like a house of cards or what ever the hell else folds, a card table perhaps?
Anyway, I thought you should know since funny enough I thought of you right away when faced with today’s dilemma. I like to call it WWRD!! (What would Robyn do?) We only have KILL shelters around here so there was no way I was turning him in though I doubt he would of been maimed..just look at that mug!! Those eyes!!