In Rhode Island picking up the spud; headed back to Maine after we eat lunch. Spud says ‘hi’!
Hello from RI!
Hello from RI!, originally uploaded by RobynAnderson. In Rhode Island picking up the spud; headed back to Maine after we eat lunch. Spud says ‘hi’!
Are you having lunch at Friendly’s?
Oooh! That IS a Friendly’s! Have a Jim Dandy for me…
So, when she was a kid did you call her a tater tot?
Hey Spud!! Great to see you again! Hopefully you and your mom will not be doing an overnighter in the airport. Gaads Robyn, what a nightmare, especially as you were on your own. Have a fabulous weekend with the Spud and family.
So nice to see the Spud again! As a long-time reader, I’m still taken by surprise when I see her pic and see a grown-up woman — I remember her when she was just a kiddo. How quickly they grow up.