Happy Thanksgiving!

“Are you sure they said we were invited to dinner? I don’t see anything in there but a big pot.” Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US – and Happy Thursday to the rest of you! 🙂

“Are you sure they said we were invited to dinner? I don’t see anything in there but a big pot.”

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US – and Happy Thursday to the rest of you! 🙂

13 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!”


    Happy Thanksgiving, Robyn, Fred, kitties, dogs, birds, pigs, and anyone else I haven’t mentioned!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Robyn and Fred and the rest of the Crooked Acres crew!

    You need to submit that as a LOLturkey. I LoLed!

  3. I hope that turkey stays in his pen today, as it’s mighty dangerous when the big pot is out.

    What do you do with your ‘jump the fence’ birds when y’all leave the house for several hours? Just hope they don’t try to cross the road? (insert lame joke here)

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Celebration!

    1. Generally we cross our fingers and hope for the best, but after their marauding campaign this morning, I’m pretty sure their days (hours, even) are numbered.

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