
mad internet skillz, he could really be dangerous!

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New pet store kitty pics from Monday are up here.
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I took my first beta blocker last night and was a little lightheaded and loopy for a little while. I also slept like a rock last night, though I can’t necessarily attribute that to the pill. Fred and I spent about half an hour moving beds around last night. See, we decided to switch his bedroom and the guest bedroom around, because the spud has talked about having friends over to spend the night, and we figured that if we switched the rooms around, her friends could spend the night in the guest bed instead of on the floor and Fred wouldn’t be kept awake by the shrieking and giggling of teenage girls all night long, since he’d be on the other side of the house. Besides, I think that room is more suited to be a guest bedroom anyway, because not only is it closer to the bathroom, but it also has a closet (the other room doesn’t) and a dresser. It’s way smaller than the other room, but it’s not like we get a lot of guests anyway, and even when people come to visit, it’s not like they spend all their time in the bedroom, either. Moving Fred’s king-size mattress was a huge pain in the butt. I thought yesterday that my arms and shoulders would be hurting this morning, but in actuality my abs are screaming. I always forget how much you use your abs when you’re lifting stuff. The entire time we were moving the beds, Meester Boogers ran around like a big dork, all freaked out, with big, dark eyes. He’s never seen us move furniture before, and so he had no clue what was going on. We got Fred’s bed moved into the other room and set up and made, and then Fred shut the door, and Meester Boogers howled forlornly. “Whyyyy? Why is the door closed? I like to hang out in there and lay on the bed and harass Spot! Where will I lay now???” We got the guest bed set up in the guest bedroom and then I shut the door because I had a headache and had no desire to mess around with making the bed at that moment in time. Meester Boogers howled even more forlornly. A few hours later, after I’d eaten dinner and my headache was beginning to abate, I went back upstairs and made the bed. I left the door open, and then went into Fred’s room and carried a table from his room to what is now the guest bedroom, and put it in front of the table. Meester Boogers sniffed around nosily, interested. When I opened the shades, he got very excited. He jumped up onto the table and sat there, looking out into the neigborhood (which is exactly why I’d put the table there – so the cats could lay on it if they so desired). The rest of the evening we didn’t see much of any of the cats. I think they were taking turns sniffing around the new guest bedroom and wondering why they couldn’t go into Fred’s bedroom. When we went upstairs to go to bed, Spot was laying on the guest bedroom bed. This morning, Meester Boogers and Miz Poo were laying in the sun that was coming through the guest bedroom windows. Because, in our house, it’s not possible to do too much to make the kitties comfortable, I located a couple of cat beds in another part of the house and brought them to the guest bedroom.
I think Meester Boogers has adjusted to the change. Also, the room’s not as small as it looks – there’s plenty of room to walk between the end of the bed and the dresser, though it doesn’t look like it in this picture.
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A few weeks ago I set the TiVo to tape Maury! every day, not because I’m all that crazy about Maury and his ten thousand “Are you my baby daddy?” shows, but because MB is going to be on his show, only I’m not sure when and I don’t want to miss it, so thus the every day taping of the show. When I have a few minutes on my hand and want to clear the TiVo queue, I go through the list and look for the episodes of Maury!, then start them playing to see what they’re about – to make sure it’s not the episode MB is on – before I erase it. Last week there was an episode that looked like it might be interesting – I don’t remember what the show was called, but the beginning part of the show looked like something I might want to watch. So I started watching it, and this woman came on who had set up a camera before she left for work because she had a suspicion that her boyfriend, who was babysitting her two little boys, wasn’t doing the job he should. People, it was possibly the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen. This grown man was throwing a little boy down on the bed and PUNCHING him as hard as he could, many times. It still disturbs me just to think about it. This week Maury did a follow-up and they showed the tape again and I showed it to Fred, and even HE was disturbed by it. And we’re talking about a man who isn’t disturbed by much. For the record, as soon as she got home and saw the tape, the mother called the police and they arrested the boyfriend’s ass. He was in court recently, trying to plead to a lesser charge and the judge wouldn’t allow it. When we heard that, we cheered out loud. Fucker.
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19 thoughts on “Friday”

  1. Ugh… I once saw something similar on Oprah years ago. It still makes me sick,sick, sick. Hope he spends some serious time in jail.

  2. Not to knock MB or anything, WLS is a huge undertaking, but does anyone else think she is just a bit too thin now.

  3. If you go to the above site, you can get an outline of what is airing for the week. I had a student of mine that was on there and that’s how I found out when her episode aired. (I teach Kindergarten and she was one of those actual “Paternity Test” children!!!!).

  4. That is horrifying. When S was going through the police academy, they showed her a similar video. It is the true face of evil, I think.
    So now Fred is next door to you? Is that close enough to hear him snore?

  5. That video on Maury must have been a nightmare to watch. It’s absolutely unbelievable how vicious some people can be to children. Defenseless children!
    Miz Poo is soooooooo sweet. *smooch!*

  6. I saw that episode too, it hurt me so much to watch that. That poor child 🙁 I don’t tape the show, but I watch it on the days it isn’t a “baby daddy” show.

  7. O/topic i know but thanks for updating your links list Robyn – I can imagine its probably not that easy a task and I was one of the requesters. I have a Saturday morning free (in Australia so Sat morning = right now) and am sharing my morning with mud cake, a huge coffee and your links page searching out new reads. Bliss (and a fat butt to go with the mud cake sean) 🙂

  8. WHEEEE!! I finally got around to ordering the boxes of “Santa Tubby” Christmas Cards I BEGGED you to make, and they should be here any day! I am so excited!!
    Robyn, since this is moderated, you can dump it if you don’t want shameless promotion, but if you don’t mind:
    Peoples!!! Help out the no-kill cat shelter that Robyn volunteers at, and at the same time send a really groovy and adorable Christmas card out with a great pic of Tubby on it…Click on the ‘swag’ thingy at the right…’s a fitting memorial to Tubby and also a good cause.

  9. what a precious poo pic you posted today! Her eyes look like puss ‘n boots from shrek2 but her face looks pissed as hell. I love it!

  10. I love Maury! I can always predict what is gonna happy on the “Are you my baby’s daddy?” shows. They are quite educational! LOL

  11. Sorry, but I had to throw in my 2 cents about Maury and the “Who is my baby’s daddy” shows…..
    HE IS EXPLOITING and HUMILIATING young girls that have zero self esteem, just to get ratings!!! How can he say he cares for them and wants to help them when he brought one gal back at least 5 times, and had no less than 14 guys tested???? I saw a few of those episodes and said no more….the sad thing is, the studios woo these young gals, take them shopping, do their hair, and put them up in a hotel….attention they don’t normally get. To think that some young girl would go on national TV and say YOU ARE MY BABY’S DADDY to 14 guys….come on, you may as well just have her wear a t shirt that says BIG NASTY HO on it….
    just my opinion if it is worth anything

  12. Susan – she is thin, but she looks good, she’s happy with her weight, she’s healthy, and she’s under a doctor’s care, so I’m not going to say she’s “too” thin, that’s kind of a subjective thing, y’know? I really look forward to seeing her on Maury – it’s always interesting to see what someone you know only through their site looks and sounds like.
    Kate – he is next door to me, but I didn’t hear any snoring. Thank god for earplugs! 🙂 (Actually, my snoring would probably bother him more than his would bother me! 🙂
    Renee – Not a thing, strangely enough!
    Mel – ’twas my pleasure. It’s actually easier to keep the list in blogrolling, so that when I find a new blog or journal I want to continue reading, it’s a snap to add it to the list. I’ve actually added a few in the last week, and god knows the other list never ever got updated, so thank god for blogrolling!
    Kathy – let me know how they look! I hope they’re awesome. 🙂
    Lisa – she was all worked up about something, I can’t remember what. She loves to drag that feather toy around with her – we call it her “baby” – and I think she had just dragged it up on the desk. She cracks me up, that kitty.
    Kathy (and Dyane) – what amazes me is that Maury has SO MANY “baby daddy” shows. This week alone, there were three of them! I used to really like Maury Povich, way way back when he hosted A Current Affair, but I kinda wonder what he thinks about his career these days. He can’t be doing too badly if the show’s still on the air, but I can’t say it’s anything to be too proud about. I will say this for him, though – the one show I watched most of a few weeks ago, he had the guests on and off pretty quickly, so there was NO time to get bored. I was cross-stitching at the time, and could barely keep up with what was going on! Heh.

  13. Meester Boogers is as adorable as Bosco the Amazing Farting Cat (my cat)!!!!!!! Oh My Gawd!!!
    I promise as soon as I find out when my Maury episode is on I will let you know so that you don’t have to watch any more than you have to *winky winky nudge nudge* unless of course you’re just using this as an excuse to watch episodes like “I slept with my husband, his twin, their 7 uncles, daddy, stepdaddy, 2 gandpappies, and drunken neighbor and gave birth to a goat. Who’s the daddy?”

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