This is my favorite.
I’ve always known that Iceland is a beautiful country (well, “always” meaning ever since they went through there on The Amazing Race last season), but seeing Sigurrós’ pictures of her beautiful country make me want to visit that much more.
Maybe when I win the lottery. Which I shall promptly do as soon as the jackpot goes back above $100 million.
* * *
So I was reading
this entry yesterday, and in the entry that darn Catie was teasing me with talk of Thai Lettuce Wraps for dinner, and I thought to myself “Self, I have had Thai food once, and I liked it a LOT, so perhaps I’d like something named Thai Lettuce Wraps!”
I Googled “Thai Lettuce Wraps”, and I came across
this recipe, and I looked at the recipe and I thought “What the hell?? What in particular makes this recipe Thai??” Then I read through the recipe again, and saw that it had teriyaki sauce in it. Well. Of COURSE putting teriyaki sauce on something will make it Thai! What was I thinking?
That opens a whole new world to me. I can have Thai burgers! I can have Thai macaroni and cheese! I can have Thai scrambled eggs! All I have to do is add teriyaki sauce!
I feel so worldly and sophisticated now.
* * *
Every time Fred’s doing something in Word or Excel and the paperclip man pops up to offer his help, Fred calls him a “goddamn piece of shit c0cksucker” and tells him to go away.
Paperclip Man hasn’t gotten the hint yet, ’cause he keeps popping up.
* * *
The exterminator came yesterday and sprayed around the house and put some kind of granules in the yard, and told me that if we see any ants in the next month (she’ll stop by next month to make sure we’re having no problems, apparently) to give her a call. The first thing she wanted to see was where the ants were coming in, which is when I had to tell her that they weren’t exactly coming in any more, but I could show her where they WERE coming in, which is when she got to see Fred’s mad duct tape skillz. She didn’t seem all that impressed, really.
For the past week or so, I’ve had the kittens’ food dish in a pie plate, with water in the bottom of the pie plate so the ants couldn’t get to the food. Every few days I’ve been bringing the pie plate downstairs to wash it out – because those damn kittens just can’t eat without scattering food everywhere, and the scattered food goes into the water (instead of on the floor), and after a day or so, it gets kind of nasty looking.
Anyway, yesterday as I was carrying the pie plate downstairs to wash, I thought to myself, I thought “Self, what with it being cold, and what with them not being able to find any food for the last several days, I bet we can just stop worrying about those stupid ants.” So I left the pie plate downstairs, and left the kittens’ food dish on the floor.
I’m sure I don’t even have to tell you what happened after that.
At bedtime we medicated the kittens, and then I went in to scoop their litter box, which is when I saw the ten-thousand-strong line of ants to and from the food bowl. Sugarbutt didn’t seem to be fazed by the ants in the slightest, and just sat and happily ate and purred and did his little dance, while ants climbed up onto him.
So we spent the next fifteen minutes vacuuming up ants, tossing out the ant-covered food, finding and sealing the hole, etc. etc. etc.
“This is becoming a nightly ritual,” I said to Fred.
“No kidding,” he said.
So this morning, no ants. Because they can’t get to the kitten food, of course. What we should do is put a pile of cat food on the floor near the window, and then call the exterminator so she can see where they’re coming in, and do something about it.
Actually, what I’d really like to happen is for the fucking guy who’s supposed to be replacing the windows and the rotting window sill, the guy who told us six weeks ago that it would take about three weeks for the parts to come in, to come and replace the fucking windows and window sill. If that stuff was replaced and caulked well, I suspect we wouldn’t have ourselves an ant problem.
Why the hell do we have to hunt this guy down? Does he not want the money he’ll make doing the job we’re more than willing to pay him for? Every fucking time we hire someone – a handyman guy, a yard guy, ANYONE, really – to do something, they drag their fucking feet about it, and it pisses me OFF. Ugh.
* * *
We Thought You Would Be Prettier, by Laurie Notaro.
Finished last night:
Conversations with the Fat Girl, by Liza Palmer. Oh my god, this was SUCH a good book.
Amy recommended it in her blog a while ago, and I ended up loving it so much that I came downstairs at almost midnight to thank her for the recommendation. If you like chick lit (even if you don’t like chick lit!), you’ll love this book. It was so good that I’m actually keeping the book, and y’all know I hardly ever do that!
Very highly recommended. I think I’m going to read it again in a few days.
* * *
I don’t know what it is, but both Sugarbutt and Tom Cullen are absent-minded lickers. If they climb into one of the cat beds and you give them a belly rub, they’ll purr and rub their faces on your hand, and then lick whatever’s closest, whether it’s your hand or the cat bed, they don’t care. Last night they were playing, and Sugarbutt ran across the room to attack one of Fred’s slippers, and when the attack had been completed, Sugarbutt looked up at Fred, and licked his slipper.
They’re so cute I just want to squeeze them ’til their guts shoot out their mouths, I really do.

The quintessential Crazy Eyes.

Snuggly brudders.


“Hi, lady! Whatcha doin’?”

“Adopt a stupid kitten and keep another one around FOR A REALLY LONG TIME, will you? Well, EFF YOU, lady. You want some snuggles, you go see those stinky little brats. I’m sold out of snuggles. NO MORE SNUGGLES from me!”
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2004: “Bessie,” Fred said. “We used to watch TV without being able to rewind it. We can do it again!”
2003: No entry.
2002: It seems like yesterday.
2001: The term “give my feelings” cracks me up for some unknown reason.
2000: Mark my words, it’ll be back to looking crappy in three days flat.
1999: “Take credit card. Buy computer. Big monitor. Go fast. Go buy. Now.”]]>
hahahahahaha – great crazy eyes pic hahahahahahahahahaha
Tell Fred you can turn paperclip guy off. He is so damn annoying.
Paperclip guy is annoying, not Fred.
So that photo of the so called Thai lettuce wrap was horrifying and also wrong. We didn’t have them last night, but we’re going to tonight and I’ll be sure to photograph them. I got the idea from Cheesecake Factory’s Thai lettuce wraps. You’ll see.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE keep Sugarbutt too!!! The picture of the two brothers snuggling???? You can’t separate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! Your public is begging you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the book recommendation. I am getting ready to go on a two week vacation WITHOUT THE KIDS!! I will actually have some time to read for the first time in years! I went online and requested the book from my library and I’m first on the list! Whoopee!
That crazy eyes cat pic is too funny! I can’t show my daughter the cat pics. She has been begging for a kitty and hubby says no way!
I’m with Fred on the paperclip fucker. Except mine is set to a little dog and I have affectionately named him “Dammit.” When he pops up, I yell “LEAVE ME ALONE, DAMMIT!!!!”
Please don’t take Sugarbutt away from his brudder!!!!!
Oh, poor Miz Poo is sulking.
OK – quit complaining about Mr. PaperClip and right click on his ass and tell him to scaddle. Mine hasn’t popped up for years.
The kittens are adorable as usual. My friend found 4 6 week olds when she stopped after witnessing their momma get hit by a car. She still has 2 left and they are so much fun. I’ve almost taken one home twice. I don’t plan on visiting again until they are gone. I don’t know if I can resist again. . .
Holy shit! I’ve been making Thai Tuna for years and didn’t even know it! I’m so freaking continental!
(And I always thought teriyaki was more Japanese than Thai. But then, I doubt I am as knowledgable about the ways of Asian sauces as Kraft Recipe Lady.)
The brothers are so cute they make my teeth hurt. And sulking Miz Poo? Priceless!
You have to keep Sugarbutt…he is too cute for words. I really really miss having a kittay!
BTW..tell Fred to right click on the paperclip guy and he can change it to a cute little kitty kat.
You gotta go to Iceland. Rent a big truck and drive to ring road. There’s nothing that compares to it.
THE ring road. ‘scuse me.
Those thai lettuce wraps are imposters.
What is Teriyaki?
It is a way of Japanese cooking. The word, teriyaki is a combination of two Japanese words “teri” and “yaki.” Teri means luster and yaki means grill or broil. To make a teriyaki dish, ingredients are broiled, roasted or grilled after being marinated in or basted by teriyaki sauce. It is the teriyaki sauce that brings the shiny look (teri) to the ingredients. This is the real teriyaki, although any dish cooked with teriyaki sauce seems to be called teriyaki nowadays, whether the ingredients are Japanese or not.
The last time I was at the grocery, I noticed that they had specially packaged lettuce for wraps. I’ve never made lettuce wraps so I can’t really give an opinion if they’re any better than just buying lettuce and tearing the leaves off yourself.
Robyn, sometime ago you talked about a book you were in that for the life of me I can’t remember the name of. I can’t even think of what to use as a search, because I know if I put in book then I’m going to be sitting here until my arse spreads even more…
Can you please tell me the title? I know it had a chapter from Shauna (What’s new Pussycat author), and that’s pretty much all I can remember.
That’d be Tales from the Scale.
Have you tried my suggestion of placing some cat food OUTSIDE for the ants to consume so they don’t feel the need to enter your domicile?
“goddamn piece of shit c0cksucker” almost made me blow diet coke through my nose! It sounds like something I’ve either muttered or thought in my head!
Tell Fred to change the annoying paperclip guy to the cat. Much cuter, far less annoying and he fits in perfectly with your family!
Miz Poo looks EXACTLY like Das Poot from the backside.
You MUST KEEP SUGARBUTT. The internets say so!!
Thanks Robyn!