
/server, but typed several instead. I never fail to type Fredex instead of Fedex, but that one’s understandable. I end up having to backspace and retype several times in any given paragraph, and it’s annoying as hell. Maybe it means I’m not giving my full attention to what I’m typing (apparently so – I just had to back up and insert the not in that sentence). Or maybe my hands are developing early-onset Alzheimer’s. God, I hope I never have Alzheimer’s. The spud has to learn the Preamble to the Constitution in the next three weeks, and she’s spazzing. It’s five sentences, and she swears up and down that she’ll never be able to memorize it in time. Her main concern is all the big words, so Fred tried to help out. He put the American Rock tape in the vcr, and played the part where they sing the Preamble. The spud was not swayed from her opinion that she can never learn it all in time, so Fred subjected her to the "If you give up instead of trying, you’ll never get anywhere in life!" speech. I’m not sure what effect, if any, it had on her. Thank god tomorrow’s Friday. As usual when I take a day off in the middle of the week, today flew by, but I’m still looking forward to the weekend. ]]>


driving me out of my mind. The kitten has been incredibly clingy today, and not only took a nap with me, but has been following me around, not letting me out of her sight for a second. She spent all last night snuggled up next to me, until 4:30 when she insistently climbed up so that her fuzzy little belly was draped across my face, and her sharp little claws were resting on my face. Naturally, she gets so happy in this position that she begins kneading her paws on my face, until I get annoyed at the incessant pinprick feeling on my face (hey, it hurts!) that I make her get down. Okay, so I don’t have much to say today. I’ll see you back here tomorrow night. G’night! —–]]>


real doctor, as we always say, and not one of those "doc in a box" doctors who are so conveniently located around the corner) and charmed a 1:50 appointment out of them. So I left work early, went to the spud’s school to pick her up, and made it to Dr. Judy’s right at the stroke of 1:50. We only waited for ten or fifteen minutes before going back for the weighing and blood-pressure taking, etc. They did a flu test, which involves – have I mentioned this? – sticking a long-ass q-tip up your nose and rolling it around. The spud was admirably stoic throughout it all, and the upshot is that she has the flu. Dr. Judy prescribed Relenza for all three of us (Fred, the spud, and I, that is). I swear upon all that is holy that I’m going to get a flu shot next fall, and so is the spud. I’m tired of this being sick crap. Tomorrow, I’m going to go see Dr. Judy for my ear, out of which I still cannot hear anything but constant white noise. Fred swears up and down that Dr. Judy can fix it, because "Dr. Judy can fix anything!" Two years ago, Fred was having serious back pain, and saw doctor after doctor, and only Dr. Judy was able to figure out that it was "chest wall pain" and treated it successfully. She’s also very nice, which in my opinion is a big plus. Because I spent part of the afternoon sitting around a doctor’s office, we had McDonald’s for dinner and rented a couple of movies. We watched Blue Streak, which stars Martin Lawrence and cutie-pie Luke Wilson. It wasn’t a bad way to kill an hour and a half. Dr. Judy decreed that the spud shouldn’t go to school tomorrow, so I’ll be staying home also – and lemme tell you, my heart’s breaking over that. I intend to stay up late, sleep late, and do a lot of nothing for most of the day tomorrow, though I have to run a few errands along with my trip to Dr. Judy’s office. Y’all have a good humpday! —–]]>


Cool, isn’t it? It’s like a valentine for me from the kitties! Really, what other journaller will thrill you with pictures from the litter box? Fred’s dad and stepmom came over Saturday night to watch Heart and Souls with us. I’ve seen the musical parts from this movie about 45,000 times, because my husband is nothing if not obsessive, but I hadn’t seen the actual movie itself. It’s pretty good, but I don’t think I adore it quite as much as Fred does. I don’t think anyone adores it as much as Fred does. Have I mentioned that he thinks he lives in a musical? —–]]>


See.” I grinned up at him from my nice, warm bed and said "What do you see?" And my husband, who thinks he lives in a musical, burst into song, and to the tune of "Do You See What I See?", sang the following: Do you see what I see? My wife doesn’t love me very much She won’t bring me my lunch My beans My rice And tabasco sauce If I miss it, what a great loss If I miss it, what a great loss My god, I love that man. The whole time he sang, I rolled around on the bed and laughed. He’s so damn funny sometimes. Okay, I’m off until Monday. Go back and read some of the old stuff if you miss me that much! Have a good weekend, y’all. —–]]>


I hate those bitches. Just so you know. Have I ever mentioned that Fred and I sleep in separate rooms? When I first moved to Alabama and in with Fred, we had separate rooms because the spud had no idea that we were romantically involved, and for the first year, we referred to Fred as our “roommate.” After we’d been in Alabama for a year, I approached the spud with “What would you think if Fred and I wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend?” She grinned and said “Not good!” It took a few months, but she eventually accepted the fact that we were “dating” (though there were, of course, no actual “dates”) – and it was probably another three or four months before Fred actually kissed me in front of her. Hmmm. I seem to have gotten off-track. Where was I? Oh yes, separate beds. So while we were still in the apartment, I would occasionally attempt a “sleepover” in Fred’s room. I usually stayed for an hour before his snoring drove me back to my own room. The only thing I hated about having separate rooms was that after we were done with our nightly cuddling and chatting, I had to get up and leave his room to make the (albeit short) trek back to mine. Let me tell you, it was a lonely feeling, one that I didn’t care for at all. The summer of ’97, while the spud was visiting my parents, he and I went to Florida for four days. Which meant we had to share a bed, since two rooms would have been way more than we could afford. The first night, he snored so loudly that I took my pillow and a blanket and tried to make a go of it on the bathroom floor. When he realized his snoring was keeping me awake, he kindly went out on the balcony and slept most of the night in a lounge chair out there. I think he did that most nights – I don’t know how else we would have ever made it through the trip. When we moved into the house, we decided that we would share the master bedroom. I was sure that the first few nights would be rough, but once I got used to the noise, it would be smooth sailing. Then something happened I hadn’t counted on. He was bothered by my snoring. After a few weeks of not sleeping very well at all, he started getting up in the night and going into the guest bedroom. I was sleeping like a rock for the most part, which was the problem. I snore like a drunk longshoreman on the best of nights, it would appear. Anyway, the guest bedroom quickly became Fred’s bedroom. These days, we lay in bed and talk for at least half an hour, then he gets up and goes into his bedroom. Funny enough, since we’ve gotten married, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest to be sleeping in separate rooms. I love having the king-size bed to myself, though he’s suggested more than once that I should be sleeping in the guest bedroom so he can have the big bed. And he can just keep dreaming. —–]]>


around the neigborhood, and had either grown up or lived in Presque Isle , which is in Aroostook County (and if you’ve been taking careful notes, you’d remember that Aroostook County is potato country!). All he wanted was to know was where I’d gotten the bumper sticker. My name is Robyn, and I’m a spaz, thank you. So, the kitties are all kinds of confused today. Tubby is getting so huge that we really have no choice but to limit his food. Until today, we’ve kept their food bowl filled, and they’ve been able to eat whenever the mood struck them. We took the bottomless bowl away last night, and they seemed a little concerned. This morning, Fred fed them when he got up, and after about twenty minutes I went out and took away what was left. Spot, for one, started following me all over the house, and he never does that. I was afraid I’d get home from work and find that the cats had killed and eaten Fred and/or the spud. They were fine, although once I started dinner they were constantly underfoot. I finally fed them, and the only ones who acted like they were starving were the kitten and Spanky. Tubby and Mr. Fancypants turned their noses up at the cat food at first – I think they thought they were going to get some of what I was making for dinner – then gave in and deigned to eat the stuff. On a cat-related note, I have for some reason taken to calling the kitten "Miss Poopypants." I have no idea why this is, and as a result nicknames with "poopy" in them speak of affection to me. I’m continually restraining myself from greeting my sister with "Hey, Pooper!", or Fred with "Hey, Mr. Poops!" I suspect counseling may be in order.]]>


you, I put a stop to that right away. If you’ve been taking copious notes, you’ll note that they put me on augmentin a week and a half ago, and it did not the slightest bit of good, so I had to go back and tell them, so they put me on tequin, which still didn’t apparently cure my ear infection. She went back out, conferred with the doctor, and they prescribed (I think) ceptin for me. Can you guess how much 10 days’ worth of this new antibiotic cost? Oh, go on, guess! One hundred and thirty-fucking-nine dollars. I shit you not. If this stuff doesn’t cure me, I’m going to have to have a screaming hissy fit. Between Fred, the spud and I, we’ve spent about $600 on drugs since the end of December, and I’m still not cured, damnit. Yeah, I know, woe is me. The kitten is sitting on the couch looking all sleepy and cuddlesome, so I’m going to go pick her up and cuddle her. Of course, she’ll probably fart on me, but that’s the price you pay for some cuddling.


darling, I adore your hair like that! It brings out your eyes and the beauty in your face, and every time I look at you, I can barely restrain myself from throwing you to the floor and making sweet love to you!", because personally you think you look kinda cute, but instead he squints at you and says "What? All piled up on your head? I guess it’s okay. I wouldn’t want you to go to the store like that or anything, but it’s okay when you’re slobbing around the house." ?