
knows better. Lucky for her I’ve calmed down to a growling grumpiness, or it wouldn’t be a very good time to be the spud. Before I go be grumpy in the other room, preferably under a quilt with a good book, let me share the latest Miz Poo picture with y’all. what the...?
She was sitting at the top of the stairs, looking down to see what I was doing. Looking at this picture almost makes me not grumpy. Almost, I say. Now pardon me while I go lay on the bed and be grumpy with my husband, then grumpily watch Oprah, and possibly later I’ll send a grumpy email to Miz Moira (yes, you!). Hmph. —–]]>


"For the love of god, woman, can’t I take a freakin’ nap without you flashing that bright fucking light at me??" —–]]>


really huge dark-red sweatshirt, my usual black cotton pants, and on my feet were the cornflower blue slippers I ordered from Land’s End back in November. I’m quite the stylin’ bitchypoo, I really am. Did y’all watch Temptation Island last night? Oh, you couldn’t’ve dragged me away from the tube if you’d tried. I don’t know why I like the show so much, ’cause it got me really pissed both times it’s been on. I know there’s a couple who’s going to be kicked off the island sometime soon because they have a kid together and lied about it to the producers, but I don’t know which couple it is. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s Ytossi and Taheed (is that his name?). I honestly have no idea why on earth this couple is together. Every time she talks about him, all she says is what an asshole he is, and how he’s screwed around on her, and that he likes to make people think he’s a nice guy, when he’s really a jerk. They don’t seem to even like each other, and so I’d say the only thing keeping them together is a kid. Oh, and EXCUSE ME, but did you see the guy who proclaimed himself a "leg guy"? And he said that the chick he was on a "date" with had, on a scale of 1 to 10, 8.5 or 9 legs, and his GIRLFRIEND was "right behind her." Man, what an asshole. The whole bunch of them are dumbasses, now that I think about it. Is it just me, or is talking shit about the person you supposedly love a major betrayal? I mean, it’s one thing to tell your best friend what a jerk your partner was last night ’cause he did blah blah blah, but it’s another thing entirely to tell everyone you see that he’s a two-faced asshole, or that her legs come up short (so to speak) when compared to someone else’s legs. I predict that Ytossi and Taheed won’t end up together, and Mandy (is it just me, or is she a tad freakish looking?) and Billy won’t, either. You heard it here first, oh yes. Later. Okay, I’m back from my doctor appointment. As usual, it was better than I’d feared and worse than I’d hoped, if that makes any sense. I think the worst part of the whole thing was sitting in the examining room completely naked under a kicky pink paper top and a white paper drape on my lap, waiting for the doctor to come in. Oh, wait. I guess the worst part was actually the rectal exam. Shudder. At least I don’t have to go back for another year! So, someone out there sent me Mary Karr’s Cherry, which I received via UPS yesterday. There was nothing on the invoice to indicate who it was from, or a card or anything. Whoever it was, I’d like to say thanks. So, thanks! You rock, you know, and I can’t wait to read it! —–]]>


BUT, as Fred pointed out, when you turn it just a bit, what do you find? This: book club I was being subjected to porn without realizing it! Can you believe this? How many catalogs are out there, perverting the minds of innocent, unsuspecting people? I’m thinking of suing. (Kidding) While I was at Wal-Mart yesterday, I picked up three sweater driers, because the spud got a bunch of sweaters for Christmas, and some that Fred bought from ebay at a wicked bargain price, and as y’all know, when you wash sweaters, you can’t hang them up to dry, ’cause they’ll stretch out of shape. So, I bought these driers, which basically are a screen-type material on a rack with short little legs. You put the sweaters on the racks, which are stackable, and air can get to all parts of the sweater and it dries rather quickly. With me so far? So I got the sweater driers set up yesterday, with a sweater on each, and stacked them in the corner of the computer room, out of the way. Not ten minutes later, Miz Poo was sniffing around the stacked sweater driers, and not two minutes after that, she’d made herself at home on the top one. She stayed there most of the evening, purring loudly as she snoozed. Did I get a picture? Need you ask? miz poo on the sweater rack This would be when Fred was poking the underside of the sweater drier, driving Miz Poo crazy. I would have gotten a short movie of it, except that it was really too dark, even with the light on. That Miz Poo, she’s a cutie-pie, yes? Maaaaan, I have to go to the gynecologist’s tomorrow for my yearly torture. At least I can impress them with my 80-pound weight loss, though Dr. N is a plain-spoken woman and I’m afraid she might look me over and say "You may have lost a lot of weight, but you’re still a fat-ass!" You know, if I didn’t need those birth control pills so much, I’d probably NEVER go. I bitch and complain about how they’re not available over the counter (yet!), but it’s the only thing that gets my ass in that office every year. Or maybe it’s those attractive paper gowns.


I’m such a ditz sometimes; how on Earth did I think I was going to be able to leave the house at 11:00, go to the post office, pick up Fred’s check, go to my bank and then his, swing by the movie store, go to Wal-Mart and then Wendy’s, and be home by 12:30 to watch The Bold and the Beautiful? For the record, I didn’t get home ’til 1:15. Not the sharpest tool in the shed am I.

In my entry yesterday, I forgot to mention that in addition to doing the 3-day walk in October, I also have to drive to College Station, Georgia next Monday (the 22nd) to attend a "walker consultation", which is a meeting about fundraising and words of wisdom from 3peaters (as they refer to people who’ve done the walk before). I’m not thrilled about having to drive 3 1/2 hours or so to attend this meeting, but there’s not anything closer, so I’ll be biting the bullet and just doing it. Oh, and while I’m thinking about it, I got an email from Susan in NC, who’ll also be doing the walk! Is that cool, or what? Susan will be the first reader I’ve met since starting my journal, and I look forward to it. Did y’all see Ally McBeal last night? I just love that Robert Downey Jr., drug problem or no. Although I did read somewhere in the last week (I’ve been reading about 2 months’ worth of magazines lately) that he feels TV work is "below him," and I really hate that kind of snobby shit. I’m in kind of a crabby mood today, so I think I’ll say goodbye for now, and perhaps return in a better mood tomorrow. Have a good one, y’all.



Rob made when Dana was looking for sponsors for the Aidsride last Fall. But I am a poor untalented bitchypoo, and so all y’all can really expect is a big "SPONSOR ME" at the top of the page. As much as my readers rock, I should have that $1,900 sewn up in no time flat (she said, desperately kissing ass). In other news, I’ve decided to host my notify lists myself. I plan to get the list moved over sometime Wednesday, and of course I’ll keep y’all informed along the way. —–]]>


Jekyll and Hyde at the Von Braun Civic Center (stalkers, take note: look for the two fat people sitting on either side of a cute 12 year-old sitting in the front row). The spud got home from school and said "Do we have good seats?" To which Fred replied "Why?" To which the spud responded "Because whenever I go anywhere where there are a lot of adults, someone with a big head always sits in front of me." And Fred said, "We’re in the front row." I added, "Yeah, soyou‘ll be the one with the big head blocking everyone else’s view." Ha! I slay me… Robyn’s birthday year continues, with a big-ass box of books coming from Amazon containing the rest of the Kat Colorado books Moira purchased for me from my Amazon wish list (thanks, Moira!), a few more eCards, and an Amazon gift certificate from my sister (thanks, Debbie!) The way it’s going, my wish list is going to be nonexistent, and I’ll be set with reading material for 3 years! Thanks everyone 🙂 I’m thinking of deleting my notify lists off of Topica and just hosting them myself. Rumor has it that Topica plans to be getting jiggy with the spam sometime soon, and I don’t much care for that. Opinions? Suggestions? Fred took the link to this page (well, the main Bitchypoo page, anyway) off of his site, and I’ll be taking it off of my diet journal page, because he told me that he recently did a search on his name plus the word "diet", and his page was one of the first ten to come up. His parents know that he’s got an online diet journal, though he’s refused to give them the url, and it wouldn’t take much for them to find it, although I don’t think they’ve done so yet. I don’t care if they read my diet journal, but I’d rather they not find this journal, so I’m going to remove all links. Soon as I get my ass in gear, that is. I went a little off course there; all I really meant to say was that I had no idea how many of you were using his page to get to mine. Kinda cool, it is. Y’all have a good weekend. —–]]>


Thirty-five eCards and emails wishing me a happy birthday. How freakin’ cool is that? Thirty-five people out there taking the time to send cards and wish me a happy day. Too cool. 2. UPS came a-knockin’ at the door last evening. Fred answered and found a package for me. What was it? A book off my wish list from the wonderful (and coolly named) Bitter Hag. Took me by complete surprise, and it was a book I was wanting something fierce. Awesome. 3. The wonderful Deb, taking time to check out my wish list, realizing she had one of the books on my list, and telling me she’s gonna send it to me. This could only be better if she sent Madison or Kierstin along with the book. I adore little red-headed kiddies, and sometimes think of dumping Fred and taking up with a redheaded man so I can have a redheaded kid of my own. But I digress. Deb = rockin’. All of you totally rock. I don’t know how this birthday could possibly have been any better, unless someone really had bought me that island. So thank you to everyone who sent me happy wishes and eCards and presents, and, hell, just plain thought to themselves "I hope that bitch has a good birthday", thank you for all the emails you’ve sent since I started my journal, and thank you most of all for reading. You ROCK, maaaaaaaan! —–]]>