Friday Five.
1. What did you have for breakfast this morning? If you didn’t have breakfast, why not? I had a fried egg on an english muffin, and half a cup of black seedless grapes, along with a can of Diet Coke. I usually have a slice of fat free American cheese on the egg and english muffin, but I only had one slice left, and needed it for lunch.
2. What’s your favorite cereal? Frosted Lucky Charms. They’re Magick-ly delicious, you know. I haven’t had any in a long time, I but I miss them fondly. My second favorite cereal would be Fruity Pebbles. Mmmmm.
3. How often do you eat out? Do you want that to change? Once every other week or so, maybe less. Friday nights are “free” nights for us, eating-wise, so every now and then the spud and I will go to Applebees or another restaurant, and on the other weeks, we get fast food or order pizza. I would probably eat out every night if given the chance, but I’m sure I’d quickly gain back that 100+ pounds I’ve lost, so it’s better to stick to one “allowed” night a week.
4. What do you plan on having for dinner tonight? Got a recipe for that? I’m thinking McDonald’s, but I’m not sure what exactly – maybe a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, or McNuggets. And a Diet Coke, of course!
5. What’s your favorite restaurant? Why? Applebees. Because they have a decent selection of food, and also because they have Apple Chimicheesecakes. Mmmm.
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I’m pleased to announce that I’m feeling better today – I know you were up all night, worried! By the time bedtime rolled around, I was feeling just fine, and ended up watching the first half of ER while folding clothes and putting them away. I came to realize that if you wear two pair of underwear every day (what, you think I’m going to wear the underwear I wear while exercising for the rest of the day? Ew.) and don’t do laundry for almost a week, you might come pretty damn close to running out. I was down to my ratty back-of-the-drawer purple underwear yesterday, which gave me the heads up that the laundry needed to be done.
Anyway. Enough about my underwear.
We taped the Michael Jackson thing to watch at a later date, so don’t ruin it for me. I want to see myself what a freak he is.
Actually, we flipped channels a couple of times, and watched Michael Jackson from 7:30 to 8:00 instead of watching the Friends rerun. I turned to Fred while Michael Jackson and the reporter were walking through that store (?), and he was pointing to hideous things and saying “I want this and this and this and this. Oh, did you get this? Excuse me, this too!”, and I said to Fred “If I ever have so much money that I can buy crap like that, I have too damn much money. And bad taste.” Heh.
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Poor, poor Fancypants. He keeps going to the window and sadly looking outside. The cat door is open, but it’s so damn cold out there that he won’t go out. But he wants to go out, and thus the dilemma, which is solved by sitting and staring through the window and sharing his pain by meowing his sad, sad high-pitched meow.
I’m about to go toss his ass out the cat door if he doesn’t shut up.
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Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting in front of my computer (like, duh!), when I saw the mailman coming. He stopped in front of my mailbox, put the mail in it, and then sat there for a few minutes, looking through boxes. I got excited, because I thought that perhaps I’d ordered something and forgotten about it. I waited and waited for him to come put the box by the front door, and then got sidetracked reading something. When I looked up again, the mailjeep was up near the end of the street. I got up and went out to get the mail.
To my surprise, when I opened the door, there was no package there. It had been raining on and off through most of the day, so I decided he must have put it by the garage door, where there’s more shelter. I went out and grabbed the mail from the mailbox, and then walked over to the garage. To my further surprise, there was no package there, either. After some looking, I decided that maybe the package had been for someone else, and I thought no more about it.
This morning when I came down the stairs, there was a dark shape in the window to the left of the front door.

“What the hell?” I said. I opened the front door, and found a package from Amazon, tucked into the frame of the window.

I’d like to believe that there’s no way on earth I would have missed seeing that package if it was there yesterday, but I walk around with my head in the clouds so much of the time, that I probably looked right at it and just didn’t see it.
It was another birthday present – Twelve, from the fabulous Bald Moses (and Frank!), and I’m really looking forward to reading it. Whee! Me love books, have I mentioned?
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Speaking of books, I’m listening to Me Talk Pretty One Day on tape when I walk (which hasn’t been much lately, thanks to the crappy, cold weather, and where the hell is spring, I’d like to know), and it cracks me up. I was listening to the title story and laughing out loud this morning – I’m sure I was quite a sight, bundled up in my long johns, sweats, jacket, hat that Heather made me, and a pair of Fred’s huge, oversized gloves, laughing my ass off. God, I love David Sedaris.
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There are things that make me cry for undefinable reasons. I watched an episode of Sports Night a few weeks ago,
The Quality of Mercy at 29K, and when Dana got back from seeing The Lion King and said
The lights went out, and this woman, with a voice like thunder, this woman, she summons all the animals of the jungle to appear and honor the birth of the new lion king. She summons the animals with her voice.
I teared up. Sometimes when I come to the end of books I start crying. When I saw The Sixth Sense, the ending made me burst into tears, and I sobbed all the way home.
All this to tell you that yesterday I was reading God-Shaped Hole, a book that I foolishly thought was going to be of the light-hearted Zany Chick variety. What happens at the end is made clear from the beginning, and it happens even though you don’t want it to, and even though you hope against hope that it won’t.
I was a few pages from the end (and hoping against hope for a resurrection) when I read the line
But Joanna wouldn’t understand the incredulity of my grief. And I burst into tears. Even just thinking about it makes me tear up, and I have no idea why. I have no clue why that one line affected me so strongly, maybe because it sounds like the truest thing I’ve ever read.
the incredulity of my grief]]>