today. I LOVE the look on Tom Brokaw’s face right after he says it, like all the blood has drained from his body.
An acidic and hostile place: since 1999
today. I LOVE the look on Tom Brokaw’s face right after he says it, like all the blood has drained from his body.
Every time Madonna opens her self-important mouth these days, she just annoys the shit out of me. I liked her better back in the “Like a Virgin” days when she was at least aware of the fact that she was an attention whore, which she still is, but somehow seems to have since forgotten. See, it was just fine when she was burning crosses and making out with the Jesus statue in the Pepsi commercial or writhing around masturbating in a wedding dress, or fellating a wine bottle in her own personal “Look at me! I’m the center of the universe!” movie back in the day, but now that she’s 120 years old and talking with an accent so fake it makes Franck Eggelhoffer cry, she’s all concerned about the state of the world. Please. Or maybe she’s jealous. Wouldn’t surprise me. She’s so scary looking these days that the hordes who used to run screaming toward her are now screaming and running in the other direction.
* * * And now I’m back from Sam’s. Thank god I will NEVER have to go to that side of Huntsville again. They’re ripping up the roads, so that was a mess, there was a car accident making me have to detour out of the way into a fairly scary neighborhood, and they’re actually remodeling Sam’s – I assume it’s remodeling, there were jackhammers all over the place in every part of the store – so that was a huge pain in the ass. I ensured for myself a spot in Hell by repeatedly yelling (or at least thinking loudly) the name of Our Lord and Savior complete with His little-known middle name (no, not “Harold”), which starts with “F” and ends with “ucking.” Yep. I believe there’s a seat in the ass-singe section with my name on it. I also sighed and rolled my eyes so often that I’m surprised I didn’t hyperventilate and/or get dizzy. I just get impatient when people STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING AISLE AND DON’T GET THEIR ASS OUT OF MY WAY. I mean, godalmighty, how hard is it to park your stupid-ass cart to the SIDE of the aisle? One would think by the age of 83 you’d have perfected that. I’d like to think that the new Sam’s (One more week! Whee!) will attract a younger, savvier crowd (say, mid-50s with the ability to move faster than .00578 miles per hour), but I’m not holding my breath. The old folks love to buy their 45 gallon containers of Tide, and who can blame them? (Seriously. I bought a 40 oz. bag of whole almonds for less than $6. You get a tenth that many almonds for the same price at the grocery store!) I didn’t let myself get suckered in by the 18-pack of Skinny Cows, but don’t think I wasn’t tempted.
* * * Well, damn. Randy of RandyCam fame has passed away. I loved visiting that site from time to time, and Randy will definitely be missed. (Thanks to reader Amanda for letting me know about Randy!)
* * * Miz Poo is once again in need of a trip to the vet (heh – I almost typed “Dentist”). Over the weekend, she started squinting her right eye and it’s been leaking and crusty for the past few days. In addition, her lip has gotten all puffed up, this time on the left side. Before, it was always the right side that got puffy. We’re thinking it might be an allergy thing, but since we ARE talking about Miz Poo who’s just a big ol’ money pit, it’ll probably be some nasty, exotic disease that will require bags and bags of money. We were talking about her last night, and I said “With everything that’s wrong with her, we’ll be lucky if she lives to be five years old!” Fred said “No, she’ll live to be twenty, and we’ll be spending $1,000 a month on her!” It’s a good damn thing we love her so.
* * * Pet store kitties are here.
* * * Damn that Rob Rummel-Hudson. Damn him straight to hell. He gave me The Pink Eye! I read his Pink Eye entry and thought smugly to myself “Iit’s been a while since I’ve had the FUCKING PINK EYE, glad it’s him and not me!” That’s what I get for being smug, I s’pose. I hate The Pink Eye. (It isn’t as painful as it looks) I also hate that it took 45,000 tries to get two halfway decent pictures. I am blinded for life, and I apparently have the biggest fucking schnoz known to man. Seriously, I don’t know how the hell I can see around it well enough to walk down the street. “Oh, was that an 18 wheeler? I couldn’t see it around MY BIG FUCKING BEAK!” Actually, I like my nose. I just hate the pimple the size of Mt. Katahdin that’s grown on the side of it. And as I say every time I contract a case of The Pink Eye, I need to get some new glasses.
* * * I watched Mr. Personality last night, of course, because I’m a sucker for that kind of reality show. I don’t know how much I enjoyed it – the guys kind of blended together – but then, it usually takes several episodes of any reality show before I figure out who’s who. The differently colored masks will help, I guess. I still think Monica Lewinsky is cute as hell. And Hayley is cute, but she ain’t no Trista. We watched Billy Bob Thornton on Inside the Actor’s Studio Sunday night, and it was absolutely amazing to see him transform into the character from Slingblade. One second, Billy Bob Thornton, the next second, Karl. Damn but James Lipton is a big suckup, isn’t he? And while we’re on the subject of TV, we caught two or three episodes of Punk’d Saturday night (why yes, we DO have a thrilling social life!), and if you haven’t seen it, it’s definitely worth checking out. It’s like The Jamie Kennedy Experiment on speed. It’d be even better if they tossed Ashton Kutcher to the curb, though. I’m too old to be watching MTV, aren’t I? Last thing about TV, I promise. Friday nights (there goes that thrilling social life again!) we watch America’s Funniest Home Videos. The current host, Tom Bergeron, is far and away the best host that show has ever had. When the show originated Bob Saget (who will always be the dad from Full House, just like John Stamos will always be Uncle Jesse) hosted, and at some point Daisy Fuentes and some guy hosted, and every damn one of them made it clear that they thought hosting the show was far, far beneath them. Especially Daisy Fuentes, who was annoying as shit. Can I get a witness? But Tom Bergeron, while not taking the job too seriously, really seems to enjoy what he’s doing, and I hope he’s the host forever and ever.
were almost brutally attacked.
* * * Heard in our living room the other night, as we were watching something or other on Fox News. Me: So, it’s okay for us to have nuclear weapons, but not North Korea? Fred: Yes. Five minutes pass in silence. Fox goes to commercial. Fred: That was a cowardly yellow-dog liberal DEMOCRAT thing to say. Me: (laughing) I was just wondering. It seems a bit bossy to be all “No, it’s okay for US to have nuclear weapons, but YOU can’t have them.” Fred: Because they’re openly hostile to us! Me: Well, we’re openly hostile to other countries, too. Fred: Name one. Me: (thinking quickly) Iraq! Heh. I love fucking with that man. I think next I’ll tell him I’m going to a war protest.