
today. I LOVE the look on Tom Brokaw’s face right after he says it, like all the blood has drained from his body.

So, there’s this Taco Bell commercial on the radio that has me confused. It’s a commercial for the Cheesy Gordita Crunch, and as it starts, someone who I assume is supposed to be a teacher, is taking attendance. “This can’t be right,” she says to herself. “Crunchy Collins?” “Here, ma’am!” says a child’s voice. “Your parents named you Crunchy?” she asks, clearly taken aback. The child says “You should meet my brothers Cheesey and Chewy!” “Over here, ma’am!” say the voices of two other children. It appears that the mother of Crunchy, Chewy, and Cheesy had a hard-core craving for the Crunchy Gordita during her pregnancies, and thus (possibly when she wasn’t smoking crack with one hand and downing the hard liquor with the other, one assumes) named her children after it. Naturally, the children have brought a Crunchy Gordita to class with them so that the teacher can try it for herself. “Mmmm….” she says in the throes of an orgasm. “It IS crunchy, chewy and cheesy! But it’s also melty!” And in the distance, we hear the voice of yet another child. “Over here, ma’am!” It is established that this is Melty Collins, and the final line of the commercial is little Melty saying – and this is clearly supposed to be a punchline – “And I’m really good at math!” Huh? Why is the child good at math? What does math have to do with the Cheesy Gordita, and why that line supposed to be humorous? I don’t get it, and every time I hear the commercial, a little cartoon question mark pops up over my head.
I will be so glad when this Sunday comes and goes. I’m tired of seeing the commercial for the movie about Lucy – the movie that stars the woman who looks NOTHING like Lucy, and worse yet SOUNDS nothing like Lucy, and it’s really REALLY bugging me. I mean, I know they can slap red hair and bright lipstick on a woman and we’re supposed to believe she’s Lucy, but the woman doesn’t even ATTEMPT to sound like Lucy in the clips I’ve seen, and I suspect that the movie will be awful. Of course, let’s be honest – even if they got a dead ringer for Lucy to star in the movie, I wouldn’t be bothered to check it out. Not that I dislike Lucille Ball, in fact I think she was awesome, but I’ve got better things to do on a Sunday night than watch a movie about someone’s life, like fall asleep on the couch with Miz Poo purring in my ear.
Oh my! Momma wants one of these! (Better start saving, I guess…) I guess it’s a sign that I’m no longer 19 years old when I start drooling over things like vacuum cleaners, isn’t it?
1. Name one song you hate to admit you like. Honestly, I’m not embarrassed by any of the songs I like – y’all know I love the cheesy stuff. Oh, I guess I’m a little chagrined that I love the song “Could’ve Been Me” by Billy Ray Cyrus. (Shaddup) 2. Name two songs that always make you cry. “Sand and Water” by Beth Neilsen Chapman, “Changes”, by Olivia Newton-John “Beloved Wife” by Natalie Merchant, and “Black” by Pearl Jam. Yes, that’s more than two. I could probably come up with 50 songs that always make me cry. 3. Name three songs that turn you on. Uh. You know, I don’t really think that songs do turn me on. 4. Name four songs that always make you feel good. “Hold On” by Wilson Phillips (shaddup), “Kiss and Say Goodbye” by The Manhattans (damn do I love to sing along with that song!), “Hey Cinderella” by Suzy Bogguss, and “Jolene” by Sherrie Austin (and of course the original version by Dolly Parton kicks ass as well). 5. Name five songs you couldn’t ever do without. “Black” by Pearl Jam, “Good” by Better Than Ezra, “I Will Not Take These Things for Granted” by Toad the Wet Sprocket, “Chances” by Bob Seger and Martina McBride, and “I’m Not Supposed to Love You Anymore” by Bryan White. Y’all have a good weekend. I may do a quick entry tomorrow, because there will be some pictures to share that I think you’ll enjoy.]]>


Every time Madonna opens her self-important mouth these days, she just annoys the shit out of me. I liked her better back in the “Like a Virgin” days when she was at least aware of the fact that she was an attention whore, which she still is, but somehow seems to have since forgotten. See, it was just fine when she was burning crosses and making out with the Jesus statue in the Pepsi commercial or writhing around masturbating in a wedding dress, or fellating a wine bottle in her own personal “Look at me! I’m the center of the universe!” movie back in the day, but now that she’s 120 years old and talking with an accent so fake it makes Franck Eggelhoffer cry, she’s all concerned about the state of the world. Please. Or maybe she’s jealous. Wouldn’t surprise me. She’s so scary looking these days that the hordes who used to run screaming toward her are now screaming and running in the other direction.

I really like the Jennifer Lopez/ LL Cool J song “All I Have.” My favorite part of it is when she sings “All my pride is all I have” and he busts in, all condescending-like, with “Pride is what you HAD baby girl, I’m what you HAVE”. Because of course, when you’ve got LL Cool J, who needs pride, right? Heh. In a house with a 35 year-old man and a 14 year-old girl, who’d’ve thought I’d be the one who likes Jennifer Lopez? (The whole “J. Lo” thing is goofy as hell, though.)
Using the Movable Type screen to write this entry has me all confused, since I’ve been using Dreamweaver for at least 2 1/2 years, and HoTMetaL Pro before that. It’ll take some getting used to, I s’pose.
I tried an experiment yesterday. I took a rather large book down off a bookcase in the library and put it on the floor, to see how long it would take a cat to land on it. Literally less than 10 seconds later, with no coaxing whatsoever, Miz Poo had settled in.
Something on the floor?…
(There’s a plastic bag underneath Spanky, if you can’t tell)
Pet store kitties are here.
Why have no hummingbirds discovered the hummingbird feeder yet? Whyyyy? All I want is to see the occasional bitty little hummingbird flitting about. Is that so much to ask?
I got a call from Delta a few days ago, letting me know that the spud’s flight from California to Rhode Island in June has been changed around so that she won’t have a long layover in Atlanta. Instead of sitting around for 2 1/2 hours between flights, she’ll have less than an hour. Of course, now I’ve stopped worrying that some skanky perv will decide to pay attention to her, and started worrying that she’ll miss her flight from Atlanta to Rhode Island. Gah.]]>


* * * And now I’m back from Sam’s. Thank god I will NEVER have to go to that side of Huntsville again. They’re ripping up the roads, so that was a mess, there was a car accident making me have to detour out of the way into a fairly scary neighborhood, and they’re actually remodeling Sam’s – I assume it’s remodeling, there were jackhammers all over the place in every part of the store – so that was a huge pain in the ass. I ensured for myself a spot in Hell by repeatedly yelling (or at least thinking loudly) the name of Our Lord and Savior complete with His little-known middle name (no, not “Harold”), which starts with “F” and ends with “ucking.” Yep. I believe there’s a seat in the ass-singe section with my name on it. I also sighed and rolled my eyes so often that I’m surprised I didn’t hyperventilate and/or get dizzy. I just get impatient when people STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING AISLE AND DON’T GET THEIR ASS OUT OF MY WAY. I mean, godalmighty, how hard is it to park your stupid-ass cart to the SIDE of the aisle? One would think by the age of 83 you’d have perfected that. I’d like to think that the new Sam’s (One more week! Whee!) will attract a younger, savvier crowd (say, mid-50s with the ability to move faster than .00578 miles per hour), but I’m not holding my breath. The old folks love to buy their 45 gallon containers of Tide, and who can blame them? (Seriously. I bought a 40 oz. bag of whole almonds for less than $6. You get a tenth that many almonds for the same price at the grocery store!) I didn’t let myself get suckered in by the 18-pack of Skinny Cows, but don’t think I wasn’t tempted.

* * *
How is it that I didn’t realize Counting Crows sing this song? And further, how is it that I didn’t know ’til just now that it’s a Joni Mitchell song? Ew. And Amy Grant did a version of it as well. Talk about ruining a song. I can’t stand Amy Grant or her stupid husband, not one little bit. Gah. If I were the law-breaking sort, I’d download the Joni Mitchell version and really like it. And I’d download the Amy Grant version and have fuel for my intense dislike. But I’m not, so I didn’t. Move along, now. (I also didn’t download a bunch of Toad the Wet Sprocket songs and play them repeatedly, rediscovering how much I love them, especially “I Will Not Take These Things for Granted”, because that would be very cheesy whitebread middle class of me. And god knows I’m the c00lest, l33test beotch in the H00d.)
* * *
I love this rose. I have no idea what kind of rose it is, but I love it.]]>


* * * Well, damn. Randy of RandyCam fame has passed away. I loved visiting that site from time to time, and Randy will definitely be missed. (Thanks to reader Amanda for letting me know about Randy!)

* * *
I had to get up somewhat early this morning (though it wasn’t hard – I woke up around 6:30 after a disturbing dream in which Fred was Mr. Big from Sex and the City. I don’t remember what disturbed me, only that I felt that way when I woke up). Miz Poo – she of the goopy eye and puffy lip – had a vet appointment at 8:00, and I had an appointment for a cut-and-color at 9:30. I was so sure that I’d be in and out of the vet’s office in twenty minutes, tops, so I planned to run to the grocery store before my hair appointment. Except that best laid plans and all that jazz. I wasn’t out of the vet’s office in 20 minutes or 30 or even 40. 45 minutes after stepping through the door, pitifully mewing kitty in hand (or carrier box), I finally left, pitifully mewing kitty in one hand and a small bag of medication in the other. The goopy eye may or may not be caused by an abcessed eyetooth. We’re treating it with antibiotics and an ointment and will see how that goes. If it doesn’t improve, she’ll need to have the offending eyetooth removed, and I can only imagine how funny she’ll look. Though she doesn’t go around showing her teeth all that often, so maybe it won’t make much of a difference after all. (And after a quick online search, it appears that an eyetooth is the same thing as a canine, and lord help me, she’s going to be the most redneck-looking kitty in the world between the puffy lip and the missing canine.) I left the vet’s office $127 poorer and came home to change shirts, because the one I’d been wearing was absolutely matted with Poo hair. All the cats are shedding a lot lately due to the weather, and I’m sure the stress of going to the vet’s made her shed even more. Made it to my hair appointment on time (!), and an hour and a half later left, colored and coiffed to within an inch of my life. It occurs to me yet again that if I took the time every morning to blow my hair out straight, I wouldn’t run around looking so ratty. And it also occurs to me that satan’ll be prancing about in a Gore-Tex Parka (in Thyme) before the time comes that I want to mess with my hair every morning. Ran to the post office and found a package sitting and waiting patiently for me. It was from the lovely and talented Athena, and when I opened it up, what do you suppose I found?
A smiley-face pad o’ paper, and some smiley-face notecards! For me! Damn but I love the smiley stuff (and yes, I know y’all know that, but it always bears repeating!). Speaking of things I got in the mail, I also received, yesterday, a surprise. From my wish list, reader Regina sent me:
She’s Come Undone, by Wally Lamb! I read it once years and years ago – right after it came out, I believe, and defintely before it became an Oprah selection – and wanted to read it again. So I shall! Thank you, Regina – and if you’ll email me, I’ll thank you properly.
* * *
I stayed up late last night to finish Second Helpings, and felt all nostalgic when I was done. It really took me back to that time in my own life, though I wasn’t nearly as cool as Jessica Darling. Again, I highly recommend both Second Helpings and Sloppy Firsts. The thing that sucks about reading a book that just came out by an author you really like is that it’ll be a good long wait until the next one. I know I have a bazillion other books to read, but I still want another by Megan McCafferty NOW, damnit!
* * *
That’s it for now, y’all. I’m off to sit my butt on the couch, cross stitch, and watch a show I taped earlier. Have a good one!]]>


* * * Miz Poo is once again in need of a trip to the vet (heh – I almost typed “Dentist”). Over the weekend, she started squinting her right eye and it’s been leaking and crusty for the past few days. In addition, her lip has gotten all puffed up, this time on the left side. Before, it was always the right side that got puffy. We’re thinking it might be an allergy thing, but since we ARE talking about Miz Poo who’s just a big ol’ money pit, it’ll probably be some nasty, exotic disease that will require bags and bags of money. We were talking about her last night, and I said “With everything that’s wrong with her, we’ll be lucky if she lives to be five years old!” Fred said “No, she’ll live to be twenty, and we’ll be spending $1,000 a month on her!” It’s a good damn thing we love her so.

* * *
We got a nice, beautiful, warm, sunny day yesterday, and so I took advantage and planted the rest of my gladiolus bulbs. Fred installed the hanging hooks so I could hang up the planters I’d planted the catnip in, and it looks pretty good. So good, in fact, that I think I’m going to buy a couple more of the hanging planters and plant flowers in them, maybe Petunias. I love the Petunias, have I mentioned? I also planted some Four O’Clocks seeds that Fred mom gave us last year, and the packet of primrose seeds that have been sitting in my desk drawer for as long as I can remember. When I opened the packet of primrose seeds, I was surprised to find how tiny they are. I planted them, but I’m not holding up much hope that they’ll fill the planter. It’s too bad I’ve instituted the “I will never dig in the yard again!” rule, because we could have a kick-ass flower garden. And speaking of gardens, Fred’s tomato plants must be liking the weather – I swear they’ve grown a foot in the last week.
* * *
I think we’ve got a robin nesting in the tree. Yesterday, I heard a pissed-off sounding bird in the tree, along with the sounds of leaves slapping back and forth, and then a bluejay came hauling ass out of the tree, a robin hot on his ass. There’s a nest in the middle branches of the tree, and I looked up at it, but couldn’t tell whether there were eggs in the nest or not. And we’re realized that we don’t only have a male cardinal who hangs out at the feeders – there’s a female as well. I hadn’t realized that female cardinals only have a splash of red rather than being red all over. We kept seeing a bird that looked like cardinal, but thought it couldn’t be because it was mostly tannish – like such. But the male cardinal was hanging out with her an awful lot, and after I saw them chasing each other around this morning, I did a bit of looking around online. What can I say? You think cardinal, you think of an all-red bird, am I right? They’ve been hanging out in the tree this morning. Maybe they’re planning on nesting there themselves. That’d be cool.
* * *
I’m proud to announce that I FINALLY got the master bathroom scrubbed down yesterday. I guess that means I have another month before it has to be done again. (Kidding!) (Not really…)
* * *
I read Sloppy Firsts on Saturday, and enjoyed it a great deal. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that once I found out there was a sequel, I jumped at the chance to accompany Fred to the bookstore and buy it. So far I’m enjoying it – and I recommend them both.]]>


* * * Pet store kitties are here.

* * *
I am apparently married to a 100 year-old man. We picked the spud up from church Wednesday night and practically broke every traffic law in existence to get home. Why? So Fred could watch some poker tournament shit on TV. Y’all, he watched it with such concentration, his mouth hanging open, that his chin almost hit his chest. Little rivers of drool were making their way down his chin, merging with other little rivers of drool to create a Drool River. I opted to do something more interesting and went into the other room to watch paint dry.
* * *
This squirrel just came into the yard and started digging around under the bird feeders. I’ve only ever seen one other squirrel in the yard. (Note to self: if you’re going to take pictures out the window on a regular basis, take the screen off the damn thing) Miz Poo caught sight of him and danced back and forth between the regular window and the cat door. The squirrel spotted her and ran off down the yard. Miz Poo responded by running into the living room. Heh. Then suddenly she remembered that there was, y’know, a cat DOOR, and she ran back and out the door. The squirrel was long-gone by then, up the tree and chattering his fool head off. She’s currently laying on the library floor licking the rain water off her toes, after she tracked footprints all over the hardwood floor. * * *
A few months ago, I bought a grab bag of socks off this site. I prefer Coolmax socks, even if I don’t walk outside anymore – at least recently – and so I figured a grab bag of Coolmax socks was the way to go. (I also bought a pair of smiley face socks, because, well, you know how I am.) Anyway, when you opt for the grab bag of socks, you don’t control what design you get, and that, my friends, is why I’m wearing socks with a Texas flag on them that say “Texas Pride” on the sole of the socks today.
They’re comfy as hell.
* * *
Fred bought me this for my antenna several months ago because the smiley face I’d had there either flew off or got stolen (bastards!). This sat on my desk for a long time until I finally got off my butt and took it outside to put it on the car. Is that the happiest little smiley sunshine you’ve ever seen, or what? Now all I need is the perfect car to put it on…
Very “me”, don’t you think?
* * *
Fancypants looks like an especially ratty-looking dead thing these days.
* * *
1. What was the last TV show you watched? Extreme Makeover, which I taped Wednesday night. It was pretty damn cool. 2. What was the last thing you complained about and what was the problem? That I couldn’t get the archives on my petstore blog to look the way I wanted. It was because something needed to be changed in the php script Fred wrote. 3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say? I believe I told Fred he looked nice when he left for work either this morning or yesterday morning (they all blend together…). I also told the spud that her MLA paper was well-written. 4. What was the last thing you threw away? A super-size soda cup from McDonald’s. I love me some Diet Coke, yes I do. 5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited? I did a Google search on Grackles and found this and this. Before that, I read Nance‘s last two entries. Damn but she has a couple of cute little kittens!]]>


* * * Damn that Rob Rummel-Hudson. Damn him straight to hell. He gave me The Pink Eye! I read his Pink Eye entry and thought smugly to myself “Iit’s been a while since I’ve had the FUCKING PINK EYE, glad it’s him and not me!” That’s what I get for being smug, I s’pose. I hate The Pink Eye. (It isn’t as painful as it looks) I also hate that it took 45,000 tries to get two halfway decent pictures. I am blinded for life, and I apparently have the biggest fucking schnoz known to man. Seriously, I don’t know how the hell I can see around it well enough to walk down the street. “Oh, was that an 18 wheeler? I couldn’t see it around MY BIG FUCKING BEAK!” Actually, I like my nose. I just hate the pimple the size of Mt. Katahdin that’s grown on the side of it. And as I say every time I contract a case of The Pink Eye, I need to get some new glasses.

* * *
No hummingbirds on the feeder yet, but I did see a finch checking it out. He flew off before I could get a picture. In the back yard, there were tons of grackles, joined by some finches, and our cardinal: And also a robin: I imagine I’ll need to take the screen out of the window to get better pictures in the future.
* * *
I was up, showered, and out of the house by 8:30 this morning, heading for Lowe’s. The Gladiolus bulbs I got a week and a half ago really need to be planted, and since I’ve taken my “I’ll never dig in the yard again!” vow, I needed to get planters to plant them in as well as soil. Lowe’s had the planters – not the ones I wanted, but ones that will do – and the soil, but when I went looking for hanging planters (more on that in a minute) they were nowhere to be seen. After wandering around for a good half hour, I finally gave up and checked out with my planters and soil. Then I went over to Home Depot, which is less than half a mile from Lowe’s, and both are less than a mile from home, which fucking ROCKS. I found hanging planters and found a couple of planters that I liked more than the ones I bought at Lowe’s, so I bought those as well since they’re plastic, and fairly inexpensive. When I got home, I got out two of the planters – the ones from Home Depot – and planted bulbs in them. I managed to fit 10 bulbs in each planter, and I think I’m going to go ahead and plant bulbs in the other two planters. We have room at the end of the driveway by the house to put a couple of planters, so that’s where I’ll put the uglier planters. I have to go back to Lowe’s to buy more soil, though. So the reason I needed some hanging planters is because we’ve decided to plant catnip this year. I thought about planting it in a pot and putting the pot on the front steps, but I imagine that would attract the neighborhood cats, and while it would be fun to look out the window and see cats rolling around on the front porch, the mess would probably outweigh the fun. So we’re going to plant two hanging planters with catnip seeds, and hope that that keeps it out of the reach of the cats. Fancypants likes to walk along the top of the fence, though, so it wouldn’t surprise me to look out the window and see him partaking of the kitty pot. I also, while I was at Lowe’s, bought another plant for inside. I didn’t realize it when I bought it, but it’s a Coffee Arabica plant, and in a few years it’ll actually grow coffee beans, which is kinda cool.
* * *
I guess I need to keep an eye on it, too. According to the page I linked above, it can grow up to 60 feet high!
* * *
Okay, that’s it for today. Move along, nothing else to see here… Have a good one, y’all.]]>


* * * I watched Mr. Personality last night, of course, because I’m a sucker for that kind of reality show. I don’t know how much I enjoyed it – the guys kind of blended together – but then, it usually takes several episodes of any reality show before I figure out who’s who. The differently colored masks will help, I guess. I still think Monica Lewinsky is cute as hell. And Hayley is cute, but she ain’t no Trista. We watched Billy Bob Thornton on Inside the Actor’s Studio Sunday night, and it was absolutely amazing to see him transform into the character from Slingblade. One second, Billy Bob Thornton, the next second, Karl. Damn but James Lipton is a big suckup, isn’t he? And while we’re on the subject of TV, we caught two or three episodes of Punk’d Saturday night (why yes, we DO have a thrilling social life!), and if you haven’t seen it, it’s definitely worth checking out. It’s like The Jamie Kennedy Experiment on speed. It’d be even better if they tossed Ashton Kutcher to the curb, though. I’m too old to be watching MTV, aren’t I? Last thing about TV, I promise. Friday nights (there goes that thrilling social life again!) we watch America’s Funniest Home Videos. The current host, Tom Bergeron, is far and away the best host that show has ever had. When the show originated Bob Saget (who will always be the dad from Full House, just like John Stamos will always be Uncle Jesse) hosted, and at some point Daisy Fuentes and some guy hosted, and every damn one of them made it clear that they thought hosting the show was far, far beneath them. Especially Daisy Fuentes, who was annoying as shit. Can I get a witness? But Tom Bergeron, while not taking the job too seriously, really seems to enjoy what he’s doing, and I hope he’s the host forever and ever.

* * *
Right before I took this picture, there were several birds on the bird feeders. Fancypants is actually not as close to the feeders as he looks – he’s about 15 feet from them. We finally got a hummingbird feeder up. I can see it perfectly from my desk. Now all I need is for the hummingbirds to discover it.
* * *
A few weeks back, I put a picture of Spanky sitting atop my monitor up and said that if I’d thought of it, I’d have put a picture of my bitchypoo logo up on the screen and taken a picture. A couple of readers jumped to the challenge: The original. Done by Miss Becky. Done by Pinky. Over the weekend, Spanky jumped on top of my monitor again, so I did a quick logo and took a picture.
* * *
Holy FUCK, look what JUST wandered across my front yard! That, for those of you not in the know, is a possum. I was sitting here minding my own business, and I saw movement out the window, in the front flower bed. I thought it was a cat at first, until he lifted his head. Naturally, I grabbed the camera and ran outside. He went from our yard to the yard next door, and then got nervous because I was following him, and ran into someone’s back yard. I know it’s weird that I think it’s cool, but I’ve never actually seen a real live possum – most of the ones I see are dead on the side of the road. I don’t think we’re in Maine anymore, Toto.
* * *


were almost brutally attacked.

* * *
We saw this little baby on the way home. I wanted to burst into tears and reach out toward it while screaming “Mine! Mine!” like a two year-old, but I refrained.]]>


* * * Heard in our living room the other night, as we were watching something or other on Fox News. Me: So, it’s okay for us to have nuclear weapons, but not North Korea? Fred: Yes. Five minutes pass in silence. Fox goes to commercial. Fred: That was a cowardly yellow-dog liberal DEMOCRAT thing to say. Me: (laughing) I was just wondering. It seems a bit bossy to be all “No, it’s okay for US to have nuclear weapons, but YOU can’t have them.” Fred: Because they’re openly hostile to us! Me: Well, we’re openly hostile to other countries, too. Fred: Name one. Me: (thinking quickly) Iraq! Heh. I love fucking with that man. I think next I’ll tell him I’m going to a war protest.

* * *
1. Who is your favorite celebrity? Hm. Do I have a favorite? I’m not sure. Let me think about that. I like Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, so I’ll go with them for the moment. 2. Who is your least favorite? Burt Reynolds. I HATE him. Madonna annoys me too, but I don’t hate her the way I hate Burt Reynolds. 3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life? I saw Jean Smart (from Designing Women) at Disneyland once – she was with a screaming child and looked very unhappy. I also saw whatshisface, the guy who direction Edward Scissorhands and Batman. What the hell’s his name? Tim Burton (I looked it up). I saw Tim Burton and his then-girlfriend Lisa Marie at baggage claim at LAX probably ten or twelve years ago. And of course, I met Stephen King (he is SO a celebrity) at a book signing in ’84 or thereabouts. 4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not? FUCK no. There are a lot of lunatics out there, and I’m not up for that shit. It’s bad enough that I have to deal with the occasional online loon. 5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why? Jennifer Lopez, because I’ve never sat on a $100,000 toilet seat. Besides that, she seems to really enjoy her life, so I wouldn’t mind checking it out. Wouldn’t want to have sex with Ben Affleck, though.
* * *
I went a little overboard when I ordered Gladiolus bulbs this year. I thought I ordered 40 bulbs, when in reality I ordered 80. And with my new only-container-gardening rule, I only have room for about 20 or 30 of those. I don’t know what I’m going to do with the rest; either toss them (which I don’t want to do) or talk Fred into digging a new plant bed in the yard (which I also don’t want to do) or dig a new plant bed in the yard myself (which ain’t gonna happen). I suppose I could buy more containers to plant them in, but Glads like full sunlight, and there’s a limited amount of space where I can put containers so that they’ll get full sunlight. I’m all dilemmanated, is what I am.
* * *
I think I’m about to have to buy a front carrier to carry Miz Poo around, like Rob does with Bucky. I don’t know what it is, but the last several days, she just always wants to be ON me. When I’m done working out in the garage and walk into the house, she’s always sitting on the counter in the kitchen, and she launches herself at me, fully believing that I’ll catch her. And of course I do. She’s constantly wanting up on the desk, then gets mad when I try to get my arms around her to the keyboard, so she stalks off. Two minutes later, she’s smacking at my ass so I’ll turn around, so that she can jump up on my leg and then onto the desk, where the whole vicious cycle repeats itself. I love her, but she sure is a pain in the ass sometimes. In other cat news, Fancypants spent night number 4 outside. We had heard it might rain, so Fred brought him inside, but the swishing and pitiful ear-shattering meowing commenced. I suggested that Fancypants might show his displeasure by shitting on the floor somewhere (and I followed up that suggestion with “And if he does, he’s spending EVERY FUCKING NIGHT outside from now on!”), so Fred gave up and let him back outside. It didn’t rain, but one of these days it will, and that little bastard will RUE the day he insisted on spending his nights outside, yes indeed.]]>