An acidic and hostile place: since 1999
adorable Frannie and his Tubby shirt. Thirdly, we watched The Restaurant the other night, and it was DAMN good, definitely a show worth checking out. No surprise there, since Mark Burnett’s involved in it. And that cute little Rocco isn’t terribly hard on the eyes, either. At times he strongly reminds me of Benjamin Bratt, whom I’ve never considered all that good-looking before. On Rocco it’s hot, though. Go figure. Fourthly, Last Comic Standing is pretty damn good as well, although I hate that Dave Mordahl (sp?) is gone, ’cause I love him. Dat Phan was a lot funnier last night than the night he beat Dave, I’ll give him that. Lastly, cat pictures: Poo in a hamper! Tubs in the hamper! (And Spot in the cat bed) Same picture, different angle! Spot watching bird. Bird not looking very scared.
this, all I can say is, it’s a crapshoot. Sometimes you do little work and end up with the best kid in the world and sometimes you work your ass off with the disciplining and teaching right from wrong, and you still end up with a monster. Fortunately, I ended up with the former. It’s not always wonderful and it’s not always horrible – for the most part it’s a mix, and sometimes it’s horrible for days with the occasional dash of wonderful, and sometimes it’s vice versa. And you never know in advance which it’s going to be. ‘Cause that’s just life.
Michigan J. Frog Hello My Baby!
Crazy Cat Ladies Society. You bet your ass I’ll be requesting one of those shirts for Christmas. Speaking of shirts, have you bought your Tubby shirt yet? Sundry did. If you bought a Tubby shirt, take a picture of yourself in it (or if you bought something else, take a picture of yourself holding it), and send me the link. Or the picture, and I’ll post it. Heh. I could put up a separate page and call it “Tubby Lovers.” Bet that would get me some interesting Google hits.
The only way you can be removed from this list is to avoid users reporting your site as a source of spam – either by changing your behavior, or by negotiating a cease-fire with the unhappy users. The only thing I can think of is that some sites are seeing my notify emails as spam, and since I’m not about to stop sending those out, I guess I’ll just have to keep re-sending bounced emails. A pain in the ass, but I’ll do it. Because who loves ya, baby? That’s right, no one loves ya like me.
Lis, who gave birth to Dustin Andrew at 3:39am on Sunday (July 13th)!! I’m definitely looking forward to cute baby pics. And while I’m offering up congrats, congrats to Jessamyn and Geoff! Babies, babies, everywhere… Lastly (but certainly not leastly) a big, bad WOOT! to Erin, the triathlete, who surely is being coy when she says that’s a bad picture, because it’s about the most adorable picture I’ve ever seen.
Tubby Loot yet? Have you, huh? All the cool kids are buying something. How can you not want Tubby’s bitchy face on the front of your shirt? (Okay, okay, I’ll stop mentioning it. Y’all know where to go if you’re interested in the swag.)