
* * * I watched the season finale of The Newlyweds last night, and I have this to say. When Nick said “Seabiscuit is racing here today”, and Jessica said “The real one”, if that was meant to be a “stupid Jessica” moment, it’s also a “stupid Robyn” moment, because I know zilch about the Seabiscuit story. Just so you know.

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Hey. Hey! If you are SO very important that you cannot get your stupid ass entirely through the drive-thru at McDonald’s without yapping on your stupid-ass cell phone the entire way, then perhaps you are FAR too important to lower yourself to actually drive your important ass through the drive-thru, and you should hire someone who is less important to do silly unimportant errands FOR you, instead of annoying those around you. But by golly, I SURE AM impressed by you!
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Kate, who is a brat, posted the following in my comments yesterday: I think the kitty DIED and you are afraid to tell us so you have draped his lifeless body across and around various props to try and fool us! Yeah. And Tubby was trying to EAT the poor, dead kitty. That’s what I think. Stanley is NOT dead. He is alive. Much to the detriment of my chair upstairs, since he still won’t use the damn scratching post. I shot a little movie today of the TV with the date and time, and then a continual shot across the room of Stanley-beanie-bean acting a fool, but I have to install the software on my computer to actually look at the footage, so that won’t be up today. Maybe tomorrow. He does look kind of stiff and dead in this picture, though:
Note the look of consternation on Miz Poo’s face. A few minutes earlier than the one above.
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When I’m signed into MSN Messenger, if an email arrives at my hotmail address, a little box pops up on my screen to tell me that I have an email and who it’s from. Imagine my delight the other day when this popped up:
Spam, naturally. I should have known when I saw that it was spelled “Goerge”, but I still got a little excited. It appears that Goerge W. Bush has a vision for me, and that vision includes porn. Surprising, no?
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Last night’s sunset from the back yard. I love it when the sky goes all pink and purple and blue.


this cat makes Tubby, who weighs around 25 pounds, look positively svelte! (Thanks to reader Susannah for the link!) I went to the pet store yesterday and bought a harness and leash for the Stanley-Bean (he’s a beanie-bean!), and after dinner last night we gave it a whirl. The harness claims to fit all sizes, but it probably meant all adult-sized cats, because as much as I tightened it, it was still pretty loose on him. Not so loose that it was falling off, though. So we took him out back and put the leash on him, and Fred walked him around the yard. It’s possible that he’s never walked in grass before, because he seemed a tad weirded out by it. Also, on the other side of our fence is a very busy road, and I think the traffic was freaking him out. He led Fred along the front part of the fence, sniffing at everything, and then they turned to walk back to the patio. Which is when Stanley thought “Hey! I shouldn’t just skulk back! I should run and leap! Into the air! Like a big mexican jumping Stanley-bean!” He began to run, and Fred moved faster to keep up with him, and then Stanley began LEAPING into the air, and each time he leaped, he reached the end of his leash and would HANG in the air for a few milliseconds before the leash and gravity would force him back down to the ground. He would run a few more steps and then, overcome, would once again LEAP. I regret hugely that I didn’t have the camera with me. While buying the harness and leash, I also bought a – oh, what the fuck’s it called? One of those things cats sharpen their claws on. A claw-sharpening thing. Argh! What the FUCK is it called? (A phone call to Fred revealed that it is called a scratching post.) So, I bought a scratching post for Stan-da-man-bean because every – EVERY! – morning he wakes me up at 4 by sharpening his sharp little claws on the chair in the corner. I was hoping that buying a scratching post would distract him from the chair. When I got home, I put it together and put it over by the bed downstairs where he likes to sleep. All the other cats sniffed around it and tried it out, but Stanley had a blind spot when it came to the new scratching post. Finally, I picked him up and put him down by the post, then grabbed his front paws and tried to show him how to use it. He looked a little scared, and didn’t want me to touch his front paws, damnit! So Fred and I dragged our fingers over the scratching post to give him some idea, and he looked at us as if we were quite insane, and hauled ass away from us. At 4:00 this morning, rather than scratching on the chair and waking me up, he tried something new. He attacked my feet. Little bastard.

He loves to sleep draped over the side of the bed. Fred won me that stuffed pumpkinhead at a grocery store machine. Stanley has taken quite a liking to it.


Sad Eyes” by Robert John (oh shut up, I KNOW it’s one of your little guilty pleasures too, don’t deny it! I know you also sing all high-pitched and screechy to it when no one else is around, but that’ll be our little secret), and I recalled that last week when the spud and I had lunch at Applebee’s, I’d heard a song that I really liked. “Spud,” I said, as she is my link to all that is youthful and cool these days. “Who sings this song?” She listened, shrugged and suggested “Michelle Branch?” When we got home, I hypothetically opened Kaza@ and downloaded a bunch of Michelle Branch songs, hoping to find the song I’d heard, all to no avail. A few days later, I heard the song again on the radio, and learned that the woman singing the song was not only not Michelle Branch, but was not even close to Michelle Branch. And now, on Sunday, I wanted to hear the song again. But do you suppose I could remember the name of the woman who sang it? Do you? Because there was all kinds of crap floating around in my brain (including a little ditty that goes “Stanley-bean, Stanley-bean, he’s a Stanley-Stanley-bean!”) and none of it was the singer’s name, OR the name of the song. I sat in front of the computer, smoke coming out of my ears as I thought very hard, searching my mind desperately for the elusive name. It refused to come, and I tried to figure out how to track down her name. I thought about calling the radio station, but didn’t think I’d get very far with “Can you tell me the name of the song that that chick sings?” The most frustrating part was that I could SEE her face in my mind. I could come up with her face, but not her name and not the name of any song she’s ever sung. But I was pretty sure that Erin had recently written about her, so I went over and did a quick scan of her last several entries. No luck. I sat and thought some more. The kitten, attracted by the smoke coming out of my ears jumped from the chair to the scanner to the top of my desk, knocking papers everywhere. He chirped, gave me a wary look, and hopped off the side of the desk to get away from my Look O’ Evil. The gears in my brain turned ever-so-slowly and I remembered that she was filed in my brain in the same basic section as the alternative explosion – Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Mother Love Bone, and other alternative bands whom I cannot name at the moment. It’s got to be early-onset Alzheimer’s, y’all. Further, I managed to remember that her first album was a song-by-song response to that… album… by that group… and the lead singer has big lips. ARGH. It took me ten minutes of sitting and forcing myself to not think about it before the name of the band, where the singer has big lips (NO, not Aerosmith), popped into my mind. The Rolling Stones. And it took another few minutes for me to do a search on Amazon to bring up all the Stones’ albums before I remembered the album in question was “Exile on Main Street”, and another search on “Exile” in “Popular Music” brought up “Exile in Guyville”, which finally – FINALLY – led me to the name of the singer in question. Liz Phair. The song is “Why Can’t I?” (How many of you figured out her name before I got this far?) It’s a good song, but I don’t know that it was worth 20 minutes of trying to get my brain to spit out the name of the song. I was right, by the way. Erin DID write about Liz Phair. I apparently just didn’t go back that far in her archives. And you thought YOUR Sunday morning was exciting!

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I keep trying to convince Fred that we need another kitten who will play with Stanley – besides, we really need an even number, don’t you think? I got a little excited last night, because Spanky went chasing into the closet after Stanley, and I thought there might be some playing, but what mostly happened is that Stanley hid behind the clothes hamper and batted at Spanky, and Spanky looked at Stanley as if he were completely insane. Poor Stanley.
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Pet store kitty pics are yonder.
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I am possibly the only person in the world who, while in a toilet-related position, could have her foot slip on a piece of toilet paper that is laying on the floor for some reason, and pull a painful muscle in her thigh and hip. Fred got a good laugh when I told him about it, anyway.
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Speaking of good laughs, I was reading Reader’s Digest last night, and you know how at the end of articles, they have two or three little funny blurbs? Well, at the end of one, I read this, and laughed out loud: From McKinney Living magazine: “In our last issue, the man pictured as the second-place winner of the photo contest was incorrectly indentified as ‘Jesus.’ His correct name is ‘Anthony Wilson.'”
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Miz Poo stares intently out the window at… .. that damn squirrel! Stanley hanging out in the sun.


* * * When the spud got home from school Wednesday, she asked us whether she had gone to church last week. When we reminded her that she hadn’t, she sighed and said “Then I guess I’ll go this week…” Fred and I thought that was odd – we were under the impression that she was going to church every week because she wanted to – so later, Fred went upstairs to talk to her. It turns out that she’s been going to church every week because her SO CALLED FRIENDS have been pressuring her into going by telling her that if she DIDN’T go, she’d go to Hell. Fucking Jesus freaks. One of the problems that comes along with growing up in the Bible Belt, I suppose. Fred told her that she should tell her friends we wouldn’t let her go to church anymore, and if they had a problem with that, they could give us a call. The spud seemed almost giddy with relief – “I like the singing part,” she said. “But then we have to listen to Anthony talk for a long time.” – and was happy and cheerful for the rest of the night. We really should have seen this coming, I suppose. Not only did the spud seem to have problems with Anthony’s anti-gay lecture, since she has a friend who is bi, but last week she came and asked if she would GO TO HELL if she watched Charmed. Apparently Anthony has a problem with it what with the witchcraft aspect of it and all. I believe the attitude around the And3rson household at the moment is “Fuck Anthony, for he is the one who is the ball licker.” We’re kind of hoping that the spud’s friends tell Anthony that the spud’s heathen folks won’t let her go to church anymore and that he shows up at the house. I think I’d have to break out the camera to record THAT little confrontation.

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I meant to mention this yesterday when I was talking about Nairing the fuck out of my face. Years ago, I had a device that would yank the hair out by the roots – it wasn’t an Epilady, but something similar – and I’m only sorry that I don’t have it anymore. It hurt like hell to use it on my facial hair, but once I got it done, the hair would stay gone for a good, long time. I think someone out there should get the hair lasered off their face and tell me whether it hurts or not.
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POSSIBLE SURVIVOR SPOILERS. SKIP TO THE NEXT SECTION IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN IT YET. My god in heaven, what is WRONG with those people in Drake? Why is Jon’s ANNOYING FUCKING ASS not gone with the wind? WHY? He acts like he’s perpetually high and he’s definitely a perpetual annoying asshole. I think that Rupert made some serious brownie points with Drake when he went back to them without taking part in the reward challenge he helped Morgan win. God, I love Rupert. And how cool is he for working his ass off for Morgan instead of sitting around and pouting? Osten continues to annoy me. I hate listening to Darrah; that is one horrible accent she’s got, and I can hardly understand a word that comes out of her mouth. Like Fred said to me last night, she’s really pretty until she starts TALKING.
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Poor Stanley. All he wants to do it play, and none of the big cats will play with him. This morning, Miz Poo was snuggled up to me, and Stanley hopped up on the bed, saw her, and got so excited that he galloped across me on his way to her. He jumped at her and put his arms around her neck, hoping to play, and she freaked out and smacked at him. She’s hissing and growling a whole lot less than she did when we first brought him home, though. I guess she’s decided that you can only hold on to that state of hysteria for so long before it gets too stressful. Stanley’s developed a big, round belly in the last week. He’s so funny looking now, because he’s a skinny cat and you can feel his spine when you pet him, and then he has this big round gut. I suspect he likes the food we provide more than the food he was eating at the shelter. Also, he’ll eat anything even remotely food-like. Fred gave him a piece of popcorn earlier this week, and he hoovered it down. That cat sure does crack me up.
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1. Name five things in your refrigerator. Mini Babybels, cottage cheese, Diet Coke (for me), Diet Vanilla Pepsi (for the spud), a gallon container of tea (for Fred). 2. Name five things in your freezer. A stack of Lean Cuisine Pepperoni pizza, Lean Pockets, leftover seafood gumbo (for Fred’s lunches), Blue Bell vanilla ice cream, frozen blueberries. 3. Name five things under your kitchen sink. A spray bottle of ammonia and water, extra sponges, Oxi-Clean, a spray bottle of Clorox Clean-up, Electrasol dishwasher tabs. 4. Name five things around your computer. My Steakout cup, filled with water. A can of compressed air to scare away the kitties when necessary. My digital camera (Sony Cybershot DSC-P50). Our digital camcorder (JVC GR-D7OU). A pile of papers that need to be dealt with (but that won’t happen anytime soon, I’m sure). 5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet. It seems to be a weird thing that in the south there aren’t medicine cabinets in the bathrooms (or perhaps it’s just the houses in this area?) We use a cupboard in the kitchen as our medicine cabinet, and it contains: Tylenol. Aspirin. Advil. Pepto-Bismol. Metamucil. Nothing too exciting, obviously.
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I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but recently I was in the spud’s bedroom, and saw a list on her bed entitled “Things I will need when I get my own apartment.” Naturally I read it. Oh, shut up. You would have read it, too! Number three on the list after bed and tv/vcr? Pepto-Bismol. At least she’s got her priorities straight.
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I love the look on his face. For some reason, during the day he prefers to stretch out next to the cat bed, instead of stretching out in it. He likes to sit in this chair and watch the kids play outside. We’ve been talking about buying a halter and leash for him. It would crack me up to be able to take him for short walks down the street. That would also put me firmly into “That crazy-ass woman who has all the cats” territory. Miz Poo could probably crush Stanley by dropping on him from this height.


most recent entry, I realized that it had been ages since I’d Nair’d off my now-full and lush mustache. I use the Nair made especially for the face and I’ve never had a problem with it, aside from a small amount of redness that usually goes away overnight. So yesterday morning, after working out and cooling down, I headed upstairs to doing some Nairing. I slathered the Nair above my lip and around my chin (making a Nair beard, sort of), and proceeded to clean out the drawer that is located between my sink and Fred’s sink. It’s amazing how much old medicine for the cats we tend to hold on to. I think I tossed about half the crap in that drawer. Ten minutes after I put the Nair on my face – the time limit suggested on the back of the bottle is ten minutes, and I have some stubborn whiskers on my face, so I go right up to the ten minute mark – I went into the bathroom to wash it off. Imagine my surprise when a layer of skin came off with the Nair. It FUCKING HURT, people, and it hadn’t hurt at all until I wiped it off. And I’ve NEVER had this problem before! I slapped some soothing hydrocortisone cream on the red skin, hoping that would take away some of the redness. It did not. The skin itched and burned and hurt and caused me all manners of pain. When I could bear to look at myself in the mirror, I appeared to have a red beard entirely around my mouth and chin. A blotchy red beard. And, no. I did NOT take a picture, thank you. Last night at bedtime, I recalled the bottle of aloe we keep under the sink, and since aloe is so very soothing and surely meant for just such an occasion, I retrieved it and slathered it liberally on the red skin, and then I waited for the soothing. Which did not come. It STUNG, and for a good ten minutes. “It got redder after you put the aloe on,” Fred observed. “That’s because it fucking HURTS!” I yelled. Never occurred to me to go wash it off, though. Duh. This morning, thankfully, it’s a lot better. I have a scablike spot below and to the left of my nose, and another one a bit lower, but I could almost go out in public without being pointed at. Almost. I’m sure if I was going to JournalCon this year it would be a lot worse, since that’s how it usually works out.

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Possible The Bachelor spoilers in this section. I just hate that fucking L3e Ann. I HATE HER. Which sucks, because I think she’s just adorable as can be. YET I LOATHE HER. This shit the bachelorettes are pulling in the last few seasons of The Bachelor, where they say “Oh, I’m not HERE to make FRIENDS, I’m here to be with The Bachelor!” Yeah? Well, that’s all good and everything, but there is NO fucking reason to be an obnoxious twat-head while she’s there. What the fuck does it hurt to be nice to the other people? And why whine about being shut out by the other girls, when she runs around being such an ass? HOW can she, with a STRAIGHT FUCKING FACE, claim that they’re shutting her out because she has such a deep and abiding “connection” with Bob? Personally, I think this “connection” is all in her mind. I could KILL Bob for giving her a rose last night, I really could. My money says that Le3 Ann and Mer3dith will be the last two standing, and Mer3dith will come out the winner. Please, please, PLEASE. Yeah, I know. I need a life. Shaddup.
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I think I must be coming down with something. Not only did I clean out the drawer in our bathroom yesterday, but after Fred went to bed last night I cleaned the entire bathroom, dusted the entire upstairs, and cleaned out the crap under our respective bathroom sinks. How many bottles of rubbing alcohol DOES one family need, anyway? This morning I scrubbed out the litter boxes, vacuumed the entire upstairs, mopped the bathroom and laundry room, cleaned the kitchen (including cleaning out the refrigerator), vacuumed the entire downstairs – INCLUDING THE STAIRS – and took all the trash out. Also, I cleaned out the junk drawer in the kitchen – how many syringes to give medicine to cats DOES one family need, anyway? If you said twelve, you’d be right, apparently – cleaned out the closet off the kitchen, and cleaned out under the kitchen sink. I don’t think the house has been this clean since we moved in. And I’m not done yet. I’m making vague plans to dust the entire downstairs, clean and straighten all the bookshelves in the library, and go around with the swiffer to get all the cobwebs that form around the ceilings. Kind of scary, isn’t it?
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This morning, while Fred was getting ready for work, Miz Poo was eating. The cats like to hang out in the bathroom and eat while we’re in there, for some reason. Stanley came happily along, and sat down next to Miz Poo. Casually, he reached his head forward to grab a piece of food. Ears back, Miz Poo growled at Stanley and then reached out with her Paw O’ Doom and slapped him soundly on the top of his little head. Stanley responded by putting his ears all the way back and glaring at her. She went back to eating, and Stanley again put his face in the dish to get some food. Again with the growl and the slap. It happened two or three more times, and then finally Miz Poo gave up. That’s right, folks, she GAVE UP. She walked away from the food dish, sat down next to the tub, and glared at Stanley as he ate. I believe Miz Poo’s reign of terror is about at an end.
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He fell asleep like this. He’s a very heavy sleeper. Yawwwwwwwwwn. I love this picture of Gizmo and her big sister Dulcinea. Why do I have the feeling that a smackdown is about to happen?


post for yesterday and immediately tried to put your fist in your mouth? My fist, in case you were curious, is far too big for my mouth. Is it because I have a tiny little mouth or big man hands or perhaps a combination of the two? Who knows?

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So, I bought a small round seedless watermelon at Target the other day, and finally got around to cutting it up to have with my lunch. I feel like this is possibly a very Jessica Simpson-y question, but how is this: …a seedless watermelon? Are those not seeds? Or are they the “safe” kind of seeds that won’t grow into watermelon plants in your stomach? (Just kidding on that last part. Really!)
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Nothing but cat stories and pictures from here to the end, folks. If you’re a cat hatah, you’ll be wanting to give this one a miss. I’ll probably be going back to just one or two cat pictures per entry in a day or three. We’ve named the kitten, finally. I was pushing for “Shithead” (pronounced “Shy-theed”, of course – someone suggested that over in Fred’s comments, and it made me giggle), but the perfect name came up last night, and once we heard it, we decided it was just right. Introducing… Stanley And3rson. Who is not afraid of that can of compressed air at ALL, unfortunately. Stanley likes to use his claws to climb up the side of the bed. Stanley likes to hang out on (and knock shit off of) The Momma’s desk. Stanley likes to hang out in the cat bed and have his belly rubbed. Stanley likes to smack at the camera lens cover. Stanley got his ass kicked for trying to eat out of the same bowl as Miz Poo. It’s okay for him to drink water out of the other bowl while she’s eating, though. Stanley likes to follow Miz Poo around. Stanley was stretching, not about to go jump on Miz Poo. Stanley has jumped on every one of the other cats at one point or another. The night before last, as Miz Poo was snoozing on a pillow on my lap, Stanley jumped up on the couch, ran over and put his arms around her neck, and began licking her ear. I would guess she let him do it for a good minute, minute and a half before she smacked him upside the head and hissed at him. I still can’t believe she let him do it for that long – she must have enjoyed it. Last night, he ran across the room and jumped on her. She hissed and smacked at him, and he smacked back and knocked her over. I’m afraid Miz Poo’s reign as Queen Shit may be coming to a close. ]]>


cancer Diet Coke. His idea of a relaxing weekend is doing a little hike like this one, maybe. (For the record, my idea of a nice hike is one that includes paved paths, like this one) This past Sunday, as I was sitting in front of my computer, cooling off from my workout, he started making his usual “If I don’t get OUT of this house, I’m going to LOSE MY MIND” noises. I said nothing, hoping in vain that he would get over it and wander off to read or watch TV. Silly me. “Want to hike up to Three Caves?” he suggested brightly. The last time he suggested hiking up to Three Caves was early this past summer, and on the way I got pissed at the fact that we never did ANYthing FUN (like go to the movies or go shopping or sit on our asses on the couch – NONathletic things, in other words), and started a fight. (It all worked out well, though – that was the first time we went to feed the ducks and geese at the lake by the university.) Because I knew that there’d be no shutting him up until we hauled our asses up the mountain once and for all so I could see the goddamn caves, I immediately agreed. A few minutes later he twigged to the fact that I was only agreeing to shut him up. “You’re agreeing to go just to shut me up, aren’t you?” he said. I smiled. He got out the map and showed me where Three Caves was located. “We could take the hard hike,” he drew his finger along a long trail that ended at Three Caves. “Or we could take the shorter route.” “How long of a hike is it?” I asked. He traced the route and calculated. “About half a mile.” Well, hell. Even I could do half a mile of hiking, followed by a short rest, a drink of water, and another half mile back to the car. We decided to leave in about half an hour, and both headed upstairs, he to tell the spud we were going for a hike and if she wanted to go she needed to be ready at 11:30, and me to take a shower. Not long after 11:30, after packing everything but the kitchen sink in his backpack (GPS, map, flashlight (no lights in the cave, dontchaknow), 3 bottles of water, and other assorted things), we were on our way. We got to the trailhead around noon and stood around while Fred changed out the batteries in the GPS and marked the location of the Jeep. We headed up a fairly steep trail, and it wasn’t long before I was breathing pretty heavily. Fred kept asking if I wanted to stop and rest, but I was in “Get this the fuck over with” mode, and refused. That whole line of crap about enjoying the journey rather than the destination, by the way, only holds true when the journey is ENJOYABLE. Yeah, yeah, enjoying the journey is a decision, blahblahshutthefuckupcakes. The trail evened out after ten minutes or so (there were some cool sinkholes, but we forgot to take pictures of them), and it wasn’t so bad for a little while. Fred and the spud took turns leading the hike, breaking the spider webs with their walking sticks. Another trail crossed the one we were on, and it occurred to me that we’d surely gone at least half a mile. “How much further?” I asked finally. “Oh, I don’t know. I didn’t mark the location of the caves on the GPS… Oh, wait!” A flash of brilliance came to him. “We can look on the map and see where that other trail crosses this one, and where the caves are!” He dug the map out of the backpack the spud was carrying (they were taking turns), and opened it up. He showed me the path we were on, and then found where the other path crossed. “And where are the caves?” I asked. He showed me, and I gave him a look that, by all rights, should have made his brains leak out his ears. “So, not even halfway.” “A little over halfway!” he LIED. Bastard. We kept going. Soon, the path turned into what was obviously an old stream bed, lined with rocks designed to make me lose my balance. It also went from fairly flat to a pretty seriously downhill path. As we walked, Fred and the spud leaping nimbly from rock to rock, doing pirouettes in the air as they leapt, I tripped along, silently shooting Looks O’ Hatred at his back and wondering if we’d ever get there. He would turn and say “We’re almost there, I can feel it!” with a big grin on his face, and I would wonder how hard I’d have a throw a hickory nut at his back for it to cause pain. He stopped occasionally to pick up hickory nuts to bring home and crack open, and we saw a few cool-looking lizards. “If you want, you and the spud could wait at the road by the cave, and I could hike back to get the Jeep and drive down to pick you up,” he said. The idea cheered me up more than I can express, and I was happy to agree. We reached the path that loops around the caves – amazingly enough named Three Caves Loop – and followed it for a bit before we ended up at the top of a very high cliff.

From there, it was a pretty easy hike along the cliff to the bottom of the caves. We saw some pretty flowers:
and an interesting bush:
If anyone knows what kind of bush this is, please let me know. Fred is curious. You can see the full-sized picture here.
The road at the bottom of the caves is made of gravel. As we walked down the road to the caves, we could feel the cool air pouring out of the caves. It was pretty neat, and the caves were even bigger than I’d imagined. I made the spud pose in the door of one of the caves for perspective.
We went inside and poked around the caves for twenty minutes or so. Fred was holding the flashlight and would occasionally forget that the spud and I didn’t have flashlights of our own, necessitating the occasional cries of “WE DON’T HAVE A FLASHLIGHT, MOTHERFUCKER!” (me), and “FRED!” (the spud). The caves were just awesomely huge, and could easily hold the inhabitants of a city the size of Huntsville.
Fred and the spud. Pardon the blurriness; I had to use the night vision function on the camera.
Once we were done marveling over the size of the caves, we headed back up the gravel road. “Do you want to wait here while I check to see how far the road is?” he asked. I nodded, sat on a conveniently located bench with the spud, and drank some water. A few minutes later, he came back around and motioned for us to come along. We followed him down the gravel road (away from the caves), and as we turned the corner, I remembered (because it was right there) that there was a fence at the end of the gravel road, separating it from the main, paved residential street. There were “No trespassing” and “Do not enter” signs everywhere, and the fence – 10 feet high and made of chain-link – was padlocked close. “How are we going to get out?” I asked. “The fence just goes a little way and then ends,” Fred said, and led the way. The spud and I followed him slowly, and then when he was out of sight, I heard his voice. “Wait!” he called. “I guess the fence doesn’t end over here, it just keeps going.” He crashed back through the woods toward us, told us to follow him, and headed in the other direction. Oddly enough, that fence didn’t end, rather kept on going as well. “Wait here while I go look around,” Fred said. The spud and I stood by the fence watching traffic occasionally go by, while Fred crashed off into the woods and disappeared. When he’d been gone for several minutes and I was wondering whether it was time to start worrying, he came back. “Come with me,” he gasped, out of breath. “I think I figured it out…” We followed him up the path near the caves, and down a small (but steep) hill and came out by the fence a few hundred yards up the road from where we’d been. We followed the fence along behind a fenced off neighborhood pool. “I thought for sure it would have ended here!” Fred said unhappily when we’d reached the other side of the pool, and the fence continued. We followed along the fence further, and saw a lovely neighborhood park. I was beginning to get resigned to the idea that we were going to have to hike back the way we’d come to get to the Jeep, and I was less than thrilled about it. I’m pretty certain “Never going to fucking go hiking with him EVER A-FUCKING-GAIN” crossed my mind at least once. “Fred!” the spud said, stopping. She pointed to a spot in the fence where someone had cut or pulled part of the fence away from the pole, leaving a gap at the bottom that we could fit through, so long as we snaked through on our stomachs. Fred came and examined the gap, then pointed along the fence. “I think it ends on the other side of the tennis court,” he said. “Why don’t you go look,” I suggested, “And we’ll wait here.” He walked off to investigate, and a few minutes later came back to report that the fence ended, but it was attached to someone’s privacy fence. “Let’s just go through here,” I said. And we did. The spud and I sat at a picnic table in the park while Fred walked off to get the Jeep (it was on a street less than a mile away). By the time we got home, rather than the 1:00 or even 1:30 I’d been expecting, it was after 2:30. I was happy just to be HOME. The next time he suggests a hike, I’m going to counter-offer a trip to the mall. And he BETTER not turn me down, that’s all I have to say.
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I’d say this is a pretty good representation of how he looks about 40 percent of the time.



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So, remember the other day when I was talking about cat names? And how I added “But it won’t be anytime soon, so don’t get excited?” Yeah. Riiiiiiight. About a week ago Fred said, very casually, “Maybe we should think about getting another cat…” I just gave him a “shut UP” look, since he’s prone to suggest things that will get me all excited and then telling me he was just making conversation (for example, the time he said “If you got a new car, what would you want?” Bastard.). A few nights later, he brought it up again. Then, like I mentioned last week, we had the conversation about cat names. The funny thing is that he was always the one to bring it up. This is funny because back at the end of the summer when Fancypants first went missing, we had a long conversation about whether we’d ever adopt another cat, and King Fred’s stance was “We don’t need another stinkin’ cat!” All I can guess is that he remembered how damn fun and funny kittens can be, with their unending energy and playfulness. Friday afternoon, he finally convinced me that we should drive out to the shelter (the ones that the pet store cats come from) and take a look around. The shelter’s about half an hour from where we live, which gave Fred plenty of time to change his mind, but he never wavered. We got to the shelter – it’s a house converted into a shelter, I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that – and began looking. In the first room we visited, there was a small black long-haired kitten named Debby that caught my eye. She was a feisty little thing, but when I picked her up she settled right in and began purring loudly. She was probably about two months old and adorable as could be. Fred wasn’t as taken with her as I was – and she couldn’t be adopted yet anyway, since she hadn’t been fixed – so we kept looking. Folks, there are over 70 cats at this shelter, every age, every color, any kind of cat you could imagine, it was there. There were SO many kittens, especially black kittens, that we couldn’t believe it. We went from room to room, picking up and playing with cats, but none of them really catching our fancy. The last room we were in was the room where they keep all of the older cats. There were probably 20 cats in the room, and as I stopped to pet one of the black cats, a tabby named Alice jumped up on the table, purring like mad, and put her front paws on my chest. I loved her, but we had agreed that we were going to adopt a kitten rather than an older cat, only because kittens tend to adapt better when brought into a situation where there are already adult cats present. The adult cats tend to adapt better to kittens, as well, if only because they can establish their authority. That’s been our experience anyway. A few weeks ago on the pet store kitties blog, I posted a picture of a cat that wasn’t actually at the pet store, but I’d seen his picture on the shelter’s page, and thought it was so funny that I put the picture up on the blog anyway. His name was Paw Paw. “Is Paw Paw here at the shelter?” Fred asked the woman who runs the shelter. “He is,” she said. “He’s in the bathroom, quarantined from the other cats because he has an upper respiratory infection, and he’s on medication.” Fred still wanted to see him, so she led us to the bathroom, where he was curled up in a cat bed. He began purring loudly as soon as Fred picked him up, and he was purring so loud that his little cheeks were puffing in and out. He was laid-back enough so that he didn’t mind being passed back and forth, and we could see a little glint of the devil in his eyes. We talked about it for a moment, but the decision was pretty much made the first time he wagged his stubby little tail. After the paperwork was filled out and the fee was paid, we popped him in a carrier (for the first time ever when adopting a cat, we’d brought our own carrier), and headed for home. He howled occasionally, but was mostly quiet. And so I present to you, the newest member of the And3rson family. We haven’t decided on a name yet, but when we do, I’ll definitely let you know.
He likes hanging out on our bed. We think he kinda looks like a little lion (Fred thought that naming him “Simba” was one of my stupider ideas) Miz Poo is very curious about the kitten. Also, very freaked out. She kept a very close eye on him all weekend, following him around and smacking him when she felt the situation warranted a good smack. The kitten is very fond of the cat beds. Spanky is less than fond of the kitten, and refuses to sleep near him in case the kitten jumps on him. Which the kitten has done, more than once. I love the way his paws look like they’re tinged blue.
The other cats, as you can imagine, were a bit freaked out. They’d just gotten over the visit from Gizmo a few weeks ago, and now there was another interloper! They’ve been hissing hysterically and swatting at him when he gets too close. I feel sorry for him, because all he wants to do is PLAY, and our fuddy-duddy cats won’t play with him. It’s funny as hell to see him run at them and jump on them, though. I thought I was going to pass out last night when he ran across the bedroom and jumped on Tubby’s back. Tubby, as you can imagine, was somewhat less amused. He is absolutely a little hellion. He’ll run back and forth from one end of the house to the other, turn around and do it again. If there’s something to be climbed, he’ll climb it. If there’s something to be batted around, he’s your man. The first night we had him, after Fred (the bastard) had wandered off to bed, the kitten woke me up every two hours by pouncing on my feet and grabbing and kicking at them. When he wasn’t doing that, he was running around making the other cats hiss and growl at him. The second night, he was marginally less active – only attacked my feet twice – and last night, he slept most of the night through. He’s not a lap cat – by which I mean, he’s not interested in sitting in your lap and being petted all the time – but if you pick him up for a snuggle, he’s happy to snuggle with you for a while. He can be a total hellion, but he’s so damn funny that we find ourselves laughing at him an awful lot. This morning, he sat on the back of the chair in our bedroom, and then FLUNG himself at the blinds (I’m not sure why), and when he hit the blinds Spot, who was laying in a cat bed across the room, popped up and out of the cat bed like a popcorn kernel. It was funny as hell. He’s definitely a good fit for our family. Edited to add: He’s four months old. We aren’t sticking with the name “Paw Paw” because he needs an “S” name to fit in with the other cats. I suggested both “Stubby” and “Stumpy” to Fred, but Fred said, all disapprovingly, that that would be making fun of his disability. Hmph. (There are more pictures of him here and here.) (Comments closed due to spammers)]]>


here, let me know.) Here’s to year number five! Woot!

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After being informed of the meaning of “Fo’ shizzle my nizzle” (thanks Michele!), I decided that Shizzle M. Nizzle was probably not the best name for any future cats we might adopt. Instead, we should probably go for “Shizzle M. Andersizzle.” (I laughed so hard I snorted when I came up with that one) Fred also likes the name “Shmuley.” And talking with Nance and Mo this morning, I came up with the name “Scabby.” Heh.
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No spoilers, but wasn’t Survivor awesome last night? Rupert absolutely rocks! Go Rupert, go Rupert, go Rupert!
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Man. The spud and I went to Applebee’s for lunch, and I’m all drugged up from the sugar (apple chimicheesecakes, don’tchaknow) and salt (the honey-soy dipping sauce that goes along with the oriental chicken wrap), so I’m going to slap up this week’s Friday Five and a couple of cat pictures, and call it an entry. Way to celebrate the journal-versary, eh? 🙂
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Oh, wait. I meant to address this: someone posted in my comments yesterday and asked why I spell our last name as And3rson and also disguise the names of some of the places we visit. It’s pretty simple, really – I disguise our last name so that anyone searching on our names (first and last) won’t find this page. It’s probably a losing battle, but anyone searching on “Robyn And3rson” (only with the “e” where the “3” is) will come across the weight loss website before they come across this one. In like manner, I would hate for Digg3r to become suddenly internet-savvy and search on his name and town, and end up here. Because I’m sure he really would get out the rifle then.
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1. Do you watch sports? If so, which ones? Is figure skating a sport? Because if so, then yes. Yes, I do. 2. What/who are your favorite sports teams and/or favorite athletes? Y’know, I don’t really know any of the current skaters. I like Kristi Yamaguchi, and that skinny little white girl who won a medal unexpectedly (that narrows it down, eh?) 3. Are there any sports you hate? Most sports bore the ever-loving shit out of me. 4. Have you ever been to a sports event? I’ve been to my share of high school football games. Also, I played SOFTBALL when I was in middle school. Also, I once went to a wrestling match (?) when I was 19. There was a Russian wrestler, and the audience took great pleasure in screaming “Go home, commie!” at him. 5. Do/did you play any sports (in school or other)? How long did you play? The aforementioned softball in middle school. (I sucked, did I mention?) I took a gymnastics glass when I was younger, but was never good enough to compete (again, imagine that).
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Miz Poo, hangin’ out in the sun. “Mehhhhhhhhh!”


What’s your phone number? I have a ginormous favor to ask! I sent her my phone number, told her she had me really curious, and waited for the phone to ring. Five minutes later, it did. (Side note: This is what a dumbass I am. The phone rang, and I automatically looked at the caller ID and saw a name, followed by a comma and MD. Why on earth is Kate calling me from her doctor’s office? I worried. I hope she’s not sick! Ten or fifteen minutes later, AFTER I had hung up the phone, it hit me. MD = MARYLAND. D’oh!) It’s a long, involved story and really none-ya-bidness, but basically Kate’s mother passed away last month, and she needed someone to drive to scary-ass south Alabama to pick up her mother’s ashes. I said yes, of course, because that’s the kind of cheap, selfish bitch I am. The longer I talked to Kate and heard about her big, scary redneck brother (who had the ashes) the more I started thinking that maybe I wanted to see if Fred would go with me. What pushed me over from maybe to definitely was her warning that it was like Deliverance country down there. I’ve SEEN Deliverance, and I have no desire to be forced to squeal like a pig. After I hung up with Kate, I called Fred – who was on his way home – on his cell phone. I gave him a brief rundown of the situation. “So…” I said. “You wouldn’t want to take half a day off work tomorrow and go with me, would you?” “JESUS H. FUCKING CHRIST!” he bellowed. “Well, you don’t have to!” I said, taken aback. “You don’t have to – ” “NO!” he said in a slightly less belligerent voice. “GOD!” I said. “That’s okay, I’ll go by myself, it’s no big deal!” Sounding amused, he said “No, someone cut me off. That’s what I was swearing about.” “Oh,” I said. “I thought it was a mighty strong reaction!” He sighed and thought about it and finally said “Yeah, maybe. We’ll talk about it when I get home!” He eventually decided to take the entire day off, and said he’d go as long as we could leave early. “Like 7:00?” I said. “If you want to go that late,” he said. I think he was only half kidding.

* * *
Yesterday morning, we left the house by 7:15. After we’d stopped at McDonald’s so Fred could get his coffee and I could get a Diet Coke, we hit the highway. We’ve made the drive down 65 south plenty of times before, and we’ve done many road trips together, so the drive wasn’t too terribly bad. Driving through Birmingham sucked, as it always does, and then we left 65 and drove through some tiny towns. (A few weeks ago when Tracy and Kate were in the area where we were headed, Tracy described it as “The ass-end of nowhere”. That’s a pretty good description, although there’s an awful lot of that here in Alabama.) We were drawing close to our destination – a little town named J3mison – and decided to stop in Cal3ra to use the facilities. We stopped at a gas station (“I wonder if folks from J3mison consider going to Cal3ra to be going to the big city!” I said later on our way back through.) and headed for the store. Sitting outside the store in a lawn chair was an old man. Sitting next to him was a young man straight out of Deliverance. Fred greeted them with a big, friendly “Hi!” as we passed, and I nodded and smiled nervously, ready to scream if either of them grabbed for me. A few minutes later we were on our way again, and it wasn’t long before we were driving down a small state road, looking for a road to the left. We went past the road without even noticing it, and had to turn around. “God,” Fred said finally, slowing to a crawl. “This has to be it, because it’s at the right mileage.” “There’s no sign,” I pointed out. “I thought county roads were usually paved.” “This has to be it,” he repeated. “And they usually are paved.” He turned onto the dirt road.
To the left of the road was a trailer park. “Oh,” I said. “She didn’t mention he lived in a trailer park.” “There’s no way to get to the trailer park,” Fred pointed out. “I don’t think this is it.” We saw a mailbox with a number on it. We were heading for, say, number 666, and the mailbox was in the 200s. We passed the end of the trailer park, and then it got scary. We passed rusted-out trailers, trailers that were listing to the side, trailers with broken windows and doors, and everywhere we looked were ominous signs that said “Keep Out!” and “No Trespassing!” “Okay.” I seized the moment to discuss our plan. “We’re going to stun him with perky niceness, grab the ashes, and get the hell out of there. If he asks us in, you say we can’t stay, you’ve gotta get back to work, okay?” Fred suggested a Plan B. “If he gives us any trouble, I’ll snatch the ashes, throwing them to you, then roll and tackle Digg3r while you make an end run around the front of the Jeep!” “Why am I imagining that that scenario will end with us hiding in the woods while they burn our Jeep and then hunt us down?” “I have SEVEN bullets in my gun,” Fred said, seeming to feel that this would reassure me. “It’s a small gun, and I hear he’s a big guy,” I said. “But I guess you wouldn’t need to kill him. As long as you slow him down, we’ll be okay, right?” I imagined having to call Kate and say “Gee, not only did we not get the ashes, but we accidentally killed your brother! Sorry!” We slowed down as we approached a blue trailer. The number on the mailbox was the one we were looking for. We discussed which of the trailers was on the same piece of land as the blue one (the blue one having belonged to Kate’s mother), and decided that the one with all the vehicles in the yard had to be it. We pulled into the driveway. I stated the plan again. “Stun ’em with niceness, grab the ashes, get the hell out.” “I don’t want to be here for more than five minutes,” Fred said. “I don’t want to be here for more than one.” We walked up the driveway and up rickety steps to a front deck. “Ready?” Fred whispered. I considered fleeing, screaming, back to the Jeep. “No,” I said, nodding. Fred reached out and knocked on the storm door. Immediately, we heard the yapping of a dog. Relieved that I wasn’t hearing the deep “WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!” of a big dog, I smiled at Fred. “At least it’s a little dog!” A moment later, the inside door opened. A very large, very scary man peered out at us. “Uh, are, are you, uh….” Fred sputtered. “Uh, Kate’s brother?” I plastered a big grin on my face and tried to look as friendly and non-threatening as possible. He nodded, and then smiled at us. He turned and grabbed something that we couldn’t see. Sure that the next thing we’d see would be the business end of a rifle, I thought about rolling off the deck and running for the Jeep. Fred could take care of himself, I figured. Digg3r’s hands came back into view, holding a small box. He opened the storm door to hand it to Fred and hesitating, apparently remembering his manners. “Would you like to come in?” he asked politely. Confident that SINCE WE’D DISCUSSED THIS POSSIBILITY Fred would decline, I was surprised to hear him eagerly say “Sure, we’ll come in for a few minutes!” I’m sure my smile faded more than a little. We stepped into the living room of the trailer and were approached by a small yappy weiner dog. She danced around us, yapping as loudly as she could, her ears flopping every which way. “Oh!” I said, bending down to pet her. “You’re so mean! You’re so scary!” Digg3r seemed to think I was actually afraid of her. “She won’t bite,” he said reassuringly, and when she wouldn’t shut up he locked her in another room. At some point, Fred introduced both himself and me – in scary situations I tend to clam up, whereas he’s more, it appears, of a babbler – and I kept the grin plastered across my face. I’m sure I looked a bit addled, if not simpleminded. “Have a seat!” Digg3r encouraged. We sat carefully on the couch as Digg3r settled into his recliner. And then Fred began to talk. And talk and talk and talk. About the drive. About the weather. About how we’d gotten lost for a few minutes. Grin in place, I thought shutupshutupSHUTUP at him. Finally, he seemed to hear my thoughts. With no segue, he went from “…and we really could use the rain” to “well, we don’t want to take up your whole day!”, and popped up to a standing position. “Oh, it’s no trouble,” Digg3r demurred, waving his hand about as if we were welcome to take up as much of his day as we wanted. Which spurred Fred into babbling about how he had to get back to work. “I have to get back to work,” he said. “Well, not BACK to work, since I didn’t work this morning, but I have to get TO work…” I thought I was going to have to shoot him with his own gun. Finally, he took the box of ashes and handed it to me. I made a comment about how heavy it was (We weighed it later and found that it was 6 pounds. Apparently when you’re nervous, 6 pounds feels a lot heavier than it is.), and we shuffled toward the door. This is always the point in the movie when the bad guy pulls out a gun and says something like “Oh, it’s not going to be QUITE so easy, Mr. Bond!” before he starts shooting. As I headed for the door as quickly as I could get the babbling Fred to move his ass, I kept an eye on Digg3r’s hands. We said our goodbyes, and then headed down the driveway. “Now is when he comes running out with a rifle and shoots us in the back,” I predicted. And then, when we were in the Jeep, “Now is when he comes running out with a rifle and shoots out the tires.” And then, when we were driving down the road, “Now is when he comes running down the driveway with the rifle and shoots out the back window, taking off the top of my head.” And then, when we were back on the state road, “Now is when he’s changed his mind and called the cops to track us down and get the box back.” And then, after we’d stopped at the McDonald’s in Cal3ra to pee and get breakfast, and we were on the highway headed for home, “Huh. That was almost anti-climactic.” THANK GOD.
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By the way, no. It did not freak me out to have the ashes of my sister-in-law’s mother sitting on the table (in a box on the table, I should say) all night. That’s not the sort of thing that freaks me out, I guess.
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I’m about ready to go steal Gizmo from Kate and Tracy!