
Creepy picture! Damn you, Jane!

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The spud took the test for her learner’s permit today. She didn’t pass, but she doesn’t seem too brokenhearted about it. Oddly, it had never even occurred to me that she wouldn’t pass. We won’t have a chance for her to take the test again before school resumes (we leave for Maine on Monday and come back the day before school starts), so it’ll be sometime in January or February before she gets the chance to try again. Hopefully she’ll take advantage of the time to STUDY, but I’m not holding my breath.
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If you don’t read Fred’s journal on a daily basis, you should check out yesterday’s entry – he got some absolutely awesome pictures of the cats.
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The spud got out of school early on Friday and was home around 11:30. Since I needed to drop a bunch of stuff (including the last of the Christmas cards) off at the post office, I asked the spud if she wanted to get lunch at Applebee’s. Naturally, she did (like me, she’d probably eat every meal out if she could), and so we piled our mail into the back seat of the car and headed for the post office. We were in and out of there pretty quickly and headed for Applebee’s. The parking lot didn’t look full, but when we walked in the door, there were people waiting. I walked up to the podium and looked around for someone to take our name for the wait list. Five minutes passed, and SIX different waiters and waitresses walked up to the podium, gazed blankly past me, ignored my tentative smile, and walked away. Fuckers. When the last one, a small black man, stood at the podium and ignored me, I said to the spud “Let’s go. WE CAN BE IGNORED SOMEWHERE ELSE.” I turned on my heel and stomped out, followed by the spud. We went to Ruby Tuesday and were immediately seated and served. And I left a 50% tip, because I am always a very generous tipper, and I think those motherfuckers at Applebee’s should just shove their attitude where the sun don’t shine. I’m declaring a boycott of Applebee’s from this point forward. I’ll haul my generous-tipping ass elsewhere, even if I DO have to drive down a very busy highway into Huntsville. Fuckers. I just wish I hadn’t bought my parents an Applebee’s giftcard for Christmas.
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Speaking of Ruby Tuesday, that’s one restaurant that has jumped on the low-carb bandwagon with both feet. They had a whole low-carb section of the menu as well as a small menu that sat on the table that had a list of the carbs in various menu items. They had a turkey wrap that sounded really good, but I wanted fries and so ended up getting a chicken club sandwich – which now that I think about it is stupid, since I’m sure I could have substituted fries for the pork rinds (or whatever it was) that came as a side with the low-carb stuff. Anyway, our Ruby Tuesday dining experience was just fine, although there was a teenage boy sitting behind me who had BO that about knocked me over. Ah well. Can’t have everything, I s’pose.
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After I got home from feeding the petstore kitties yesterday I ate breakfast and began cleaning the house – the downstairs portion of it, at least – and when the spud got out of bed and toddled downstairs at the crack of noon, she blinked at me and said “Why are you cleaning?” When it’s such a noteworthy event that my child stops and stares in wonder, it’s possible I’m just not cleaning often enough, ya think?
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So Nance posted a picture of her desk yesterday and made a comment about what a mess it was. Ha! Amateur!
(click on the picture to see the full-sized version)
And that was after I’d spent twenty minutes throwing shit away and shredding papers that have been sitting on my desk waiting to be shredded for months now.
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It’s tough work, being a Bean. Fred’s really enjoying getting right up in the cats’ faces lately.


* * * Remember this creepy-ass picture from October? Reader Amy sent me another FUCKING creepy picture, a picture that just gives me the heebie-jeebies when I even think about it. ::shudder::

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To wipe the horror of that image from your mind, here are some pictures of reader Stub’s (brother’s) adorable new kitten. His name is Poof (hee!) – remind you of anyone? I think I’m starting to like little gray kitties almost as much as I like little orange kitties!
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Fred keeps hinting – even outright SAYING – that he might accompany me to Maine this summer. This summer or “someday”, anyway. Not because he wants to see where I grew up and the state I love so much, and the ocean that calls to me, but because he wants to climb some damn mountain and fall off the side. When I try to pin him down on whether or not he’ll actually come to Maine this summer, he gets waffly “Oh, I didn’t SAY this summer, did I?” and I get disgusted, and I have decreed that he is no longer welcome in Maine. “You are NOT allowed in Maine!” I informed him. “Yes I am. You can’t keep me out of the entire state!” Please. Who does the man think he’s dealing with? After he bought the kayak earlier this year every time he saw the slightest puddle of water, he’d say “That’s some good kayaking water, there!” over and over and ad infinitum until I wanted to strangle him. Now, every time he sees any kind of mountain, he says “I could go climb that mountain!” And on and on. Yesterday afternoon, he started with the “I could go to Europe and climb mountains while you’re in Maine next week!” Then he got on Expedia and started looking up ticket prices. “We could go to Colorado this summer! We could go to France! We could fly to England and then take a hop over to France, and it would be cheaper! Let’s go to India! Let’s go to Libya! Oh! Let’s go to Honolulu!” “Would you SHUT UP?” I begged. He had the nerve to look wounded. “Honolulu has mountains for me, and beach for you!” “Yes, except that YOU know and I know that we will NEVER go to Honolulu, so STOP FUCKING TRYING TO GET ME EXCITED ABOUT IT.” Today he called and quoted me some amazing price for a 6-night stay in Cancun. Fucker.
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New movie of the week – this one is of Tubby and the Bean going at it (fighting, that is). I love the part at the end where the Bean jumps on Tubby and then gets pushed off, and Tubby’s laying there, all his legs in the air, bitching and hissing helplessly before he stomps off. Hee!
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The Bean is in fine form today, picking exclusively on Miz Poo. It might look like the Bean is getting the best of Miz Poo, but it ain’t so. (And that garbage bag is full of paper from the shredder – we don’t usually toss our garbage in the corner of the library. Really!) ]]>


talking to the reporter at C B S about being on “The E@rly Sh0w”, the reporter offered up the idea that I could be part of the segment. “Uh, I don’t think so,” Fred said. “She was pretty adamant about not wanting to be on TV again.” “Well, can I try to sweet-talk her?” the reporter asked. “Maybe I can convince her!” After Fred wiped away the tears of laughter caused by the thought of someone being able to “sweet-talk” me into doing something I really don’t want to do, he said “Okay, I’ll ask her if it’s okay for you to call her.” “Um, no,” I told Fred when he asked. “And not only no, but HELL no, and I’ll be out of the house whenever they come to interview you and tape you exercising and all that goofy-ass shit.” When Fred reported my “HELL no”, the reporter was amazed that there’s someone in existence who’s completely uninterested in being on a national TV show. Well, that would be me – I couldn’t be less interested. Life’s too short to spend time doing things that stress me out for days beforehand not to mention the actual filming. The Bullshit! taping was an interesting experience, but once it was done, I knew for sure that any life where I was required to be filmed on a regular basis is no life for me. I’m perfectly happy being the invisible woman behind the man (and as Nance said, kicking his ass all the way. Heh.). (And by the way, there are two – MAYBE three – people who can change my mind and convince me to do something I’m dead-set against doing. None of them are C B S reporters, and none of them are you. Just in case you thought you could convince me otherwise. 🙂

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The kid who asked the spud out, Kelt0n, called her tonight while Fred and I were out returning movies and checking out the Christmas lights in the neighborhood with the huge-ass houses about two miles away. When we got home, she walked up to me, phone pressed to her ear, and mouthed “It’s KELT0N!” When she got off the phone, she told me that they’d decided The Big Date would take place the Friday after school restarted and that it would be a movie. Later, Fred said “She’s sure not all moony-eyed and goony about liking someone the way I was when I was her age.” She’s not moony-eyed and goony, but she’s definitely excited. When she got off the phone she was about bouncing off the walls. All together, now: Awwwww! Fred said “I expect to meet this boy before your date.” “Are you going to do like the guys in Bad Boys 2?” the Spud asked. We watched that movie yesterday afternoon, and there’s a scene where Martin Lawrence and Will Smith answer the door and give the boy who’s coming to pick up Martin Lawrence’s daughter for her first date, and hilarity ensues as they try to scare the bejesus out of the kid. (It was actually pretty funny, that scene. The movie itself could have been cut by about 45 minutes and been a whole lot better, I think.) “No, but I need to clean and polish my gun,” Fred said, and gave her the stinkeye.
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In my comments yesterday, Louise asked What are you wishing for this Christmas? Aside from the obvious – world peace, becoming queen of the universe, a painful accident that takes away Jonny Fairplay‘s ability to talk or communicate with the world in any way – there’s just really nothing that comes to mind. I mean, yes – of COURSE I want my little yellow Beetle, but that’s not really a Christmas gift, and I know that eventually I’ll get my little yellow Beetle. I want a KitchenAid Mixer, but that’s something I’ll save up for to get. Ditto with the Dyson vacuum and a new camera (though I don’t know what kind, yet). I know that I’m getting stuff off of my wish list from Fred and his father, and I’m perfectly happy with that. The problem is that at this point in my life, if there’s something I really want and it doesn’t cost too much, I buy it (and yes, I’m very lucky that I can). I do like to be surprised, and I’ve been informed that Fred will surprising me when we open our presents on Christmas Eve, so I’m definitely looking forward to that. Of course, if someone wants to buy me the town of Tortilla Flat, Arizona, I wouldn’t complain.
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The Bean, in attack mode. The Bean, in cute mode. This looks like trouble in the making… I sure do love this cat. Spot loves it when we turn the fire on.

Three Things

Ami) THREE THINGS I DON’T UNDERSTAND 1. How computers work (don’t really want to know, either). 2. How it is that I can actually see words going in one ear and out the other when I’m talking to Fred or the spud. 3. How you let the things you did get so out of hand/ You’d have managed better if you’d had a plan/ why’d you choose such a backward time in such a strange land? If you’d come today, you could have reached the whole nation/ Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication/ I only wanna know/ I only wanna know now/ I only wanna know/ I only WANNA know/ Jesus Christ, Superstar, do you think you’re who they say you are? (Done from memory, thank you) THREE THINGS THAT SCARE ME 1. Any kind of bug that moves really fast, especially in my direction. And especially when they have more than four legs. 2. Big dogs that come toward me growling while wagging their big tails. 3. Being old and having to eat dog food to survive. THREE THINGS I’D LIKE TO LEARN 1. How to stay organized (I can get organized, I just can’t stay there). 2. What the hell I’ve done to fuck up our company accounts so that our accounts payable shows that we’re owed $1,000+ that we are certainly not owed. I fear I may have to go back and rebuild the books from the very beginning – on the up side, that’s only about four months of rebuilding and would most likely only take the better part of a weekend if I were truly motivated. 3. How to edit the movies I put up here so that they don’t look so thrown-together and crappy. Actually I don’t want to learn that; I want to already know it. THREE THINGS I AM WEARING RIGHT NOW 1. This shirt, in red. (I know it’s horrifying that I’m wearing a cheap fleece shirt from Lane Bryant, but until I looked at the tag, I thought it was a more expensive shirt from Silhouettes or Ulla Popken) 2. Gray cotton Just My Size pants. 3. Moccasin-style slippers (dark green) from LL Bean. THREE THINGS ON MY DESK 1. Miz Poo 2. The Bean. 3. 63,000 different instruction books for my new cell phone. THREE THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I DIE 1. Sky dive. 2. Hike the Appalachian Trail (shhh, don’t tell Fred!). 3. Be on Survivor 45: South Central LA. THREE GOOD THINGS ABOUT MY PERSONALITY 1. I am occasionally amusing. 2. I’m generally accepting of the freakish idiosyncrasies and beliefs of others. 3. I don’t hold a grudge for longer than 10 or 15 years. THREE BAD THINGS ABOUT MY PERSONALITY 1. I’m a grumpy bitch. 2. I’m impatient. 3. I like peace and quiet and get grouchy when it’s too noisy for too long. THREE PARTS OF YOUR HERITAGE 1. Cherokee 2. Scottish 3. English (I think) THREE THINGS I LIKE ABOUT MY BODY 1. My calves. 2. My eyes. 3. My hair (sometimes). THREE THINGS I DON’T LIKE ABOUT MY BODY I’m going to skip this one; I couldn’t possibly limit it to three. THREE THINGS MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT ME I honestly can’t think of anything on this one. THREE THINGS I SAY THE MOST 1. Fuck them. 2. Fuck you. 3. What the fuck? THREE PLACES YOU WANT TO GO 1. Alaska. 2. Australia. 3. Scotland. THREE NAMES THAT YOU GO BY 1. Robyn. 2. Bessie. 3. Rob. THREE SCREEN NAMES YOU HAVE OR HAD 1. Nybor. 2. Bitchypoo. 3. BessieLou.

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Miz Poo loves to hang out on top of the bookcase. If the Bean tries to approach, she can swat him down with one little paw.


* * * Did I mention that I finally went out and bought a bunch of stocking stuffers for the spud? One of the things I bought was a mini bottle of Chantilly (shut up, I like it). When I took it out of the package this morning to put in the bag o’ stocking stuffers with all the other stuff I’d gotten, the top came off the bottle and half an ounce of it spilled down my arm. As a result, I’ve spent the day smelling like one of those people who don’t seem to realize they’re wearing too much perfume. I’m also getting mighty sick of the smell of Chantilly, I’ll tell you that. With the stocking stuffers bought and the packages mailed out, I am ALL SET for Christmas. I’m especially excited this year because Fred’s surprising me with a non-wishlist gift, and I love to be surprised, so I can’t wait to see what it is.

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We attended the spud’s Holiday Concert (she plays the flute in the band, if you didn’t know) Tuesday night. I’m amazed, actually, that the concert didn’t take place last Thursday, because as far back as I can remember, we’ve had to miss Survivor to attend the concert. The spud’s band played this song that I think they play every year. It’s called “D3ck the H@lls with Chips and S@lsa”, and if you hadn’t guessed, it’s “Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly” with a Latin flair. I like the song just fine, but something about the name just makes me want to scream, and I have no idea why. Maybe because I can just imagine someone giggling hysterically when they came up with the name, at the amazing cleverness of it all. Agh. Lastly, we might be rude enough to leave after our own child’s band is done playing, but if we were stuck listening to a band that did not include our child, we would not be rude enough to talk loudly through the entire first song while someone sitting in front of us was attempting to tape their child’s band. We would also never subject those around us to the beepbeepbeep of our phones as we text messaged through most of the performance, either. Clearly we were in the presence of REALLY important people.
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Speaking of cell phones, I got a new one. Fred and I both upgraded from our Nokias (mine was very very old – just over three years old, and in cell phone years, that makes it just about ready to go to that giant cell tower in the sky). We got free Samsung phones for signing a one-year contract, which makes me a little nervous because until now we haven’t been under contract and were free to change carriers whenever we wanted. Of course, we haven’t done that, so I don’t know what I’m worried about. We started out with Ericsson, who got bought out by Powertel, who then got bought out by T-Mobile. So anyway, we have new phones.
They’re cute as can be, and I probably spent an hour messing with it last night. I downloaded the Brady Bunch theme song and also the Sex and the City theme song, so I’m good to go and so very, very cool. These phones are equipped so that I can use AOL Instant Messenger. I don’t see that happening considering it takes me half an hour to type out the words “Dad Cell” using the number pad, but never say never, I guess!
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The spud got home yesterday afternoon while I was chatting it up on MSN Messenger with Nance about this. “Um. A boy asked me out at school today,” the spud said. I told Nance to hang on, and turned around to get the scoop. His name is Kelt0n, and he and the spud were writing notes to each other, and he asked her out and said that he’d been wanting to but had been scared to until now. All together, now: Awwwwwww. I made her go get her 8th grade yearbook and show me his picture, and then I asked her if she wanted to go out with him (“Yes”) and whether she liked him back (“Yes”), and then I told her I’d have to discuss it with Fred. At Nance’s urging, I asked her if she’d given him her phone number. “I gave him my email address,” she said. Heh. Long pause. “Wouldn’t that happen on, like, the third date?” Me, confused: “Wouldn’t what happen on the third date?” (Thinking of all the women’s magazine articles that said it was okay to have sex on the third date) The spud: “Giving him my phone number.” Hee! We’ve decided to let her go. She said that it wouldn’t be until after the Christmas break, though. You KNOW I’ll let y’all know what happens.
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Friday Five. 1. List your five favorite beverages. Diet Coke and water. Those two are the only things I ever drink. I kinda like eggnog, too, in small doses, but if I’ve had anything other than water or Diet Coke to drink anytime recently, I’d be amazed. Oh, wait! I had a strawberry dacquiri when Liz was here. I prefer less icy drinks, though. Maybe I’ll celebrate Christmas by sitting around getting smashed on rum and Diet Cokes. Doubt it. 2. List your five favorite websites. Dysfuntion Junction, Plain Jane, The Usual Suspects (I’m a lurker), the blogs I check on a daily basis so that I don’t have to wait for an email from Change Detection. 3. List your five favorite snack foods. Onion bagels with strawberry cream cheese (yes, it sounds nasty as hell, but I read about it at Double Happiness, and it’s SO damn good), peanuts (roasted, unsalted), Babybels, blueberry bagels with a smear of peanut butter, and (on Fridays) Ben & Jerry’s Uncanny Cashew. I tend to pick the cashews out, because they are SO FREAKIN’ GOOD. 4. List your five favorite board and/or card games. On the rare occasion I do play them, I like Trivial Pursuit, Sorry, Monopoly, Scrabble, and gin. 5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games. I was a fucking whiz at Super Mario Brothers on Nintendo – I actually got thisclose to the end once – but I can’t play any of the other Super Mario Brothers games on any other system. I adored Ms. Pac Man, too. These days I occasionally play Snood and Text Twist. That’s only 4, but I can’t think of a single other game!
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Gizmo and Dulcinea do their best to prevent any laundry from being done. Are these girls gorgeous, or what?


Plain Janie-Jane, I read this little tidbit: Influenza is an upper respiratory disease. If you are having bowel rumblings, or throwing up, I’m sorry for you, and here’s some Pepto, but homies, you have a stomach virus, NOT INFLUENZA. Seriously? I did NOT know that! When I was in kindergarten (ugh. THIRTY years ago, that was!), I was out of school for a few days due to what my mother told me was the flu. When I got back to school, one of my classmates (a boy. I don’t recall his name, but I do remember that he was a twin! Also, I believe my teacher’s name was Mrs. Radecki. How can I possibly have retained this information?) said “Why were you gone for two days?” And I said “I had the flu.” The boy said “Did you have diarrhea?” Aghast and horrified that he would ask such a personal question, I said “NO!” “Well,” he said, all smug and certain of his facts. “If you didn’t have DIARRHEA, then it was NOT the flu! It’s just a cold!” Thus ever since, all these many years, I have thought “Do I have diarrhea? Why, no. I have just a nasty cough that is laying me out flat. Must be a cold.” It’s true. You DO learn something new every day. That Jane is quite educational, even if she does mock my misuse of it’s. (I mean, seriously. Until otherwise informed by Fred earlier this year, I thought an apostrophe followed by an s shows possession. And it does, but it is one of those fucking exceptions. Fucking it. So if it’s cannot be replaced by it is or it was in your sentence, there should be no damn apostrophe. Fucking apostrophe. Fucking possession. Fucking lax public school English teachers. (Or, more likely, fucking me, for not paying attention when that was covered.) This has been your educational lesson for the day. Perhaps we’ll cover the site vs. sight distinction another day.) Also regarding Jane, here’s another reason to laugh at me. I thought Jane CREATED the word metrosexual. Seriously, because she’s the first one I heard it from. And then I started reading it everywhere and I thought “Damn but that Jane has some serious social influence!” Duh. Of course, for many years I also thought my brother Tracy created the word “fart”, because I can CLEARLY remember the four of us (my two brothers, Debbie, and I) standing in the basement in base housing in Kinchl0e AFB in Michigan with Tracy saying “It’s called a FART.” No doubt my mother had been teaching us to say “I passed gas!” for the majority of our formative years like she did with the spud and Brian. Apparently I’ve always been a bit clueless.

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I rented movies the other day – Seabiscuit (I’m having a hard time not referring to it as Seabasket, the best seafood restaurant in the WORLD), Freaky Friday, and Bad Boys 2. I thought about renting Gigli just so I could make fun of it, but decided not to. I took a wander through the “Favorites on DVD” section, and then I saw it. I’ve been wanting to see it, ever since Sunday morning. Red Dawn. That’s some fine quality entertainment, right there. (Shaddup) Hearing the name of that movie will always and forever remind me of being in Science class when I was a Junior in high school. We had to split up in groups for some in-class assignment or another and come up with a name for our group. The teacher went around and had each group announce its name, and when he asked one group, they yelled “Wolverines!” Dorks.
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I was going somewhere the other day, and as I pulled out of the driveway, I looked to the right, where two of the little boys next-door were playing in their driveway. The youngest – I’d estimate him to be three or four – was wearing a t-shirt, very short, very tight shorts, and cowboy boots. It was 29F out, and there was a strong wind blowing. I immediately envisioned the temper tantrum thrown that ended with his mother yelling “FINE! Wear the tight shorts and the cowboy boots, I DON’T CARE! Don’t come crying to me when your legs freeze and shatter!” He had a definite stubborn I’m-never-going-inside-I’ll-play-out-here-forever look on his face.
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Something I bet you didn’t know about me: I own the Pamela/ Tommy Lee sex tape. That’s right, I bought it – me, not Fred; Fred couldn’t be less interested in seeing it – off the internet years ago when it first came out. I know what it looks like when Pamela and Tommy have sex, and it ain’t pretty. It’s also kinda sad, what with all the “Oh babybabybaby I love you baby. I love you baby. Baby, I love you. I love you SO much, baby”; by the time I received the tape they’d broken up and it was all “I hate you, you rat-fucking asshole!” “Yeah? Shut up, you WHORE!” Poor Pam and Tommy. When a fat chick in Alabama owns a tape of you having sex, that’s just not right. (And to circumvent the helpful comment I just know is coming (“I HOPE you don’t leave it out where the spud can find it!”), we like to sit down and watch it as a family every Friday night when we’re letting the spud unload, clean, and test the guns)
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Tubs, hanging out. No doubt looking for the perfect place to pee. Bastard.


Public Service Announcement: You know, I have a cell phone, and as much as I hate other people with cell phones, I’ll admit that I do some of the things you’re not supposed to do. Every once in a while when I have a burning question, I’ll call Fred while I’m driving down the road. If the phone rings while I’m driving down the road, I’ll answer it. Sometimes I need to call Fred from the grocery store to find out whether I need to pick up more salad, or to ask exactly what kind of ham or turkey he wanted. I’ll admit it – I’m one of those annoying people with cell phones, wandering down the aisle while chatting away about nothing important. But – and this is key, folks – I never lose track of the fact that there are people all around me. If I’m in the grocery store, I don’t wander down the middle of the fucking aisle at a snail’s pace so that no one can get past me. I move my ass over to the side, out of the way, and if I see that someone is hovering as if I’m in front of the very item they need to look at, I move my ass and my cart the fuck out of the way. If I’m driving down the road, talking on the phone, I make a point of getting into the right lane and slowing down so that there’s a lot of space between the front of my vehicle and the ass-end of the vehicle in front of me. And I keep the conversation as short as possible rather than being chatty. It’s just common courtesy, is what it is, and I try to annoy those around me with my cell phone conversations as little as possible. I was at the grocery store yesterday stocking up on the essentials – salad, sliced ham, Skinny Cows – and when it was time to check out, I chose the only lane open. In front of me was an older woman, who had just put all her items on the conveyer belt. As the cashier began ringing up her items, the woman turned to look at the TicTacs�, pondering slowly over which flavors might excite her palate. Just then, we all heard the toodle-toodle-toodle of a cell phone ringing, and the woman grabbed her purse and dug out her phone. (I knew it wasn’t my phone ringing, because mine plays the Flintstones theme song) The woman, chatting casually on her phone (“Oh nothing, I’m in the grocery store”), turned back to peruse the TicTacs. I didn’t pay much attention to what she was talking about (though I’ll admit that I often eavesdrop on people talking on their cell phones, because that’s just how nosy I am) and turned to look at the magazine rack. The grocery store we frequent does this odd thing where they cover the front of certain magazines so that you can only read the title of the magazine. After some research, I’ve determined that they’re not covering the magazines with the half-naked models on the front, but rather they cover any magazine with words like “sex” or “orgasm” on the front (“16 ways to your BEST ORGASM EVER!”). Suffice it to say that Cosmo is usually covered. “Ma’am?” the cashier said to me, politely. “This is all yours, right?” She indicated my pile of groceries. “Yes, that’s mine,” I said, and turned to look at Madam TicTac, who was gesturing animatedly as she chatted, waving a pack of TicTacs in the air. She turned around and put her TicTacs down, in and amongst my groceries. The cashier looked at me and gave me a rueful smile. “Those are hers,” I stage-whispered, and the cashier grinned, rang them up, and added them to the woman’s order. And then we got to stand around while the woman, clearly not the sort who can walk and chew gum at the same time, fumbled with her credit card, NEVER ONCE PAUSING IN HER INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT CONVERSATION. “Is that what she said? But what are you going to do? Uh huh. The red or the green? I think green would be okay, but it’s three months away, so you probably… I mean, if she cares that much, let her do it, you know? I know. Right. Uh huh. Nooooo…. ::giggle:: When, though? I KNOW! She can be so ignorant, sometimes.” (Pot. Kettle. Black. Bitch.) The cashier, the bagger and I stood around waiting for Madam TicTacs to run her credit card through the machine and then sign the credit slip. There was so much eye-rolling going on I’m surprised we didn’t all get dizzy and pass out. And then, leaning on the little counter located next to the credit/ debit machine, the woman loitered there and continued her conversation. “Oh, I know, I couldn’t believe it. But then – what? No, really? She did? When? I asked her and she said NO! Why would she – ? REALLY? But when? Oh, please, she is not. She always says that and everyone jumps to help her out, and then it never happens. I can’t believe she said that, can’t she just give it a rest? I can’t stand it when she does that…” The cashier looked at the woman, and then at me. I looked at the woman and then the cashier. Time passed slowly by as we stood around, unsure of what to do. Clearly the “What to do if the customer won’t get her ass out of the way” section had been missing from the employee handbook. Finally, with a mental shrug, I moved so that I was in the woman’s space. I don’t like getting in peoples’ space, and in fact I loathe it when people get in my space, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And it worked! The woman looked up to see me rightthere, and moved away. Then she saw a grocery cart full of groceries in bags and an impatient bagger standing nearby, and apparently a chord struck in the distant reaches of what passed for her brain. Finally, STILL talking on the phone, she left the store. Checking over her shoulder to be sure she was really gone, the cashier turned and began ringing up my items. “I think that is SO rude!” she said. “Me too!” I said, and we bonded for a moment about the rudeness of SOME PEOPLE. Here’s the thing, folks. You are not – you will NEVER BE – so very important that it’s impossible for you complete a task such as checking out without making those around you wait and wait and wait while you act like an idiot. I understand that you MIGHT think to yourself “My god, I am SO important, I MUST show these peons how VERY important I am, by continuing my INCREDIBLY important conversation. THEY are certainly NOWHERE near as important as I, and thus they do NOT mind waiting for ME!” In actuality, rather than being impressed by how amazingly important you are and how stunningly interesting your conversation is, and thinking to themselves “My GOD, I wish I were that important, TOO!”, what they are thinking to themselves is “What a tool. I wonder if there’s a security camera on me right now? I sure would like to deliver a swift kick to this idiot’s knee and break it. That sure would make me feel better!” “But Robyn!” you are saying to me. “But the phone, it rang! And I cannot let a phone ring and not answer it! What if it’s an EMERGENCY!!!!” Read this, memorize it, tattoo it on your ass if need be, but live by these simple rules, people. If the PHONE rings while you’re standing in line, and you fear that it might be a very important phone call, an EMERGENCY, then you should ANSWER the phone, and when you hear that it is your spouse or your mother or someone else just calling to chat, you should say these very simple words: “Hi, let me call you right back, okay?” And if the caller responds by saying “No, but wait, I just wanted to ask you…”, then say, very clearly “I am STANDING in the CHECKOUT LINE, and I WILL CALL YOU BACK, because only self-important TOOLS stand in the CHECKOUT LINE while talking on their cell phone!”, and then hang up. Or you could say “Hey, hold on just a minute while I check out”, and then put the phone down and check out. I mean, how hard is that? I understand that your world revolves around you (except when it revolves around me), but if every once in a while you thought about how what you do (talking on the phone while trying to check out) affects those of us around you (the cashier, the bagger, the other people who want to check out and get on with their day), the world would probably be a tad less annoying and stressful. Thank you for your time, and have a nice day.

* * *
PS: What did I find in my grocery bag when I got home?
I guess that’s what the cashier was talking about when she asked me if that was mine. You KNOW Madame TicTac got home and was all “Where the HELL are my LIME TicTacs�?! WHERE ARE THEY? That stupid incompetent cashier!”, because she’s just the kinda woman who’d blame someone else for her own dumbassery, don’tchaknow.
* * *
The Bean talks to the birds out at the feeders. The birds do not seem impressed.


this (I followed the link from Mimi), and you know what sucks? I’m such a freakin’ sap that all I had to do was read No, and to top it off you murdered Haley Joel Osment and made me cry for ten minutes. and I TEARED UP. I’m such a friggin’ sap now that all I need to do is see someone mentioning themselves or someone else crying about something, and I TEAR UP IN SYMPATHY. Fred thinks it’s the funniest damn thing that I get all teary-eyed if someone cries on TV, but I can’t help it! I don’t care if it’s a stupid, cheesy storyline, if I think it’s the most idiotic movie or show in the world, if someone on the screen cries, I’m ready to cry right along with them. No one cries alone when I’m around, I always say.

* * *
So after a couple of people – I’m lookin’ at you, Mike and Jen – noted in my comments that it’s okay to go ahead and plant those daffodil and lily bulbs, and after I heard the weatherman on the radio saying that we might get flurries on Wednesday, I decided to get my butt in gear and go out to plant the damn things and be done with it. (Note: and I see from the year-ago entry (link at the bottom of the page) that exactly one year ago I was planting 30 daffodil bulbs. I should have just put that entry up in place of this one!) We have this nifty little tool that you attach to a drill and which digs holes just the right size and depth for bulbs. I got out the drill and attachment, then went around to the side of the house near the garage door, where a partial bag of potting soil was sitting. I thought I might need some extra soil to help me fill in the holes once I’d planted the bulbs (none of this digging up a bed and “amending” the soil and all that crap for me, nosir). I carried the bag around to the back yard, dropped it by the patio, plugged in the drill (it’s a cement drill and thus mighty powerful) and began drilling holes in the ground. The ground was pretty wet from the rain we’d gotten over the weekend, and I had dug about 15 holes, when I realized I needed to get something or do something – exactly what it was escapes me now. I walked back toward the house and glanced at the bag of potting soil as I passed it, and then I stopped in my tracks. There, climbing down the bag, obviously intent on crossing the patio and entering our house, was the biggest fucking black widow I’ve ever seen in my life. I swear, the body was about half the size of my thumb, and it was gleaming evilly and I just shuddered as I looked at it. Thinking only “Oh, Fred has GOT to see this!”, I went into the house, grabbed a tupperware container, dropped the container over the spider, slid the lid underneath, and sealed it. The spider, suffice it to say, was not happy at all. It skittered back and forth (shudder) and glared evilly at me. After sending Fred pictures of the spider (taken through the tupperware, because I was NOT going to open that thing back up. Black Widows aren’t known to jump straight up, but there’s always a first time!), I went back to planting my bulbs. After almost two hours – and 150 King Alfred daffodils , 48 assorted Asiatic lilies, and 20 Oriental lilies – I sat down to rest, at which point Fred called to see if I’d been bitten by the black widow and was in the process of dying. He’d been doing some online research on anesthesizing spiders, and told me I should put the container in the freezer. By this point the spider wasn’t moving around much – do spiders need oxygen? Why, yes they do – and with it being so late in the year it was probably hibernating – do spiders hibernate? I can’t seem to find an answer online – and although I’m all for letting spiders live and let live (I believe I’ve mentioned that as long as the spiders in the house keep their webs neat and clutter-free, I’ll leave them alone), I wasn’t about to let this one free so that it could eventually make its way into the house and bite us all, letting us in for some serious aches and pains for several days. So I put the container in the freezer, and the spider died pretty quickly. When Fred got home, he immediately went to the freezer to check out the spider. It was obviously dead, and so he took the cover off so that he could snap some pictures of it. As the cover came off, the beginnings of a web which connected the spider to the lid caused the spider to move. I’m not sure which is sadder: that Fred screamed like a little girl and danced sideways out of the room at a speed faster than any human has ever moved before, or that I, twelve feet away, responded to his scream and dance by screaming myself, jumping up off the couch and landing three feet further away by the fireplace, eyes wide and heart racing. Because no one screams alone when I’m around, either. After he’d taken his pictures, I took the spider, dumped it into the toilet and flushed it. Twice. Because that’s one big damn spider and I don’t want to see it coming back to life and skittering toward ME with blood in its eye.
* * *
(A story in far too many pictures)
Miz Poo: “Um, Mom? I was here FIRST.” Bean: “This is MY bed. MINE. MINE. MINE.” Miz Poo: “Get OUT of here, you little turd!” Bean: “MY BED.” Miz Poo: “I am NOT moving!” Bean: “I AM NOT MOVING EITHER. MY BED.” Bean: “Lord, how long must I suffer, laying here next to the cleaningest cat in the whole wide world? How long? In MY bed?” Miz Poo: LickLickLick Bean: “Zzzzzzzzzzz” Miz Poo: “I was unable to drive him away through my annoying 3-hour-long grooming session. WHAT am I going to do NOW?” Bean: “Zzzzzzzz” Bean: “I sense that she’s still there. But I won’t look at her. If I don’t look at her, she’s not really there. MY BED. MINE.” But sleep overcame them both. Will they become friends? Perhaps even lovers? Will they spend all their time grooming each other and telling secrets and giggling? Probably not – Miz Poo’s growling and hissing was a notch above her usual hysteria this morning, perhaps caused by the embarrassment of knowing that she had spent hours snuggling with the Bean, whom she’s claimed (perhaps a little too vociferously) to hate lo these past few months – but a mother can dream, can’t she?


* * * Oh, and speaking of the cats, I finally got around to putting up a cast page not only for the Bean, but also for Dulcinea and Gizmo, cousins to our kitties. Next, I need to get some pictures of Debbie’s cats so I can make a page for them as well! Is it sad that each of the cats in our house have their very own page, but all the humans only get a blurb on the cast page?

* * *
The Christmas boxes are mailed, thus ensuring that everything will reach it’s destination before Christmas, and like I do every year, I think “Huh. That wasn’t so bad!” Because really, it wasn’t. I just get overwhelmed when I start to think about what I need to do to get all ready, and then I get the bah-humbugs, but since I can spend the next week and a half relaxing before Christmas is upon us, I would say my Christmas spirit is back in full force.
* * *
So Saturday my brain apparently took a bit of a vacation. Although it was less than two weeks before Christmas AND a Saturday, I said to the spud “Let’s go shopping for some winter boots to take to Maine with us!” (In the more than seven years we’ve lived here, we’ve never really needed winter boots because on the rare occasion it snows, we don’t go OUT in the snow or anything, you know) After fighting the traffic to get to the gas station (and just in time, as I was running on fumes) and filling up the tank, I sat at a red light for a long, long time to get across the street to Shoe Carnival. One would think that Shoe Carnival would have lots and lots of winter boots, no? No. My fault, really, because like I mentioned, there’s not a lot of need for winter boots when you live in Alabama. There was one small aisle of wintery-type boots, and I told the spud to sit down, and I began choosing boots in her size and bringing them to her. Everything she tried on fit okay but wasn’t terribly comfortable. The Timberland boots, marked down from $99.99 to $79.99 were amazingly uncomfortable (I know this because I tried a pair on as well), and after trying three or four different pairs of boots on, a tribe of teenaged princesses set up in the boot aisle, dropping their crap around them and blocking the aisle as they tried boots on. “Excuse me,” I said, trying to get by them. They LOOKED at me, and they DID NOT MOVE. Assholes. I could have pushed it – in fact, I should have knocked over their princessy asses but I could tell there was nothing for us in that store, so I turned to the spud and said “Get your shoes on, we’re leaving.” “Why?” said the spud. Most children go through the “why” stage when they’re three. The spud skipped that stage and instead, at the age of 15, wants to know the reasoning behind everything in existence. And it might be annoying when they’re three, but GODDAMN is it annoying when they’re 15. Probably because they can think of more questions when the answer to “Why?” will not suffice. “Because there are assholes blocking the aisle and there’s nothing here that we want, anyway,” I said. And once we were in the car I said “If you ever act like those bratty, obnoxious teenage girls, I will KICK YOUR ASS, do you understand me?” She understood. From Shoe Carnival, we went over to the Payless store, located by Wal-Mart. My reasoning being that if we couldn’t find anything at Payless, we could just walk over to Wal-Mart. Look. I KNOW we could have gone to the mall and eventually found some expensive winter boots in one of the stores there. But we’re talking about boots that will be used in the cold, snowy Maine weather for a little more than a week, and will probably not be used again until we decide to visit Maine in the winter. At Payless we found some cute little winter boots. They weren’t as tall as I would have liked, but they were cute, they were $17.99 per pair, and they were a hell of a lot more comfortable than the $79.99 Timberland boots. We went to check out and discovered that all shoes and boots were buy two pair, get one pair free. So we went back and looked for a good solid ten minutes before the spud was able to find a pair of shoes that she liked (or at least claimed to). So now we’re all set with our winter boots and warm(ish) coats so that (hopefully) we won’t freeze to death in Maine later this month!
* * *
The ringworm seems to have hit Miz Poo. She was snuggled up to me in front of the computer the other day, and I glanced at her to see a crusty brown spot by one of her eyes. Since I’m kind of weird about not liking to see eye boogers on my cats, I grabbed a tissue and wiped at her eye. And the FUR in that spot came OFF on the tissue, leaving a little raw spot. Yuck, ick, and also BLECH. That’s just not right. Also, it’s kinda creepy. Miz Poo doesn’t seem to mind much, except when we put ringworm medication on it. She doesn’t like my fingers around her eyes, and rightly so it would appear. Poor, deformed Miz Poo. I know she’s funny-looking but I love her goofy little self with all my heart.
* * *
Sex-say! Sleep-pay! This cat will sleep anywhere, in any position, without feeling the slightest bit of discomfort. He cracks me up.


you, the heat from the gas fireplace doesn’t go around corners!). The neighbors apparently got a new computer recently, and they left the box out for the trash guys to pick up. In today’s wind, the box got tossed around, and instead of ending up in my miniscule front yard, which is what usually happens, the wind tossed it in their front porch, where it appears it’ll stay. I never got my daffodil and lily bulbs planted, and now I think it’s probably too late in the year, since the bulbs are supposed to hibernate in the ground for some certain amount of time. Of course, I suppose I could plant them anyway and see what happens. If we have a somewhat nice day this week, I just may do that. Or I could force them. But if they really take 12 weeks to bloom, that would be close to March, and about time for them to start blooming outside, for real. I ordered a calendar of pictures of all my parents’ grandkids for them for Christmas, I think I mentioned. This calendar I ordered through Shutterfly, and I have to say that I think it came out nicer than the calendar I made for the spud over at Cafepress.

My plan is to get some really good pictures while I’m in Maine, and make myself a calendar for 2005. I always buy a Maine calendar, but having pictures of some of my favorite places in Maine would be a great gift from me to me. (“Thanks, me! I’m so thoughtful!”) The spud and I went to Kohl’s earlier because I needed to look for some gloves, and while I was there, I started thinking about how I was only going to send my nephew money for Christmas (good color, always fits!), and while money is cool, it’s not so much fun to open. I looked around at the clothes in the men’s section and bought an obnoxious t-shirt for him. I hope he likes it, but if not, well, there’ll still be the cash.
* * *
All the Boys on one bed. And all sound asleep, too! Cute…. …yet bitchy.