
HomeWork Do you have a supply of unhappy, separated socks in your house? If not, why not? If so, how long do you wait for them to reconcile before issuing a decree of divorce and throwing them out? Any ideas for using odd socks that don’t involve wiggly eyes, felt tongues and woolly hair? Finally, do you have a theory as to where all the odd socks go? I don’t actually have a supply of separated socks – I tend not to find lonely onlys very often when I’m doing the laundry. When I do end up with a single, I leave it on top of my dresser until I’ve done the laundry again, whereupon I declare the matching sock gone forever. For a while, I’d use old socks to dust the furniture, but that didn’t last long. Now when I have an odd sock, I fill it with catnip and toss it to the cats who drag it all over the house before abandoning it under my bed. As for where the odd socks go – the bad ones go to hell, don’t they?

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So, we were watching Trading Spouses last night (yeah, I still haven’t taken any steps toward getting a new Tater blog up and running yet. It’s on the list. I’ll get to it one day.) and one of the moms – Lisa, the middle-class mom from Massachusetts – said “I don’t cook.” Whuh? I don’t get that. Who are these women who don’t cook? I mean, I really have no mad cooking skillz, but even I can take a chicken breast and cook it in a way that’s edible. How do people get along in life without being able to cook? Do they seriously order out all the time, or what? Inquiring minds want to know these things, people.
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Fred read Uncle Bob this morning and followed the link to Find Your Spot. He took the quiz, and the #1 result was Ocala, Florida. Which is funny, because we’ve actually lately been talking about moving to Florida in a few years. Florida because of the ocean, and because it’s warmer down there. I’d be happy with living on the coast anywhere, but Fred can’t abide by even the idea of cold weather, so it’s Florida we’ve been talking about. The #2 result was Brownsville, Texas, which looks more attractive to me because it’s on the water. I’m trying not to get too excited, because if we do move, it’ll be years from now and who know what’ll happen between now and then? But the idea of living close to the ocean ROCKS.
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From my comments: A thought…just HOW do you know what a “uriney aftertaste” tastes like, anyway? The same way you know that salt and vinegar chips taste like dirty (yet somehow yummy) gym socks. You just KNOW. Hey! I made the cutest little pic of myself from the link you mentioned…but how in the world did you copy it? Now that I made it I can’t figure out how to do anything with it! It was fun, though. (That’s the link to making your own avatar she’s talking about) I think I did the right-click and save-as thing. On second thought, I just went and made another avatar, and didn’t have any luck with right-clicking and saving-as, so I hit the “prt scr” button on the upper right-hand corner of my keyboard, opened Paint Shop Pro, clicked on edit, chose “paste as new image”, cropped the picture down, and saved it. Voila! This is my “Badass” avatar! Robyn, how old is that Bean photo because there is a piece of road working equipment in the background! She’s referring to this picture: The picture was only a few weeks old when I put it up – they were (and still are) working on putting culverts on the other side of our back fence. I should probably point out that I took that picture upstairs, so you can’t actually see the fence, but it’s there! I have cable service and mine slowed to a crawl too. I ran Spybot S&D and when I removed the spyware it found it threw up a message saying it was also “optimizing network connections” and after that things started to fly again 🙂 You might give it a try. The cable company kept telling me there were not any problems. I thought they were liars. (This is regarding me bitching and whining about how slow everything had gotten, internet-wise.) Fred, after spending quite some time on the phone with our cable internet provider, went out and bought a new cable modem (we’d been renting one from Knol0gy), and all our problems were solved. Yay!
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“How come *I* don’t get bottled water??” ]]>



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Like the new logo? This one was made by reader April. Very “me”, no? Thanks, April!
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So, the travelogue is at an end. I’ll have more pictures to share once the three disposable underwater cameras are done being developed and I get the pictures back. I have no idea what’s on those cameras – I gave them to my father and Brian when they were snorkeling at Hanauma Bay and told them to take whatever pictures they wanted to. Should be interesting!
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Last week (Wednesday, I think), the spud and I went to the high school to pick up her schedule for the 2004 – 2005 school year. Sophomores could pick up their schedules between 10 and 2, so we left the house at about 10 minutes before 10. In the past, picking up her schedule at the middle school has taken maybe twenty minutes at the most. We pulled up to the high school to see a line coming out the front door. It was maybe 30 people long, and I mentally bitched and moaned about having to wait, but I figured we’d be out of there in half an hour or so. A few minutes after we joined the line, a high school boy came along, handing out numbers, apparently so that no one would try to cut in line. My number? 135. I eyed the line of people in front of me and wondered how on earth that could add up to 134, decided they hadn’t started at number 1, and continued patiently waiting. Another few minutes later a woman walked along the line. “It’s going to take about an hour and a half,” she said. “Things should clear up after lunch, if you’d like to leave and come back then.” I briefly considered doing so, but didn’t really want to, so I stayed where I was. Besides, really. How on earth could it take an hour and half to pick up a schedule and pay course fees? Really, she had to be exaggerating. With incredible slowness, the line moved toward the door. I amused myself by watching the kids in line, listening to the mother in front of me tell her daughter “If you don’t keep your grades up, that phone is going!”, while the daughter text-messaged with her friends during the entire lecture, and half-listened to the spud OmiGAWD-ing with a friend. After about half an hour, we reached the door, and I sighed with relief. Show proof of residency, pick up schedule, pay course fees, I’d be out of here in no time! And then I stepped through the front door and found that the FUCKING LINE stretched the entire length of the hallway, and there were no tables with people handing out schedules anywhere in sight. Ten minutes later, when we’d inched forward a tiny bit, a teenager walked from the direction of the front of the line, and said to a friend “Oh my GAWD, I can’t believe you’re way back HERE! I was number 17, and I’m just NOW getting done!” WONDERFUL. But I stuck it out, and almost exactly two hours after we arrived at the high school, I had the spud’s schedule in hand and had paid $153 in course fees. If I’d had any idea this was going to happen, I would have dropped the spud off with my cell phone and told her to call me at home when she was about 10 people from the front of the line. Next year, god willing and the creek don’t rise, I’ll give her a blank check and she’ll be able to drive herself to the high school and pick up her own damn schedule! She signed up for driver’s ed, but won’t be taking it until after Christmas. Which doesn’t bother her in the SLIGHTEST. She’s such an odd child – I couldn’t WAIT to get my driver’s license, but she doesn’t seem to care at all. She must take after her father, who didn’t get his license until he was 25, and only then because I told him he needed to get his license so I wouldn’t have to drive my own ass to the hospital when I went into labor.
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The last day the spud and I were in Hawaii, we went to the beach, as you may recall. While we were there, I wore my beach shoes, and got them wet. When we got back to my parents’ hotel room, I put them in a plastic bag and then packed them. Once we were home, I tossed the shoes – bag and all – into the garage. Where they stayed for a week. Last week when we got ready to go to the quarry, I took the shoes out of the bag, and HOLY CRAP they stink. I rinsed them off, and wore them in the quarry and then left them in the sun for a few days, but nothing’s helped yet. I think it may be time for new beach shoes…
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Spanky lurves a good head scratch.]]>


Written July 21. So I guess we’re going to Hanauma Bay to go snorkeling today, once my father gets off work. I feel like I’ve been here for a year – I can’t believe it’s almost time to go home! Whoo! 8:15 am.

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Today was absolutely the best day of our vacation. The spud and I checked out of our hotel around 8:30, ran to the post office to mail a few last-minute things home, and then headed for my parents’ hotel. (Side note: At the post office was a beautiful young Japanese girl mailing about ten huge packages to Japan. She was dressed perfectly in a silk suit with a mini skirt that appeared to have been tailored to fit her, every hair was in place, her makeup was impeccable… and she wore nylon knee-highs and sandals. Which might not have looked quite so bad except that she was wearing a MINI SKIRT and the knee-highs only came to right below her knees. What’s that about?) My father got home from work a little after 10, everyone got into their bathing suits, and we piled into the car (4 people in the back seat, while uncomfortable, isn’t quite so bad when you’re not hot and sweaty) and we headed out to Hanauma Bay. We were disappointed to find that the Hanauma Bay parking lot was closed (they only allow a certain number of cars in the parking lot, in an attempt to cut down on the number of visitors, and to protect the bay. For many years, people were snorkeling there, tromping all over the coral, feeding the fish, and basically destroying the reef. The state of Hawaii took over the bay and enacted measures to cut down on traffic to allow the reef to rebuild itself). So we decided to keep driving up the road in hopes that we’d see a beach where we could stop and swim and do a little snorkeling. We passed up a couple of beaches because the surf looked too rough or the water too rocky, and then we saw THE most gorgeous beach, and stopped to check it out. I later found that we were at Waimanalo Beach. The water was gorgeous, the sand was so smooth that we didn’t need beach shoes, and the view was AMAZING. We stayed there for nearly two hours, floating in the waves and relaxing. Once we’d had enough of that (and we only had enough of that because we’d brought no food or drinks with us – otherwise, I think we could have stayed all day), we piled back in the car and headed back to Hanauma Bay to see if the parking lot had opened back up. It had, so while my father stood in line to buy tickets, we bought lunch at the snack bar, then sat through the 9 minute “look, don’t touch!” movie, then took the tram down to the beach. We took turns with the snorkels and masks and snapped two disposable underwater cameras’ worth of pictures. We only stayed for about an hour and a half, then we piled back into the car (me: “Brian, I sure do love you, but I’m glad we’ll never have to sit this close to each other ever again.” Brian: “I feel the same.”) and went back to my parents’ hotel. While my mother hopped into the shower, I checked my cell phone to find that I had EIGHTEEN missed calls, and when I scrolled through the numbers, I found they were all from my home phone number. With visions of dead cats, a house on fire, or any number of disasters dancing through my head, I dialed home. Busy signal. I tried Fred’s cell phone. No answer. I tried home again and Fred answered on the second ring. “What’s going on?” I demanded. “Oh,” he said with a little laugh. “I was just bored.” Bastard. We talked for a few minutes, then I took my shower, and we all headed out to dinner at Cha Cha Cha’s, a Carribean-Mexican restaurant. I had the Jamaican-Me-Crazy Enchiladas and they were really good. After dinner, my mother, the spud and I went with Debbie while she looked at luggage and ended up buying an adorable, HUGE suitcase for $40. In retrospect, some five hours later, I’m wishing like hell that I’d bought a suitcase too. I like my duffel bag, but it’s more than a tad unwieldy sometimes and I’ve been thinking that we need a second big suitcase. And a price like that, ya just can’t beat. Now we’re on the airplane, halfway through a 4 1/2 hour flight, and the spud is dead to the world. I think I’m going to slather my sunburned lips with Blistex, guzzle some water, and see if I can’t snooze for a while, too. 12:10 am, Hawaii Time
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I managed to sleep for a while – maybe 30 minutes altogether. Our flight landed in San Francisco somewhat on time, give or take 15 minutes. We hit the bathroom and then hit the only store in the terminal to find that they didn’t sell drinks – water, soda – of any kind. What the fuck?! So we stood in line at Jamba Juice to get drinks and some kind of muffin thing. Now we’re 3 1/2 hours into a 4 1/2 hour flight, I can barely keep my eyes open, I befouled the rest room twice (Mexican for dinner right before 12 hours of traveling? Yes, please. Can I get extra beans with that?), the in-flight movie was the craptastic “Laws of Attraction”, which I didn’t bother to watch (if it’s not an almost exact replica of “Intolerable Cruelty” I’ll sit in an uncomfortable position for hours on end and annoy the ever-loving hell out of the woman sitting in the seat ahead of me by constantly fidgeting and accidentally kicking the seat 148,963.5 times. Oh, wait! Did that!) and now we’ve hit turbulence. Time seems to be moving backwards. I think I’ve died and gone to hell (saving a seat for you, Nance!). 1:00 pm Cincinnati time 7 am Hawaii time Noon Alabama time
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Jesus fucking Christ, is there such a thing as a flight that ISN’T stuffed to the gills? Once upon a time, I swear to god, I was on a plane where every seat was NOT taken, but every flight I’ve been on this time around was packed. What the fuck?! THE SPUD DOES NOT RESPECT THE BUBBLE. If she elbows me one more time, I’m going to beat her. 2:45 pm Alabama time ]]>


here. Written July 20th Okay, in retrospect, now that I’m not sitting on a hot bus sweltering, the tour of the island was really pretty cool. We saw the Dole Plantation, a macadamia ranch, Hanauma Bay, and a number of other things. We got a ton of beautiful pictures and learned that Dole doesn’t actually do canning on the island anymore, that outsiders coming to the island have driven up property prices so that native Hawaiians can’t afford homes, that I REALLY want a monkeypod tree in my backyard, and that the manmade rivers carrying rain water down from the mountains make the ocean murky where the rivers run into the sea. Cousin Dave told us that last at LEAST twelve times. Around the fifth time, we started snickering, and somewhere around the tenth time I looked at Debbie. “Debbie,” I said with a perfectly straight face, “What makes the water so murky?”, and she gave me a considering look and then said “I believe the ABC Stores make the water so murky, Robyn.” Heh. There was a large family of rednecks from Georgia on the tour with us, who obviously weren’t listening, because Cousin Dave told us there are no active volcanoes on Oahu, and ten minutes later Daddy Redneck drawled “Now, where’s the active volcano? We gonna see that today?” Like I said, though, it was neat. We made plenty of stops for pictures and bathroom breaks. It would have been better if the tour had been, say, in a stretch limo with a bar and the driver stopping to let us take pictures whenever we wanted, but I guess I’ll just have to wait ’til I’m a multi-millionaire rock stah. I have no idea what we’re doing today. The spud and I have to haul a box to the post office for mailing, and after that who knows?

7:42 am
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I realized this morning why exactly it is that I’ve woken at 6 every morning. It’s because that’s apparently when they start up the street construction that involves lots of big-ass trucks backing up and making that ear-piercing BeepBeepBeep sound. Ah well – I sure am glad I’m not on a lower floor! I guess if you get a hotel in the middle of a city, you have to expect lots of loud traffic noises. The spud is having an awfully good time hanging out with Brian. He’s definitely like a brother to her. Too bad we don’t live closer to them! 10:14 pm ]]>


Written July 19th. I’m so miserable. As a result of marinating in sweat 24 hours a day, I’m one big rash. I cut my leg shaving in the shower this morning and didn’t realize it until after I sat down on my bed and left a blood stain on the sheet the size of my head. Housekeeping will no doubt think we’ve been slaughtering hogs in here. Also, the spud is asleep, laying on her bed facing me, sending the nastiest morning breath EVER my way. She spent a good part of yesterday farting the most noxious gas and then laughing, making me want to fucking throttle her. My face is red and hot and itchy. The Priority boxes the post office has aren’t nearly big enough to hold the stuff I want to mail home, which means I need to find a place to buy boxes, and then haul a big-ass box to the post office. But we’re doing a bus tour of the island and seeing a bunch of cool stuff and sitting on an air-conditioned bus, so that should be really damn cool. I hope like hell I don’t run out of space on the memory stick. I’ve been a picture taking fool. But I went through the pictures and deleted a bunch of blurry pictures, which freed up a lot of space. Hopefully I’ll be okay.

7:12 am
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So, that was a LONG fucking day. We left my parents’ hotel at about 8:30 and got back at 4:30ish. In between, we spent most of the day on a small, packed bus with pretty much nonexistent air conditioning, ass cheek to ass cheek with the fidgety spud who has very sharp elbows and no concept of staying in her own space. We ate lunch at The Crouching Lion Inn, which had horribly slow service. Now, I KNOW that there’s this thing called “Hawaii Time”, where everything moves a whole lot slower and you shouldn’t expect to get your food quickly because everyone’s moving at a slower, more relaxed pace. HOWEVER, when the bus driver (Cousin Dave – “If I cut my wrist and you cut your wrist, the blood that comes out is the same color, and so that means we are family. So for today I will call you Cousin, and you can call me Cousin Dave.”) tells you that you have an hour to eat and it takes 45 minutes to get your food (and you’re hot and cranky to begin with), and you’re a spaz about being on time and not making other people wait for you, Hawaii Time can kiss my butt. Also, Cousin Dave highly recommended the Kalua (?) Pork sandwich, which was pulled pork, and while it wasn’t bad, it sure didn’t live up to Southern BBQ standards, either. [REDACTED]
10:03 pm


Written July 18th. My crap, is my scalp FRIED. My face is red, but my scalp is just horribly burned. I fully expect that in a few days my scalp will start peeling, and I’ll look like I have a horrible case of dandruff. Anyway, the plan for today was to go to Pearl Harbor and then to the flea market (I guess it’s actually a swap meet; I’m not sure I know what the difference is). My mother decided that since you can’t take any bags into the Arizona Memorial due to security concerns, we should just do the swap meet and save the Arizona Memorial for a different day. The spud and I met up with my mother, Debbie, and Brian at the bus stop near my parents’ hotel a little after 8. We weren’t sure which bus we wanted, but while we tried to figure it out, I saw a bus that said (on the front) that it was going to the Aloha Stadium, which is where we were headed. Thus began a hellish, hot, sweaty ride that – JESUS CHRIST, is it the entire aim of my child to drive me straight out of my goddamn mind, or what? She’s been clipping her fucking fingernails for 45 goddamn fucking minutes. Pardon me while I go boot her ass off the motherfucking balcony. – lasted for-fucking-ever. 54 minutes, to be exact. One of the stops the bus made on the way was at the Arizona Memorial, where 600 people were waiting in line to get their tickets, and I was SO FUCKING GLAD we weren’t going there today. We pulled up to the swap meet at 9:30 exactly, and we spent the next 3 1/2 hours shopping. This place was AMAZING, any kind of souvenir you could ever want, they had for incredibly low prices. I bought a ton of stuff, and then a ton more for the giveaway page. Because I lurve you guys so much! At around noon, my father got off work and met us at the swap meet. None of us particularly wanted to ride the bus home, so Debbie, the kids, and I crammed into the back seat of the car my father was renting. As perhaps you can imagine, when you cram two fat chicks and two good-sized kids into the back seat of a car, it’s nowhere near “comfortable” territory. We survived – though we were soaked in sweat – and stopped at the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch. After, my dad dropped the spud, Brian and I off at our hotel, then we walked to my parents’ hotel so I could do my laundry (Brian, good kid that he is, carried the laundry bag the entire time. Such a good little slave!). We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at my parents’ hotel. Sometime after 6, my mother, Debbie, the spud and I went out walking around and doing some shopping. Since we hadn’t had anything for dinner, we stopped at Coldstone Creamery for ice cream. I had a birthday cake remix in a waffle cup, and it was pretty fucking good. We don’t have Coldstone Creamery anywhere near Huntsville, and it’s probably a good thing, because I’d be there ALL THE TIME. Okay, that’s it for me for tonight. Time for bed!

9:56 pm, Hawaii
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Written July 16th I got a good, solid five hours of sleep last night – the spud and I had the light off by 10, I slept hard until 3, and then intermittently until 6:15 or so. The spud was still sleeping, so I went out onto the balcony and talked to Fred for a while (on the cell), then read until about 7. Debbie and Brian had been up since 4:30 and had been out and about for a few hours. They came to our hotel and we all headed out for breakfast (buffet for $5.99! Sweet!). There was lo mein on the buffet, which was surprisingly good as part of breakfast. By the time we were done with breakfast, my mother was up, so we walked through a few stores and went to her hotel. From there we walked along the Ala Wai Canal (pretty, but the water looked nas-tay) and then down a side street to the Honolulu Zoo. Zoos are cool and depressing, but I’ve come to the conclusion that if you’ve seen one, you’ve pretty much seen ’em all. I got some cool pictures, anyway. We were at the zoo for about two and a half hours (I was absolutely dripping with sweat the entire time) and had talked about going to the Waikiki Aquarium next, but we decided none of us were terribly interested in that, so instead we ate lunch at Wolfgang Puck Express (the spud and I split a turkey sandwich and a side of fries – the sandwich was huge) and then we hopped on the trolley (free!) to go to Hilo Hattie. Oh, here’s a story for you: While we were waiting for the trolley to show up, Debbie and I were standing in the shade of the hotel across from Waikiki Beach. A woman with an indefinable accent walked up to. “Have you been to the Polynesian Cultural Center?” she asked, addressing the question to Debbie. “Because the bus didn’t pick my husband and I up this morning when it was supposed to, and I’m wondering if we’re going to have time to blah blah blah.” Debbie, who is the most helpful person on EARTH, smiled. “Oh,” she said. “I just got here yesterday, so I haven’t been there. My mother went, though.” And she peered past me in the direction of my mother, who was standing about ten feet away chatting it up with a stranger. The woman turned and looked at me. “I’m afraid there won’t be time to see everything,” she repeated worriedly. “Will we have enough time?” I stared blankly at her, and then Debbie and I exchanged a confused look. Then I realized that this woman was UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT I WAS DEBBIE’S MOTHER. Pardon the fuck out of me, do I REALLY look like I could be the mother of a 34 year-old? I DON’T FUCKING THINK SO. I managed not to throw something at Dumbass McClueless, and called my mother over to answer the woman’s questions. Anyway. Hilo Hattie is pretty cool – you can hop on the trolley for free, take a nice ride (long, too), and the trolley runs about every 20 minutes. You get to Hilo Hattie and an employee meets you at the door with a free shell necklace. There’s free juice, and then you can take your time strolling through the store. After some power-shopping, we got back on the trolley, told the trolley-driver where we were headed (my parents’ hotel), and he dropped us off very close to where we wanted to be. We had planned that my mother and Debbie would walk to The Cheesecake Factory, put our names on the waiting list, and call my cell to let us know how long the wait would be. But when my mother called my dad on his cell (have I mentioned that we’re some cell phone-having motherfuckers?) she found that he was already there and they’d told him it would be about a ten-minute wait. So we hoofed it to the Factory and were immediately seated, then spent ten minutes dithering over what we wanted. My parents and the waitress repeatedly warned us that the portions were very big, so I ordered a Chinese Chicken Salad. Then Brian asked the waitress if he could get just a plain cheeseburger, and she suggested the Roadside Sliders – an appetizer with 4 mini hamburgers. That suddently sounded really good to me, so I said, “Can I change my order? I hate to be a pain in the ass…” “You’re not a pain in the ass,” she said, smiling. Bing! Thirty percent tip, right there. I changed my order to a side salad and the Roadside Sliders. Best salad EVER. Best burgers EVER. For dessert? Cheesecake, of course. The spud and I had Toblerone Cheesecake, and by the time we were done eating, I was stuffed. Two thumbs up not only to The Cheesecake Factory, but also to our server. I think her name was Kaz. She had dreadlocks and was funny and warm and friendly and I liked her a great deal. If you have a chance to visit The Cheesecake Factory in Waikiki, request her section, and tell her a bunch of crazy Mainers sent ya. When we were done eating, my father took the kids back to his hotel so they could go swimming in the pool. My mom, Debbie, and I did about an hour of shopping. My mother got a very nice gay man VERY excited when she tried on a ($2200!) blue pearl necklace. But she dashed his hopes and left without buying anything. We finally pooped out and headed back to my parents’ hotel. Once there, I whined about how much my feet hurt ’til my father offered to drive the spud and I back to our hotel. I’m such a lazy bitch. I managed to get slightly sunburned today, despite putting on sublock. Tomorrow we’re spending the day at the beach, and I can’t WAIT! ‘Night.

10:03 pm, Hawaii.


Written July 15th When our flight landed last night, everyone did the really annoying thing they always do – once the seatbelt light went off, they stood in the aisles and glared toward the front of the plane, waiting for the door to open. (And I’ll fully admit that I do it too. Why does it take so long to open the door? Throw that fucker open, and let us OUT!) Which is when the flight attendant told everyone to take their seats and clear the aisles. And then six or seven men in sheriff uniforms boarded the plane and followed the flight attendant toward the back of the plane. A couple of the deputies (?) removed a few pieces of luggage, and then escorted a not particularly scared-looking woman off the plane. Shortly after, some kids and a man left, followed by the rest of the deputies (officers?). Everyone in the plane was all a-twitter. What the hell was going on? Terrorist activity? Smuggling? Had she tried to smuggle an avocado onto the island, or what? The flight attendants were not forthcoming, so we slowly started moving off the plane. Once off the plane, I walked past a flight attendant who was talking to a deputy, who was taking notes. I slowed down to listen, and then the light dawned. You know how the flight attendants say that federal law prohibits tampering with the smoke detectors in the airplane lavatories? Yeah. They’re SO not kidding about that. You know, if my sister, who smokes a lot (well, I think she does – I have no real idea of what a lot of smoking is) can make it on a 10-hour flight without tampering with the lavatory smoke detector and lighting up, anyone should be able to. My parents and Brian (Debbie and Brian landed in Hawaii about 5 hours before we did) met us at the airport and lei’d us. The leis were made of fresh plumeria blossoms, and they smell AMAZING. We’re staying at the Waikiki Gateway Hotel, and it’s nothing to write home about – you get what you pay for. There are two beds, drawers to put our clothes in, a fridge and a TV, so I’m not going to complain too much. Oh, and a balcony. When I stepped onto the balcony last night, a white pigeon stared at me from a few feet away, shot a stream of shit in my direction and proceeded to ignore me. Alrighty, then. We turned the light off at midnight, tossed and turned a little, but really slept fairly well. We’re on the 15th floor and can hear the traffic on the street below. A lot of buses go by our hotel, it seems. At 6 am, I was done with the sleeping and so was the spud. After all, that’s 11:00, Alabama time. I went onto the balcony and found that if I lean out and look to the right, I can see the ocean in the distance. To the front, more ocean. And to the left, a block or two away, the Ala Wai Canal. Now I’m waiting for a decent time so I can call my mother without waking anyone up.

7:09 am, Hawaii time
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Everyone but me: “Go! Go! Go! Buy! Go! Shop! Beach! Go! Look! Go! Shop! Go! GoGoGoGOGoGoGO!” Me: “Eh! Stop! My feet hurt! My back hurts! My eye hurts! I’m ::whine:: tiiiiired! I’m hungry! I’m thirsty! I’m sleepy! ::whine::whine::whine:: I’m a slug in a family of energizer bunnies. My feet huuuuurt, damnit. So around 7:50 this morning I called my mother’s cell phone. She didn’t answer, so I left a message. I flipped through the phone book to look for the number at the hotel where my parents are staying (the Island Colony). When I had no luck, I tried my mother’s cell again (no answer) and then called Debbie’s cell. We’re a family of cell phone-having motherfuckers. Debbie was not only up, she was out looking for my hotel. She found it pretty quickly, and she and Brian came up to our room. My mother was ready to go soon after, and we met up with her up the street from our hotel. There are, by the way, ABC Stores about every three feet here. They have food and sundries (though not, unfortunately, Sundry) and a lot of little souvenirs. We looked through that store and a few others before we decided it was time for breakfast. Two pancakes, two strips of bacon, and an egg for $2.99. Whoo! (I’ve had better pancakes, but syrup will improve any bland pancake.) We spent a good part of the late morning and early afternoon shopping then had lunch at my parents’ hotel room before heading for Waikiki Beach. The beach was wall-to-wall people, but we dropped our stuff on the sand and went right into the water. That’s some salty-ass water. I know, you’re saying “Duh”, but I was still surprised at the saltiness for some reason. We stayed at the beach for something like 1 1/2 hours, floating in the water, watching the people, and chatting. At one point, the spud was up on the beach pouting because she was tired and didn’t want to be at the beach. Debbie glanced over to check on her, and then said, sounding like she was going to fly out of the water and kick some ass, “Is that man TALKING to (the spud)?” I started laughing. “That’s DAD,” I said. Heh. After the beach we went back to my parents’ hotel where some of us showered and some of us just changed clothes. We had talked about going to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner, but my father and Brian were tired and decided to just get fast food and hang out in the hotel room. So my mother, Debbie, the spud and I headed out to eat at The Cheesecake Factory. That idea lasted until we found that it would be a 75 – 90 minute wait, whereupon we pretty much decided “Fuck THAT.” Thus began the Honolulu Death March, which began with my mother’s assurance that a fairly nice restaurant was “just upstairs.” Turned out it was three floors up and six thousand miles away (not really, but did I mention that MY FEET HURT?). We finally got there – the restaurant was Antonio’s – decided we’d eat there no matter what they served, and went in. Not only was it a “fairly nice” restaurant, it was one of those hoity-toity ones that doesn’t serve anything like a hamburger. Now, I’ve BEEN to nice restaurants, okay? I have! NOT often, but enough to know how to behave and not to blow snot-rockets or anything (annnnd, when you do a Google search so that you can link to the definition of snot-rockets and find that there’s a band called The Snot Rockets, the sentence “I know how to behave and not blow snot-rockets or anything” takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?). So we’re sitting there, we’ve placed our orders (I got some kind of salad with a citrus dressing and mango on it. Mango tastes exactly, I’ve found, like biting into nothing) and were talking. Some guy who worked there walked quietly up to our table. I was nodding as I listened to some eternal story my mother was telling, and I absentmindedly registered his presence, but didn’t really wonder what he was there for; I assumed he was going to refill our water glasses or something. “Huh,” I thought to myself. “I wonder why he’s picking up my napkin…” He picked up the cloth napkin sitting in front of me, snapped it open, and leaned toward me. I reached out to take the napkin, and he evaded my hand, and gently placed the napkin across my lap. My eyes bulged, and I traded glances with Debbie. He did the same with Debbie’s napkin and the spud’s as well. I thought Debbie was going to pass out, she was having such difficulty holding back her laughter. So, yes. Another first for me. At the restaurants I USUALLY frequent, they figure if you want that napkin on your lap, you can put it there your own damn self. They also usually have hamburgers on the menu. Does one thing have anything to do with the other? Who knows. After we ate, even though I’d told Debbie that I definitely wanted to visit the David and Goliath store, I wasn’t up for anything but hauling my ass back to my hotel and going to bed. So Deb and my mother went off shopping, and the spud and I picked up some bottles of water at an ABC store, and headed for “home.” I figure David and Goliath will still be there tomorrow. So now I’m off to read for a while, and then hit the hay.
9:29 pm, Hawaii


Written July 14th. I don’t know which was worse on my flight from Huntsville to Dallas – the four year-old kicking the back of my seat the entire way, or the pitch of the flight attendant’s voice when she spoke to the four year-old and her sister. No, wait. It was the ten minutes of screaming when the four year-old didn’t want to put on her seat belt. I feel your pain, kid, ’cause I sure hate putting that friggin’ seat belt on, too. Ah, yeah. I lurrrve flying. The flight wasn’t so horribly bad despite the fact that it seemed to be 50% kids under the age of 7, and we landed half an hour early, only to find that our flight to L.A. was delayed by an hour. Good thing we had the 3-hour layover in L.A, I suppose. From Huntsville to Dallas, I read a god-awful piece of crap called The Last Year of Being Single, which makes me sad because I was really looking forward to it. I happily left the book on the plane after I skipped to the end and found out what happened, though in the interest of kindness to my fellow (wo)man, I should have tossed it in the trash. The spud and I ate at TGI Friday’s. Ugh. We should have just opted for frozen yogurt instead. The restrooms in this airport are distressingly few and far between.

Dallas, 3:35 pm
* * *
Our flight from Dallas to L.A. was horribly packed. I was crammed in a window seat, because I made the spud (being much smaller than I) sit in the middle seat. The woman sitting next to the spud was one who’d had a very loud conversation on her cellphone while in the terminal. During her conversation, she’d been sure several times to mention her wedding, her husband, her honeymoon, and to wave her left hand around so that everyone could see and admire her rock. (It was gorgeous, I’ll give her that) So when she sat down next to the spud, I did an inner eyeroll and groan. “Oh, GREAT,” I thought. “She’s going to tell us allll about her beeeyootiful wedding. Grrrreat.” Well, I’m a bitch (big shocker there, eh?), because she was perfectly friendly without being overly chatty. And when we landed in L.A, she offered the spud her “In Touch” magazine. Did you know that one of those Olsen twins has an eating disorder? I had no idea. Who says “In Touch” can’t educate? I am perturbed to discover that fountain Coke products don’t seem to be easy to find in airports once you leave the deep South. Pepsi drinkers, don’t be offended since this is just my opinion, okay? Diet Pepsi has kind of a urine-y aftertaste. I hate Aquafina bottled water. Bleh. Time to check out the gift shops. Whoo!
6:37 pm, LAX
* * *
We just saw Jeffrey Tambor. Surprisingly, the spud’s the one who spotted him. “Omigod! I see someone famous!” she said. “You know Three’s Company, when Mr. and Mrs. Roper moved away, and there was the guy next door who didn’t want them to move in?” Sad to say, Jeffrey Tambor’s face immediately popped into my head. “Where?” I said. She pointed to a man in a hat and sunglasses standing by some croissant sandwich place. Sure as shit, it was him. But I could NOT think of his name. Naturally, I picked up the cellphone and called Fred. “Go to your computer!” I said. “I’m at my computer already.” “Go to Internet Movie Database and look up The Ropers!” Jeffrey Tambor and a gorgeous blonde were on the move. The spud and I followed at a distance. “What’s that, a new movie?” Fred asked. “It was the Three’s Company spinoff,” I said. And yes, it’s sad that I knew that. “Okay.” “Start reading me the actors’ names,” I said. Jeffrey Tambor and his wife/ girlfriend/ friend stopped at the currency exchange counter. “Norman Fell… Audra Lindley… I think they’re both dead now, by the way…” “Yeah, keep reading.” “Jeffrey Tambor – ” “That’s it! I’m looking at him right now!” I all but yelled. “Take his picture!” With the spud standing as if posing for a picture, I goonily took a few pictures. Unfortunately, the camera was on some fucked-up setting, and I ended with really blurry pictures of his back. I have no idea what was going on with the camera. My brush with fame. Heh. As excited as I got seeing Jeffrey Tambor, if I ever see anyone REALLY famous, I’ll probably literally shit my pants. Come on, LAX. Jeffrey Tambor is all you have to offer??
7:12 pm, LAX
* * *
It’s 7:38 pm Hawaii time (I turned my watch back when we left L.A.), which makes it 12:38 am Alabama time, which makes it WAY past my bedtime. Thanks, Male Pattern Baldness in the seat in front of me. Thanks for slamming your seat back so far that it’s against my knees. Thanks for doing that the second we reached cruising altitude, even though you didn’t bother to go to sleep, but instead are sitting there chatting with your wife, or whoever the fuck she is. I’m not bothering you by constantly smacking the back of your seat when I shift my legs, am I? (Just a little trick I learned from a four year-old) Q: What’s worse than walking into an airplane bathroom and being greeted by a BIG stank? A: Walking out of said bathroom, knowing that the person waiting to walk in will attribute said stink to YOU, even though you didn’t do it.
7:45 pm, Hawaii time
* * *
It’s 8:55 pm Hawaii time, which makes it 1:55 am Alabama time. We’ve been in the air for three hours, and there is a stupid fucking twathead two rows up who has been intermittently shuffling the same goddamn stupid fucking goddamn fucking deck of cars for the last two goddamn fucking hours, and I want to rip her goddamn fucking ::fliiiip::TAP::TAP::TAP::FLIIIP::TAP::TAP::TAP::FLIP::TAP::TAP::TAP::FLIP::TAP::TAP::TAP:: head off her stupid fucking goddamn neck
and shit down her stupid fucking twathead throat. WHAT? What the goddamn fucking christ am I going to do, tap her on her stupid fucking twathead shoulder and say “Excuse me, you self-centered twat, the screaming baby in the seat behind me doesn’t bother me because he can’t help his misery and also he’s cute, but if I hear one more goddamn fucking flip or one more goddamn fucking tap I will KILL YOUR STUPID ASS.”? Yeah. I’m not Courtney Love YET. I fucking hate this. I am staying in Honolulu for the rest of my goddamn life, I am never flying anywhere ever the fuck again STOP READING OVER MY SHOULDER SPUD, YES IT IS TECHNICALLY STILL “OVER MY SHOULDER” EVEN IF YOU ARE TO THE SIDE OF ME AND NOT THE BACK STOP IT. Why did my goddamn father have to take this assignment and why did I think this was a good idea? I hate the card-shuffling twat, I hate my parents, I hate this pen I’m holding because it’s not you (SHUT UP, BRIAN KRAKOW) HATE. HATE. HATE. OH LOOK. SHE STOPPED SHUFFLING. SHE’S GOING TO SLEEP. DOESN’T SHE LOOK COMFY. PARDON ME WHILE I GO POKE HER STUPID GODDAMN EYES OUT WITH MY PEN.
9:12 pm Hawaii time