
reading: Little Children, by Tom Perrotta. By “currently reading”, I mean “I’ll probably start reading it today.” Just so you know. Awesome reader Martha sent me her copy. Martha rocks! Finished last night: Blind Pursuit, by Brian Harper. As I say far too often these days, I ended up staying up really late last night to finish this book. There was one part during a chase scene where I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest. A damn fine book, this one.

* * *
We ::gasp!:: left the house yesterday and ::gasp!gasp!:: went to the movies, to see War of the Worlds. The last time we went to a movie together was when we saw Minority Report two years ago. In the same theater, even, I think. Not a bad movie, War of the Worlds. I was a dumbass and forgot to bring my long-sleeved shirt from the car, so I sat in the theater and froze to death the whole time. Probably, that $4 medium-sized Diet Coke with six pounds of ice didn’t help, either. I do love that cute little Dakota Fanning, and the kid who played Tom Cruise’s son was pretty good too. He bore a striking resemblance to Tom Cruise, too, I thought. Fred thought the ending was kind of a rip-off, but I thought it was okay. Speaking of movies, we watched Office Space Saturday night. That movie just never gets old, it really doesn’t.
* * *
While we were on our way to the movie theater, we were at a red light, and Fred said something about a pigeon that had landed on a bit of grass on the other side of the red light, and I turned my head and looked at him and said something, and then this battered car pulled up next to us. In the battered-looking car were four guys – mid-twenties, I would guess – and I think some of them had tattoos or piercings or whatever, and I glanced over at them as the guy in the front passenger seat turned his head toward us, and then he said something to the other badass-wannabes in the car, and one by one they all turned and looked at us – or rather, I guess, they looked at me, since Fred was staring at the red light and waiting for it to change. “Why are those boys looking over here?” I said between clenched teeth to Fred, and leaned back so they couldn’t see me (or, at least, as much of me). “I don’t know, stop staring at them!” Fred snapped. “I wasn’t STARING AT THEM, I was looking at you, fucker!” I said. And then the red light turned green, and there was the squeal of tires, and I said “Was that you?”, and Fred said “That was not me.”, and the battered-looking car with the four badass-wannabes went zooming by us, and then one of the wannabes hung him arm out the window and gave us the finger. And we burst into laughter, which was probably not the shaking, quivering, scared-to-death reaction they were looking for. But really, is there anything less threatening than giving someone the FINGER? Pull my hair, scratch me, kick me, punch me, but PLEASE. PLEASE, for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT GIVE ME THE FINGER!
* * *
Y’all, I am sad today. I went to the petstore this morning to clean ‘n feed, and there were two empty cages. I think this means that the kittens will be going to the petstore shortly, and I am going to MISS those little fuckers. I expect to get an email or call at some point today or tomorrow, and the lady who runs the shelter to tell me to take the babies to the store. WAH!
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Speaking of cat-related things, so far we’ve raised $1399.40, which is SO awesome! The first few checks arrived in the PO Box, which is cool, and the PayPal funds from Friday have arrived in our checking account, which means I’ll be running up to the shelter tomorrow to give them the first big check. Thank you all so very much for your donations – and if you haven’t had a chance to donate yet, please consider doing so. Every little bit helps more than you can know.
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The kitten section. Remember how the other day I told y’all that Peanut and Flossie like to savor their water? Well, describing it doesn’t quite do it justice, so I got a little movie of Peanut doing it. Check it out. Last night I told Fred that if they were characters in a novel, Oy would be the brilliant, evil brother, and Edgar would be the slow, good-hearted brother who triumphed in the end. I swear, Oy bounces around so bright-eyed and full of energy that it’s hard to get him to stand still. Last night Fred stood up with a blanket over his shoulders, and Oy FLEW across the room and climbed up the blanket to Fred’s shoulder in about two seconds. He’s full of it, that one. Edgar, on the other hand, enjoys playing, but he also really likes to be up again my leg, playing with his tail, or watching his brothers and sisters run around. He’s the one with the loudest purr, too. I pick him up, and you can hear him from two rooms away. Edgar’s the one I worry most about, as far as being adopted, because he’s not as cute as his brothers and sister – he reminds me of a boxer who’s gone a few rounds – but he’s such a sweet, sweet guy. Well, I worry about Flossie, too. She can be so timid and unwilling to be held, though in the last few days she’s gotten to the point where she’ll stand in front of me and put her paws on my chest and ask to be petted. Damn, I love these kitties. Dsc04890 Peanut, taking a moment mid-fight with Flossie, to lick his nose. Dsc05855 Egg decided he needed to be in the sleeve of my sweatshirt. He climbed in, hung out for a few minutes, then… Dsc05862 …turned around and came back out! Dsc04903 Miss Flossie shows off her fangs. Dsc05423 Oy gives someone the Manson lamps. Dsc05570 Egg prepares for the dismount. Dsc05749 “Egg! Egg! Hey, Egg! I’ve got some primo catnip, come get some! Don’t tell Oy, though. He’s a ‘nip hog.” Dsc05753 I love the way his toes are just sitting there, over his shoulder, for no apparent reason. Dsc05841 “Bahahah! Ha! Hee! Whoo, I think that catnip made me high…” Dsc05846 The yawn-and-stretch. Is there anything cuter than little pink cat toes? I think not!
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Dsc05662 “How YOU doin’? You wanna come up to my place, sniff some catnip, and check out my new cat toy?”]]>


* * * Thanks to Bonnie, JL, and Whitters, I have some awesome buttons for linkin’ to the Mia Fund page. I’m even allowing hotlinking! If you want to use a button to link to the Mia page, go check out the buttons (and the html, if you’re clueless like me – I had to call Fred and ask for help, since I only know the very most basic of html), and link away! As of this morning, we’ve raised $1055.88 (yes, I know there are checks on the way, too! That’ll give me a good reason to go check the PO Box every day.). Paypal will be transferring that money to my bank account over the next 3 or 4 business days, so I’ll be able to present the woman who runs the shelter with a nice big check next week before I leave for Maine. I don’t think she’s aware of this site – she keeps pretty busy, so I suspect there’s not a lot of time for journal-reading – so I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she sees how much the check is for! Y’all rock, you really do. Keep it coming!

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This morning I got up early, because I went to bed early last night – 10:00 – because I was very sleepy. I made the bed and put my contacts in and took my morning dose of calcium; the usual, in other words. I folded some laundry and put it away, then came downstairs to open the blinds in the kitchen and living room, and check my email. I read my email and responded to a few, then intended to go back upstairs and take a shower, but decided to look something up and as you probably know, once you start looking for one thing online, it’s all over. Half an hour later I was still in front of the computer, and behind me I heard Mister Boogers making his “this disturbs me” sound. In response, I heard Miz Poo make her “What the fuck is this?” noise. I closed the browser where I was looking at a trailer to which Fred had sent me the link and turned around to see what was going on. There, on the floor between Mister Boogers and Miz Poo was a huge, dead mourning dove. I was dumbstruck. Anyone who knows our cats knows that they prefer to bring live birds into the house, so that havoc can ensue. I wondered for a minute if Mister Boogers had brought the bird into the house, chased it around the house for a while, and then killed it and was now bringing it to me as an act of lurve, while I was sitting oblivious in front of the computer. I got up and looked around for signs of a struggled and there was nary a feather to be seen, until I looked outside, and saw that there was a mass of feathers strewn across the yard. Apparently he’d killed the dove outside and then brought it inside. THANKS, MISTER BOOGERS, YOU FUCKER. When I called Fred to report the situation, he told me that Mister Boogers had been looking out the living room window this morning, caught sight of a dove, and gotten all excited. Which is when Fred opened the back door and said “Go get him, buddy!” Apparently Mister Boogers was just following orders.
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I went to Target this morning to pick up a bunch of odds ‘n ends (for one, a small broom and dustpan to keep in the bathroom closet, because the cats love to knock their food out of the bowl, all over the floor, and when you tramp across a pile of cat food in the middle of the night on your way to the toilet, it hurts like a motherfucker). So after I picked up everything I needed – and a few things I didn’t – I headed for the checkout. It was early, so there weren’t many people in the store, and I didn’t have to wait in line at all. I put everything on the conveyer belt, and then went to the end of the checkout counter to grab everything as the cashier bagged it, so I could put it in my cart. So all I’d have to do was pay and be on my way, see? Only when I turned around to pay with my debit card, there was already someone standing there. In the time I’d loaded my cart, someone had gotten in line behind me, unloaded her own cart, and walked down to the place where you pay. “Excuse me,” I said. She gave me a look and moved three inches to the left. I squeezed in between her and the… thing. That you put your debit card in. Which I don’t know the name of. She stood there and WATCHED ME. I turned and gave her the Bug-Eyed Look of Annoyance*, to no avail. Clearly she was either trying to get my PIN so she could follow me out to the parking lot, knock me over the head, and steal my purse, or she was a bitch with a strange sense of entitlement to the debit card machine thingy. I opted to believe she was a combination of the two, and so I gave her a significant I see you, you thieving bitch look, and moved so that I was blocking the debit card machine (thingy) and she couldn’t see my PIN as I entered it. Then I accepted the receipt from the cashier, gave the Space Invader one last dirty look, and left the store. I’m pleased to announce that she didn’t follow me out into the parking lot and knock me over the head, but believe you me, I was ready for her. I would have kicked her ass, and then sat on her ’til the cops arrived. I’m a little sad I didn’t get to kick her ass, because Space Invaders really annoy the hell out of me. I mean, who the hell doesn’t know that you should wait until the person ahead of you pays before you go hover in front of the debit card machine (thingy)? *It’s no accident that you can’t see my eyebrows in this picture. Yes, they desperately need to be “done”, but I have no mad eyebrow-plucking skillz.
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When I was folding laundry this morning, I turned the TV on, because I like to listen to country music videos while I’m doing fun stuff like laundry or cleaning or watching paint dry. Shania Twain was on both CMT and, er, whatever that other country music video station is, and because I just can’t stand Shania Twain anymore (I used to like her a lot, but with the craptastic “Party for Two”, which everyone in the entire world loves except me, apparently. Even FRED.), so I flipped over to VH-1. The Gavin DeGraw “Chariot” video was just ending, so I left it there, and starting folding towels. This R. Kelly song came on, and I was so drawn in by it that I had to stop and watch it, because it made me LAUGH MY ASS OFF. Have you seen it, the video for “Trapped in the Closet“? I’ve never in my life seen a video that’s such a literal interpretation of a song. He sings something like “An’ I walked across the floor”, and in the video? Why, there he is! R. Kelly, walkin’ cross the floor! He sings “And he went and looked under the bed!”, and in the video, the cuckholded husband is, you guessed it, looking under the bed. I had no idea R. Kelly was so funny. It reminded me, for some reason, of the Dana Carvey Choppin’ Broccoli skit.
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The kitten section. Last night I went upstairs to hang with the babies, and I walked in to find them all sleeping. They heard me come through the door and all slowly came to me, stretching and yawning and peeping the entire way. At one point I had four sleepy kittens in my arms, half-heartedly fighting with each other. Finally, three of them went running off to play, and Snoopy decided he wanted to go back to sleep. He slept in my arms for the longest time, despite the fact that his brothers and sisters find his tail to be an irresistable toy, and would come running over to grab at and bite it. I sure do love these damn kitties, and MAN am I going to miss them when they’re gone. Dsc05768 Sleeping Snoopy. Dsc05572 Sweet (ha!) little Peanut. Dsc05610 Edgar, hanging out on my shoulder. Dsc05666 Something about clean, wet hair drives Oy NUTS. He pretty much ends up on top of my head, licking my hair. Crazy cat. Dsc05675 The skilled acrobat, Snoopy, hanging from my shoulder by one arm as he cleans the other. Dsc05714 Dsc05565 Looking out the window is obviously a favorite pasttime around here. I got home from the bank yesterday, and glanced up to see Edgar looking out the window. He watched me drive up the driveway, and got so excited he fell off the box he was standing on. Dsc05715 Crazy girl. Dsc05770 Lookin’ for love in all the right places. Dsc05780 Oy likes the catnip toy. Dsc05784 Edgar, concerned. I think this is my favorite picture of him. He’s such a sweet boy. Dsc05789 This is how things usually are around here. Asses being kicked, cat toys being tossed around, and someone trying to figure out how to fit his entire body in the Steakout cup. Dsc05812 Peanut and Flossie are water connoisseurs. They take a drink of water, then lift their heads, and smack their lips. They remind me of wine tasters. They know how to appreciate the good things in life, those two. Look what I found in my /tmp directory! I think I took these with the spud’s camera: 000002 000001 Were they ever really that little? Check back at Flickr over the weekend, if you want to, because I have a bunch of pictures I’m going to upload over there, so I can clear off my memory stick.
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DSC05664 Grumpy Poo. ]]>


a page dedicated to explaining who Mia is (in the form of linking to a page with, basically, yesterday’s entry on it), so if you want to link to it, feel free! We’re going to collect money until August 5th, so any amount you can spare will help a lot – we got a lot of $5 donations yesterday, and they really added up! As of this morning we’ve got $889.51, which just blows me away. I’d love it if we ended up raising $1500 or more. Thanks, all of you, for your donations. You have no idea how much we appreciate it – and there’s no doubt the money will go to good use at the shelter, with it being kitten season.

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From my comments: Would you be able to tell me in which entry you wrote about a restaurant you went to where the wait staff insults its patrons. Or perhaps just mention the name in a future entry? That was Dick’s Last Resort! They had some mighty good food, and the wait staff was hilarious.
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So, Miz Poo. Remember how Miz Poo had the big swollen lip, and we tried many, many things to treat it, and everything worked for a little while, but nothing worked permanently, and the swelling – a rodent ulcer, it’s called – always came back? And then Fred did some research and started giving her oil every day, and the swelling went away, and there was a great deal of celebration. Then, after a week or so of Miz Poo’s lip being unswollen and healthy-looking, we noticed that there was something funny-looking going on with the left side of her lips (“side lip”, I’ve been calling it, which should not be confused with “butt lips“). It was all kind of scabby and swollen and really pretty ugly looking. “It’s cancer,” Fred said. “That’s a tumorous lip if I’ve ever seen one!” He’s never seen one. “Whatever it is, it’s nasty looking,” I said. He called the vet and made an appointment, and ended up taking her on Tuesday, the same day we found out Mia wasn’t going to make it. “This is going to be the shittiest day ever, isn’t it?” he said. “First Mia, then the vet’ll tell me that Miz Poo has cancer, and probably I’ll DIE IN A CAR WRECK ON THE WAY HOME, to round it out.” “Probably. Bad things come in three, you know,” I said comfortingly. But I was worried about Miz Poo, ’cause y’all KNOW she’s my baby. So Fred took her to the vet – our regular vet is in the hospital currently, and so there are a couple of 12 year-olds covering for him, and we wish our regular vet would stop his damn lollygagging around and get his ass back to work, ’cause we like him so much – and the vet looked at her, and said that he thought that she’d chewed on an electric cord and got an electrical burn. Now, no. Just, no. There’s no WAY she chewed through an electrical cord, because she’s not interested in the electrical cords, first of all, and second of all, if she’d done that, would we not have noticed? We would. And third of all, I went around the house and looked at all the electrical cords I could find, and there’s nary a chew-mark on any of them. So I am skeptical of this diagnosis. The vet prescribed some ointment that we’re to rub into her scabby, swollen, nasty-looking lip for the next few weeks, and if it doesn’t improve they’ll want to take a biopsy of her lip to test for cancer. (Which will have eaten into her brain by then, I’m sure.) We were talking in bed the other night about how veterinary medicine seems to pretty much be a guessing game, because animals can’t tell you “My head hurts and I keep throwing up”, or whatever, the way humans can, so vets have to kind of guess what’s going on, and even tests will only tell them so much. It’s kind of frustrating, to say the least. So now every morning and every evening Fred snatches Miz Poo up, and I rub a bit of the ointment on her nasty, scabby lip, which is far closer to the nasty lip than I wanted to get but, well. You know. The things you do for love! (I’d offer up a picture of the nasty, scabby lip, but Miz Poo won’t go for that.)
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So, for someone who claims to prefer to blend into the background (as much as a funny-looking fat chick can blend, that is), I probably bought the wrong car for blending. I get, on the average, three or four comments a week about what how cute my car is. I got into a five-minute conversation with a woman as I was leaving the vet’s on Tuesday. She gestured to my car, said she was thinking of getting a cute little car like that, and asked how I like it. I like it a lot, by the way. The bloom is definitely not off the rose when it comes to my car; like I said, I grew up driving small cars and to be back in a small car is awesome. I feel more in control of the vehicle, for some reason. When I was driving the Jeep, I felt like it might roll over if I took a sharp turn (it never did, of course), but I never have that fear with E’gar. The only problem is that driving E’gar makes me want to drive fast, and I find that especially when I’m driving down deserted country roads, I end up going REALLY fast. Probably I should use the “cruise control” function to nip that in the bud. So anyway, this woman and I talked about the cuteness of my car for five minutes at the vet, and invariably when I go through the McDonald’s drive-thru (Oh, fountain Diet Coke, how I adore you!) one of the kids working there will tell me that they like my car. Hmm. Does the fact that all the kiddies like my smokin’ ride mean I’m driving a car that’s too young for me, and what I should really be driving is a very sedate sedan? Nah.
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Currently reading: Blind Pursuit, by Brian Harper. Finished last night, staying up way later than I’d intended, even though I was so tired I couldn’t stop yawning: How I Stole Her Husband, by Liz Ireland. Good chick lit book; I didn’t expect to like it so much. I say that a lot, don’t I?
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The kitten section. It’s the strangest thing – in the last week or so, the kittens have gotten friendlier. I mean, they were never unfriendly, but they didn’t much care for being held and snuggled, but now if you go into the cat room when they’re just waking up, they all come over to you (it’s like a kitty scene from Night of the Living Dead: “Snuuuuuuggles! Snuuuuuuggles!”) and take turns being picked up and petted and kissed and belly-rubbed, and while they’re waiting to be picked up they lean against your leg and look up at you and purr. They’re also purring a lot more than they were. Fred had mentioned a few weeks ago how odd it was that they didn’t really purr all that much, and it’s like they heard him and wanted to show him that they CAN TOO purr. Snoopy’s developed an odd little habit lately, too. If I’m holding him, he likes to twist around so he can sniff my breath. If I open my mouth, I swear he will get as much of his head into my mouth as he can, and he sniffs wildly, and then when the sniffing is done he’ll lick whatever part of your mouth is within reach. This is a little disturbing, because GOD KNOWS where that tongue has been. I don’t particularly want him licking my lips if he’s been doing some personal grooming – IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN – in the last, well, EVER. It’s kind of gross, but also cute. He’s a licker, that one. If he can’t lick your lips, he’ll lick your face. If he can’t lick your face, he’ll lick your hair or your leg or, basically, whatever he can. We need a little sign that says Warning: cat can’t hold his licker. DSC05632 I guess Snoopy’s not the only one who can’t hold his licker. Oy’s licking the bottom of my (sock-covered) foot. DSC05630 I think Edgar’s flirting with me. DSC05613 He licks there, and then wants to lick my lips? I don’t think so, kiddo. Dsc05611 Flossie, ready to attack, licks her nose. It helps her concentrate. Dsc05599 Miss Giggles. Dsc05561 “I can pick boogers with my tongue! I’m SO talented, I really am.” Dsc04817 Mr. Fang. Dsc05535 Apparently we really keep ’em amused around here. Dsc05385 Snoopy puts on his mean face. Dsc05539 I love how she looks like she was so overcome with laughter that she collapsed on my slipper.
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Dsc05679 There’s just nothin’ those boys like more than laying in the sun.
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* * * I know you all know the story of Mia, but I’m going to tell it again. Because she deserves to be remembered as she was, and I think there were facets to her personality (cattitude?) that I don’t think quite came across. I first saw Mia in a carrier with her five tiny kittens. She had been living at an auto parts store (for some reason I was under the impression it was a junkyard, but it was actually an auto parts store), and when it was discovered that she was pregnant the owner didn’t want her any more. He turned her in to a nearby vet clinic, and a woman who worked at the vet’s kept Mia on her enclosed back porch until a foster home could be found. When Mia’s kittens were three and a half weeks old, I brought her home. Like I said, she was in a carrier with five scared kittens, and on the drive from the vet’s office to my home, she did her best to comfort them. She sniffed at me and was a little frightened, but didn’t seem to consider me a threat to her or her kittens. When I got home and opened the carrier, Mia came right out, rubbed on me, and let me pet her. She kept a watchful eye on her babies while she explored the room, and I left after a few minutes to give her time to get acclimated to her new home. A few hours later when I went back into the room, she’d moved the kittens out of the carrier and into a box I’d lined with a towel. She was a good mother. She was extremely protective of her babies, but she never considered humans to be a threat to them, and always greeted us at the door with a meow. She always purred like mad; she liked having us come in to visit her. She was a good and patient mother. Even when all five of the kittens were crawling over her, demanding to be fed, she just lay there and let them nurse as long as they wanted to. If they needed nudging in the right direction, she’d do that. She cleaned them, and fed them, and kept an eye on them to make sure they didn’t get themselves in trouble. I don’t think I ever mentioned this, but she liked Fred. I mean, she liked me, but she REALLY liked Fred. In the evening when we’d go into the room where she and her kittens lived, she’d greet me, and then look expectantly at the door. If Fred didn’t come through the door pretty quickly, she’d start howling and wouldn’t let up until he came in. Then she’d rub on him, and purr, and flop down next to him. He’d pick her up like a baby, and she’d lay there and purr and look up at him with the Eyes of Love; I can guarantee you she wouldn’t have put up with that from anyone else! She also had a playful side. As her babies got older, she started to do less worrying and watching and grooming of them, and more playing with them. The first time she chased one of them down and held him down to nibble on his stomach, I don’t think he had any idea what was going on. They thought her tail was the Funnest! Toy! Ever!, and she loved to tease them with it. She’d lay on top of the box in front of the window, and twitch it back and forth until they came running over to swat at it. Then she’d twitch it so it was out of their reach, and I swear that she laughed to herself as she watched them run back and forth trying to catch her tail. She liked to sit and look out the window at the birds as they flew by. If someone walked by on the street below, she’d growl quietly at them, so they knew she was here to protect her kittens and if given the chance I’m sure she would have protected all of us, as well. She wasn’t crazy about strangers, but I think she would have ended up being a really good cat for someone who didn’t have any other pets. She was a loving cat, and a good mother, and even though we knew we wouldn’t keep her, that she was going to be adopted by someone who could see how special she was, we loved her like one of our own. Some of you have suggested that she held on until she knew that her kittens would be okay. Maybe that’s anthropomorphizing, but I’d like to think it’s true nonetheless. That she waited until she knew her babies would be okay without her, that we’d take good care of them, that we’d love them as much as she did. The room where she spent her last few days feels strangely empty now. But last night when I walked by, I swear that out of the corner of my eye I saw the slightest hint of a tiny golden-eyed spitfire, sitting in front of the window, watching the birds fly by, and purring to beat the band. Rest in peace, sweet girl.

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I’d like to collect donations to give to the shelter in her memory, partly to offset the vet costs for her care, but mostly because the shelter always needs more money, and to donate a large amount – I’d like to shoot for $1,000 – in her name would be a nice way to remember her. Edited: We ended up collecting almost $2,200 as of July 31st. If you’d like to make a donation to the shelter in Mia’s memory, email me and I’ll tell you how to make a donation directly to them. Thank you so much to everyone who donated.
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* * * Dear Neighbors (the ones in our neighborhood): You know what I said yesterday about how much I hate you for leaving fireworks shit all over the yard? I take that back. I’ll happily put up with the fireworks shit, since you’re nice enough to get your fireworkin’ done at a decent hour. If you could arrange for a painful accident to happen to the assholes in that other subdivision, that’d be great, m’kay? As ever, Robyn

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Dear readers: Okay, I’ll shut the fuck up about the fireworkin’ mofos in our neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods. At least ’til next year! Ha! As ever, Robyn
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I know you guys like to try to figure out this sort of thing, so I thought I’d ask for help. Reader LC is trying to find out the name of a book she read back in the early ’90s. It doesn’t sound familiar to me, but maybe one of you know the book she’s reading about. Here’s her description: What I can remember is this. I found this book in a public library in the the early 1980s, so the chance of it being a Harlequin or Silhouette romance is slim to none. The library I went to didn’t carry those. It was a hard cover book, I remember checking it out with a Gail Godwin and a Susan Issacs, so I am thinking the author was in the F-G-H-I area of the fiction area. The main female character is a woman who was either an abandoned wife or divorced (same thing, I guess,) with a couple of small children. The story takes place in contemporary California. I remember this because one of the things she does is take her children to Taco Bell, which we didn’t have in in the area of Phoenix I lived in then. She meets a male hairdresser. She thinks he gay. He helps her out, they become friends. Her friends are appalled. He’s helping her make curtains for her apartment and she learns PDQ that he’s quite straight. They end up being a couple and living happily every after. I know it sounds cheesy as hell, but the book made such an impression I am still thinking about it 20 years later. It could also be I am not remembering the quality of the book well, but I’d like to find it and re-read it. I’ve asked my other romance-readin’ friends if they had ever heard of it, and all they can say is “He’s not bisexual?” Anyone know what it might be? Leave a comment or email me!
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Fred bought some honey maple Boar’s Head ham at the deli of our grocery store on Saturday and OH. MY. GOD. that is some fine, fine stuff. Between the two of us we ate almost a pound of it over the weekend (Fred had a ham sandwich for breakfast yesterday, even), and I had to buy some more when I went yesterday so I’d have something quick and easy for lunches this week. (I’m all about the quick and easy, wink-wink-nudge-nudge-har-har.) I also wanted to pick up a box of Children’s Benadryl Fastmelt because I read about them somewhere over the weekend, and I realized a few weeks ago that I’ve been taking an adult dose of Benadryl on Mondays before I go to the petstore, and it makes me drowsy and lethargic (“How do you know the difference from how you USUALLY feel, Robyn? Ha! Ha!”) and kind of blue all day long. So I thought I’d go with a dose actually intended for children, and so I turned down that particular aisle to look for the stuff, and what did I find? Why, that all the Benadryl was in a locked case, and there was an article taped to the front of the case stating that as of a particular date (can you tell I skimmed?), products that contain pseudoephedrine and ephedrine will be kept in a locked case and sales will be limited to two packages at a time, because pseudoephedrine and ephedrine are used to make meth. But then, interestingly, after I looked around some more I found a selection of Benadryl out in the open, and I located a box of Children’s Benadryl Fastmelts, so I put them in my cart and was on my way. And then? When I was checking out? I started feeling guilty as if, perhaps, I was intending to use the box of Children’s Benadryl to GO HOME AND MAKE METH. I’m such a freak.
* * *
You know, originally we were supposed to go to Florida this weekend, but we canceled the trip because we didn’t want to spend the money, but mostly because I didn’t want to have to find someone to cover for me yesterday morning at the pet store. So I said to myself “Self, I better find something to keep me occupied, or it’s going to be a long, boring-ass summer!”, and that’s when the opportunity to foster Mia and the babies came along and I took it. All in all, I had a better time this weekend snuggling baby kittens than I would have had spending 10 – 12 hours in the car driving to and from Florida and listening to Fred bitch about the traffic. Except, that is, for the two hours we spent in the Emergency Vet Clinic yesterday, and the fact that Mia doesn’t seem to be doing very well. She was okay, if a little agitated by the fireworks, Sunday night. Fred spent a little time with her before bed, and she seemed okay, if a little less inclined to purr. When he went in yesterday morning – I think I mentioned this in yesterday’s entry – there were several small puddles of what appeared to be nothing but bile. She was lethargic, and was clearly not feeling well – cats get a certain look around their eyes when they aren’t feeling well – so we gave her a dose of the anti-emetic we have, and Fred coaxed her to drink some water, and she let him pet her for a while, and we decided to check on her every now and then to see how she was doing. When I went into her room at 12:30ish, she was laying under the spud’s desk and she looked at me, but didn’t come out to be petted, didn’t meow at me, just lay there and looked at me. Finally she came out, and her legs seemed a little shaky. She let me pet her for a few minutes, then moved away from me and settled down to sleep. I called Fred (who was off on a hike) to tell him how she was, and we thought that maybe the anti-emetic was making her sleepy. I went off and took my shower, checked on the (extremely rambunctious) kittens, then came downstairs to check my email and all that good stuff. Fred got home from his hike a few minutes later and we ate lunch, then he went upstairs to check on Mia and take a nap. He came right back down to tell me that he’d tried to get her to come to him, and she took one very shaky step, but couldn’t go any further. I sent him back upstairs to box her up, and tried calling the lady who runs the shelter to let her know what was going on. I couldn’t get ahold of her, so I left a message letting her know that we were taking Mia to the emergency clinic – and thank GOD we live near a city where there’s an emergency clinic – and we left the house. Luckily, due to the holiday, the traffic was pretty light and we got to the emergency clinic quickly. We sat in the waiting room for a little while, and the lady who runs the shelter called to find out what was going on, and then they took us back to the exam room. To cut a long story short (too late!) they did all sorts of tests on her, and found that she had a great deal of blood in her urine. Her blood tests came back showing that her BUN, Creatine, and Phosphorus levels were very high which, the vet told us, indicated that there was a toxin in her blood, and her kidneys weren’t clearing it out of her system. After a bunch of questions from Fred, he admitted that he didn’t know exactly what was going on, told us that they were going to give her IV fluids and a shot of antibiotics and an anti-emetic, and that she needed to see her regular vet. We brought her home and for a few minutes she seemed a lot better; she hopped out of the carrier when Fred opened it, and she purred and rubbed on him. Then she flopped down on one of the cat beds, and Fred checked on her every so often through the night, but she apparently didn’t move at all during the night. He checked on her this morning, and she was still in the bed, and when I went into her room she was still there. She had clearly not had anything to eat or drink, and she didn’t use the litter box. I boxed her up and drove her to Ardmore, to the vet that the shelter uses. She didn’t meow once the entire way. The vet looked her over – Mia could barely summon up a halfhearted growl as she was being examined – and basically told me that the fact that Mia hadn’t used the litter box overnight after having IV fluids was worrisome, because when a cat’s kidneys start to go into renal failure they urinate a lot, but when they don’t urinate at all, that could indicate end-stage renal failure. Everyone asked if there was anything she could have gotten into, something toxic that could be making her so sick, and we’ve been wracking our brains, but there’s just nothing. She spent the first several weeks in the guest bedroom with the kittens, and there’s nothing in there except cat toys, cat beds, and towels to sleep on. I went over the study – where we put her after we separated her from the kittens – with a fine-tooth comb, and there’s nothing at all that could be dangerous to her, nothing. I mean, all our cats used to hang out in that room, and of course we’re very careful not to leave anything around that could harm them, so it’s driving us crazy. I don’t know, y’all. It doesn’t seem like it’s looking very good for Mia. They’re keeping her at the vet’s for now, and I’m not sure how they’re going to treat her; Fred’s going to call and check on her this afternoon. If you can spare a prayer or a good thought aimed at a sweet little gray and white spitfire who’s in Ardmore, Alabama right now, I’d appreciate it. Edited to add: Fred just talked to the vet, who said that there’s nothing they can do for Mia. They’re going to put her down. The vet believes that Mia may have gotten into antifreeze when she was living at the auto parts store, before she had her babies. Antifreeze can apparently take a while to build up in their system and make them sick. Poor Mia. I know that we took good care of her and she was happy here for a while and it helps to know that, but this just really, really sucks.
* * *
The kitten pictures. Dsc05484 Peanut’s ready to begin his lucrative boxing career. Dsc05483 “I see you, paw. Don’t try anything funny, or I’ll kick your ass…” DSC05438 Oy, chewing on a toy. Or trying to, at least, if he could just get hold of it… Dsc05399 “The wimmins like it when I sit like this.” Dsc05388 “I like to sniff Snoopy’s tail. It tells me where he’s been.” Dsc04870 “Pbblllt. Why does my paw taste like kitty litter?” Dsc05347 “Heeeey, macarena!” Dsc05340 You cannot resist the cuteness. Dsc05226 Oy poses prettily. Dsc05173 “I like to smell my foot. Is that weird?” DSC05382 Tellin’ secrets. Or, brotherly love.
* * *
Dsc05534 Miz Poo is outside and wants to come in, but every time she heads for the cat door, Mister Boogers runs over and won’t let her come in. Because he’s a mean little bastard.
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2004: If you set off fireworks for three hours straight, starting at 7:30, you are not only an asshole, you live near me. 2003: No entry. 2002: A bunch of links that are probably no longer good. 2001: Pictures from Maine. 2000: Unfortunately, I forgot that when I say things like “Let’s go skinny-dipping and watch the fireworks”, what I actually mean is “Let’s go skinny-dipping and watch the fireworks”, but he hears “Let’s go swimming naked and get frisky in the pool under the fireworks.”]]>


* * * Dear neighbors: Yes, yes, it is QUITE an amazing thing that you can buy fireworks every three feet during the summer season here in lovely Madison Alabama, and it is so very fortunate that you live on a street that ends in a circle, so y’all can gather up a large group of friends and set them off directly across from my house. And I didn’t bitch – much – about the fact that you were setting off fireworks last night, or that you were scaring the holy shit out of the half-feral mother cat we’re fostering (though the kittens certainly thought the fireworks were the bee’s knees), because as Fred pointed out, y’all usually stop at a reasonable hour. And you did. You stopped well before 10:00, and even the fuckheads in the other subdivision stopped not long after 10:00, and even though I know y’all will be setting off fireworks again tonight, I’m sure you’ll stop at a reasonable hour again. And yes, the fireworks are pretty and cool and all that. So I even admired them for a moment, despite the loud noises they make. But I predicted to Fred last night, I said “There’s going to be fireworks shit all over our lawn and driveway tomorrow morning, I KNOW IT.” and then I said “Is it wrong to hope that they blow something off?” and then I felt bad and said “Well, not an arm or a leg, or an eyeball. Maybe just a pinky finger. No one ever uses the pinky finger.” As far as I know, no one blew any body parts off with the fireworks last night, but on the lawn and driveway? Fireworks shit. In the street? Fireworks shit. And I know you fucking lame-os won’t go so far as to PICK THE FIREWORKS SHIT up or even send your kids around to do it. No, you’ll just leave it there to be driven over and rained on and kicked at, and eventually it’ll either be ground into nothing or kicked down the gutter, so why should you be bothered to pick that shit up? I thought I was lazy and rude, but I’d never leave shit all over someone’s lawn, because that’s beyond rude. That makes me want to smack you, really hard. I swear to god, I will NEVER live at the end of a circle, ever again. Fuckers.

* * *
Currently reading: How I Stole Her Husband, by Liz Ireland. Finished over the weekend: Eleven on Top, by Janet Evanovich. Gotta love that Stephanie Plum. Anyone else envision The Rock as Ranger? I can’t think of who would be perfect to play Stephanie, though. Suggestions? Also finished, late last night: Family History, by Dani Shapiro. I absolutely could not put this book down. I highly recommend it.
* * *
It has suddenly occurred to me that since they’ve been fixed, the kittens – and Mia! – are available for adoption, even though there’s no room at the pet store. If anyone in the area (or willing to drive to the area) is seriously interested in adopting one of the kittens, let me know. You’ll still have to contact the lady who runs the shelter and fill out an application and everything, but I sure would rather have as many of the babies adopted and going straight to homes where they’ll be loved than sitting in a cage at the pet store, you know?
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Just for the record, if you send me an email and show an unnatural (read: any) interest in my feet and the sandals that gave me a blister on top of my feet two years ago, and follow said interest up by requesting pictures of my feet, guess what? You’re not so much going to get a reply, as a shudder and a deletion.
* * *
Speaking of shoes, these are the best investment I’ve ever made. They’re incredibly comfortable, I can do a lot of walking (as in, shopping – I haven’t tried them on exercise-type walking) in them, and they’re holding up well. I probably ought to get myself a pedicure, however, because my heels are cracked and dirty (because I prefer to walk around without shoes on) and hideous. I’ve never had a pedicure, though, and the thought of someone touching my feet fills me with terror. Also, it’s not the sort of thing I’d want to do alone. Is that weird?
* * *
So, when you’re watching a television show or movie, do you find yourself distracted by small details? For instance, I was watching (“Califorrrrrnia! Califorrrrrrnia! Caaaaaaaaaaliforrrrniaaaaaaaaa!“) The O.C. while I was exercising the other day (IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE VALENTINE’S EPISODE OF SEASON 1, SKIP THIS. POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD!) I was watching the Valentine’s Day episode of Season 1, and at the end Sandy and Kirsten walked into their bedroom and it was filled with candles and rose petals and a big-ass box of chocolates, and my first thought was* “Who the hell lit the candles and set up the bedroom?” Because it sure wasn’t Sandy, because he was at the dance-shindig-thingy, and it wasn’t Ryan, because he was at the dance-shindig-thingy too, and it sure as hell wasn’t Seth, because he was off talking to Summer about their bad sex, so who? Does one ask one’s housekeeper to do that sort of thing, or what? *Actually, my very first thought was “Hey. I never get lit candles and rose petals and chocolates!”, and then I realized we could never have that many lit candles because we have very nosy cats with tails that would catch on fire (no one on The O.C. has any sort of pet, have you noticed?), and I further realized that I’d eventually get pissy about having to clean up the rose petals (and I don’t like the smell of roses, anyway, because they smell JUST LIKE BEER to me, for some reason), and god KNOWS I don’t need any more chocolate in my life. I’m the ultimate romantic, aren’t I?
* * *
We watched Troy Saturday night because Fred had seen it and thought I might like it, too. Not a bad movie, but Fred wished there’d been more naked Brad Pitt. On an interesting sidenote, the actress who played Helen of Troy – Diane Kruger – and the actress who played Briseis – Rose Byrne – were in the suckalicious Wicker Park together. It was bugging the hell out of me that Briseis looked so familiar to me, and that was why, because I’d seen her in (the horribly boring) Wicker Park. And on another interesting sidenote, the messenger boy who walked in to the tent at the beginning to wake up Brad Pitt looked familiar to me, and guess what? Jacob Smith! Owen, from Party of Five! Also, Nan from Circle of Friends! Hamish from Braveheart! HOLY SHIT. Brian Cox is playing Dr. Finch in the movie version of Running with Scissors! And Joseph Fiennes as Neil Bookman! Sorry. I get a little caught up in the Internet Movie Database sometimes.
* * *
The kitten section. So, the kittens are doing well. Mia, on the other hand… See, Saturday night as Fred and I were laying in bed, we started talking about Mia and how we felt so sorry for her, because every time we went into the room she’s in – which is next door to the room the kittens are in – she would run out into the big box we have blocking the way so she can’t escape into the rest of the house, and she’d howl in the direction of the kittens’ room, and one of them would hear her and meow sadly, and she’d start digging at the box and trying frantically to get to them. So every time we went in to see her, we were feeling really bad for her, and we started talking about it in bed Saturday night – as I mentioned – and we decided to put her back with her kittens. So we – Fred – bundled her up and took her into the room with the kittens, and they came over to sniff at her, and she purred and licked them, and we felt glad that we’d reunited the Momma and the babies, and we went to bed. And then Sunday, every time we went into the room Mia would run out into the box and lay down and give me a look like “What the fuck did I want to go back in there for, again?”, and she wasn’t purring, and if the kittens would come over to her she’d push them away. So we boxed her up and took her back into the other room, and she seems okay, though I don’t think she’s feeling good. She threw up a few times last night, which I suspect was brought on by stress – the fireworks were really freaking her out – so we gave her an anti-emetic and loved on her a little, and I guess we’ll just see how it goes. Fred did try to introduce Mister Boogers and Mia, to see how – if – they’d get along, with the idea that we’d just let her out into the house if they were okay with each other. Mia was okay, but Mister Boogers was a great big baby, so it doesn’t seem that that’s a very good idea. Poor Mia. DSC05477 “So then he said… hehehe!.. he said… bwahaha!… he said…’The Aristocrats!’…” DSC05322 “Bahahah! Hahahahaha! ‘The Aristocrats!’…” Dsc05491 “Hehe…ha…whew! That joke just never gets old!” DSC05411 “Hee! I’m sticking my tongue out at her, but she can’t see me! Also, woman who brings me food and tries to give me too much love, that is one HAIRY-ASS leg you’ve got there. Nasty pedicure-needing foot, too.” DSC05403 “Hey, you guys! The litterboxes are clean! Last one in is a pile of stinky poo!” DSC05335 “If I stick this one claw out really far, I can pick my nose.” DSC05333 “Nyah!” DSC05321 “Wazzuuuuuuppp!” DSC05219 Oy smiles again. Dsc05325 I have no idea what this expression means, but it cracks me UP.
* * *
Dsc05071 Spot knows that if he sits on the arm of the loveseat, his Daddy will eventually come along and give him lurve.
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logo! This one was created by the lovely and talented Bonnie, who somehow knew that I was considering putting out a call for a July-themed logo, and sent me one! Thanks, Bonnie. You rock!

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Currently reading: Eleven on Top, by Janet Evanovich. I sure do love this series. Finished the other night: Inconceivable, by Ben Elton. I didn’t much care for it, because it was slowwwwww reading, and the author felt the need to include every excruciating detail of every instant of this couples’ life, and I ended up skipping about 80 pages in the middle, and didn’t miss a single thing. I wouldn’t recommend it, unless you’re dying and want to make the time last as long as possible. (Edited to add: I like how I bitch about the book going on and on about every excruciating detail, and then go on to write 63,000 words about taking the cats to the vet. POT. KETTLE. BLACK.)
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That Tom Cruise. What a fuckin’ loon, huh?
* * *
Ever notice that on the rare day when your hair looks pretty good (for once) and you have to run errands, the INSTANT you step outside the house, it begins to rain cats and dogs, and doesn’t stop until you get back home, looking like a drowned rat? Fucking mother nature.
* * *
Stuff I need to buy for myself: Over 25 percent of human genes are the same as those of a banana. Get over yourself t-shirt. Too many idiots, not enough villages button. Everything is funnier with the word fuck in it button. (That should be my motto) I am the center of the universe sticker. Does my fat ass make my ass look fat? sticker. You mean shopping for more useless crap isn’t the meaning of life? sticker. I do love the Sticker Giant site.
* * *
The kitten section. So I took Mia, Flossie, and Peanut to be spayed and neutered yesterday. It was quite an experience, because I walked into the vet clinic, Mia saw a passing puppy, and lost her SHIT, hissing and growling and yowling. Apparently Mia is no big fan of dogs. I had to take her out of the carrier to be weighed, and I won’t lie – I was pretty scared to do so, because Mia hissing and growling is something that scares the bejeebers out of me. A hissing, spitting, growling kitten? Cute. An 8-pound ball of pissed-off Momma? SCARY. But she came out of the carrier and growled a little, but let me pick her up and put her on the scale. She’s gained almost a pound since she was at the vet’s three weeks ago, but she’s still a skinny cat. The biggest surprise to me was when I picked Peanut up to weigh him, and he hissed and growled at ME. The little fucker. So I weighed him – he’s 2 pounds, 9 ounces, which makes him the biggest porker of the bunch at the moment – and the front-desk lady weighed Flossie, who was hissing at HER, and then we put Mia in a cage in the “cat ward”, since she’d reacted so violently to the dog, and we put Flossie and Peanut in another cage, and then I had to leave pretty quickly, or their sad little meows would cause me to take them back out of the cage and run away with them. I came home, I puttered around the house, and after I uploaded my entry for the day, I went upstairs to herd Larry, Curly, and Moe Oy, Edgar, and Snoopy into the study so I could clean the cat room. Spot, Spanky, and Mister Boogers were already hanging out in the study, and they didn’t take the influx of little kittens with ANY kind of good humor at all. Spot squalled and ran like hell, and Spanky pretty much did the same thing. Mister Boogers sniffed the kittens and then hissed, then yowled, then hissed, and then raised his paw to hand out some Smacks o’ Doom, so I shooed him out of the room. It took me about half an hour to completely vacuum and air out the room – still smells like a stable in there, but at least it’s a CLEAN stable – and then I went into the study to get the kittens. Who were having a grand old time sniffing around, and I turned around to shut the door, and Mister Boogers appeared out of nowhere and ran into the study. So I shut the door and sat down to watch the show. For the most part Mister Boogers left the kittens alone, though Oy kept going over and sniffing at him, and he could hardly stand it, and he would growl and raise his paw to smack that kitten across the room, but then I would say “Mis. Ter. Boog. Ers.” in my Mad Momma voice, and he’d put his paw back down and walk away. I never let him have any damn fun. I eventually herded the Stooges kittens back to their room and gave them a little love, then checked on them later to see how they were doing – sleeping, is how they were doing – and left the house after 4:00 to pick up Mia, Flossie, and Peanut. When I got to the vet’s, the front-desk woman told me that the shelter owner was leaving the shelter at 5 and was coming to the vet’s, so I could hang out and wait, and we could do the vaccinations here. It was about 4:45 when she told me that, and I looked at the clock and considered, and figured I probably couldn’t get to the shelter before five – maybe I could, but not definitely – so I sat in the waiting room and waited. But first I went back to the cat ward to see Mia, Flossie, and Peanut, and Mia looked at me with her big, dark eyes, and she hissed at me in a desultory manner. Flossie and Peanut, on the other hand, wanted to come out of their damn cage and sniff all over the place, and I let them for a minute, and then put them back in and went back out to the waiting room, because I couldn’t stand to look at their sad, confused little faces. Forty-five minutes later, Shelter Lady showed up with a cat to be spayed and another to be tested, and we went in the back of the clinic, and I took Peanut out of the cage and brought him out, and Shelter Lady gave him the shot, and he hissed and growled and swiped at me with his little paw, and would not be comforted. I put him in one of the carriers and grabbed Flossie. She clung to me and howled, then howled some more while she was getting her shot, then howled some more when I opened the carrier to put her in with Peanut, and he hissed and growled at me, then swiped at me with his little paw. “Cut that out,” I said sternly to him. He wasn’t impressed, and growled and hissed some more while I put Flossie in with him and shut the carrier. “Okay, let’s do Mom,” Shelter Lady said. “Oh,” I said, surprised, “We need to do her, too?” “Well, yeah,” Shelter Lady said. “We haven’t done her yet…” Talk about feeling like a dumbass. “We can probably just do her in the cage,” she said, and we opened the cage door, and Mia growled and hissed and yowled, and I grabbed her by the nape of the neck, and she fought back pretty hard. So we spent the next few minutes with me trying to grab her, and Shelter Lady suggesting ways that I could grab her, and I’m SURE she thought I was the biggest fucking wimp on the face of the earth, as I stood there and said “Mia kinda scares me…” Because she does! She scares the shit out of me when she gives me the crazy eyes and growls with her mouth wide open. I can deal with the scratching, but the biting REALLY FUCKING HURTS, and I wasn’t up for being bitten. We ended up deciding that we’d wait on giving her her shot, and I put her in her carrier (an easy job that entailed holding the carrier up to the cage and pushing on Mia’s butt. Mia ran into that carrier like the hounds of hell were after her). “Did they tell you that you need to keep the Mom and the babies separate?” Shelter Lady asked. “Uh. No…” I said. “Is that – are you going to be able to do that?” “Yeah, we’ve got a room where we can put her…” I said. “Okay, good.” I put the carriers by the front door and said “So… are we next in line for the petstore?”, knowing that Fred would want to know, because he’s worried that he’ll have to take care of the kittens while I’m in Maine. “No, not really… There are the kittens that are already there, and then someone else has five kittens, so it could be a little while. And the Mom and the kittens probably won’t be going to the store at the same time.” So I left, and called Fred on the way home to ask him to set up the study for Mia with food and water and a litter box, and when I got home he took Mia into the study and I took Flossie and Peanut into the cat room, and he said that as soon as he opened Mia’s carrier, she came out, meowed at him, and rubbed up against him. Flossie and Peanut were okay. Flossie was pretty sleepy for the rest of the day, but Peanut popped around like he had a firecracker in his butt, picking fights with the other boys, and chewing on my hair like it was a can of tuna. I feel so, so, SO bad for Mia, though. Because she’s alone in that room, she’s no doubt hurting, and she has no idea what’s going on. She howls on and off, and when we go in there to keep her company, she runs over and howls and rubs on us and purrs. This morning, she could hear a kitten meowing in the room – which is next door to the room she’s in – and she got all excited and ran over to the wall and meowed. I realized when I got home that I hadn’t asked whether she needed to be separated from the kittens for just a few days, or for good, so I emailed the Shelter Lady, who emailed me back to tell me that for good would be best, and she’d adjust in a few days. Poor Mia. We’ve actually discussed letting her out into the house with our other cats during the day, but I’m afraid that if she went outside she’d run away, and I definitely don’t want that to happen. Maybe we’ll start letting her out for a little while in the evening – unless we introduce her to our cats and it doesn’t go well, I guess. Dsc04894 Dsc04963 Dsc05056 Dsc05273 Can you tell that looking out the window is a favorite kitty pasttime around here? Mia likes to look out the window and growl at people as they walk by on the street. Dsc05177 Flossie snuggles with my foot. Dsc04868 “Like, oh my GAWD! No she DI-IN’T! No way!” Dsc04951 “Are you there, god? It’s me, Mia. Please make these rotten kittens stop trying to nurse, PLEASE.” Dsc04969 Oy is just the smilingest kitten. DSC05042 We used this bowl to put on the kitchen scale to weigh them, and they liked hanging out in it so much that we just left it in the room, and every now and then someone will sit in it and fall asleep. Dsc05112 “Oh, about this tall. Very whiny. Kind of cute, likes belly rubs. Have you seen him?” Dsc05138 Snoopy and Egg shnuggle. Dsc05167 “Wazzuuuuuuup!” Dsc05168 Peanut, chewing on my hair. Apparently hair is a delicacy in Catsville. Dsc05170 Edgar and Oy, sleeping. Dsc04820 “Have you tried the hair this evening? It’s quite good. Fresh directly from the head, with just a soupcon of hair gel. Tasty!” DSC05189 No toy is more fascinating than the Momma’s tail. Dsc05204 Sleepy Egg. Dsc05218 Flossie on my shoulder, sniffing my nose. Dsc05269 Oy and Mister Boogers check each other out. Neither seems all that impressed.
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Dsc05304 Da Poo.]]>


Hobbies Dsc01896 Cats. Can caring for and falling in love with the sweetest little kittens in the world be called a hobby? I think it can. If lovin’ the babies is wrong, I don’t a-wanna be right. Reading. You knew that. Cross-stitching. I spent the first five months of the year working on these little ornaments (which will be put up on the giveaway page in the next few months), and since I finished the last one, I haven’t cross-stitched at all. I’m trying to decide what I want to do next, is my excuse. I always do this – cross-stitch like mad for months and months, and then stopping for a long time before picking it up again. This website. That website. That one, too. Oh, and that one. Hey, I never said I was talented at it. In fact, that’s one ugly website right there, but it serves its purpose. Worrying. At the moment, I’m worrying about Flossie, Mia, and Peanut, who are at the vet being spayed and neutered. I’ve spent more time fussing and worrying over these kittens than you can imagine, but when they go to be adopted, I’ll find other things to worry about. You might think you worry, but I, my friends, am the worrying queen. I worry about things going on in my life, but I also worry about things going on in YOUR life (if you have a blog or journal, that is). And if a character in a book is fucking up his life? I practically get ulcers, I worry so much. Actually, I’m surprised I don’t have ulcers. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time. Jumping to conclusions. (Fred’s desk) Resisting temptation… and giving in, all too often. Singing. Badly. Very, very badly. I couldn’t carry a tune if I had a bucket to put it in. Ignoring housework that badly needs to be done. Taping cheesy shows and watching them… …and taping good shows and never quite getting around to watching them. Buying cat toys. Which the cats scatter all over the house, and then ignore. Dsc03373 Taking pictures. I know I get some really good pictures, but I’m not really all that skilled at it. If you give a monkey a camera and teach him to snap pictures at random, I can guarantee you he’ll get some good ones, almost by accident. I probably erase two – if not more – for each one I keep. It’s the ones that come out really good that keep me taking pictures. Thank god for digital cameras, that’s all I can say. Using an HTML editor to teach myself basic HTML. Unfortunately it goes in one brain cell and out the other. I tend not to retain the knowledge I gain. Yelling at the cats to get off the table. And pretending they’ll listen. DSC04067 Missing the ocean.]]>


* * * Before I tell this story, I have to say that I don’t care about Hillary Clinton one way or the other. I mean, I think she takes a lot of crap because of who she is, but also I think that anyone who seriously wants to be a politician – especially those who want to be president – has to have a screw loose somewhere. I don’t think she’s the monster some people would have us believe, nor is she any kind of saint. She’s somewhere in the middle, I think, like most people. So. I was in Sam’s yesterday, and whenever I go into Sam’s I have to check out the book selection, because they have pretty good prices on hardcover books, and although I have far too many books already, I still have to look and see if there’s anything I want to read, so I can buy it and it can sit on the bookcase for two years before I get around to reading it. Some women buy shoes, some women buy jewelry, I buy books. Anyway, I checked out the book selection, and saw a book with the title The Truth About Hillary : What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President. With a name like that, you know it’s going to be a hatchet job (I’m surprised they didn’t just name it The Hatchet Job on Hillary, and be done with it), and when I saw that it was written by Edward Klein, I knew I wasn’t going to buy the book (well, I knew before then that I wasn’t going to buy it, because I have no interest in reading a hatchet job, and even less interest in politics, but when I saw Edward Klein’s name, I REALLY knew I wasn’t going to buy it), but I picked it up anyway to check out the flyleaf and the pictures inside. I didn’t get to the picture collection, though, because first I checked out the flyleaf. And I read: She’s a wife, but she shows no wifely instincts. She’s a mother, but she isn’t maternal. She’s a feminist, but she rode to power on her husband’s coattails. She’s strong and assertive, but she has abetted decades of chronic infidelity. She inspires fierce loyalty among her followers, but she frequently stabs them in the back. and I got to the third line, and I said “Oh, fuck YOU, Edward Klein. Fuck you up your stupid ass.” and I put the book back down – though to be honest, I wanted to buy them all so I could build a bonfire with them, but that would be shooting myself in the foot, because Fuckward Klein would still get the money from the sale of all those books, and I’m sure he doesn’t give a shit what happens to the books once they’re bought. I mean, what kind of bullshit is that? She doesn’t show wifely instincts? WHAT THE FUCK ARE WIFELY INSTINCTS? No one told me I was supposed to be showing wifely instincts, where the hell do I get a pack of those at? And as for being “a mother, but not maternal”, What. The. Fuck? Seriously, what the FUCK? How the fuck would anyone but Chelsea Clinton – THE CHILD of the woman purported to be unmaternal – know whether Hillary Clinton is maternal or not? Also, what a LAME allegation to make. I’ve forbidden Fred from bringing anything by Edward Klein into this house – thus showing that I might not have wifely instincts, but I certainly have bossy instincts – because I’m afraid the mere presence of lame bullshit like that would bring down the collective IQ of the residents of our home. And we can use all the IQ points we can get.

* * *
I was ranting about the above to Fred last night, and he said “Welcome to last week’s news”, and I said “You shut up, motherfucker, or I’ll unleash my wifely instincts on you” and he said “Shut your unmaternal mouth, woman.” And then Miz Poo stomped across my hair, and the conversation was forgotten.
* * *
We were watching TV the other night, and Fred turned to me and said “I think I might have to start buying songs on iTunes. All the songs are basically a buck, right?” And I said, “Yeah, ninety-nine cents.” “Which is basically a buck,” he snarked at me. “What the fuck?” I said. “I WAS CLARIFYING IT FOR YOU.” “I didn’t need the exact number,” he said bitchily, smirking at me. “I just wanted to know that it was basically a buck.” “THEY’RE NINETY-NINE CENTS!” “I KNEW they’re ninety-nine cents. But it’s easier to say basically a buck,” he said. “There are less syllables in basically a buck than there are in ninety-nine cents.” “I don’t think so.” “Bessie, please,” he said, and then held out his hand so he could count syllables. “Ba-sic-al-ly… well, no, you really say ba-sic-ly, right?” “Yeah.” “Ba-sic-ly-a-buck. Five,” he said, looking at me to see if I’d gotten it. He held out his other hand. “Nine-ty-nine-cents… Shut up.” I only smiled. “Not allowed to write about it!” he said, pointing at me. “Nooooot allowed to write about it!” Ha. That’s what you get for snarking at me, motherfucker.
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Okay, this is driving me CRAZY. I was doing errands this morning when the line “Country don’t mean dumb” popped into my mind, and I cannot for the life of me think of who said it. It was in a movie, and a man said it, and he might have punched someone before he said it, but maybe not. I can hear the voice, but I have NO IDEA whose voice it is. Help me before I go crazy from racking my brain, won’t you?
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Them kittens. Snoopy, Edgar, and Oy are home and just fine. They were very indignant when I first picked them up from the vet’s, and they kept sticking their paws out of the carrier and meowing at me. They’d just started to settle down when I got to the shelter, and then they milled around in the carrier for a few minutes, ’til I actually walked through the door, and then they quieted right down, because there was a big slobbery dog there, and other cats, and they were so freaked out that they all ran to the other end of the carrier and huddled up together, and stared out at the dog and the other cats with big dark eyes. They were indignant again when I took them out, one by one, to have their vaccine shot, and when I took them back to the car they took turns meowing at me, telling me what an awful woman I am, but about five minutes after we left the shelter they were snuggled up in a pile, sound asleep. I expected them to be kind of loopy and out of it when we got home, but as soon as I opened the carrier, they all came bounding out, and ran around like their little butts were on fire. It’s going to be fun (NOT) taking Mia, Flossie and Peanut to the vet tomorrow, because Mia and Flossie are both pretty vocal, and I expect that by the time I get to the vet’s office, I’m going to want to poke a stick through my eardrums. Then it’s just a matter of waiting for room to open up at the pet store… and is it wrong that I hope it takes a looooong time for that to happen? Dsc04729 Yoga kitty. Dsc04671 “I wike to put my tongue over to the side, like this. It makes me wook cool.” Dsc03629 Peanut, who cannot keep his tongue in his mouth. Dsc03571 Flossie, bathing. Dsc03539 Which is cuter, the toes, or the little pink nose? I can’t decide. DSC03527 Love that Flossie. Dsc03445 Oy, posing. Dsc03429 Edgar (I’ve taken to calling him “Egg” all the time, now), with Mia in the background.
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Dsc05078 Mister Boogers sure does love his daddy. ]]>


here you go, they were there last week – and when I walked into the cat room, Miss Priss was laying on her side, and Christopher was… nursing. Or attempting to nurse, since I don’t suppose she was producing milk. I hope not, anyway. She was laying there patiently, and he was kneading and nursing for the LONGEST time, and it was extremely disturbing. I don’t know WHY I was so freaked out, it wasn’t like it was a sexual thing, but it just seemed WRONG. I thought about calling the lady who runs the shelter, but I’ve called her an awful lot since we got these kittens, and Fred likes to jokingly (I think he’s joking, anyway!) say “If you don’t stop calling her every day, she’s not going to let you have any more kittens!” Besides, I have a feeling she’d just tell me it’s a normal thing, that kittens who are taken from their mother too soon or weaned too soon tend to do it. It’s still freaky, though.

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I’m so helpful. Oh, and I own but haven’t yet read What Was She Thinking?: Notes on a Scandal, Eleven on Top, and Gods in Alabama. I read The Weight-Loss Diaries in October of 2004 and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants in May of 2004. (I gave them five Poos and four Poos, respectively) (I haven’t seen the movie version of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants yet, if that’s what you were wondering.) And as for the Bullshit episode we were on (you probably found that with the search, but just in case…) you can read about our experience here, and we were on the episode entitled Eat This! You’re welcome.
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I had a damn busy morning today. I got up when Fred left for work – 6:45 – so I could do some laundry, take a shower, get dressed, and wrangle three of the boy kittens. Today’s neutering day for three of the boys, and I couldn’t decide which boys to take, so I cleaned out the litter box and looked them all over, and then finally decided to just grab the three closest boys and toss them in the carrier. I ended up with Snoopy, Edgar, and Oy. Once that was done, I had to make the half-hour trip to the vet. I was dreading the drive, because little kittens have surprisingly loud meows when they’re scared, but except for a few sad little “Why do you hate me?” meows from Oy, they were pretty quiet. At one point I stupidly stuck my finger in the carrier so they could feel… I don’t know, comforted? Which sounds stupid when I really think about it, ’cause why exactly would a finger comfort them? “Oh, look a finger! I feel so relaxed and unfrightened now…” Anyway, one of them decided that a good reaction to the finger would be to sink a claw into the end of the finger – you know, where all the NERVES are – and I ended up driving down a country road screaming loudly while the man in the truck behind me probably wondered whether I’d been drinking. I dropped the kittens off at the vet – and the vet assistants immediately fussed over how cute the kittens are, which means I LOVE the vet assistants – and drove back to Madison for a 9:00 hair appointment. I was about ten minutes late, because I’d made the vet appointment without realizing I had a hair appointment, and the vet appointment was at 8:30, which didn’t give me a lot of time to get to the hair place. I did call and leave a message that I’d be a little late, so all was okay. The woman who cut my hair did her usual faaaaabulous job. She’s pregnant and due in a few weeks, and I think she’s really ready to get this whole pregnancy thing over with. We spent the whole time talking about her kids, my kid, the kittens, and various other things, so the time flew. I left the hair place, put gas in my car, and went to Sam’s to pick up a few things – bottled water, gum, trash bags – and for probably the only time in my life, left without spending over $100. That almost never happens, so I gave myself a high five in the parking lot (not really), and headed for home. Where I am now. Waiting for the vet’s office to call and tell me I can pick up the kittens. After I pick them up, I have to run them over to the shelter so they can get their vaccinations (the lady who runs the shelter – and I need to come up with a name for her, don’t I? – offered to show me how to do it, but I’m such a klutz I’m sure I’d only end up vaccinating myself, and since I’m not (so far as I know) in danger of developing feline leukemia, I’d rather have her do it). So yeah, it’s been a busy day for me. I’m not complaining, though – I like the occasional busy day. I just don’t want every day to be a busy day, because I’m too damn lazy to deal with that.
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After Fred went to bed last night, I turned on the laptop and settled into the chair in the corner of the bedroom, and finally, finally, FINALLY got caught up on my email. It took me about an hour and a half, and there were actually emails that had been waiting for a response since the END OF MARCH (god, I suck), but I got every last one of them answered. The later it got, the chattier I got, so there were a couple of emails that people had sent just a paragraph or two, and I responded with pages and pages of yammering. I’d like to say that I intend to keep caught up on my email from here on out, but even I don’t believe me when I say that anymore, so I’m sure sometime mid-Fall I’ll be talking again about how I just got caught up on all my email again…
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Now. I’m not much of a jewelry wearer, except on special occasions, you know how it goes. When I heard that Bonnie and Suzanne were going to be selling their stuff online, I took a quick look and liked what I saw, but never got around to ordering anything. Yesterday, I went to the post office, and what do you suppose was sitting there waiting for me? Bracelets. YELLOW bracelets. Now, like I said, I don’t usually wear any jewelry at all, but these bracelets are so cute and comfy and very much ME that I’ve been wearing them since I got ’em. (They also sent me something for the spud, but I won’t show a picture of that, ’cause the spud reads this journal and I don’t want to spoil the surprise.) Do I sound like a cheesy commercial? Because I don’t mean to, but these bracelets are so cute and well-made that I think y’all should go order one. Or a pair of earrings, or even an earring and bracelet set. You know, whatever strikes your fancy. Go on, go check ’em out. Don’t forget to come back, though. I’ve still got cute kitten pics to share.
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Those darn cats. The vet’s office just called. Oy, Edgar, and Snoopy are just fine, and I can pick them up in a few hours. Poor babies, they’re going to need a lot of snuggling tonight, I bet. Dsc04805 Flossie in front of the window. Dsc04793 Fightin’ kitties. Dsc04774 When I see pictures like this, I realize just how much the kittens have grown. I mean, compare that picture to this one: Amazing, isn’t it? Dsc04764 Snoopy, trying to nurse. He was unsuccessful. Dsc04709 I’ve become just a piece of furniture to these kittens. Here, we see Peanut and Flossie sitting on my shoulder and fighting with each other. Dsc04672 Snoopy on my shoulder. DSC03588 Peanut and his toes. Dsc03368 Is she yawning… or is she screaming? Dsc03398 “Momma, your feet stink.” Dsc03421 The Floss-monster shows that ball just who the boss is around here.]]>