
* * * So I thought Rick was going to kill me on Friday. He and Nance showed up and we hung out at the house for a while, then went out for a late breakfast/ early lunch at Cracker Barrel. After, we decided to go to Scottsboro to check out the Unclaimed Baggage store, and since Rick was driving and I (supposedly) knew where we were going, it was up to me to instruct him where to go. Let’s just say I had him cutting across three lanes of traffic not once, not twice, but THREE times. I guess you could say I suck at giving directions. I ended up getting in trouble with Fred because he left work early so Nance and Rick could see the house while it was still light outside (which I’d asked him the night before to do), but when he got home we weren’t there. He’d made it sound like he couldn’t leave work early; how was I supposed to know he’d not only leave work early, he’d do it without calling me to let me know he was on his way? Fred told Nance that the only thing that could be done to repay him for having to wait for us was if she’d get on the tractor. And she did! Fred was nice, though, and didn’t make her drive the tractor or anything. We showed them the house and the grounds and babbled at them both about our plans for every single room and probably bored the everloving shit out of them, but they were nice and pretended to be interested. I promise you this: if you come to visit me in the next few months, I will babble incessantly at YOU about our plans for the house, too. And Fred will probably insist that you drive the tractor around the back forty. We took them to our favorite “Not haute cuisine or fancy in any way, but cheap and good!” country restaurant (and I coveted Nance’s ham and cheese sandwich and wished I’d ordered that instead) and swung by the Starbucks in Athens on the way home to check for half-price Halloween merchandise. (Confidential to Nance: The Starbucks in Target didn’t have half-price Halloween stuff, either. I checked for you!)

ElmoSlippers “Lady, why you wearing Elmo on your feet?”
Once back at our house, we watched Mission Impossible III (is that right? III? Have there only been 3 of them? It seems like there have been SO many more than that.) and then talked and made Maddy and the rest of the cats show off for them. Fred spread catnip across the carpet, Mister Boogers got high and acted like an ass, and Miz Poo just sat there and smacked anyone who got within smacking distance. After a while, they left, promising to come back in the morning on their way out of town to pick up Maddy. And naturally I made everyone pose for a picture first.
RickNanceRobynFred Don’t I totally look Photoshopped in? That’s RickBlur on the left (of course you remember him from his visit to Alabama a while back), NanceBlur next to him, me, then FredBlur.
I kind of half-hoped they’d skedaddle out of town without picking up Miss Maddy, and I got teary-eyed for a moment at bedtime when Miss Maddy settled down next to me. But then she woke me up Saturday morning at 5:45 by biting me on the back, and I wished Nance and Rick would just show the hell up and take her away already. I do miss the little brat, but I know she’s going to be spoiled rotten in Pennsylvania so I’m not worried about her. Besides, it gives me an excuse to visit Pennsylvania, right? So I can check up on Maddy’s welfare and make sure they’re not beating her too much.
* * *
We worked at the house all weekend, of course. Saturday I did some painting inside (doors and the shelves in one of the spud’s closets) and then worked outside for a while. Fred had occasion to visit Lowe’s on Friday morning and while he was there, he bought me a new toy.
RobynChainsaw My very own little chainsaw!
CabinetsBefore Before. CabinetsAfter After. After we had lunch, I finished taping around the top of the spud’s room so Fred could paint the trim, and then I went outside and worked on more of the lawn behind the shed and garage. There’s a fairly decent lawn back there, but a lot of weeds and small trees have popped up, so I chopped a ton of them down with my chainsaw (the chain only came off once, which I consider pretty good for me) and hauled them to the burn pile. There was a lot of difference when I was done (or at least when I gave up for the day), but naturally I didn’t take any pictures so you’ll have to take my word for it. I want to work on the area along the ditch behind the shed and garage (the ditch pretty much marks the property boundary) and clear it out on Tuesday, and then maybe next weekend I’ll be ready to clear the yard next to and behind the house so I can actually mow the lawn there. We shall see.
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Dear Julie, Waldo, Geneva, and Sadie: Please be nice to your new little sister. Or she will… MaddyNinja Pull out the Matrix movies and…   Maddy1 tell you what she really thinks of you.   She’s good for snuggling with; just don’t get too close to her when she’s wide awake. You wouldn’t like her when she’s wide awake. xoxo, Robyn    
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Spidey Spidey is not sneaking into the fridge for a cool bottle of water and a nice apple. NOT. You don’t see Spidey. Spidey was never here, you understand?
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Previously 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: So, Jackie, how’s the weather up there in Vancouver Washington? 2002: My life. So very exciting. 2001: Instead, when the question was posed to him, he looked at me as if I were perhaps mentally deficient. 2000: Have I mentioned that I love that man? 1999: And when you’re not good at something, unless you’re hugely delusional, you pretty much know that you’re not good at it. Even if you don’t know, there’s always someone more than willing to point it out to you.]]>


I had a stern talk with her before I went to pick up her new Mommy. “Maddy,” I said. “Don’t be showing your ass to your new Mommy. She will spoil you ROTTEN, but if you go bouncing over to her and bite her like you like to do, she might change her mind and then I will have to put you in the scary cage at the pet store for ten seconds until a sucker comes along and falls in love with you.” She didn’t listen; they never do. She showed her ass all OVER the place, and not only did she bite and pounce and scratch, she showed off her incredible (non)intelligence by laying on her back and kicking herself in the face. And yet her new Mommy fell in love with her anyway. Who could blame her? Oh, and did I mention who her new Mommy is? That’s right, Nance and Rick are here in ‘Bama! They spent the day hanging out at Casa And3rson and it was SO FREAKIN’ COOL. Nance called me a “peanut of a woman” in her journal, but she is clearly crazy. She’s got that tall, lanky thing going on and I’ve got to tell you – she’s got fabulous hair. It’s so straight and shiny that I kept staring at it like a freak. And she cracked me the hell up all day long. At one point she was talking to Rick on the phone (he had to work for part of the day then came to the house) and she had me laughing so hard just from the faces she was making that the cats were worried. You have to see Nance and Rick together to appreciate them – they play off each other and they’re funny as shit. (We were waiting for dinner to be ready and Nance said a sentence that had “fuck” in it, and then she immediately said “Sorry, Danielle”, and I said “Oh, she’s heard THAT before!”, and the spud said “Yeah. I live with THEM!” Hee!) I cooked for them – Unfried Chicken – and Nance brought Pigs in a Blanket (the Pennsylvania version) with her. Pennsylvania Pigs in a Blanket aren’t what you’d expect. They’re not hot dogs rolled in crescent rolls and baked. They’re beef and rice rolled in cabbage leaves and there’s a tomato sauce there, too. Rick is not a fan of cabbage (as we found out when we met him last time), but I like cabbage. I like beef and rice, and I like tomato sauce. And now I know that I like Pennsylvania Pigs in a Blanket! They were a hit with Fred and the spud, too, and I have a feeling I’ll be demanding the recipe from Nance. Miz Poo loves Nance and Rick. No, I’m sorry, she LOVES THE HELL out of Nance and Rick. Because they told her how pretty she was, and petted her. And petted her. And petted her. And when they were done with that? They petted her some more. There’s nothing Miz Poo likes more than people who appreciate her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up stowing away in their suitcases and going home with them. Actually, she probably loves them most of all because they’ll be taking Maddy with them! Fred and Rick bonded over a Man Movie (X-Men III), and Nance and I went to the mall so she could get some Muppet slippers. She opted for the red ones, which we referred to as her Elmo slippers. (Oh, the Muppet slippers can be found here. Or at Parisian, if you have one in your area.) The cool thing is that they’re going to be here for another day, so there’ll be more hanging out and giggling at their antics. And! Tonight we’re taking them to Smallville so they can see the house and then we’re dragging them to our favorite little country restaurant. You KNOW Fred’s going to try to get them to ride the tractor around the back forty.

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Previously 2005: Huh. I was wondering why Tom Cullen was snooping around in the stamp drawer 2004: The spud and I stood patiently by while the man chattered at the school employees for several minutes and then my head exploded, scattering brain matter everywhere. 2003: “Jessica Lynch!” I said. “Isn’t she the only POW we’ve ever had in all of history?” 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: No entry. 1999: She went in and treated the whole office to a very loud gagging sound (she gets that from her mother), and came out a few minutes later a little less green. ]]>


new logo! This one was created by the wonderful Aly in GA. Thanks, Aly!

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I don’t know what the weather was like where y’all are, but last night just as it started to get dark – when the trick or treaters usually start showing up – it began raining like hell. I had to go to Ardmore to pick up the kittens, and when I got back an hour later, it was still raining and there were no trick or treaters in sight. I had to go to the pet store to meet the shelter manager and pick up some stuff for the kittens, and when I got home, there were trick or treaters all over the place. Since I had no desire to keep getting up to answer the door, I put all the candy I’d bought in a big bowl, put it on the front step along with a note that read “Take one”. “No one’s going to just take one,” Fred told me. “They’re going to grab as many as they can.” I did not care in the slightest. I had candy, I wanted the trick or treaters to get rid of it, and I didn’t care if one of them poured the whole bowl of candy in his sack. There was a steady stream of trick or treaters (I could hear them walk up to the door and say “It says take ONE”) and an hour after I’d put the bowl out, I looked out to see that there were two pieces of hard candy left, and a slug crawling up the side of the bowl. I hope one of the little brats who took a handful of candy ended up with a slug, too. That’d serve ’em right!
* * *
I brought Maxi’s kittens home last night and put them in Maddy’s room. I got them settled in (Inigo kept walking around making a questioning chirping sound. Apparently he was disturbed by the change in scenery.) and when I walked out the door, all the cats in the house were gathered around staring at the door. Maddy, especially, wanted to know what was going on. I believe if she had the power of speech she would have said “WTF, lady? That’s MY room!” When Fred got home from the house, we went upstairs and gave them all their medication (they saw tapeworms coming out of Princess Buttercup at the vet and said that most likely all the kittens have tapeworms, so we gave each of them a dose of Drontal for that, metronidazole for the giardia, and Albon for the coccydia). The boys were ultra friendly, crawling around on us, playing, letting us pick them up and pet them, purring very loudly. Princess Buttercup is very shy, but even she came out of hiding a few times to let Fred pet her. We came back downstairs to watch TV, and decided to go to bed early so we could stop and play with the kittens for a little while on our way to bed. I went upstairs and Fred said “I just stepped in a pile of puke inside the door! While I go downstairs and turn the computer room light off, why don’t you clean it up?” This, for the record, goes against the “He who spies it cleans it the hell up. Complaining is allowed.” rule, but I was game. I took the baby wipe he handed me and went to our bedroom door to clean up the puke. “Where is it?” I yelled down to him. “Right inside the doorway.” I looked and looked, and didn’t see a single pile of puke anywhere. “I don’t see it!” I yelled. “You can’t miss it!” he called back as he came up the stairs. “Apparently I can!” I said. “What are you doing?” he asked. “Looking for the pile of puke!” “It’s inside the cat room,” he said, looking at me like I was an IDIOT. Which I am. “Oh. Well, here, you clean it up. I have to go to the bathroom.” He called me a bad word and went into the cat room to clean it up. As I came out of the bathroom, I heard him make an exclamation of serious disgust. “What?” I said. “I thought this was a rubber band,” he said, and flipped on the overhead light. He held out the baby wipe, which was wrapped around half-digested cat food. “But it’s a TAPEWORM!” Fred went back into the cat room and ended up finding another two piles of vomit, and the last one he found was NOTHING but worms. I’d never seen a tapeworm up close and personal before, but there was no doubt it was a tapeworm – it was flat and wide and very very long. Also, it had segments. There was a long, skinny worm (or worms) mixed in there as well. I freaked OUT, because I had NO IDEA that a cat could ever vomit up worms. I know they come out the other end, but as far as being vomited up? I’d never heard of such a thing. “I’m going to call Susan,” I said, and did. In fact, I left her one message, and when Fred found the pile of nothin’ but worms, I called again to let her know that Princess Buttercup was vomiting up a LOT of worms. I could have called her on her cell phone, but I didn’t think it was an emergency, so I figured if I didn’t hear from her, I’d call her in the morning. We went back into the cat room and played with the boys and kept an eye on PB, who looked like she wasn’t feeling well at all, but then she came out of the carrier (where she’d been sleeping) and started playing like she felt just fine. Susan called me back about an hour later and asked if I was sure they were tapeworms PB had been vomiting up (I was), and we discussed what I should do (give the kittens Revolution today, because it will kill some of the worms, then wait a few days and give her another Drontal (did I mention that Fred dug through the piles of cat vomit until he found a half-digested Drontal pill? Now THAT, my friends, is a man.)), and at one point she said “You’ve just got all KINDS of parasites going on, don’t you?” and laughed. INDEED. This morning, PB seems to be acting just fine, if skittish (which is normal for her). The first thing I did when I walked into the room was give them Metronidazole which they hate because it tastes nasty, but they forgave me, and soon Fezzik and Inigo were flopping all over me, wanting to be petted, and purring their little butts off. These kittens are just so sweet. I’d love it if they all got adopted together (not going to hold my breath, though), but I’d be happy if they got adopted in two sets of two, too. “Stop looking at me, or I’ll barf up a tapeworm in your lap.”   ***********************   Someone asked in yesterday’s comments if my mother was adopting Maddy. That’s a no, though she did say a few times “If this one didn’t already have someone adopting her, I’d bring her home with me!” Which I don’t believe, because when they were here last year she and my father absolutely fell in love with Jodie and Rambo, and they didn’t adopt them. I just don’t think they’re that interested in having their own cat, though they love visiting and loving on ours. Maddy’s going to her new home this weekend. I’m going to miss the little brat, for sure. I can’t believe she’s the same kitten we got when she was three weeks old (hard to believe it’s been almost 7 weeks!), she’s such a little spitfire that I could sit and watch her crazy antics for hours.   All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.    
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DSC03615 The Sugs is disturbed. DSC03390 The Sugs is taking his life in his paws. DSC03603 HATE.
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Previously 2005: And I don’t WANNA. 2004: Fuckin’ yawnsville. 2003: No entry. 2002: Bob Riley’s campaign strategy is to say “Nuh uh!” 2001: Did you know that they make foam cups in espresso size? 2000: No entry. 1999: Such appetizing topics, eh?]]>


* * * So, my mother is on her way home to Maine. I got up at 6 this morning to shower and get dressed, then go out to Smallville to give everyone their medicine and put the kittens in their carriers. They were NOT happy at being put in such a small space, and either Westley or Fezzik howled all the way to Ardmore. Whichever one it was, he sounded JUST like Maxi. At the vet clinic I told the receptionist all of the kittens’ names, then we carried them out back for weighing. While we were back there, the vet’s assistant was holding either Fezzik or Inigo when a man brought his dog out back to weigh him. I thought the kitten saw the dog and was okay, but I was wrong – because when the kitten saw the dog, he freaked OUT, and that vet’s assistant ended up with some serious fucking scratches before I could pull the kitten off of her, poor woman. Anyway, the kittens are being spayed and neutered and are getting their ID chips today, and I’ll be picking them up after 5 to bring them back here to the house. I got back to Madison about 20 minutes later than I’d intended, but my mother wasn’t quite ready to leave yet anyway, and we had two hours before her flight left, so we had plenty of time. I dropped her off at the airport (I offered to go in with her, but she said she didn’t need me to), stopped at Wal-Mart for some Halloween candy, and came home. Where I’ve been doing various cleaning things around the house, cleaned Maddy’s room (which will belong to Maxi’s kittens as of this evening), and made spaghetti for Fred’s lunches this week. I also watched Lost from last week. Speaking of TV – how about that ending on Prison Break last night?! That was something, eh?

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The Nebshit Game! 1. If someone offered you $1,000 to be a phone sex operator for 1 hour, would you do it? I’d do it, but I don’t know that I’d be very good at it, unless hysterical giggling is considered a huge turn-on. 2. Have you ever left an anonymous comment online? Not that I recall. I’ve been tempted, but stopped by the fact that whoever’s site it is can see my IP address and might know that it’s me. 3. Have you eaten something that you dropped on the floor? Alllllll the time. I’m such a klutz that half of what I carry across the kitchen ends up on the floor. 4. If you call someone and get an answering machine, are you more likely to leave a message or hang up? Depends on why I’m calling. If I want them to call me back, I leave a message. If I had a question and can get the answer elsewhere, I don’t. If I’m calling ’cause I’m bored and wanted to talk sometimes I leave a message, sometimes not. 5. What is your favorite candy bar? I don’t really eat candy bars anymore, but I used to adore the Big Kat Kit Kat bars.
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Okay… um. I guess that’s it for today. Nothing to report, nothing to babble about, just nothin’. I need to do a little more cleaning, then perhaps some laundry and then I’m going to land on the couch with my book and read for a while. I’m currently reading Lisey’s Story, by Stephen King. I’m liking this book a LOT. I finished Stop Dressing Your Six Year-Old Like a Skank, and I’ve gotta say: Eh. I didn’t really like it that much. I got that it was supposed to be humorous, but I don’t think I cracked a smile even once while I was reading it.
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I don’t know why my mother felt that Maddy would make a good hat. Maddy did not agree.   Maddy’s favorite place to nap.   All of today’s uploaded pictures are hither. I understand that y’all are disappointed that we’re not keeping Maddy, but I TOLD you we weren’t! And I can guarantee that she’s going to a really good home where she’ll be spoiled rotten and loved to within an inch of her life. Maybe I can browbeat her new Momma into sending some pictures of her as she grows up.  
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Mister Boogers is currently in a state of catatonic despair, he hates you so much.    
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Previously 2005: Let the Seven Year Itch commence! 2004: Happy anniversary, you walnut-farting motherfucker. 2003: There’s nothing like a good second marriage to show you how bad the first one really was. 2002: He even sent me flowers. 2001: And they said it’d never last. 2000: And happy anniversary to Fred, who married me two years ago tonight, which was the smartest thing he’s ever done. 1999: “We don’t have to get married. We could just wait ’til next year. Shouldn’t we get married on the anniversary of the day we met? That would be more romantic!”]]>


Thursday morning I got up early, packed Maddy up in her carrier, and took her to the vet. She hit two pounds on Monday and the person who’s adopting her (who is not, for the record, ME) wants to adopt her this weekend and I was hoping I could get her spayed before that happened (it’s the shelter’s policy not to adopt out kittens ’til after they’re fixed), and was pleased to see that her recent voracious eating had brought about the needed weight gain. So it was off to the vet for Miss Maddy, who also got an ID chip. I dropped Maddy off at the vet, then drove from Ardmore to Smallville – a drive that took me about 25 minutes. In Smallville I went into the house and fed the stray Momma cat, the Daddy cat, and the kittens. Did I even mention that Fred lured them into the house Tuesday evening, and they’d been staying in the master bedroom? They adapted pretty well, which was probably helped by the fact that we got into the habit – a BAD habit, probably – of taking canned food to them a couple of times a day. All the cats were suffering from diarrhea, which made the litter box situation pretty nasty (and WAY smelly, as you can imagine), so I took a third litter box with me, bought some new litter (made for “small spaces”), and dumped out the old litter from the other two boxes, cleaned the boxes, and refilled them with fresh litter. The car of a crazy cat lady.   I fed the cats, swept the floor of the master bedroom, and headed back to Madison. Thursday being the spud’s birthday – her 18th birthday, even – I wanted to make the actual day kind of special, so earlier in the week I’d ordered a balloon bouquet to pick up Thursday afternoon. Then I took it to the spud’s school and left it in her car, so she’d be surprised when she got out to the parking lot to go home. Not only did she get a balloon bouquet from us, she got 18 roses from her grandparents in California and a bouquet of carnations from her father and his wife. It was a bouquet-filled kinda day, which I think she really appreciated. Thursday evening I went to pick up Maddy, brought her home and let her out of her carrier, worried that she might be in pain and need to be put in her room, away from the boys and their rambunctiousness. Instead, she bounced out of the carrier, bounced around the room, jumped on my mother’s feet, jumped on Mister Boogers, and howled to be fed. I’d say she wasn’t too traumatized.   Friday I had to get up bright and early again, this time to go to the Smallville house and box up Momma Kitty and Daddy Kitty. They had an appointment to be tested, get all their shots, and be spayed and neutered. I was worried that it was going to be really hard to get them in the carriers, but all I had to do was walk through the door with a plate of canned cat food, put it down on the floor, and as soon as they came running over, I picked up Momma and Daddy and put them each in a carrier and close the door. They freaked OUT, running around in circles and trying to dig their way out of the carriers. I felt like a total jerk, traumatizing the poor things first by locking them in a room, and then putting them in carriers. Either they’d never been in carriers before or they HAD and knew that bad things happen after they put you in a carrier. They calmed down pretty quickly, and I put the carriers in the back seat placed so that they could see each other. Then I drove from Smallville to Ardmore in the pounding rain, which was OODLES of fun. To add to the fun, Momma Kitty howled most of the way, with Daddy Kitty chiming in every now and then. At the vet’s office, I told them the story of Momma Kitty and Daddy Kitty, and when we went back to weigh them, found that they both weighed just under 8 pounds. Since all the And3rson kitties weigh 9 pounds or more, you can imagine how little Momma and Daddy Kitty look to me. I had to give them names for the cats, and since I would have felt like a dork telling them that the names were Momma Kitty and Daddy Kitty, I named them on the spot. Maxi.   And Newt.   Isn’t it nice that I named cats that aren’t mine? Anyway, I asked them to call me after the testing (they test for Feline Leukemia and FIV) to let me know what the results were, and then I left. As I walked through the door at home, the phone was ringing and my mother held the phone out to me. “I didn’t know who it was, so I didn’t answer it,” she said. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was the vet’s office, and my heart sank. I was POSITIVE it was bad news. I called them back, and they put the vet on the phone with me. The testing came back just fine, AND it was the vet’s opinion that Maxi wasn’t pregnant. Fred and I were pretty sure she was, because she’d started to get kind of barrel-bellied recently, and Fred thought when he’d picked her up the day before that he could feel the head of a kitten. If the vet had determined that she was pregnant, we were going to let her have the kittens and then have her spayed when they were weaned. I’ve gotta say – I was WAY relieved to find out that she wasn’t pregnant. We talked about what shots Maxi and Newt needed, and the vet told me that I could pick them up after 5:00. A few hours later, the phone rang. It was the vet’s office again, and the woman I talked to told me that (1) They’d come through their respective operations just fine (2) Newt had giardia and (3) They both had ear mites. They told me that slippery elm bark could help soothe their digestive systems while they were being treated for giardia, and so instead of hanging out in the living room reading, I spent the next two hours going from store to store looking for powdered slippery elm bark. Which I found at Garden Cove, the health food store in Huntsville. Around 4:15, my mother and I went to the vet clinic and picked up Maxi and Newt, who regarded us warily, and drove from Ardmore to Smallville, where we went to the house and put Maxi and Newt in the laundry room with a litter box, bowl of food, water, and a couple of cat beds. We’re keeping them at the house until they’re done with their giardia medication – which will be tomorrow evening – and Maxi’s incision has gotten a good head-start on healing before we take them over to the neighbor’s house. Oh, an interesting side note: the vet estimated Maxi’s age at about two years. When I asked her about Newt, she paused and said “Is there any reason to think they might not be related?” We had thought that maybe he was her kitten from a previous litter and I told the vet that, and she said that was pretty likely. He’s not fully grown yet, though she didn’t really give me an estimate on his age. The kittens are going to be spayed and neutered (did I mention there are three boys and one girl?) tomorrow, so I’ll have to leave the house early, go to Smallville, put the kittens in carriers, drive to Ardmore, drop them off, drive to Madison, pick up my mother, and take her to the airport. Then in the evening I’ll pick the kittens up at the vet’s, take them to Madison (where they’ll take over Maddy’s room – how RUDE, to be displaced like that) and get them settled in. You could say I’m using up a lot of gas lately. Oh, and the kittens have been named, courtesy of Fred. Meet… Fezzik.   Inigo.   Westley.   And Princess Buttercup.   Yeah, Fred’s a Princess Bride fan. Saturday morning I went out to Smallville, scooped litter boxes, talked Fred through what medication to give which cats (the kittens are now being treated for giardia as well), swept the master bedroom (those kittens can scatter that kitty litter all over the place), and went back to Madison, stopping to fill up my gas tank on the way. My mother and I left Madison at noon, and ended up in Nashville on Music Valley Drive almost exactly two hours later. I didn’t think we’d be able to check in so early, but I asked (can’t hurt, right?) and since they’d just finished cleaning the room, they let us check in. It was the Comfort Inn Opryland, nothing fancy or anything, but I’ve ceased in my old age to be much impressed by any hotel rooms (but maybe that’s just because I haven’t stayed at a really nice one?) and as long as it’s reasonably clean, I don’t much care about anything else. We unpacked, then went out to find a convenience store so we could stock up on water and snacks (the downside to the room was that it didn’t have a refrigerator!). We didn’t have to go far, and then went back to the hotel where we read and talked. We had dinner at a Tex-Mex steakhouse I can’t recall the name of. I had the shrimp; she had a steak. There were far more people in the restaurant than we’d expected to see at 4:00 on a Saturday, so we figured the majority of them were going to the Opry as well. After we ate, we went back to the hotel room and killed time until 5:00. There’s a bus that stops at all the hotels on Music Valley Rd, and for $5 round-trip, they’ll take you to the Opryhouse and back to your hotel afterward. We were told that the bus would show up between 5 and 5:30, but it didn’t show up until almost 5:45. Which wasn’t a big deal – the show didn’t start until 6:30, so we had plenty of time to get there and find our seats. The place was PACKED, and we killed time watching the people go by. Then the show started, and just like last time I went to the Opry, it was one hell of a show. Apparently on Saturday nights they televise the Opry from 7 to 8 (central time) on GAC. I text-messaged the spud and told her to call Fred and tell him to tape it in case any of the pans across the audience captured us. She didn’t get the message in time, though, so he didn’t tape it. Oh well. The 7 – 8 pm portion of the show was hosted by Barbara Mandrell – you should have SEEN my mother’s jaw drop when she saw Barbara Mandrell walk onto the stage – and it had Suzy Bogguss, Lorrie Morgan, and Randy Owen featured, singing songs from the Barbara Mandrell tribute CD. I hoped like hell that Barbara would sing I Was Country (When Country Wasn’t Cool), but she didn’t sing at all. Apparently she no longer performs in public, damn her.

Opry - Rodney Atkins2 Rodney Atkins (in the cap). Opry - Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan. I LOVE HER. Opry - Barbara Mandrell Barbara Mandrell. Opry - Suzy Bogguss Suzy Bogguss. I LOVE HER. Opry - Barbara Mandrell, Randy Owen Barbara Mandrell and Randy Owen, from Alabama. Barbara said that she was in the studio when Randy Owen taped the song for the tribute album and “It literally melted my heart.” Someone better call Dr. Preston Burke and report the medical miracle that is Barbara Mandrell walking and talking after her heart melted out her body. Opry - Sponsor One of the sponsors. Sounds like a gentlemen’s lounge, doesn’t it? Apparently it’s not.
It was, all in all, a very good show. I wish we’d been more front and center than several rows back on the left side of the stage (left side facing the stage, anyway); next time I’ll have to get tickets a little more in advance. There were a lot of acts I didn’t know at all, but the last act was Rodney Atkins, who sings Watching You and If You’re Going Through Hell – which, no coincidence, happened to be the two songs he sang. The thing that’s awesome about the Opry is also the thing that sucks: each act sings, at most, three songs. When you don’t know or don’t care for the act, it’s good that they’re not onstage, but if you like the act, you’d like to see more. When the show was over at 9, we went to the gift shop, but it was so busy and everything was so expensive (I mean, come on. Fifty bucks for a freakin’ sweatshirt?!) that neither of us bought anything, and we headed out to find our bus. Which we did easily, and when the bus driver pointed out that tips were accepted in the guise of thanking those who had tipped her, my mother and I rolled our eyes at each other, but I still tipped the woman a couple of bucks on my way out of the bus. In the hotel room, my mother took a bath and then she and I read until almost midnight. I slept fairly well, only getting up a couple of times to go to the bathroom. When we were both awake, I asked what time it was, and was shocked to find out it was 8:00. (Well, actually 7:00 because of the turning-the-clock back, but we’d gotten 8 solid hours of sleep, so I was shocked. I never sleep that well in a strange bed!) We were checked out of the hotel by 9, and went off to have breakfast before heading for home. We had breakfast at Cracker Barrel (GOD I love the Cracker Barrel gift shop. I picked up a Christmas present for my youngest nephew while I was there that just cracks me the hell up.) and then hit the highway. The trip home went well until we took our exit off highway 65. We had just turned onto the exit when a deer came FLYING out of the woods next to the road and ran directly in front of the SUV in front of us. My mother and I both gasped “Oh no!”, and I instantly stomped on the brakes and pulled over to the side of the road. The image I remember most is watching one of the deer’s antlers break off and go spinning down the road. It happened so fast that the next thing I remember is looking up to see the deer caught under the SUV. “He’s still alive!” my mother said, and I said “He can’t be!”, but I looked at the deer and could see him moving, trying to stand up. The driver of the SUV clearly had no idea what to do, so hit the gas and basically dragged the deer down the road until the SUV’s back tires went over the deer. The deer twitched and tried to stand, then was still for a few minutes, then tried again to stand. I called 911 (in restrospect I should have called 411 and asked for the Ardmore, TN police department, but I was pretty freaked out) and reported what was going on. They connected me to the police department and I told them what was going on, and whoever it was who’d answered the phone told me they’d send someone out. I thought about sticking around until the police showed up, but I suspected that they’d end up shooting the deer to put it out of its misery, and I really didn’t want to see that, so I pulled up and told the driver of the SUV that I’d called the police and they were sending someone out. I think I shook for about an hour afterward. I thought about calling Fred, but was afraid I’d burst into tears (I’m such a softy that I loathe the thought of ANY animal being terrified and in pain) and didn’t want to go to Ugly Cry while driving down the road with my mother beside me. And that was pretty much it. We got home a few minutes after noon, hung around the house, I went through my pictures, made unfried chicken for dinner, and then my mother and I ran out to Smallville so I could give the cats their medicine (the kittens LOATHE the metronidazole I give them for the giardia) and scoop the litter boxes. I noticed that Newt’s eyes were red and painful looking, so I put antibiotic ointment in his eyes. If his eyes don’t look better when I go out the house a little later, I guess it’ll be back to the vet for him! In closing, check out the slippers my mother bought for herself. She bought me a pair, too (which I don’t get until Christmas), and I told her the other day that they look like Muppet slippers, as if perhaps they were made from the skin of a slaughtered Grover.   Maddy seems to like them.  
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Oh, and while my mother and I were off hanging out in Nashville, Fred was working his ass off, and finished another of the upstairs rooms.   **************************************************   Meester Boogers, he hate you.    
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Previously 2005: No entry. 2004: List of fives. 2003: (Also, Nance called me “nice.” That bitch!) 2002: But I don’t guess that introspection is the forte of that particular diva. 2001: Who tells stories about you? 2000: This morning, red and goopy. 1999: (Side note: I did nothing, and that just pisses me off. I wish I could go back and smack the shit out of that jerk. I hope his life is hellish).]]>


Spud21 Gotta hold on easy as I let you go Gonna tell you how much I love you though you think you already know I remember I thought you looked like an angel wrapped in pink so soft and warm You’ve had me wrapped around your finger since the day you were born Spud5 You beautiful baby from the outside in Chase your dreams but always know the road that’ll lead you home again Go on take on this old world but to me you know you will always be My little girl Spud17 When you were in trouble that crooked little smile would melt my heart of stone Now look at you I’ve turned around and you’ve almost grown Sometimes your asleep I whisper I love you in the moonlight at your door As I walk away I hear you say “daddy love you more” Spud12 Spud9 Spud14 Spud1 You beautiful baby from the outside in Chase your dreams but always know the road that’ll lead you home again Go on take on this old world but to me you know you will always be My little girl Spud2 Spud15 Spud16 Spud8 Someday some boy will come and ask me for your hand But I won’t say yes to him unless I know He’s the half that makes you whole He has a poets soul And the heart of a mans man I know he’ll say that he’s in love, but between you and me He won’t be good enough Spud4 You beautiful baby from the outside in Chase your dreams but always know the road that’ll lead you home again Go on take on this old world but to me you know you will always be My little girl – Tim McGraw, My Little Girl

Happy 18th birthday, Spud!!!!!!!!
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Previously 2005: The spud is 17 today! 2004: I hope you dance. 2003: No entry. 2002: “You want to buy STUFF faster than we get rid of it!” he accused shrilly. 2001: Well, the little bastard is home again. 2000: No entry. 1999: Boring work-related shit.]]>


reading: Stop Dressing Your Six Year-old Like a Skank, by Celia Rivenbark. With a name like that, it’s got to be good, right? I hope so – I’m only a few pages into it.

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One important thing I learned on Saturday is that being lazy is no excuse for wearing a sweatshirt over your t-shirt and sweatpants and knee-high black rubber boots on your feet to push the push mower around the hilly parts of the lawn so you won’t have to go inside and upstairs to change. By the time you’re done pushing the push mower around the hilly parts of the lawn, you’ll be dripping sweat all over the place, and there is little doubt that you will forever be known as “That weird woman who was wearing black rubber boots to mow the lawn” around your soon-to-be hometown. Also, I have painful spots on the backs of my upper calves where the boots rubbed and made raw spots. Ouch.
* * *
I got up early yesterday morning (I am really and truly not a morning person. I might get up early most mornings, but I still have one hell of a hard time dragging my ass out of bed, unlike you crazy morning people who bound out of bed with a smile on your lips and a song in your heart) to get dressed and go do my thing at the pet store. When I got home, my mother was up and dressed, watching TV and talking to my father. I put the groceries I’d bought away (she’d asked if we had any yogurt on Sunday, and I told her we didn’t, but later found out that we did, indeed, have yogurt. With an expiration date of September 10th on it. Blech.) and then went upstairs to let Maddy out of the kitten room. Maddy IS a morning person, and always runs out of the kitten room at full speed, pounces on my feet, pounces on Tommy or Mister Boogers (the only two who’ll really play with her; she’s a little scared of Miz Poo, and Sugarbutt’s a little scared of her. Spanky and Spot are just cranky old men who won’t play.), pounces on various toys, and then runs at full speed down the stairs to sit in the kitchen and whine about how hungry she is until I give her a little canned cat food. (Spoiling her rotten, I’m sure, so it will make her new mommy’s job just THAT much harder.) I took a shower, folded some laundry, and cleaned the kitchen a little until about 9:30, when the spud, my mother, and I left the house to have breakfast at Cracker Barrel. The spud didn’t have school because of “parenting day”, so I though the best way to parent her was to fill her full of fatty, high-calorie food for breakfast, and then drag her out to the Smallville house. Breakfast at Cracker Barrel was good – of course – and then we headed out to the Smallville house. I wanted to see if Momma and Daddy Kitty and their kittens were hanging around so I could lure them inside, but they weren’t, so I just dropped off the supplies I’d brought out to the house for the day when we are able to lure them inside (litter boxes, litter, toys, deworming medication), and swept the floor of the master bedroom (that was where we were keeping Maddy the last few times we took her out to the house with us, and she scattered litter all over the floor) and the kitchen. My mother pointed out the windows in the dining room (the ones on either side of the fireplace, as seen here) and actually suggested that we make them bigger – long, skinny windows was her idea, I think – and I pretended that I thought it might be a good idea, but HELLZ NO I’m not going to make those long, skinny windows – I LOVE those windows, the way they are. The dining room with the big fireplace and the windows on either side are one of my favorite things about the house! (Okay. I have a LOT of favorite things about the house, I cannot lie.) When we were about to pull out of the driveway going left toward home, my mother said “What’s out that way?”, and so I took a right instead, and we went down some long country roads before heading for home. Once at home, my mother sat in front of the TV and read, and I puttered around doing this and that, and eventually I went upstairs, Maddy in hand, to read for a few minutes and then ultimately take a nap. I swear to god, I never ever take a nap ordinarily, but whenever I’m on vacation in Maine I take one almost every day, and when my parents are visiting I do as well. My mother tends to nap every day when she’s visiting, too, so I don’t know if it’s a vacation thing or just a way to escape, but in any case, I should be well-rested by the time she leaves next week! This morning I’m taking Miz Poo to the vet, and then my mother and I are headed to Unclaimed Baggage to see if we can’t find some bargains. Or something to sell on eBay for a profit. Either would make me happy!
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For those of you who requested pictures of me in more “form-fitting” clothes, I’ll have 9-month progress pictures up next Tuesday or Wednesday, over at OFB. Speaking of clothes and the like, when I was folding laundry yesterday, I came across a couple of pairs of the spud’s jeans. She wears a size 14 (though honestly I think they’re a little big for her), and I wondered briefly if I’d fit into them. So I tried them on – and they fit. Not comfortably (they’re too tight through the thighs), but I was able to get them fastened and in a pinch I could probably wear them in public and not get any weird looks. Not that I would (I’m still most comfortable in cotton pants), but it was neat to be able to fit into the jeans of someone I was sure is much thinner than I am! Also, last week when Fred and I were at the Smallville house, we were changing into our grubbies – well, I was changing into my grubbies; he was changing into his new flannel shirt and fancy farmer’s pants – and at first I told him to take his pants off so I could try them on, but then I changed my mind and tried on the shorts he’d taken off. This is what I do for fun these days, you know. I try on other people’s clothes. Dsc03136 And his shorts not only fit, they were a little big for me. Not flattering, but they fit!
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DSC03180 Tommy keeps a wary eye on my mother.
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Previously 2005: “That makes me want to get pregnant and have a baby, just so I can name it Lavernicus,” I admitted. “That WOULD be an excellent name.” 2004: No entry. 2003: It took two days from the first time I called Stanley “Beanie-bean” in front of Fred before Fred started doing it too. He’s such a copycat. 2002: “She was giving me a handjob under the water, and I didn’t stop her, even though I’m not attracted to her, BECAUSE I AM ONLY HUMAN.” 2001: Fred is a freak. 2000: “Uhhhh….” I said, casting around for something smart-ass or impressive to say. 1999: My desk is a total shitheap, because I’m Robyn and I’m a slob.]]>


* * * Saturday, after a morning and early afternoon painting and pulling up weeds and poison ivy (so far, no rashes!), I picked my mother up at the airport. She landed right on time, but I got there a little early so I’d have a chance to do a little reading. I’m not doing a lot of reading these days, you know. To my surprise, she’d only brought one suitcase with her (it was a DAMN heavy suitcase, though!), and I pulled it out to the car and then up the stairs when we got home. Did I mention it was a damn heavy suitcase? The spud had taken the day off work so she could get ready for homecoming, and she’d had her hair professionally put in an updo, and my mother admired that, and then we sat around and talked until it was time for the spud to get her homecoming dress on, and her date came to pick her up. I think the spud did a mighty good job picking out a homecoming dress, personally.

After the spud and her date left to go have dinner before homecoming, my mother and I went out to dinner as well. We discussed going to where the spud and her date were going, just so we could spy on her, but when we walked into the restaurant, there were a bunch of people waiting so we left and went to Applebee’s instead. At Applebee’s there were a ton of kids headed for homecoming, and we sat and looked at all the girls in their finery. Seriously, why even bother to bring boys to the dance? Boys’ homecoming outfits are borrrrrring, whereas it’s fun to look at the girls. We went home after dinner and watched TV with Fred, including episode 2 from this season of Grey’s Anatomy (woot!), and a little after 10:00, Fred said “I’m about to pass out” and I said “I am too”, and my mother was tired as well, so we all got up and went to bed. I had just gotten to sleep when the spud woke me up to unhook the back of her dress for her, and when I saw it was 11:00, I asked why she was home so early. It turns out that the dance was boring, so she told her boyfriend that he could go home at 10:00, and she’d get a ride home with her friend, and her friend wanted to leave a little before 11:00. Ah well. At least she looked good! Sunday morning my mother and I went out and had breakfast at the little country restaurant down the road from the Smallville house, and then went out so she could see the house. She seemed to like it, and kept me company while I put a second coat of paint on the closet doors (I had Fred remove all the doors in the spud’s bedroom and the guest bedroom so I could paint them, and it’s slow going, because I put on one coat of paint, then have to wait for it to dry before I put on the second coat, wait for that to dry, then flip the door over and start again with the painting. Luckily we’ve got time.). Then I helped Fred measure for crown molding in the guest bedroom, and held one end up while he nailed it in place. We’d talked about putting my mother to work at the Smallville house, but there was just really nothing for her to do – me either, for that matter – so we left Fred to his crown molding and coves and corners, went to get him some lunch, and headed home. I threw together a lasagna for dinner, and a hot dog and bean casserole (for Fred to take with him for dinners on the nights he works on the house this week), and then sat on the couch and alternately played with Maddy, read, and talked with my mother.
I don’t know exactly what our plans are this week. The spud turns 18 on Thursday, but she has to work so we’re taking her out to dinner and having a birthday cake for her Wednesday night instead. Other than that, I don’t know. I mentioned hitting the Unclaimed Baggage store, and she seemed interested. I’m hoping at some point to get out to the Smallville house and bring Momma Kitty, Daddy Kitty, and the kittens inside, since I’d like to keep them (temporarily, until they can be examined and fixed) in the master bedroom. Oh, I guess I didn’t mention – Fred talked to the neighbor Saturday, and she told him that Momma Kitty had just shown up one day, so she started feeding her, then she had her kittens, then Daddy Kitty showed up (so she doesn’t think he’s really Daddy to the kittens), so basically they don’t belong to anyone. We’re having them all fixed, and she’s willing to take Momma and Daddy once they’re fixed, and we’re going to foster the babies until there’s room open at the pet store. Naturally, they all disappeared Saturday afternoon and didn’t show up at all on Sunday, so we weren’t able to lure them inside (a task which shouldn’t be too difficult with the assistance of some soft cat food or ham or turkey, since these cats are total vacuum cleaners), but Fred’s going out to the house on Tuesday and will call me if they’re there, so I can go out with supplies to keep them pampered and fed and safe until we can get them to the vet. I hope they don’t freak out too much at being brought inside, but every time we open the door and they’re hanging out on the porch, they seem very interested in coming inside. I hope we don’t traumatize them.
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ChangingTree Signs of Fall in the back yard. Pillbugs While pulling down poison ivy on Saturday, I displaced this mother Pillbug and her baby. CottonPlant Cotton plants growing by the side of the road. Momma Kitty thinks you are acting very suspiciously and if you make any sudden moves, she WILL kick your butt.   All four kittens.   All that’s left of the squirrel Momma Kitty hunted down and killed.   ****************************************       More pictures are hither.    
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Previously 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: I believe that might be a personal record, right there. 2002: My poor baby. 2001: it’s MY journal and I’ll exaggerate if I want to. 2000: No entry. 1999: Why we don’t need another cat, by Fred]]>


Jane: Please inform Paco that he is woefully misinformed as to what exactly constitutes a Crazy Cat Lady. You are a mere amateur in the art of Crazy Cat Ladyness.

I will happily send you cats to assist you in better achieving your Crazy Cat Lady goals. xoxo, Robyn
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I hope you people who wanted to know what happens when Maddy’s sleeping on the printer and I need to print something out are happy, because you’re all going to hell. This is what happens: YouTube link. Poor Maddy. She hasn’t been back up on the printer since. She’s still feisty as ever, though. Last night I thought the calm, unflappable Tommy was going to tear her in half because she would NOT leave him alone. Poor cats, tortured by a feisty little monster.  
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Questions answered, comments responded to! Oh, I have a confession to make. My little naughty black kitten that I adopted from under a shed this summer? Sure, I named him Jekyll, but do I call him that? No. No, I do not. He’s become a….Booger. So sorry, didn’t mean to swipe Mr. Boogers’ name (and don’t tell him or he’ll disapprove of me!) but he is such a little pest! I have conferred with Mister Boogers, who informs me that he considers it an honor and an homage that you are calling your boogery kitten Booger. In fact, he thinks that all boogery cats should be known as Booger from here on out.
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I think the “adopt another cat and you can never foster again” rule should be specific to the residence. Therefore Maddy can stay (and she was the first And3son feline family member to see the Smallville house) and you can start the fostering anew. No? Sounds good to me – we’ll see what Fred has to say about it, though!
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Robyn, How do you think all the cats will handle the move? Do you have hiders or explorers? The last time we moved – into this house – they were all hiders. Some hid for longer than others, and in fact I’m not sure how long it was before Spot came out of hiding, but they definitely all hid. And Mr. Fancypants was a huge pain in the ass, as documented here. I expect that they’ll all be freaked out when we move into the Smallville house, but I predict that Miz Poo and Tommy will be the first ones out to explore. Tommy because he’s a nosy little bastard, and Miz Poo because she’d rather drape herself across a person and sleep than sleep huddled up under the bed with the other cats.
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Seeing her sharp little claws makes me wonder – are they still too small for Soft Paws? I tried the small size on my 5 month old kitten about a month ago, and they didn’t work so well. Yeah, her claws are still way too small for SoftPaws. I did clip them last night, though. I don’t remember how old Sugarbutt and Tommy were when we started SoftPaws-ing them, but we were actually using the kitten-sized caps until about three months ago (and they are NOT kitten-sized cats anymore!). When we moved up to the next size, it worked out well for us, because the caps are fitting better and staying on longer. Five months may still be a little too small; I’d try again in a few months if I were you.
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Hmmm… I believe the Biscuit Law is is why I bought a can of pillsbury biscuits tonight. It’s definitely catching on. Biscuits for everyone!!!
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Apropos of absolutely nothing, but I saw these and immediately thought of you. Would these go over well as gifts or ornaments for your family? I actually have several kits from Subversive CrossStitch, just haven’t gotten around to actually doing them. I ADORE that site and think y’all should go buy lots of stuff from there!
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Robyn, I’ve just finished catching up with your adventures! I read you through the LiveJournal RSS feed, and it’s been down since Sept 23 — anyone else reporting a problem? Nope, this is the first I’ve heard of it. I did uninstall a plug-in the other day because someone was having problems getting to the site, maybe that fixed it. Is it still an issue?
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What does the Spud do while you and Fred are working your asses off at the Smallville house? Seems only fitting she should be helping out. Unless she’s studying or working elsewhere… The poor spud is so busy right now that to expect her to help us work on the house would probably be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Between school and work and trying to eke out something of a social life, she’s busy all the time, poor kid.
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Hey Robyn, I’ve been a long time reader and don’t comment much but I had the funniest dream about you last night for some reason. (I know, I sound like a stalker!) You posted a video of you singing with some country singer I think it might have been with the woman who sang Coal Miner’s Daughter (the name escapes me). You were invited to sing at the country music awards and you were in this god awful blue dress and up there singing your heart out. I thought it was so funny and thought you’d get a kick out of it. Maybe that will be you in another life! Loretta Lynn! How cool would it be to sing with Loretta Lynn? I’m afraid the horror of hearing my singing voice might kill her, though. Heh. Did you dream that I could sing? This is not, by the way, the first time someone’s told me that they’ve had a dream about me. I dream about journallers and bloggers from time to time, myself!
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Soda!!!!! Are you drinking Diet Coke (AKA Nectar of the Gods) again, Robyn?!?!?!?!! (Regarding this picture.) No, that was Fred’s soda Maddy was sniffing at!
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When did you start referring to yourself as “Momma” to Maddie? Did I miss something? She IS staying, correct? I always refer to myself as “Momma” when it comes to the foster kittens. It’s easier to say than “Your foster mother who loves you but is still planning on kicking you out into the cold the instant you’re old enough.” And no, she’s not staying.
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Do the cats (at the Smallville house) ever go home? Apparently they do – to our surprise, we didn’t see them at all on Wednesday, and when we ran out there for a few minutes yesterday they weren’t anywhere to be seen. Maybe their owners decided to take them off to be fixed!
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How on earth did the two of you get the chain around the big, bad trunk? We wrapped it around the trunk, and Fred fastened the chain together with some chain-fastener clip thingies he bought at Lowe’s.
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So, do I foresee a creepy story coming out of you or Fred about that sinister fog filled back forty? Hmmm? Not from me, but I wouldn’t be surprised to hear Fred talking about story ideas about it!
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It’s killing me to see all that perfectly good firewood being regulated to the BURN PILE OUT BACK. Why don’t you live next door so I could have it for my fireplace?!?!??? and You should chop that wood up and save it so that next year you can build a fire and burn hotdogs! Well, the only reason we dragged the tree back to the burn pile (next to the burn pile, I should say) was to get it off the driveway and out of the way. One of these days Fred’s going to get back there with his chainsaw and cut up the tree for firewood. Don’t worry – we’re already starting our wood pile!
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I think you should get those cats fixed. The neighbors probably won’t even notice they are missing, especially if you just take one in at a time.(Have they come searching for them since they took up residence in your garage?) If Fred asks them and they say no, then what? You won’t be able to take them in at all without looking like the horrible meddling neighbors. If you just take them in now and by some crazy chance the neighbors do notice and confront you, then you can play stupid…”We are so sorry, we didn’t know they were your cats. We thought they were strays.” I bet they won’t really care anyway, but they may be embarrassed or get defensive depending on what Fred says and how he says it. That’s kind of what I was thinking – but it’s too late, because Fred asked the guy next door who the cats belong to, so if they suddenly go missing for a few days and they ask the neighbor if he’s seen them, chances are good he’d mention that we were asking about them. We should have just snatched them up and taken them to the vet, in my opinion!
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Is it true that if you have a cat in the house the mice won’t be as bad a problem? I can tell you that the mice I’ve seen in our house here in the ‘burbs aren’t mice who came in on their own. They’re mice our stupid-ass cats brought in to play with (though we haven’t seen any mice in quite a while)(and now that I said that, we’ll be inundated with them). I will be interested to see what happens when they stumble upon a mouse in the Smallville house.
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Ditto on the nasty beetle thing — and don’t smash them, either. The scent is a pheremone marker that attracts more beetles, and it also leaves an oily stain on your walls. You might consider doing a round of Killz primer on the rooms you have yet to paint. And if you get to the attic — hoo boy. They’re probably having some real “rock n roll” up there. Thanks, you guys, for letting me know that I shouldn’t use the vacuum cleaner to vacuum up the beetles. I would have been majorly pissed off if my Dyson got a beetle stank on it that wouldn’t go away! I guess I’ll get out the broom and dustpan and get rid of them the old-fashioned way. We have been priming the walls with Killz, so maybe that’ll help.
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..but there are always these. But they don’t come in my size! They’re only available in size 7! Wahhhhh!
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When we were done watching TV last night, Fred started singing to Mister Boogers, which he does a lot of. As he turned the TV off and I headed for the computer room to check my email one last time, Fred kept singing. A moment later what he’d been singing entered my consciousness, and I paused. “Did you just say ‘Put Anna Nicole in your butt’?” I said, staring at him. He laughed. “No, I said ‘Put a nickle in your butt!'” Oh, right. ‘Cause that makes way more sense. (He was singing this, for the record.)
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Speaking of songs, yesterday marks the first time in my entire life that I realized Bonnie Tyler was singing “We’re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks” in Total Eclipse of the Heart. My entire life, I thought it was “We’re living in a polar keg and giving off sparks”, though it never occurred to me to wonder why living in a keg and giving off sparks would be a problem. The beer would just put out those sparks, right?
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  It was a tiring day to be a Maddy yesterday, apparently. “Bob?”   “Hey, BOB! I hear you’re the go-to guy when it comes to the ‘nip!”   “I say, BOB! Where ARE you, man?”   All of today’s uploaded pictures (and there are some good ones!) are here.    
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Previously 2005: Your fascinating tidbit for the day. 2004: More Myrtle Beach. 2003: It’s got to be early-onset Alzheimer’s, y’all. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: I think back on the shit I pulled as a senior in high school, and I’m flat-out amazed that I managed to graduate. 1999: Just an all-around relaxing day.]]>


I tried to warn you about the black lipstick (Maddie). That’s how the Goth Kitty Look starts. Then it’s the piercings and tattoos. Did you notice in today’s pics of Maddy that she has her ear and tongue pierced? I looked closer, and by god she’s right! GothMaddy I want to know who snuck her out of the house to be pierced and painted (note the black nails). I suspect the evil Mister Boogers is the culprit.

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I was supposed to answer these questions in Nance‘s comment section, but I needed something to lengthen this entry out a little, so here you go. It’s the Nebshit meme! 1. Do you kiss your pets? Of course! Not on the lips, though (do cats have lips? Judging by Miz Poo’s past lip problems, I’m going to say “yes”.), usually on top of the head, or (in Sugarbutt’s case) behind their ears. 2. Do you read the sites that bash bloggers/journalers? I wander through them from time to time, though I can barely keep up with the journals and blogs on my links list; I don’t usually go look at everything they link to. 3. If you could adopt an impoverished child without any red-tape and finances were not an issue, would you do it? I’d love to say yes, but honestly? No. I don’t want any more kids, impoverished or not. I’m happy to wait ’til the grandkids come along. 4. How much cash do you have on you right this minute? $30. 5. Have you ever gone to the bathroom in the woods? Yes and I did NOT enjoy it. Unlike everyone else who just loooooves to do it, I’m sure!
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So we went out to the Smallville house yesterday after Fred got off work. He set about to spraying all the mud off his tractor (which he hadn’t done the night before because we didn’t have a hose in Smallville, a situation which has since been remedied) while I wandered around the yard hanging up bird feeders, checking out ant piles and the pond (which has more water in it than we’ve ever seen before!) and finally went into the house to change the lightbulbs in the closets and straighten up the kitchen. He finally came inside and we went upstairs to start painting, which is when we realized we’d been invaded by little beetles that might or might not be ladybugs or asian beetles. They were coming through the window in the upstairs bathroom in the tens (I know! Horrifying!), and some were crawling around looking for sex or drugs or possibly a little of the rock ‘n roll IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN*, and others were laying dead on the bathroom floor. Invasion4 Invasion3 If I’d had the vacuum cleaner at the house, I would have sucked the fuckers right up, but since I didn’t, I didn’t do a damn thing except plan to take the vacuum cleaner with me to the house on Friday. I don’t go out of my way to kill bugs, but if I feel they’re invading my territory (like the huge-ass spider who booked it across the front porch the other night, so I stepped on the fucker) or being a general pain in the ass (see above regarding beetles), I have no qualms about killing them. I know. I’m going to hell. At least I know I’ll have good company! So I set to work painting the door I’d painted the other night, because it clearly needed another coat of paint, since the primer was peeking through. It didn’t take me as long to paint it this time, and when I was done I told Fred we needed to move it so I could paint another door, only he decided that I should paint the guest bedroom walls around the doors and trim. I was worried about doing real painting, because I’m not much of a painter and I paint really slow, but although it took me most of the evening, I did an okay job. I got around the doorways while Fred painted the ceiling in several rooms and maybe did some wall painting as well, I’m not sure. At least I had thought to bring my iPod with me, so I listened to Keith and the Girl the entire time, so it wasn’t too painful. Boring (the painting part, that is), but not painful. *It’s okay. I don’t even know what I mean.
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Tuesday night when I had to haul some branches to the back forty, I had to slog through a bit of water, which got my sneakers all wet, which got my socks all wet, which got my feet all wet. “Tomorrow I’m going and buying waterproof boots!” I told Fred indignantly. No one should have to slog about with wet feet – it’s 2006, not 1986! We aren’t living in the dark ages! Dry, warm feet for everyone! I demand it! REVOLUTION! So during my many errands yesterday morning I found myself in Target and I took myself to the shoe section, and I bought myself some boots that are waterproof and should keep my feet nice and toasty warm. Boots And they’re black and rubber and SEXY to boot. (Hahaha! “To boot”! I slay me!) Unfortunately they didn’t have the boots I REALLY wanted in my size, but I’ll try to learn to live with the pain. Boots3 Boots2
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Of course. Where else is there to sleep in this horrid, uncomfortable house where there are three warm and cozy cat beds to every single cat? Where else but on the printer?   Does this look comfortable to you?   Three cats in the space of five feet and none of them are hissing, growling, biting, or smacking at each other. It’s a Christmas Halloween miracle!   Today’s uploaded pictures are hither.    
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Previously 2005: I WILL BE THE VICTOR, DAMNIT! 2004: More Myrtle Beach. 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: I’ve turned into a crazy cat lady for real, haven’t I? 2000: The spud turns 12 next week, can you believe it? 1999: I’ve been out of sorts all day.]]>