
Edited to add: This bus wasn’t from the Spud’s school, and I don’t think we know any of the kids who were on the bus. Keep those poor kids and their families in your thoughts, if you would, though.

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Thank you to everyone who’s donated so far! The rest of you – get to donating! Whatcha waiting for? You can donate to the shelter directly via PayPal now, too.
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Meme, stolen from LL. How many keys are on your keychain? Oh… four. Car key, PO Box key, key to this house, key to the Smallville house. What curse word do you use the most? Depends on the day. “Fuck” is a perennial favorite, and “goddamn” has been getting a lot of use lately. Do you own an iPod? Yes, a refurbished iPod Mini. His name is BobPod, and the entertainment he’s provided – in the form of Keith and the Girl podcasts – while I work on the Smallville house makes him well worth the money. What time is your alarm clock set for? It’s not; Fred is my alarm clock. How many suitcases do you own? I don’t know, and I’m too lazy to go upstairs and look. Somewhere between five and ten, I’d guess. Do you wear flip-flops even when it’s cold outside? I don’t wear flip-flops, period. I can’t stand things between my toes. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? Take the picture! What was the last movie you watched? We watched Accepted Friday night (stupid, predictable movie, but entertaining). Before that, I watched about 10 minutes of The Da Vinci Code and decided I didn’t like it. What CD is currently in your CD player? There Goes Your Heart, by Caprice (aka, Chemda from Keith and the Girl). I’ve been listening to it nonstop, because the FRIGGIN’ radio stations are playing CHRISTMAS SONGS, and I refuse to listen to Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving. Has anyone told you a secret this week? Yes. What did you have for dinner last night? The Shoney’s salad bar and buffet. Eh. Do you wear hoodies often? I wear hoodies pretty much never. Can you whistle? Not worth a damn. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Either Fred or the spud, I don’t remember which. What is your favorite ride at an amusement park? The pirate ship! Do you think people talk about you behind your back? I think that if they do, they must be very, very bored. With the whole wide internet out there, they’re going to talk about me? They need a life. What area code are you in? 256. What is your biggest regret? I can’t say. Well, that’s wrong – I won’t say. What movie do you know every line to? None, but Clerks comes pretty close (Clerks 2 comes out next week! Woohoo!) When was your last plane ride? When I went to Maine in July. How many chairs are at your dining room table? Four, though we really only use three. Can you speak any languages other than English? Unfortunately, no. I’ve considered taking a Spanish class, though. What color are your bedroom walls? Grayish-blue. When was the last time you cried? I don’t remember – it’s been a while, I guess. Maybe when we were watching the end of Season 2 of Grey’s Anatomy and the thing with the guy happened and Izzie was there in her pretty pink dress. (I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet) Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? Both, but the laptop doesn’t get much use, because it’s a huge, heavy beast of a laptop and I don’t like carrying it around. Which do you make: wishes or plans? I make plans that never come to fruition, which I think makes them wishes. Can you skip rocks? I haven’t tried in years, but last time I did, I was able to skip about every third or fourth rock. Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. Hall. He was fun-nay. What two personality traits attract you most? Sense of humor and the willingness to see humor in situations where others might not see it. What two personality traits do you most dislike? Lack of sense of humor, and… I don’t know. Are annoying habits a personality trait? Because people cracking their knuckles sends me into a blind rage. What is your mother’s hometown? Brunswick, Maine. How many hours of sleep do you need to function? I can get by for a week or so on five or six hours, but I really prefer to get 8 to 9. Do you eat breakfast daily? Almost every day, yes. Describe your typical weekday with three adjectives. Depends on the day. Some days are harried, hurried, rushed, and others are slow, relaxing, nap-filled. Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class? No. It would have been more likely that I’d get in trouble for NOT talking in class (ie, participating). What is your favorite fruit? It’s a tie between strawberries and blueberries. Do you believe in life on other planets? I do. Who was the last person to piss you off? I’m sure it was Fred. Lucky for HIM I get over being pissed off pretty quickly. What do you tell yourself when times get hard? “This won’t last.” Would you ever sky dive? Absolutely! Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? I sleep almost exclusively on my right side. I used to sleep on my stomach, only I CANNOT sleep on my stomach anymore because it makes my back hurt. I miss sleeping on my stomach. What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself? I’d like to say Randall from Clerks, but I think I’m probably more Dante. What movie character reminds YOU of me? (BE NICE!) Have you ever bid for something on ebay? All the time, though not much recently. Do you enjoy giving hugs? Depends on the person. Would you consider yourself to be fashionable? Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Ha! Heh! Uh. NO. Does it annoy you when someone says they’ll call but never do? No, I consider it a gift. What books, if any, have made you cry? God-Shaped Hole, for one. I cried at the end of Lisey’s Story. I tear up at the end of a lot of books because I don’t want them to be over. Do you think you’re attractive? ::blush:: SHUT UP. What are you allergic to? Nothing that I’m aware of. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? Oh, crap. I know the answer to this… I just can’t think of what it is. I’ll let y’all know if it comes to mind.
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I left the Smallville house early on Friday so I could go to the shelter and pick up… our new fosters! See if you can guess which TV show our naming theme came from. O’Malley. He’s like a miniature Sugarbutt, though friendlier. I think Fred might try to get me to give Sugarbutt up and keep O’Malley. Which is SO not happening, for the record.   Christina. I love her markings, and her bright pink nose.   Izzie. She has a cool orange ring around her tail.   Meredith Grey. She’s a total mix between Mr. Fancypants and Mister Boogers. Miz BoogerPants, maybe?   All the cats are very, very sweet and friendly, and total love bugs. Their story is that they were strays who showed up at a woman’s house two months ago, and she’s been feeding them since. They were so clean and well cared-for that it’s possible the woman was letting them stay in her house, I don’t know. They’re somewhere between 4 and 5 months, and they’ll be going to the pet store on Friday, so they won’t be ours for long. You KNOW they’ll be showered with love as long as we have them, though! (A few more pictures of them are here)
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Previously 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: “I JUST SAID THAT!” 2002: At least it knocked Johnny Poopoopants out of the loop. 2001: How the hell can you cheat on Survivor, for the love o’ god? 2000: Oh, you’re giving us the COT free of charge? Well, let me do a friggin’ happy dance for that!” 1999: No, I’m the same old awful, lazy, horrid person I always was]]>


Thank you to everyone who’s donated so far! The rest of you – get to donating! Whatcha waiting for? You can donate to the shelter directly via PayPal now, too.

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Every time I go to type in “livejournal”, it comes out as “liverjournal” instead. Now THAT would be a fascinating journal, wouldn’t it? 11/16/06 Today I processed some Tylenol. I told her she wasn’t supposed to be taking Tylenol because it makes Me work too hard and I am a fragile organ, but the bitch never listens to Me. I think I’ll turn dark-gray and make her start having diarrhea just to fuck with the bitch.
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Questions and comments, answered: You know what I found the funniest thing about your day. That you actually RANG your husband from outside the house. LOL! What, I’m supposed to go inside and get him? That’s WAY too much effort for me! I’ve actually been known to call him on his cell phone when we’re both inside the house, me upstairs and he downstairs, just to ask him a question or remind him of something.
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Here’s a random question (that you’ve probably addressed before, but in the years I’ve read, I don’t think I’ve seen): We know how you & The Spud came to AL to be with Fred, but I’m curious to know if Fred is originally from Alabama? And if so, does he speak with a southern twang? Obviously I’ve never spoken to him, but from his pictures he doesn’t look like someone who speaks with a drawl. Fred’s lived in Alabama his entire life, bouncing back and forth between Huntsville (where his Dad lives) and Decatur (where his Mom used to live). He does have a slight Southern accent, but he decided as a child that he didn’t want to have a strong drawl, so he trained himself to talk without one – or mostly without one, actually.
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Do the kitties wander up and down the steps as the sun moves? That’d be too funny if they did. No, that’s too much effort for them. They’ll flop down in the biggest sun puddle and fall asleep, but if they wake up and are no longer in the sun, they’ll go climb in a cat bed or up onto my desk to fall back asleep.
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Isn’t Lisb0n High School where Stephen King graduated? I played basketball in high school and remember traveling to LHS for games and seeing/hearing that somewhere. Yep, Stephen King is a Lisb0n High School graduate. In fact, several of my high school teachers went to school with him, and although probably none of them ever gave him a second look while they were actually IN high school with him, they’d talk about him to us like they were his best friends.
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I like your new t-shirt but it seems to me that it would be more accurate if it said that the world was annoying YOU, one idiot at a time…. thus necessitating your move to the country, and the way you hate to stand in checkout lines, and all the other ways the public pisses you (and me) off. If I ever see a “World, you’re pissing me off, one dumbass at a time” t-shirt, I very well might have to buy it.
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I think I mentioned that I listen to my iPod while I’m working at the Smallville house. I’m doing my best to get caught up on Keith and the Girl podcasts, though I seem to be falling further and further behind, despite the fact that I usually listen to several hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The Girl – Chemda – briefly had a song popular in the clubs a few years back. Her “club name” was Caprice, and at the end of one of the podcasts, they played her song. I liked it a lot, and immediately came home to download the song. Except it wasn’t available on iTunes, and I couldn’t find anyplace online to download it. Finally, I thought to look on eBay, and found the CD for sale with something like seven versions of the one song. I bought it for a couple of dollars, and when it arrived I immediately took it out to my car so I could listen to it while I was doing errands. I LOVE that freakin’ song. LOVE IT. I listen to at least one version every time I drive anywhere, and just can’t get enough of it. Another song brought to me by Keith and the Girl (one that’s actually available in the iTunes store) is Summertime, sung by Brother Love. That’s another one I’ve started to really like – every time I open iTunes, I listen to it at least once. (In fact, I just went and started it playing. And now I’m wondering why I have not one, not two, but THREE versions of Britney Spears’ Me Against the Music. What the hell?) Anyway, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – if you’re looking for an entertaining podcast, I recommend Keith and the Girl.
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I’m so not looking forward to tomorrow. We’ve got a guy coming out to leave a dump truck in our driveway (I always mistype “driveway” as “driveaway” and have to go back and fix it. Grrrr.), and we’re going to spend the day loading up all the shit laying on the driveaway driveway into the dump truck, along with things like the carpets from the upstairs rooms and whatever bushes I can get cut down before the guy comes to take the dump truck to the dump. I suspect that, come Sunday morning, I’m going to be one hurting motherfucker. At least my hip is feeling better. It was feeling much better yesterday morning when I woke up, though it still hurt a little. I was pretty relieved, because I’d decided I had (a) Rapid Onset Hip Cancer, (b) Rapid Onset Hip Arthritis, or (c) A Broken Hip (broken in a way that apparently didn’t involve falling in any way). Apparently what it really was was (d) A Pulled Muscle, Dumbass. Who, me? A hypochondriac? Right. Like YOUR mind doesn’t immediately go to the Big C whenever you’re having the slightest bit of pain. Here’s Doctor Robyn’s list of diagnoses. Who needs to get dressed and go to the doctor’s office? Headache? Brain tumor. Blurred vision? Brain tumor. Diarrhea? Ass cancer. Constipation? Ass cancer. Tar-like poo? Ass cancer. Normal poo? Ass cancer. Back pain? Spinal cancer. Coughing? No, that’s not cat hair caught in your throat. That’s throat cancer. Wrist pain? Ankle pain? Leg or arm pain? Bone cancer. Aching tailbone? Tailbone cancer. Ringing in your ears? Ear cancer. Frizzy hair? Flat hair? Curly hair? Hair cancer. That’ll be a hundred dollars, please. Don’t make me send the bill collectors after you!
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DSC04061 With all the comfy cat beds spread throughout the house, why NOT sleep on a hard, cold mantel? DSC04064 Brudderly love.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.
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Previously 2005: Cat hair on the seat of your pants! It’s the Next Big Thing! 2004: Do you suppose that cats realize that when we kiss them, it’s a sign of affection? 2003: NAS-TAY. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: Thanks, y’all, for your emails regarding hamster sex. 1999: So, I didn’t get the kitten.]]>


Thank you to everyone who’s donated so far! The rest of you – get to donating! Whatcha waiting for? You can donate to the shelter directly via PayPal now, too.

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Who knew y’all would get so excited about the whole thing/ think thing? Here’s another one for you – is it “toe the line” or “tow the line”? I haven’t googled it yet, but each kind of makes sense to me. I’ve always thought it was “toe the line”, but like I said – I haven’t googled it, so I’m not sure. Discuss.
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Last night Fred and I were watching a showed we’d DVR’d called Space Station, which is the first live High Definition broadcast from space. When I say “we” were watching it, what I mean is that Fred was watching it and I was leafing through a magazine while glancing up at the TV every now and then. Finally my tailbone started hurting (the physical therapist can say whatever she wants; I still contend that it hurts when I’ve been sitting for too long because I don’t have as much padding back there as I used to) and my hip began aching, so I put down my magazine and tipped over onto my side to relieve the pain. The astronaut who was giving the tour of the space station pulled some.. something out of… somewhere, and the interviewer said “What did you say the temperature in the freezer is?”, and the astronaut said “About negative one hundred degrees. Celsius.” “What’s that in Fahrenheit?” I asked Fred, knowing that he’d know because he’s a geek extraordinaire. He thought for a moment. “Two hundred and twelve because” and then I don’t know what else he said, because I stopped listening since I didn’t really need an explanation behind the answer. “Wait,” I said. “Wasn’t there a book called Two Twelve Fahrenheit?” He guffawed. “Fahrenheit 451,” he corrected. “That’s the temperature at which my eyeballs explode from the hate rays you’re sending me right now*.” For the rest of the evening, he’d suddenly start giggling and then say “Two Twelve Fahrenheit!” He’s such a know-it-all motherfucker. *Or maybe he said something about paper burning. Who the fucks knows?
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Currently reading: The Devil in the Junior League, by Linda Francis Lee. So far, it’s pretty good. Recently finished: Murder Plays House, by Ayelet Waldman. I think this was my favorite Mommy Track mystery so far. Finished before that: Motor Mouth, by Janet Evanovich. Eh. I just really don’t seem to care for this particular series. I love the Stephanie Plum series, but the Barnaby series just kind of bores me, I don’t know why.
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Let’s playyyyyyyyyy… the Nebshit Game! 1. It’s November, 1982 – where are you and what are you doing? In November 1982 I was a Freshman in high school, so I was probably sitting on my ass in my bedroom not doing very much! 2. Who was your favorite singer/band from the 80’s? Bryan Adams. Ohhhhh, how I LURRRRVED Bryan Adams. I actually even saw him in concert with… Rick Springfield? Corey Hart? I don’t remember the headlining act, just that I was there for Bryan Adams. I loved Bryan Adams right up until he released Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman, and then I said “Eh. There’s gotta be something better out there…” 3. What was your favorite music video from the 80’s? Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Cyndi Lauper. That Cyndi Lauper was adorable. 4. What was your favorite item of clothing from the 80’s? I didn’t have a single favorite piece of clothing, but for a while there I had shirts and matching socks in all the colors of the neon rainbow. I look back fondly upon those shirts for some reason. Also, I had a Billy Joel sweatshirt from a concert I attended. I wore that thing ’til it fell to pieces. 5. Did you have big hair and wear black eye-liner? Hell yeah I did. Here’s proof of the big hair, if not the black eyeliner:
Robyn 1987
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Sugarbutt Yawn 1 “BOB! Hey, Bob! Where the hell’s my ‘nip? You promised I’d have it an hour ago!” Sugarbutt Yawn 2 “Don’t call me an addict, dude! I like a little catnip now and then! A snort or two to mellow me out, and then a snort or two to wake me up! That’s all! I’m not addicted! I can stop whenever I want!”
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Previously 2005: Elizabeth Wurtzel strikes me as spectacularly self-absorbed (pot! kettle! black!) 2004: Stuff I’ve bought. 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: “Hey!” I said, shaking the cage. “Stop that!” 1999: No entry.]]>


Thank you to everyone who’s donated so far – I have more than $500 in my PayPal account; I can’t wait to write that check to the shelter! The rest of you – get to donating! Whatcha waiting for? You can donate to the shelter directly via PayPal now, too.

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People, please. For the love of all that is holy, it is NOT “You’ve got another thing coming.” It’s “You’ve got another THINK coming.” THINK. NOT THING. Thank you.
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Sometimes when we drive back from Smallville, we take a different, less country road, route. On the way, there’s a stand that sells apples. A few weeks ago we passed the sign that said “Fresh orchard apples” and I said to Fred, “Doesn’t that sound like a euphemism for cow shit?” and he laughed and agreed. Now I can’t pass that sign without thinking “I wonder how much they’d charge for a bushel of cow shit?”
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I think I mentioned the other day that Fezzik, Westley, and Princess Buttercup had been adopted when I went to the pet store. Poor Inigo was in a cage all by himself, and when he saw me walk into the room, he started howling and pushing his little face against the cage. I usually start by cleaning out the cages on the bottom, letting the cats out of each cage as I get to it, so that when the most cats are out running around, I’ve got the bottom cages all cleaned and am working on the top cages, which they can’t run in and out of and get in my way. However. Inigo was one of my BAYBEES, so I wasn’t about to make him stay in his cage until I got done with the bottom cages. I opened the door to take him out, and he threw himself at me, purring, and let me hold him for the longest time before he demanded that I put him down so he could go play. I basically let him stay out and play the entire time I was at the pet store, and he played very nicely with the other cats. I thought about putting him in a cage with the kitten he seemed to be having the most fun playing with, but there were no big cages available, so I didn’t. The entire time I was cleaning, he’d play and play and play, and then come over and politely tap at my leg as if to say “Please, ma’am, may I have another?” and I’d pick him up and cuddle him for a few minutes. When it was time for me to leave, I popped him in his cage and booked it out of there before he could give me the betrayed look and howls of rage. It was actually easier for me to leave him than I thought it would be. Last year when I left Jodie and Rambo and had to come back the next day to clean, it was very difficult to leave them, because they – Jodie, especially – were so scared. The fact that Inigo was pretty much taking it in stride made it easier to leave him. I hope like hell he gets adopted before next Monday, though.
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Note to myself: Do not give Miz Poo medicine on your desk. Because when she fights the medicine – and she WILL – it will go flying all over the damn place, and you will end up with little splatters of medicine all over your monitor, your desk, and your keyboard, and that medicine is some sticky-ass shit. (Mister Boogers, Spanky, Miz Poo, and now Sugarbutt appear to have developed Upper Respiratory Infections. According to the know-it-all front desk lady at the vet’s office, kittens can be carriers of Upper Respiratory Infections while not actually getting sick themselves. I think she just hates kittens and is a big fat LIAR.)
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We went to the house last night, and I intended to get the rest of the switches and plugs in the upstairs changed out, but it was already too dark by the time we got there, so I’ll have to wait and do it this weekend. Fred spent a little time out on the roof of the house dealing with something that was causing a leak (I wasn’t listening all that closely when he explained it to me), and I started cleaning the paint spatters off the stairs. It took me an hour and a half to get down to the landing, and then Fred wanted to start rehanging the doors in the upstairs, so I never did get the lower half of the stairs cleaned. The cleaned stairs, by the way, look pretty damn good. We’d pretty much decided not to paint the stairs (since so many people in Fred’s comments were opposed to it) and thought we might stain them, but actually I think they look just fine the way they are, so we might just leave them alone. We started hanging doors upstairs, which quickly turned out to be a bit of a cluster fuck since we hadn’t made any attempt to keep the correct hinge with each door/ doorway. We got the door to one of the spud’s closets hung, but then it wouldn’t close, so we had to take it back down and start comparing hinges to find the right one for the door. We finally did, and Fred was so frustrated that he snapped “We are NOT taking ANY MORE doors down!” When I thought of how crappy the doors would look, he gave me a long-suffering look and said in his “Look how patient and long-suffering I am” voice, “I’ll paint them.” Yeah, well, I’ve seen the paint job he’s done on a door we left standing in place and I WAS NOT IMPRESSED. But I bit my tongue and said nothing. It is my considered opinion that I don’t pull my weight when it comes to renovating the house because I can’t cut or hang crown molding (though I can help hang it), I suck at painting, you DON’T want me to replace lights (trust me), and it’s taking me forever to replace the switches because it’s hard to get the wires out of the back of the switch thingy. I feel like I spend a lot of time wandering around, listening to my iPod and half-assedly swiping at things with a cleaning cloth, and doing dumbfuck things like slicing through the extension cord with the hedge trimmer. So when Fred says something that indicates that he thinks I’m not pulling my weight, it makes me squawk indignantly. As I mentioned, though, I bit my tongue and didn’t say anything, but a few minutes later when he was trying to put the screws in the bottom of the door to the spud’s room and he said, impatiently “Hold the door UP a little!”, because I’d held the door up a little and then apparently let it go back to where it was without realizing it, I squawked indignantly “I AM!” and he said “No you’re not, you let it go back too close to the wall!” and I squawked indignantly “NO I’M NOT!” and he laughed at me and I killed him and buried him in the back forty told him to shut up, and then felt better about it. Today, my hip is KILLING me. I have no idea what I did to it, but it hurts to lift my leg, and I’m walking with a limp. I’m sure it’s Fred’s fault.
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Sweet Widdle Sugarbutt What Tommy Really Thinks of You
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Previously 2005: “Fascinating.” 2004: All your frog are belong to us. 2003: No entry. 2002: I am freezing to death. 2001: I think I need to get a life… 2000: In other words, Robyn is a total spaz about her eyes, comprende? 1999: On the way into work, and the whole time I worked today, I reconsidered that reconsideration.]]>


Thank you to everyone who’s donated so far – I have more than $400 in my PayPal account; I can’t wait to write that check to the shelter! The rest of you – get to donating! Whatcha waiting for?

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While I’m thanking people, I’d like to thank Vix again, who helped me with a super-secret project, and rocked at it.
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There’s this guy Fred knows named Tim Thompson. Everything Tim does turns immediately and irrevocably to shit. When we have bad days where everything goes wrong, we refer to it as a “Tim Thompson day.” Sunday was a Tim Thompson day for me. First, I had to paint. And I don’t like to paint. Painting makes me make this face:
I hate painting
I’m not a good painter, I hate painting, it bores the shit out of me. Fred is a fast painter, he’s a good painter, and he’s allllllllways trying to get me to paint. Before we bought this house I had never painted anything, ever, and since we’ve bought the house I’ve painted more than I ever want to paint again in my life. So Sunday morning I began painting the trim in the stairway. To me, the paint job I did looked like crap, but Fred told me it looked perfectly fine (a lie, I’m sure -he probably went back over and fixed it). Then Fred decided I was in the way, sitting on the stairs and painting, so I went upstairs and worked on the trim in the hallway. There are pictures of the finished hallway and stairs here, by the way. After lunch I was released from my painting duties to go outside, where I really fucked up. I’d spent Friday afternoon raking the side yard and I thought I could just run over the leaves with the riding lawnmower, pick them up in the grasscatcher and then dump them in the mulch pile we’ve started. Running over the leaves didn’t do much but crunch them up and toss them all over the yard, so I raked them back into a pile, and on Sunday I used a shovel to shovel the leaves into the grasscatcher and then hauled them to the mulch pile. That went okay, and then I decided to run over the pile of leaves behind the shed. First, I ran over some huge metal thing with the riding lawnmower. Didn’t hurt the mower, but scared the shit out of me. I pulled it – whatever the hell it was, some big metal ring – out of the ground and tossed it on the trash pile. Then I started running over the pile of leaves, and about went deaf from the sound of twigs and gumballs hitting the metal underneath of the mower. At one point a gumball hit the side of the shed and bounced up, hitting me in the cheek. Could have been worse, I suppose. It could have hit me in the eye. After a few trips back and forth across the pile of leaves, I hopped off the mower to look in the grasscatchers to see if they were full. They weren’t full – in fact, there was nothing in either of them. I pulled the tube thingy off the side and found that it was crammed full with crunched up leaves and grass, and who the hell knows what. I called Fred on his cell phone and asked him to come out and help me. He did – bless his heart; he had to climb down off his tall-ass ladder and come outside to help his fuckup of a wife – and then I shoveled the rest of the pile into the grasscatchers and hauled the whole mess out to the mulch pile. After that, I decided it was time to work on clearing the ditch. There’s a ditch on the boundary between our property and the church’s property next door. It had gotten very overgrown and full of trash and weeds, and I wanted to get it cleared from the street to the point where there’s a fence post even with the side of the shed. I had cleared a good part of the ditch with the riding lawnmower and the chainsaw, but my extension cord would only reach so far and Fred needed his extension cord on Friday, so I couldn’t use it to work on the weeds and shrubs near the road.
The ditch This is the ditch. This picture doesn’t properly illustrate just how much brush and crap there is to clear away from the ten feet of the ditch leading up to the culvert.
On Sunday Fred didn’t need his extension cord so I could add his to mine and work on the part of the ditch nearing the road. I dragged the extension cords, my chainsaw, and my hedge trimmer out to the ditch. The hedge trimmer did a pretty good job of chopping down the weeds that had grown, and I got about two feet of the ditch cleared when suddenly the hedge trimmer stopped working and I didn’t know why. I unplugged and re-plugged the trimmer. Nothing. So I decided, okay. Maybe I ran the hedge trimmer for too long at one stretch and it was overheated and needed a rest. So I’ll use the chainsaw instead, right? I got the chainsaw and plugged it in and… nada. Nothing. Wouldn’t work at all. I stood in one place and swore up a storm (quietly, though – I didn’t want the people in the church parking lot to hear me, it being Sunday and they being Of God and all that shit), trying to figure out what was going on. I went into the shed and checked to see if the extension cord in there was plugged in. It was. I followed the cord to the end to see if the light on the other end was on, and it was. I went back to the chainsaw to try it again, and it didn’t work. And then I glanced down at the second extension cord and saw. I had cut through the goddamn motherfucking extension cord. I CUT THROUGH THE GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING EXTENSION CORD.
Cut wire
“You,” I told myself. “Are a goddamn motherfucking idiot.” I grabbed the now-useless extension cord and carried it around to the trash pile. “What a fucking idiot,” I said to the extension cord. “I’m sorry you’re DEAD and USELESS because I’m a goddamn idiot.” It seemed to have no opinion on the subject. I put the hedge trimmer in the shed and decided to use the chainsaw to cut down some of the bushes around the fencepost. I had cut down three fairly big bushes when I accidentally hit the fencepost with the chainsaw and the chain came off. “Oh, GODDAMN!” I said, louder than I’d intended. Luckily, there were no Of God people in the church parking lot, so no one was around to hear my blasphemy. And then I muttered a litany of very bad words under my breath as I put the chainsaw on the porch and stomped inside the house.
Chain came off the chainsaw
“I give up!” I yelled at Fred. “I fucking GIVE UP!” Fred put down his paint brush and followed me into the kitchen. “What happened?” he asked. “I’m such a GODDAMN FUCKUP! I quit! The house wins! You WIN, you stupid house! I give up! Let’s sell this fucking house and buy a soulless McMansion on three feet of lawn in the heart of goddamn Yuppieville!” “What happened?” Fred said again. “I CUT THROUGH THE GODDAMN EXTENSION CORD AND THEN I MADE THE CHAIN COME OFF THE CHAINSAW!” There was a long silence. Fred stared contemplatively at the ceiling. His lips twitched. When he spoke, his voice sounded very strained. “You cut through… the extension…cord,” he said. “YES.” I sent hate rays directly into his brain and was surprised that he didn’t immediately fall over dead. “You cut through… the extension cord,” he repeated. “YES.” “HOW did you… cut through the extension cord?” he asked, covering his mouth as if I couldn’t see his shit-eating grin. “I DON’T KNOW,” I snarled. And he lost it, falling over onto the counter and laughing loudly, the fucker. “Do you want me to fix the chain on your chainsaw?” he offered. “NO,” I bellowed. “I want to SELL this goddamn house and buy a MCMANSION in the HEART of YUPPIEVILLE!” “Oh Bessie,” Fred said comfortingly. “You’re just having a Tim Thompson day.” I looked at the clock to see if I could possibly push for going home early, but it was only 2:00 and I knew Fred would never go for it. “I suppose I’ll go mow the lawn,” I said grudgingly. I went out and started the lawnmower, and began a circle around the side lawn. When I’d made two trips around I stopped to see if the grasscatchers were full. There was nothing in the grasscatchers. “OH COME ON!” I yelled. “What the FUCK?” I pulled the tube thingy off at the bottom and found that it was crammed full of grass and leaves. I pulled all the crap blocking up the tube out and then tried to put the tube back in place. I had no luck. “Oh, I GIVE UP!” I yelled, and stomped back into the house. Fred was standing on the stairs, painting. “Where do you want me to paint?” I asked in a low kill me now voice. After some prodding, I told him that the grasscatcher wasn’t working. “Was it ever working?” he asked. “Yes, I mowed around the tree near the mulch pile and it worked fine, so I emptied them and went and I -” here the link between my brain and my tongue went down for a moment and I mixed “did” and “do” – “I do’d two trips around the yard and there was nothing in the grasscatchers!” “You do’d two trips, huh?” Fred said, and laughed. “I’m going to throw something at you,” I threatened. In the end, he dragged me outside, pulled the crap out of the tube, fixed it back where it was supposed to go, and took two trips around the yard on the lawnmower. “Now I do’d two trips around the yard!” he said, grinning. So I killed him and buried his body in the back forty. “It stopped spitting grass into the grasscatcher about halfway through your first trip,” I told him. He cleared it out again, raised the blade a couple of inches, and this time when he made a trip around the yard, everything worked just fine. And that was the end of my Tim Thompson day. I mowed the front and side yards, which took a little more than an hour, and when I went back inside Fred was mostly done with the stairs. I did a little cleaning up, waited for Fred to take his pictures, put some canned food on a plate for Maxi and Newt (what? We can’t let them STARVE!), and then we came home. I love this house and I’m excited about it still, but I could do with a few more victories and a few less fuckups on my part. On the up side, it’s entirely possible that we could be done with the inside of the house by the end of the year, or shortly thereafter!
* * *
The other things I did over the weekend:
Switch before Switch during Began switching out switches. Naturally I didn’t get an “after” picture of the process. Door before Door after Put the doorknob mechanism back on the door with NO HELP WHATSOEVER. Am clearly genius. Crown Molding Painted crown molding. And then Fred and the paint guy he had come out to the house MOCKED MY PAINT JOB. Fuckers. Black Gum Tree Took a trip around the back forty several times. The leaves, they are a-changin’. Praying Mantis 1 Spotted a praying mantis – the first praying mantis I’ve ever seen as an adult. We’d see them in Guam all the time, but I hadn’t seen any since. This one looked at me like she wanted to leap at my face and suck my brains out through my eyeballs. Stinkbug Spotted a strange bug. Fred called it a “stinkbug.” Dead wasp in candle Bought a candle and put it on the mantle. When I went to blow it out as we were leaving, I saw a wasp floating around in the melted wax. I found it both creepy and mesmerizing. Check out the full-sized version. Newt lurrrrrves his Momma.   LURVES her.   We’re going to have to start calling her “Missus Boogers” if she keeps giving us these looks.   No dignity at ALL.     Wasps And lastly, swept up dead wasps. It was a slow weekend for wasps.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.
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Previously 2005: Senator Stanley J. Boogerton. 2004: No entry. 2003: So I’m not reporting that. At all. Never happened! 2002: Riley’s response? “Nuh uh!” 2001: Dr. Phil looked at me judgmentally, and I began to babble. 2000: And I don’t even like cherry Poptarts! 1999: Fred has agreed to let me adopt the kitten! ]]>


DSC03687 DSC03647 Dsc06982 Dsc08309 Dsc01896 You can send the money to them via PayPal!

And if you donate, let me know so I can keep track of how much money we’re raising. I’d LOVE it if we could come close to the $2,200 we raised in Mia’s memory last year. Thanks in advance – I know how incredible y’all are, and I know that you sent a ton of money last summer when Mia died. It was an influx of funds the shelter sorely needed at that time, and it would definitely come in handy now. And by the way, Fezzik, Princess Buttercup, and Westley were adopted over the weekend, PB and Westley to the same person.
(And feel free to steal this image for linkage.)
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Previously 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: I’m not holding much love for Tubby at the moment, believe you me. 2002: And also, I have short and stubby legs. 2001: I think that our dog thinks she’s a Mexican jumping bean. 2000: In fact, my new motto is going to be “Bitch, whine, moan. Lather, rinse, repeat.” 1999: I would name her Molly.]]>


can teach an old Fred new tricks.

* * *
Comments: Where did you get that cat hair mug??!! I have to HAVE one! I got mine on sale at Parisian, but you can find them online at Our Name is Mud. It’s become my favorite mug, ever, and I’m thinking of rounding out my mug collection with a couple of the other mugs the same company offers, ’cause they crack me UP.
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How do you feel about the neighbors who took the 2 adults cats in, letting them roam loose? Our cats never go outside. I remember our vet saying the average life span of a male cat outdoors was only 2 years. I’m not thrilled about it, but apparently Maxi and Newt were so miserable inside that they felt they didn’t have a choice. I know that during the several days we had them inside our house, they howled until they were hoarse, and I’m pretty sure they tried to dig their way out (via the windowsills).
* * *
Man, that picture is scary — reminds me of the sick sister in the movie Pet Semetary. Does your spine stick out all crazy, too? My spine does NOT stick out all crazy. Give me a few years, and maybe I’ll develop myself a Dowager’s Hump and it’ll be a different story.
* * *
Robyn! Good lord woman, what are you doing up and writing a journal entry at THIS time of morning?! I mean, I’m glad to hear from you and all, but… good lord. Is this some sort of new leaf you’re overturning, or somethin’? I was up early yesterday because I had an early appointment on the other side of Huntsville. Believe you me – I didn’t WANT to be up that early, and I’m not usually up that early if I can possibly avoid it!
* * *
New T-shirt My favorite new t-shirt. * * * Poo in the sun And I always wonder why there’s so much cat hair on the stairs… * * *
Previously 2005: Can’t a girl be a dumbass without the whole world going into an uproar about it? 2004: For once, he had no good comeback. 2003: “Oh yeah. I hate this feeling. I should have just had a Diet Coke.” 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: No entry. 1999: Can you tell this irks me? ]]>


do know that before we move into the Smallville house, we’re going to have a pest control person come out and figure out where they’re coming from and how to stop them. I could probably handle a wasp sting okay (with perhaps copious amounts of whining), but I’d hate it if one of the cats was stung by one of them and got sick. Fucking wasps.

* * *
Okay, confession: Possibly once or twice while I was killing wasps last weekend one of them MIGHT HAVE flown at my face, causing me to run like hell through the house (up side of losing all that weight: I can RUN and not fall over from the exertion) squealing like a little girl, sure that my number was up. “I found her dead on the floor like that,” Fred would inform the cops in his usual earnest manner. “I don’t know what happened, I only know that the entire house shook and someone was squealing, and then she crashed to the floor and I thought she was kidding around so I didn’t check on her for fifteen or sixteen hours. By then, of course, she was good and dead.” And the cop would look at me and shake his head. “Too damn bad,” he’d say. “We get more people scared literally to death by wasps than you’d believe.” Then he’d scoff and shake his head again. “Damn pansy-ass city folk.” “She always was a bit of a wimp,” Fred would say, conveniently forgetting that he’d been pointing out wasps for me to kill all weekend long.” “Well, I’ll send out the medical examiner, but I’m sure he’ll say her death was caused by the face that she was a complete and utter spaz,” the cop would say. Fred would nod in agreement. Only I was FAST LIKE THE WIND and the damn hypothetical wasps never caught up to me. So there. (Also, I fully expected Fred to come down and say “What the fuck are you doing?”, only he never even noticed I was crashing through the house like a bull in a china shop. Nonexistent ghosts, he hears. Me running from one end of the house to the other sounding like a herd of elephants, nada.)
* * *
And last night as we were at the house and I was painting (KILL ME), I felt a tickling in my boobal area, so I looked down and found not one, not two, but three of those damn ladybug lookalike bugs crawling around in my shirt. I did a little dance and flicked them off me, squealing, and then stomped on them. You thought I was going to say I found a wasp down the front of my shirt, didn’t you? If that had happened, I’m not sure I’d have lived to tell the tale.
* * *
I’m about three weeks behind in watching my TV shows. I’m pretty much up to date on Lost (I still need to watch last night’s episode, though) and Grey’s Anatomy, but I have two or three episodes each of ER, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, and Breaking Bonaduce to watch. I watched Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters yesterday afternoon (is it just me, or is every man on that show except Uncle Saul just impossibly good-looking? Also, is it just me or is Sally Field reprising her role she played on ER as Abby’s crazy mother?), but then picked up an episode of Lost, a Dr. Phil, a Junk Brothers, and a Biggest Loser. I am NEVER going to catch up.
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Hey. If one of you photoshoppin’ geniuses could take this picture and photoshop the toys and the carrier in the background out of the picture (and make sure you keep the picture full-size), I would appreciate it so much I’d link to you and give you big internet smooches. Thank you, Vix!!!! and Suzie!!!!! (I’m making a t-shirt for my niece for Christmas and think it’d look better without the stuff in the background.)
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How lame am I for laughing at something in my entry from a year ago? I read I did threaten to name him “Doo McGillicuddy” and just call him Sugarbutt, but Fred wouldn’t go for that. and laughed out loud. I mean, for god’s sake. How perfect a name is “Doo McGillicuddy”? (I giggled again just typing the name.) Don’t be too surprised if the next foster kitten gets that name.
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Doesn’t Tommy look thrilled?   Maddy in mid-leap.   Dance, Maddy. DANCE!   All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.  
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Miz Poo sniffs out the situation.  
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Previously 2005: as a customer and a HUMAN, I outrank the computer, and I’d like a little RESPECT, thank you. 2004: All this cleaning is making me lightheaded. 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: Little things make me happy. 1999: Guest entry by Fred.]]>


What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Midland

“You have a Midland accent” is just another way of saying “you don’t have an accent.” You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.

The West
The South
The Inland North
The Northeast
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes
Good voice for TV or radio my ass.
* * *
Faith Hill claims that that whole thing at the Country Music Awards was a joke. I don’t know if it was or not, but since I’ve only ever heard good things about the woman – everyone is always talking about how sweet and kind she is – I guess I’ll choose to believe it was a joke. I bet she’s regretting it, though. Must be a slow news week, eh? Isn’t there an election coming up soon or something they could focus on?
* * *
So Princess Buttercup, Westley, Inigo, and Fezzik are gone. I emailed the shelter manager on Monday to ask her about getting their shots, and she told me that they could get their shots that day, and they could go to the pet store anytime before Tuesday adoptions began. Like I’ve said before, the smaller the cats are, the faster they go, so I ran them out to the shelter and got their shots on Monday. Monday evening we let them out of the room to roam. And late yesterday morning I took them to the pet store. They’re such sweet cats, but I’m sad because I feel like we didn’t really get a chance to bond with them. We didn’t want to let them out of the cat room too soon (we were worried our cats would catch giardia from them), and that’s how our foster kitties always bond with us, by exploring the house and hanging out with us. Fred said that it’s probably a good thing they went to the pet store so fast, because they were such sweethearts that we might have ended up with four more cats. Fred loves kittens who are about three months old because (he says) they don’t develop a personality before then (I disagree and offer up the example of one Maddy). And when I went into the kitten room this morning and Fezzik, Inigo, and Westley just about knocked each other for the privilege of flopping over on my feet, well, ya gotta love the little cuties. I hope they’re all adopted by Monday, when I go to the pet store again. I’m not sure I’ll be able to stand them sitting in their cages looking sadly at me. Fezzik got a little too close to Spot. Spot hissed. Fezzik hissed back. Is there anything LESS scary than a hissing kitten?     Break my heart, why don’tcha?  
* * *
We went out to the house last night. Fred got off work a little earlier than usual, so we were at the house before 4:00. I’d hoped to spend time outside clearing more of the side yard, but it was gray and rainy and just plain yucky out, so that didn’t happen. I slapped a coat of paint on a couple of doors then we ate dinner, and for the rest of the evening I yanked the coving (?) from the top of the baseboards in the upstairs hallway, scraped the wallpaper hiding behind the coving, and then taped the hallway and started on the stairs so Fred will be able to start painting tomorrow or this weekend. Hopefully it’ll be nice enough outside on Friday that I can work outside most of the day. Not that I’m particularly an outdoorsy kind of gal, but if it’s between busting my ass clearing some of the weeds and overgrown crap from the land or painting, I’ll happily bust my ass every time. Fred spent most of the evening puttying in the holes in the walls of the upstairs hallway and the stairwell. He also worked on the cat house (as mentioned in the middle of this entry) for a while. Maxi and Newt went to the neighbor’s house last week. When we showed up to work on the house this weekend, who was sitting there on the front porch waiting for us? Why, Maxi and Newt. They’ve been there almost every time we’ve been out to the house since. They don’t always stay on the front porch – sometimes they disappear for a while (we found Maxi in the back forty on Sunday; I assume she was out there hunting, despite the fact that there was a bowl full of cat food on our front porch because IF THE CATS HAD TO GO TWO HOUSES DOWN THE ROAD TO EAT THEY MIGHT STARVE TO DEATH). If we don’t see both of them at some point during our time at the house, we worry. We didn’t see Maxi last night until just before we left, and we were able to leave happy to know that she was safe. In fact, when Fred heard her outside howling he went out to greet her, then brought her inside to say hi to me. Y’all just shut UP. We do NOT have eight cats. (Though I told Nance that if these cats don’t end up inside cats – inside OUR house, that is – before the winter is over, I’ll eat my hat.) I can’t imagine why they’re hanging around our house so much. Maybe because we always feed them and have water for them? Maybe because Fred was so worried they’d get cold that he put a box on the front porch for them to sleep in. Maybe because Fred insisted that we bring an electric blanket from home to put in the box. I KID YOU NOT. Maybe because we always give them a can of wet cat food before we leave. Maybe because they’re aware that Fred is building them their very own house, which will sit on our front porch and which will have a HEATING SYSTEM (“Are you going to put crown moulding on the inside of the house?” I snarked at him last night. “No,” he said. “It’d take too much room. Maybe I’ll save that for when they decide they need more room and I add on to the house.”). Maybe they just like us. Who knows? That Newt is going to be the death of me, he’s such a sweet little monkey.  
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To prove that I have NO PRIDE WHATSOEVER, I post for your enjoyment a picture Rick took of me. He snapped a picture of me and I said “Oh, great, take a picture of me with my mouth hanging open. I always look like an idiot in candid pictures!” And to illustrate the idea of looking like an idiot… well, take a look yourself:
Nance is sitting there frozen in horror that I’d actually post the picture, I bet. Heh! NO PRIDE, Nance. I have NO PRIDE.
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  “Waiter, there appears to be a kitten in my soup.”   Deceptively cute.   Maddy the mouth-breather.   (More pictures of Maddy and Maxi’s kittens here.)     Previously 2005: It’s a fucking mystery. 2004: I seem to be a tad less fluttery today. 2003: No entry. 2002: Pictures. 2001: Fred in the dog house. Literally. 2000: I said “It’s a good thing you put your first AND last name, PLUS ‘your daughter’, otherwise I’d never have known!” 1999: Oddly, even though he’s had two doses of the antibiotic, he’s feeling worse instead of better. ]]>


this clip from the Country Music Awards. Even if you’re not a country music fan, you should check it out. Watch Faith Hill, on the left hand side. What the hell was going on there? I guess Faith thought she was going to win. Someone forgot to put her game face on!

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Readers who live in areas where there’s an issue with scorpions, perhaps you can offer some words of wisdom to reader Shelly, because I have no idea what to tell her: I’ve been moving into my new condo for the past two weeks and we finally slept there last night (had to get the beds over and stuff). Anyway, I met my new neighbors last night and they told me that the last lady that lived there had a serious problem with scorpions. She even taped up the fireplace flute (is that the right word for it?) that leads outside so they wouldn’t come in and put that spray foam under the sinks to plug up the holes, etc. The neighbors told me to get a couple mouser cats to kill the scorpions for me. So far I’ve only seen 1 and he was in the bathtub and we closed up the drain. We slept with all the lights on in the house last night. I wanted to get a cat anyway, because, well I’m a cat person and I’ve been living with my mom and she doesn’t like them, so I had to wait until I moved. But, here’s the problem, although the neighbors said that cats will kill the scorpions, I’m worried that they will get hurt. They said that cats are immune to scorpion stings, but I don’t know if this is true, and it still has to hurt them right?? So, I’m wondering if you know if cats will kill scorpions, and if they do, are they somehow immune or something? I don’t want to get one if they can be seriously harmed. But, I also don’t want one of my kids getting stung. Scorpions scare the hell out of me. Am I making any sense? I just thought that maybe you (or even some of your other readers) would have some insight. Thanks! Leave any words of wisdom in the comments, or email them to me and I’ll post them!
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I hope this link works, ’cause I think you will love it. It does – and I do!
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I was at Sam’s Club tonight and thought of you. They had some beautiful pet beds. They were fancy and the cats would probably hate them, but they were so pretty! And like $12.88…just in case Miss Maddie needs one since the printer thing isn’t quite working out! It’s too late for me to buy a bed for Miss Maddy (though rumor has it she has her very own pink pillow to sleep on), but next time I’m in Sam’s I’ll have to check them out. We do only have two beds for every And3rson kitty, y’know.
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“Pillbug”? Ahem. Those are roly-polys. SAME DIFFERENCE. They’re also known as sow bugs and woodlice.
* * *
Yeah yeah yeah, you look great…but what I really want to know is how you know it’s the momma pill bug and not the daddy pill bug. That’s regarding this picture:
Where I referred to the Momma pill bug and her baby. How do I know it’s the Momma pill bug? Because Daddy pill bugs don’t take care of their babies OF COURSE. They’re DADDIES. They don’t have nothin’ to do with no child-rearin’! Just kidding. Actually I know it’s the Momma pill bug because she was screaming for chocolate and complaining about how her breasts were hurting. Kidding! It could have been the Daddy pill bug. I’d go back and check, but I’m sure the whole damn pill bug family bought it in the great Brush Clearing of ’06.
* * *
I was just thinking… do you mean get the cats inside your house or the garage? Do they have fleas? We brought the Momma and Daddy kitty and the kittens into the house in Smallville. We knew they’d be warm and safe in there – we could have brought them into the garage, but there are no doors anywhere in the garage so they’d have just sauntered back outside. Also, there’s no heat in the garage. They didn’t have fleas, but we treated them all with Advantage immediately upon bringing them inside, just in case.
* * *
You know Robyn, you could always use that sewing machine in front of the fireplace to whip yourself up some form fitting clothes. (That’s regarding this picture.) I could if (a) I could sew worth a damn and (b) they’d left the sewing machine behind. They took it with them, the bastards!
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I’ve never seen wood walls in a house but the dining room looks great. Are the walls in the house insulated? They are… not? I think? Um, Fred? Wanna chime in, here?
* * *
Is Maddy just howling in the first two photos, or are those yawns, as well? That’s regarding these two pictures:
Dsc03112 DSC03124
They were neither howls nor yawns – they were Maddy, being bad and trying to bite me. I’d lower my finger ’til she opened her mouth to bite, then get it out of the way and take a picture. Um. I was NOT training her to bite, Nance!
* * *
i wanna hear more about this book! are you laughing? is it funny? That’s regarding Stop Dressing Your Six Year-Old Like a Skank. I’ve gotta say – I just wasn’t that into the book. It wasn’t horrible, but my mind kept wandering while I was reading, so clearly it couldn’t hold my attention. I don’t recommend it.
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I thought you might get a kick out of these cards. Those are awesome – I’m only saddened that I have no one to send them to!
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Happy Birthday, Spud! Awesome star choker. Where did you get it?? She got it at Hot Topic in the mall.
* * *
What is giardia? It’s an intestinal infection that humans and animals can get. According to the shelter manager, Giardia seems to be one of those conditions that no one can agree on. [For treatment] Some say once a day, some say twice. Dosages seem to vary as well as duration of treatment. Per the parasitologist at Cornell (I attended a lecture at a conference a couple of years ago) it’s next to impossible to cure and some cats carry giardia with them forever. It’s never cured and reoccurs when the cat is under stress.
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do you at least get to write all these vet visits off on your taxes? I wish! Well, actually, I don’t know. Perhaps I should have Fred ask the accountant. Maybe we could write off the cost of gas to transport the cats to the vet, anyway!
* * *
Where did you get those fabulous slippers? My mother bought them at Parisian, and it appears that they’re also available at Nordstrom and Dillard’s. I found this site where you can buy them, but it appears that the selection is dwindling quickly. Also available through Amazon, and I’d give eBay a try, too – search on “Shues.”
* * *
I wish you had a “Mister Boogers Hates You” poster, because I would buy it. I’ve also used the “Mister Boogers Hates You” stare on people, and it works great!!! It’s always the little things in life. No poster, but there may be forthcoming “Mister Boogers Hates You” merchandise including t-shirts, tote bags, and I don’t know. Post cards? Stay tuned!
* * *
Ewww…. Does that mean that Mama Kitty had babies with her son????? Or am I just misunderstanding?? No, we were calling him “Daddy kitty” because he was a mostly-adult male who suddenly was showing up with Momma kitty and the kittens, so we assumed he was the father. The vet decided he could very well be one of her kittens from a previous litter, but we’ve called him “Daddy kitty” for long enough that the name kind of stuck. Which isn’t to say that he couldn’t still be the father of the kittens. God knows cats are animals and gross things like that don’t bother them. After all, we’re talking about animals who kick their legs up in polite company and clean where the sun don’t shine. A little incest probably wouldn’t bother them all that much. ::shudder::
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I have a question for you. You may have told us before, but I don’t go back that far. Because you volunteer at the pet (?)store(?), do you get free spaying/neutering services for as many cats as you want to bring in? Or are you and Fred dishing out the normal fees for these services for all these cats? Just curious… I know it costs an arm and a leg here in the Northeast to have it done, so I can’t imaging having to pay for multitudes of cats to be done. When we take foster kittens to be spayed and neutered, the shelter pays for that (at a discounted price). So we didn’t pay for Maxi’s kittens to be fixed, or Maddy, or any of the fosters. We did pay for Maxi and Newt to be fixed and to get all their shots, but I consider that money well spent. It ensures that Maxi won’t get pregnant and bring more litters into the world, and that Newt won’t contribute to the problem, either.
* * *
Happy Halloween! Do you all give candy out? Can you eat sugar free candy since having gastric bypass or no candy at all? Fred was at the house on Halloween and the spud was at work. I did buy candy, and put it in a bowl with a sign that said “Take one” because I’m not someone who enjoys handing out candy all that much. I think the kids who came by took more than one, but as long as I didn’t have to keep answering the door, I was happy. I cannot eat sugar free candy, because the malitol and sorbitol – any of the -itols, really – sugar free stuff is sweetened with make me bloated and gassy and have actually been known to make me throw up in the past. I can stomach regular candy, but I avoid it most of the time.
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I just reserved Lisey’s Story from the library today and hope to get to read it soon, so I’m glad to hear you’re liking it. I usually like King’s books, but not all the time (sometimes they’re way too gross or instense for me). Dean Koontz is more my style. Have you read Life Expectancy? It’s my favorite Koontz book (in fact, the first one I read that made me read others). I read Life Expectancy in March of 2005 (I only know when I read it because of my reading list) and enjoyed it a great deal. In fact, when we read that there was going to be a sequel to Odd Thomas, Fred and I both got all kinds of excited, because we mixed it up with Life Expectancy. Fred’s a bigger Dean Koontz fan than I am, but I like him a lot and have read most, if not every one of, his books. Watchers is our favorite Dean Koontz book. In fact, just thinking about it makes me want to read it again.
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Happy anniversary Fred and Robyn. Were you married on Halloween? We were – October 31st is always Halloween (my mother didn’t know that – when I told her we were getting married on Halloween, she said “Oh, that’s neat. Every now and then your anniversary will be on Halloween!” and I said “No, Halloween is always October 31st.” I guess she thought it was, like, the last Friday of the month or something rather than a set date.). And no, we didn’t dress up in costume when we got married. We talked about going as Bill and Hilary, but didn’t.
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I, too, was wondering if the cost of getting the Mom and Dad cats and their kittens spayed and neutered was covered by the no-kill shelter. If not, I would like to donate to the cause. Let me know! The shelter covered the kittens, yes. Mom and Dad, no. But save your money – I’m going to be raising money for the shelter beginning December 1st and running for a couple of weeks (at least), and I’ll be soliciting donations then. There’ll be things to buy (t-shirts, catnip pillows, calendars), or you can just make a straight donation to the shelter through me.
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Isn’t there some kind of life cycle tie in thing between tape worms and fleas? Like if they have one then they have the other? Although I assume the vet would have noticed if they were flea infested, and you guys would have too. And I think if cats are outdoors chances are huge they will have worms, which is totally gross. Did you guys worm Mommy Kitty and Daddy Kitty? The vet said that they could have gotten the worms from eating fleas, or from eating wildlife (ie, the squirrels Momma kitty likes to catch). We did worm them all with Nemex as soon as we brought them inside, but Nemex doesn’t treat tapeworms, so we had to re-treat them with Drontal which gets rid of tapeworms.
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Your new logo got me thinking….how do you like your new Suzuki Reno? I am looking at cars (Huyndai Accent, Toyota Yaris, and the Suzuki Reno), wanted to know your thoughts. I am really liking my Reno so far. The only thing I don’t like about it (and you’re going to roll your eyes at me, but just shaddup) is that it doesn’t have a temperature gauge for the outside temperature. I KNOW I don’t particularly need one but I liked having it with the Aerio and I kind of miss it! But as far as handling, room, and mileage, the Reno is working very well for me.
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what are the chances of tracking the larvae from room to room and infesting the other cats? I can’t believe how beautiful those cats are to be so wormy.Will they be put up for adoption? My Mother always told us if we swallowed a cat hair that it would turn into a worm in our stomach. I’m so glad that is not true. How does Spidey Man feel about those kittens? I’m not sure what the chances are of infecting the other cats with worms. We’re very careful to always wash our hands after we’ve spent time with the kittens and if our cats contract worms, well, we’ll treat them. Mister Boogers has contracted tapeworms in the past from foster kittens, so I guess it’s always possible. The kittens are in great shape (and unwormy now, I assume, since they’ve been treated and I haven’t spotted any worms since poor Princess Buttercup had her worm-barfing spree); they’re at excellent weights, and they have the softest, thickest fur I’ve ever seen on kittens. They’re going to go up for adoption as soon as possible. The younger cats tend to be adopted faster (or so it seems), so hopefully they’ll be adopted quickly. With the exception of Princess Buttercup they’re all total lovebugs, and she’s so pretty that I think she’ll be adopted quickly as well. Spidey has no opinion on the kittens. Kittens do not scare him. KITTENS DO NOT SCARE SPIDEY. He will simply kick their asses if they try anything with him, and as long as Malevolent Madeleine doesn’t show her face again, he should be fine…. or WILL HE?
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On a side note my friend who is a “dog person” recently discovered a baby kitten at her work which she took in and nursed back to health. But the vet here wouldn’t spay her until she was 4 months or 4 lbs. I just thought that was weird since you just got Maddy spayed and she’s just barely 7 weeks isn’t she? The ASPCA has declared that spaying a kitten who is at least 2 months old and 2 pounds is safe. Maddy was (looking at the calendar…) actually 9 weeks old when she was spayed. I think that it’s probably hard to find a vet who will spay and neuter kittens at such a young age. I don’t know if it’s so much that they disagree with spaying/ neutering so young and small as the fact that it’s got to be more difficult to spay/ neuter a 2-pound kitten than one twice that size. The shelter was lucky enough to find a vet who would/ could do it, which is a good thing – I think there was an issue with people adopting cats, promising to have them fixed, and then not following through. Nowadays, the shelter won’t adopt out kittens until after they’ve been fixed, and like I mentioned earlier, the smaller a kitten is, the faster it seems to be adopted. Here’s an interesting page of facts about spaying and neutering.
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Your hair looks really cute in the group pic. Why’d you blur out Fred? and I don’t know what’s cracking me up so much, but the picture of in-focus you with the three blur-people is hilarious! I blurred out Fred in that picture because it cracked me up to put up a picture of me and three blurs. Also, back when Rick was in Alabama on business and we met him for dinner, I knew I had to blur Rick’s face, so Fred told me I had to blur his face as well.
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I have a bunch of pictures of Maddy I haven’t cleared off my memory stick yet, so you’ll be seeing them for the next few days. YOU’RE WELCOME. She fell asleep like this.     **********************************   Happy Sugs.    
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Previously 2005: This makes me want to wrap my child in bubble wrap and lock her in her room until she’s 35. 2004: No entry. 2003: Meme. 2002: “How fucking much is that goddamn bread? A dollar ninety-fucking-five? Okay, put a couple of the motherfuckers in my cart, would you, fuckwad?” 2001: I briefly considered making a citizen’s arrest. 2000: (ie, “It’s all the fault of that fat bitch you married!”) 1999: I woke this morning at 2:30ish, feeling something wasn’t quite right. ]]>