
Kosher Dill Pickle Mix, and we looked it over, shrugged, and decided to buy some of that instead. It seemed like it would be way easier to add vinegar and water to a packet of stuff than to have to mix up a bunch of ingredients, especially given that we couldn’t find half the stuff we needed. “And it’s kosher, so we can share with our Jewish friends!” Fred crowed. The joke being that we don’t have any friends, Jewish or otherwise, of course. When we got home, I went up and spent some time with the kittens, then cleaned up the kitchen and started cleaning and cutting zucchini. Fred wanted spears rather than the slices I would have preferred, so I measured the length of the zucchini against the quart jars I was going to use, cut them to that length, then cut the “leftovers” into slices for a jar o’ sliced pickles. Though the directions on the back of the dill pickle mix didn’t say anything about it, I put the zucchini in a bowl, sprinkled canning salt over it, and piled ice atop that. That’s what I did last weekend when I made bread and butter pickles, and I did some reading and found out that that draws out the moisture from the zucchini, which gives you a crisper pickle. I like me a crisp pickle. Once the zucchini was done and ready to sit on ice (under ice, really) for a few hours, I started slicing pattypan squash to blanch and freeze. I ended up with three pounds of pattypan squash, then stopped for a while to make breakfast for Fred and myself (he got a scramble with a chopped-up green pepper, jalapeno, tomato, and onion; I got an egg sandwich). Then I got back on it, sliced up the yellow squash, and then put that to one side, because the zucchini had been sitting for a couple of hours and needed to be dealt with. But first, because I knew I was going to be using the water bath canner and that fucker takes forEVER to boil (I am told by Fred that it’s because the bottom of the pot isn’t flat), I filled it up, put it on the stove, took the big-ass bowl of green beans I had to snap, and went off to watch TV while I snapped and waited for the pot to boil. (On a side note, I’ve finally started watching the episodes of Army Wives I’ve been taping, and I have to say, not a bad show.) I got all the beans snapped and then checked to find out that the water was just about to start boiling. I got the jars scalded and loaded up, and then decided that since there was room for seven quart jars in the canner, I’d fill up a couple of jars with yellow squash, because I’ve been told that yellow squash pickles are good, too. Once the jars were put in the canner, it took that fucking thing FOREVER to start boiling, but it finally did, and then I ate lunch while they were processing, and I took them out of the canner, set them on the counter, and hoped I’d done everything right. In short order we heard the telltale pings as the jars sealed, which to me was an indicator that all was well. We’re going to open a jar in a few days to see how they are, but I think we’re going to let the rest sit for a few weeks and get good and pickley. Today, I need to can the green beans, and blanch, cut, and can corn. The corn, I’m not looking forward to, because I suck at cutting corn off the cob. We have seventy-three billion ears of corn, though, so I need to get it done. Next time, I’m going to cook the zucchini & yellow squash for a few minutes so it doesn’t shrink so much during the processing.

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When we lived in Madison, the 4th of July always brought assholes shooting off fireworks well past the time I wanted to go to bed, and it always pissed me off. Last night, assholes were shooting off fireworks well past the time I wanted to go to bed, and I thought “Eh. Whatever.” I must be mellowing in my old age.
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BUG ALERT. SKIP TO THE NEXT SECTION IF YOU’RE A BIG SCAREDY-CAT. The other night, Fred was brushing his teeth and I yelled something to him from the dining room. He stepped out of the bathroom to answer me (or, more likely, say “WHAAAAAT?”, because we are getting horribly hard of hearing lately. We accuse each other of mumbling.), and as I entered the hallway, he looked upward. I took a few steps, looked up to see what he was looking at, and screamed and ran around in circles. This fucker was BIG. I don’t know what it is, but when I suggested Fred take care of it (meaning that he should squish it and then flush it), he got a small dixie cup, put it over the bug, and took it outside. It looks kinda roach-like to me. I’d be perfectly happy to never see another one in the house, thanks.
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This picture cracks me UP, because it’s quintessential Fred, lumbering around like a dork, trying to catch a chicken so he can hold it and pet it and love it and squeeze it.
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It amazes me that a month after we got the kittens, we’re still slowly making inroads with the skittish ones. Yesterday I was sitting in the kitten room petting Tina Louise when Gilligan came over to the cat bed nearby, laid down in it, and looked at me like, “WELL?” He let me pet him for a long time before he decided he was done with me and ran off to play. Spanky did the same thing at some point yesterday. They’re still skittish, and if you reach out for them when they’re running by, they scamper a bit faster away from you, but the fact that they let us pet them is HUGE, and I honestly didn’t think we’d ever get to this point. There’s hope for them yet! Tina Louise will likely be going to the pet store tomorrow. Y’all think good thoughts in her direction so she gets adopted fast, won’t you? I don’t want to see her still there on Monday morning! Tease. She presents the belly, but won’t let you touch. Gilligan looks SO much like Spot in this picture. That’s a total Spot look on his face. Mister Suspicious.
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Tommy’s favorite place to hang out is on Fred’s bed. If you see him and go in to greet him, he starts rolling around on the bed. He may praise de lawd a little. And then he just settles down and gives you the sexy eyes.
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Previously 2006: One more year, and we get to move out to the country where we will hopefully be acres and acres from the nearest neighbors, and children will not treat our yard as their very own. One more year, one more year, one more year… 2005: I’m all about the quick and easy, wink-wink-nudge-nudge-har-har. 2004: If you set off fireworks for three hours straight, starting at 7:30, you are not only an asshole, you live near me. 2003: No entry. 2002: A bunch of links that are probably no longer good. 2001: Pictures from Maine. 2000: Unfortunately, I forgot that when I say things like “Let’s go skinny-dipping and watch the fireworks”, what I actually mean is “Let’s go skinny-dipping and watch the fireworks”, but he hears “Let’s go swimming naked and get frisky in the pool under the fireworks.”]]>


an entry up over at OFB. It’s not an exciting entry or anything, but there’s a dorky picture of me in my stylin’ hanging-around-the-house clothes.

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Fred is dying – DYING! – to see that stupid Transformers movie, and it kills him – KILLS HIM! – that I’m all “Eh” about it. I have no desire to see the movie, but I’ll sit through it, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it. Last night, he declared that it would be best to wait a bit to go see the movie, so that the crowds will have calmed down a little. Tentatively, we’ll be going to see it the weekend after next. Two movies in one summer. Can my heart take it?
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Did you know (did you care?) that chickens take dust baths? One of the buffs sat outside the computer room window yesterday and rolled around in a patch of dust for a good ten minutes yesterday. I didn’t take any pictures, but I assure you – it was severely cute.
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From my comments: By the way, you might consider labeling everything on the lids (the top part that can’t be reused – not the rims). I’ve found it has saved me a ton of time in not having to soak off the old labels the following year. I just use a sharpie on the lid and pitch it in the recycling bin when we’ve eaten up said product. How sad is it that this never occurred to me? I wondered how much of a pain in the ass getting those labels off was going to be (my prediction: BIG pain in the ass), but I never thought of marking the top, which makes total sense, since you can’t reuse the lids. Thanks!
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Regarding pickling, have you ever considered pickling some green tomatoes? Those are good! I hadn’t thought about it, but I suspect that when I’m in the throes of “What the HELL are we going to do with all these tomatoes?!”, this comment will pop into my head, and I’ll give a little prayer of thanks for my readers!
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Did Fred find a website on how to plant the garden or did y’all just do it and hope that everything went OK with it? We’re talking about having a garden next year and I’m afraid we’ll plant one and then everything will eat it or it’ll just become a big, brown, crispy pile of compost matter. Fred did a lot of reading online, a lot of book reading, and then when it came time to plant, he just kind of went at it blind and planted stuff wherever the hell he felt like planting it. If I recall correctly, the only real consideration he gave was to the corn, and how it should be at the end of the garden, which has worked well for us. I think we ended up lucky, considering we did it all half-assed. Not only did we plant half-assed, he went back and planted stuff between rows, which is why the summer squash and zucchini are threatening to overwhelm the cucumbers. Next year the garden’s going to be a lot bigger, and not necessarily because we want to have more stuff, but because things like the squash and black-eyed peas need more room than they have. If he were going to follow a book, Fred recommends The Encyclopedia of Country Living, which is filled with all kinds of useful information, not just gardening. Also, last week someone recommended Joy of Gardening, which I plan to get one of these days.
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Are you going to put all of your canning/pickling/whathaveyou methods, techniques and recipes up on your recipes page? I hadn’t thought about it, but I might! For the time being, I highly recommend anyone who’s interested in canning and pickling go right out and buy the Blue Ball Ball Blue Book of Preserving. That is one awesome, helpful, amazing book, and I cannot recommend it enough. Those of you who recommended it to me, I totally owe you one!
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Do I recall Fred mentioning on his site that you had planted watermelon? If so, what about watermelon rind pickles? My Grandma used to make them and they were so unique and tasty too! She colored them red and green. Man, those sure were good. *drooling* We absolutely planted one or two (or ten thousand) watermelon, and we’ve actually talked about trying out pickled watermelon rind. We’re some pickle-loving fools, so I don’t see why we wouldn’t give it a try. Also, I believe we’re going to give watermelon preserves a try while we’re at it.
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Are you pickling any green beans? A friend of my parents used to make those and they were soooo good! I haven’t yet, but I plan to. I actually just printed out a recipe for pickled green beans, and maybe the next time a big batch of them comes in from the garden, I’ll pickle ’em.
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Speaking of the garden, here are some garden pictures (click on any small picture to see the larger version, or go on over to Flickr). Itty bitty watermelon. Pattypan squash, in the making. In the front, cantaloupes. In the back, watermelon. This bit of the garden is horribly weedy, but we’ve been told that if you mess with watermelon and cantaloupe plants too much, they stop growing. Apparently they’re SENSITIVE and don’t like to have their tendrils messed with, so we’re leaving the damn weeds. On the right, summer squash. In the middle, zucchini. On the left (though you can’t really see them), cucumbers. On the right (between the wooden stakes), cucumbers. In the middle, green peppers and jalapeños, and possibly some other kind of pepper as well. On the left, the second planting of green beans. On the right, tomatoes. On the left, black-eyed peas. On the right, okra. In the middle, pole beans. On the left, corn. Corn! I believe that Fred’s considering a second planting of corn, once all this is ripe and harvested. People have said to me in the past, “There’s nothing like (various vegetables) straight from the garden!”, and I’ve always thought yeah, right. Whatever., but they are absolutely right – the squash, okra, corn, green beans we’ve gotten from the store cannot even dream of holding a candle to the stuff right from the garden. It’s amazing, the difference.
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Last night Fred went upstairs to the kitten room while I puttered around for a few minutes before going up to join him. When I walked through the door, I was stunned to see that he was petting Gilligan, who really and truly seemed to be enjoying the petting. He let him do it for another minute or so before he ran off. He hasn’t let me pet him as much as he’ll let Fred, but I did get to pet him a few times. He not only let Fred pet him, he actually purred, and Spanky’s purred several times, as well. This bunch seems to like Fred a lot more than me – I suppose it’s my payback for the fact that the Christmas kitties lurrrrved me, but were afraid of Fred. “You may NOT touch the belleh!” The always-annoyed Maryanne.
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Sugarbutt, asleep atop the kitchen cupboards. I call him my kitchen witch. “Okay, enough of the flashy-flashy, lady. There’s canning to be done!””
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Previously 2006: “I love you, but GODDAMN DO I HATE HIKING.” 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: Miz Poo vs. The Intel Man. 2002: Fred tries to poison me. 2001: Letters. 2000: It occurs to me that that’s perhaps far more detailed than y’all need.]]>


new logo! This one was created (again!) by the lovely and talented Aly. Perfect for July, dontchathink? (Thanks, Aly!)

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I’m in the market for a vegetable slicer thingy. Got one you love? Tell me about it in the comments!
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Yesterday afternoon, as I was blanching a batch of pattypan squash in preparation for freezing, Fred wandered into the kitchen. “Want to go to a movie?” he asked. These are words I do not EVER hear out of the man’s mouth, but since he’d gotten caught up on the stuff he needed to do, he was bored, and wanted to see a movie. I think we last went to the movies two years ago, but I can’t guarantee it. I told him I did, but that I needed to finish the blanching, cooling, drying, and bagging of the squash I was working on. He said I had ten or fifteen minutes before we had to leave, and I got to blanching, cooling, drying, and bagging like my life depended on it. I had just finished bagging the squash and was wiping down the counters when he wandered into the kitchen and said impatiently, “We need to bust a move!” I gave him The Eyes and said “Oh NO you did NOT!” and he grinned and said “Oh yes I did!” and I said “Well, I’m sorry I spent all morning sitting on my ass in front of the computer so that I wouldn’t be ready to go when on a whim Your Majesty decided he wanted to go to the movies! Oh, wait! I did NOT spend all morning sitting on my ass in front of the computer, I spent all morning cleaning and cutting and canning and boiling and bagging and slicing and freezing the produce you insist upon bringing into the house every morning, fuckface!”, and he grinned and said “Did I mention we need to bust a move?” So I changed into my public clothes (I never wear shorts in public because I wish to not unleash the horridness that is my legs upon unsuspecting innocents – plus, it’s always cold in the theater, so to wear shorts would be idiocy) and we left a note for the spud and went to the movies. We were one hour into a two-hour movie (Live Free or Die Hard. What? HE chose the movie. If I’d been choosing, we’d have gone to see Knocked Up. But I wasn’t, so we didn’t) when the movie went very very dim, and then shut off. The power had been knocked out by the thunderstorm I wasn’t even aware we were having. We cooled our heels for about half an hour before the theater manager came in to let us know that the power was off all over the city and they’d give us tickets to see a movie at a later date (I suppose, technically speaking, the idea is for us to go back and see the same movie, but as much as I enjoyed the movie, I don’t want to sit through the whole first hour again, just to see what happens. My prediction: he Lives Free.). So I suppose in another two years when Fred wants to see a movie again, we should check the weather before we leave the house.
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I spent all weekend – seriously, all day Saturday, half the day Sunday – freezing and canning and pickling and cooking. In the end I got something like 10 pounds of summer squash blanched and frozen, five pints of green beans canned, three and a half pints of zucchini bread & butter pickles canned, one pint of pickled jalapenos canned, five cups of corn (off ten ears of corn) blanched, cut, and frozen. I’m still fairly slow when it comes to getting food ready for canning, and then canned. But I figure I’ll speed up with practice, and we’re starting to get a lot of stuff stored away for the winter. I look forward to canning (and pickling) the okra when it really starts to come in. Also, I’ve ordered a food dehydrator, because the Sungold cherry tomatoes are starting to come in faster than we can eat them, and I bet in dehydrated form they’ll be as sweet as candy. I’m really looking forward to when the ripe tomatoes start coming in, because I’m going to make the hell out of some marinara sauce and can or freeze it. I’m trying to convince Fred that we need to hit the garage sales and auctions to find something to use as a canning cupboard – right now I’m putting all the canned stuff on the mantel in the dining room, and rapidly running out of space. I listened to my iPod all day Saturday while I worked, and thus managed to get caught up on Keith and the Girl, which is just a bonus.
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Finally, we’ve got an open sunflower. And one about ready to open.
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Happiest! Cat! Ever!
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Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: No entry. 2004: Had I, in fact, ONCE KILLED SOMEONE and the memory was trying to break free into my conscious mind? 2003: “Yeah, I see you, you portly little cat. You don’t scare me!” 2002: Some Eminem lookalike just drove by and put a flyer on my mailbox. 2001: I have the sinking suspicion that we’re going to be homeless by August 1st. 2000: No entry.]]>


Eggplant parmagiana, corn on the cob, pattypan squash and zucchini, stir-fried with onion, garlic, and red pepper. The best corn I’ve ever had in my entire life.

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Comments: Robyn, are you still updating at OFB? The last entry there was 4/16/07… No, I’ve been horribly lax about it. I do intend to get an entry done this weekend, though – I told someone earlier this week that Saturday will be 18 months since I had surgery, but after thinking about it (and counting on my fingers), I realized it’ll actually only be 17 months. But still – how the time does fly!
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Are you going to join MySpace, too, or have you done that already? MySpace, Xanga, LiveJournal, OpenDiary. I’m everywhere, baybee!
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As Elizabeth said, your bug is a robber fly. I think they’re really cool. Robber flies are predatory on other insects, so they are useful to have around the garden. There are even some species that are bumblebee mimics. Here’s a link with lots of sexy robber fly pictures (don’t click if you are squeamish). Those are some pretty cool flies – I just wish they didn’t go after dragonflies. They can have alllll the wasps they want, though!
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With your untame kitties, I recommend something. Split them up. If a lone kitty has no other kitties to socialize with, he or she may be more willing to get some human lovin’. As it is, they have each other and don’t need you. The friendly ones could be taken on in to the pet store, and then split the other two up. I know it sounds kind of cruel, but I think it might help. They influence each other, too, acting skittish because the other one’s acting skittish. Or keep only a friendly one in with a skittish one, but not two skittish ones at the same time. I had never ever considered that, but it makes a lot of sense. We don’t really have the space right now to split them up, but I’m going to see what we can do about getting Tina Louise the lovebug to the pet store, then try to figure out how to split the other three up. This is the best piece of advice I’ve received about this – thank you!
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I’m so impressed with your garden! It looks really BIG in that picture. Do you think it’s worth it? Is it a ton of work? I want one, but everyone always says they’re a lot of work. Clear that up for me, will ya? It’s a pretty big garden, but the funny thing is that yesterday I was looking around trying to figure out how we can make it bigger next year (I seriously want a lot more corn!). It’s a lot of work, but Fred does the majority of the work in the garden (I haven’t weeded at all this week – something I need to get back to doing!). I think it’s totally worth the work we put into the garden, especially as the freezer gets fuller and fuller, and Fred comes in from the garden every afternoon with more and more produce. I’m really looking forward to when the tomatoes get ripe and I can make a huge batch of marinara sauce. My recommendation to anyone who’s thinking about having a garden is to start small at first (which we didn’t!) – it’s probably better to have a too-small garden the first year than a too-big one!
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I just got an ipod. Any other recommendations? Other podcasts I recommend: Spooky in the City (he first showed up on Keith and the Girl, and ended up starting his own podcast. I like his voice, and he cracks me up when he gets going, because the boy can use the HELL out of the word “fuck”; I’m a mere amateur when it comes to him.). I also like Quirky Nomads. Sage has got the most soothing voice ever. I’ve listened to, and liked, 3 Fast, 3 Furious. At this point I do most of my podcast-listening in while in the car, and since Keith and the Girl put out an hour-long podcast every day Monday through Friday, I tend to listen almost exclusively to them with a bit of Spooky thrown in whenever he puts a new podcast up. So readers, I know I’ve asked this before – what podcasts do y’all recommend?
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This section is going to be a bit gross – if you’re eating or have a weak stomach, you might want to skip it. I was in the kitten room yesterday afternoon, snuggling with Tina Louise, when I saw little Spanky get into the litter box. Since I’d just cleaned out the litter box, and there’s nothing these kittens love MORE than a clean litter box, it was par for the course. Spanky hunkered down, and a moment later I heard the distinct sounds of a kitten having diarrhea. From across the room, Maryanne heard the same noises, and went to investigate. She climbed into the litterbox with Spanky, sniffed around, sniffed some more, and then did a little scratching around in the litter. When she came out of the litter box a few minutes later, she had splatters of poo across her face and the top of her head. When she came out of the litter box, Spanky took the opportunity to tromp through the pile of poo, and so I had to ask Fred to come up and hold he and Maryanne while I scrubbed the poo off them with baby wipes. Fun! Sweet little pink kitty toes.
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Tommy and the Sexy Eyes. Man, I wish that collar was a lot smaller – it detracts from the beauty that is The Toms. Spanky’s eyes totally match the wall color. (No, we did not plan it that way – but only because we didn’t think of it!)
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Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: I said “You shut up, motherfucker, or I’ll unleash my wifely instincts on you” and he said “Shut your unmaternal mouth, woman.” 2004: Wound report: It’s sensitive and weepy. Just like me! 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: Have you ever felt like your hair looks like a really bad wig?]]>


Twitter, Facebook, and Good Reads. I am a lemming. I made a Facebook profile and despite the fact that I told no one about it, y’all found me. Tracked me down, like a dog in the night! Friend me, I’ll friend you back. I joined Twitter ’cause Lanna Lee made me. MADE ME. Or invited me, anyway. Friend me, I’ll friend you back. I’m trying to set it up to be able to Twitter from my cell phone (Fred just twitched, I guarantee it) (also – joining Twitter makes you a Twit? Yes or no?) (Yeah, yeah, I was already a twit, har har.), but having no luck. Ugh. It would be excellent to be able to post to Twitter from my cell phone when I’m on vacation or whatever. Also, I’ll probably put one of those Twitter boxes in the sidebar, if I ever get my ass in gear and get my new template the way I want it. I joined GoodReads ’cause someone invited me, I don’t even remember who. I don’t use it, but I intend to start… one of these days. Friend me, I’ll friend you back.

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The spud and I went out to dinner last night, and at her suggestion, we went to Ruby Tuesday. When we walked in the door, there were several servers just kind of standing around, then the hostess came along a minute later and seated us. And then we cooled our heels for ten minutes as servers studiously walked by NOT taking our drink orders or paying any attention to us at all. A couple of women came in and were seated right behind us – and ten seconds after they’d sat down, their server came along and took their drink order. So we walked out and went to Applebee’s, where we were served promptly. Ruby Tuesday, Athens Alabama – I’ve been there three times, and the service has SUCKED ASS worse every time. I don’t recommend it, and if you Google Ruby Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday’s, Ruby Tuesdays, Athens, Alabama, and end up on this page, I think you should know that. Too bad, too – I was in the mood for a salad bar and turkey sandwich combo. YOUR LOSS, Ruby Tuesday of Athens Alabama, and YOUR LOSS, stupid lazy server who couldn’t be bothered to pay any attention to us. I happen to be an excellent tipper. Too bad you never got to find that out for yourself.
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Is it wrong that it amuses me to get the vacuum cleaner out, wheel it down the hallway (I always vacuum from the front of the house to the back), and laugh when the cats react with a huge amount of disbelief and horror? They’re ALWAYS surprised that I’m getting the vacuum out, and they always run away like they’re under enemy fire – and that’s before I even get the damn thing plugged in and running.
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I was reading The Woman at the Washington Zoo the other day, and I was surprised at how interesting I found it. The first part of the book consists of profiles on political figures, and I am SO not about the politics (as I think you know), but I still found the profiles quite interesting. “There’s a profile on Vernon Jordan,” I told Fred. “And you know I couldn’t give less of a shit about Vernon Jordan, but it’s really interesting!” Fred looked at me. “What?” I said. “I’m just amazed that you know who Vernon Jordan is,” he said. “Hey! I’m not a complete idiot. Of course I know who Vernon Jordan is!” He looked at me. “What?” “Nothing, I’m just surprised, is all.” “Well,” I admitted. “I didn’t actually know he was black ’til I read this profile.” And then I had to kill Fred for mocking me.
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We’ve been horribly lax about replacing the SoftPaws caps on Sugarbutt and Tommy’s claws. I know this not because they’ve been scratching up the furniture (they haven’t) or the floors (they haven’t), but because I was sitting at my desk yesterday and looked into the back yard to find Tommy hanging off the side of the tree on one side, and Sugarbutt hanging off the trunk on the other side. I leaned over and knocked on the window, which startled them, and they jumped down and ran into the house. I guess I need to get out the caps and the superglue, lest their stupid asses end up high in the tree with no idea of how to get down.
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Yeah, yeah, yeah, if Maxi and Newt get their own pages, it means they’re our cats. Shaddup.
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I had an appointment this morning with my liver doctor (also known as my gastroenterologist, I s’pose) at 8:00 on the far side of Huntsville. I got there with maybe two minutes to spare, only to find out that my doctor was in Madison today. Something I obviously forgot to note when I wrote the appointment down on the calendar. Since I was actually scheduled at 8:15 rather than 8:00, I was able to make it to Madison only a few minutes late. It was just a general checking-in appointment where he asked how I was feeling, I told him I was feeling fine, he ordered bloodwork to be drawn, and told me to come back in six months. This time when I made my appointment, I wrote on my calendar that it was in Madison. Somehow, I suspect I’ll still fuck it up when the time comes.
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I need to clear off my memory stick. What does this mean for you? Why, a buttload of pictures! I’ll put a flickr link at the bottom if you’re interested in seeing any of them full-sized. When my parents were visiting and we went to Tuscaloosa, we got to meet my aunt’s dog. He’s purty. What the garden’s looking like these days. Flappy McGee got up on the top of the gate and thought about flapping on out of the yard, realized Newt was skulking about, and flapped back down into the back yard. We get a ton of these, and it makes me happy every time I see one flit by. WARNING: JEN, YOU GREAT BIG WIMPY-WIMPY, THERE ARE TWO BUG PICTURES BELOW. SKIP THEM, OR HAVE NIGHTMARES. YOU DO KNOW THEY CAN’T HURT YOU PHYSICALLY FROM A PICTURE, RIGHT? BUT I SUPPOSE THEY CAN HARM YOU EMOTIONALLY, SO NEVERMIND. I UNDERSTAND. Someone tell me what the hell this bug is. It was hanging out by the garden, and I leaned down to snap a picture of it, and it zipped off, grabbed some little bug from OUT OF THE AIR, and started sucking the life out of it. I’m thinking it might be beneficial to have around the garden. OKAY, JEN, IT’S SAFE. “YeeeeOWW! Shake it, Mama! Shake it like a Polaroid picture! Woohoo! WOULD YOU LIKE SOME FRIES WITH THAT SHAKE?!” “Look. Did we not have this discussion wherein you don’t flash that goddamn flashy thing at me? Where you just rub my belly instead? Did we NOT? Because I feel like we did, and I don’t want to have to go kill a bunch of little rodents and leave them on the doorstep, but I WILL. Now rub my damn belly.” Happy Sugs.
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The foster babies are doing well. I think we’ve got them about as socialized as they’re going to get. Spanky’s at the point where he’ll sometimes let you pet him (though you have a better chance if there are kitty snacks involved) and Tina Louise is a lurve slut. If Maryanne and Gilligan are cornered they’ll let you pet them (or if they’re eating a snack, they’ll let you pet them), but otherwise they’ll skitter off if they sense you’re trying to touch them. I suspect they’ll be trying to find homes in the next few weeks; I’m keeping my fingers crossed that someone who’s willing to devote a lot of time and love to Maryanne and Gilligan adopts them, but I’ll admit that I’m worried. “It is time for the snugglez. Go away.” “Tastes like chicken!” “So, I says to her, I says ‘Look. You want to pet me. I don’t want you to pet me. Your love burns my soul. BUT the burning of my soul can be assauged by tasty kitty treats. I will let you pet me while there are treats in front of me. I won’t ENJOY the petting and I will NEVER purr for you, but if there are treats, there is petting. No treats, no petting. You unnerstan’?’, and what does she do? She goes out and buys three big containers of treats. She is a complete and utter sucker. But the treats are good, so who’s complaining?”
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Previously 2006: It was the weirdest hyper-real instant of cognitive dissonance I have ever experienced in my life. 2005: “Oh, look a finger! I feel so relaxed and unfrightened now…” 2004: Then I sang “Iiiiiiiiiiii am the Stuuuuuuuuump of Constant Sorrowwwwwwwwww!”, which amused Fred to no end. 2003: No entry. 2002: Readers, if you love me, you will never, NEVER allow someone you don’t know who isn’t a cop (ask for identification, and LOOK at it, don’t just glance at it) inside your home when you’re alone. 2001: No entry. 2000: Black widow. Lovely.]]>


Well, I thought you were going to offer me the guest bedroom, but if I have to weed, do dishes and clean, I guess I’ll pass. I would definitely do snuggle duty (with the cats), but that wasn’t on your list. Alas. Silly Lo. I’d have to charge EXTRA for the kitty snuggling, of course!

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I think that officially you have too many cats because I can no longer tell who is who – I guess Sugarbutt, Miz Poo, and Boog are easy enough, but the rest just become a tumble of fur and fangs. Here’s a quick and easy description of each: Spot (the oldest): Squeaks annoyingly, begs constantly for food, can be a badass when required. Favorite hiding place: Unknown. Spanky (second oldest): Dumb but happy. LOVES to keep you company in the bathroom. Has to be kicked out if you’re going to be spending any real time in there, because he stares at you and makes you all kinds of paranoid. Favorite hiding place: under the nearest bed, or under the couch. Miz Poo: Princess kitty who can be annoyingly friendly. Loves to tromp across your boob whilst searching for snuggles. Favorite hiding place: Why would she hide when she can come demand love from you? (When particularly frightened, she goes flat and assumes you can’t see the big cat lump in the middle of the floor.) Mister Boogers: He het you. Favorite hiding place: In the cat bed, on the Momma’s bed. Sugarbutt: Disturbingly happy. The happiest! Cat! Ever! Favorite hiding place: Under Fred’s comforter. He assumes you can’t see the big cat-shaped lump. Tom Cullen (Tommy): Always willing to shoot you the Sexy Eyes. Favorite hiding place: In the downstairs hall closet. Maxi (who we usually call Momma): Feisty, tiny little spitfire, who doesn’t think twice about kicking the ass of any dog who comes too close. Hiding place: Hell if I know. Newt: Sweet, friendly, happy kitty. The second! Happiest! Cat! Ever! Will let you rub his belleh ’til the cows come home. (Note to myself: Maxi and Newt need their own pages.) Holy crap! Sugarbutt and Tommy are turning two tomorrow!
* * *
I have mentioned many times, I’m sure, that I love the hell out of the Keith and the Girl podcasts. Last Thursday I listened to the previous Thursday’s podcast – show number 517: Justice – and it involved Patrice, their entertainment person. I think it made me laugh out loud about a hundred times, from the beginning where Patrice tells Keith he pumps his arms when he’s about to be an asshole, to the part where they were talking about “killing off” family members to get time off from work, to the part where they were talking about the woman pulling off her ex-boyfriend’s testicle (“That’s some gorilla strength, right there,” Patrice said.). If you’ve thought about giving Keith and the Girl a try, I highly recommend you start with that one, because it’s definitely an instant favorite of mine. During the discussion about “killing off” family members to get time off work, I laughed. I’ve never actually “killed off” a family member, but back when I was working as a motel maid at the Interstate Oasis in Brunswick* (now the Econo Lodge), I called and claimed that my grandmother was in the hospital because I’d been up way too late the night before. They believed me (or pretended to), I took one day off, and went into work the next reporting that she was much improved. I’ve never actually “killed off” a family member, though. *I’ll discuss more about this horrendous job in a future entry. Someone remind me if I forget to write about it.
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So, I go to get groceries on Mondays – on my way home from the pet store – and Thursdays. It used to be that Fred would do the big grocery run on Saturdays, but he doesn’t like the “good” grocery store in Nearville, and the drive to our beloved Publix in Madison takes 20 minutes, and going there, getting groceries, and coming home, takes up more time than he’d like to spend in the car on a Saturday morning. For a few weeks he was stopping at Publix on his way home Thursdays, but I decided I’d just suck it up and take care of getting groceries all the time, since he has a job and I don’t. Anyway. Last Thursday I got a slow start and didn’t get around to leaving the house until about 12:30. If I’d been going to Publix in Madison this would have been a nightmare, because anytime after 10:00, that store is packed. I was going to the “good” grocery store in Nearville, though, and at its business time, that grocery store has less than ten other customers in the store. I headed out to my car, and saw that there was a cop parked across the street. There’s a street that comes out almost directly across from the end of our driveway, and he was parked so that no one could pull out of that street onto our street. I called Fred. “You suppose the President’s going to be coming this way to go to the nuclear plant?” I asked. After some discussion, we decided that probably he was, since there were only two ways through Smallville to get to the nuclear plant and our road is the bigger and nicer of the two. “Get the camera!” Fred said. “Get some pictures! No, wait! Get the tractor out! The president might want to stop and drive it around! No, wait! Make a sign that says “Free green tomatoes if you’re the president”! No, wait! Make a sign that says “Mister President, come meet Mister Boogers!” No, wait! Make a sign that says “Mister President, come admire our fine garden!”” I laughed. “Yeah, right.” I went inside and got the camera, then stood at the end of the driveway. For the next 45 minutes I stood in the hot, hot sun, talking to Fred. I snapped pictures of the cops up and down the road (crappy pictures, as it turned out), I snapped a picture of the helicopter flying overhead, and I looked down the road and waited and waited and waited some more. (Click on the small pictures to see the full-sized versions) Finally, I noticed that the roads were all blocked off, and a phalanx of vehicles were coming my way. First was a cop car. Then some kind of SUV – maybe staffers? Then a pack – a bevy? – of motorcycle policemen riding in some fancypants triangle formation approached. I snapped a picture of them, and then the one in front – apparently Very Important – angrily waved at me to get back. “Yeah well, fuck you, fuckhead motherfucker, this is MY PROPERTY and if I want to stand at the very goddamn end of my goddamn driveway, I will!” I yelled. Or mumbled under my breath as I stumbled over my own feet to back away from the road. One or the other. I didn’t actually see the president, as I was too busy trying to snap pictures, but I assume he was in one of those limos. And, the excitement over, I went to get groceries.
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It should be noted that I am no fan of the current President or the current administration. I think they’re all idiots and I don’t know how it is that any Republican thinks they have any chance in hell of winning this election (though that’s probably just the optimist in me). But should the president have seen me standing by the side of the road, laughed out loud and said “Chillin with my gnomies! That’s an excellent t-shirt! Let’s stop and talk to this one!”, I would have fallen over in a dead faint and peed my pants, not necessarily in that order. Like him or not, he’s the President! Of the United States!, you know? And I would have been all respectful and everything. I know how to mind my manners, and telling a lame duck president you think he’s doing it all wrong is the epitome of wasting your breath anyway.
* * *
So, I went to get groceries. And though this grocery store – the “good one” in Nearville – isn’t that great, it’s good enough for meat, bread, eggs – the staples. I got everything on my list and stood in line, and as the cashier rang up my groceries, the shift manager was bagging them. “You know, I’m sorry John’s Momma died and everything,” the cashier said to the manager. “But he doesn’t have to be such a jerk to everyone!” The manager had clearly only been half paying attention, because her head snapped up and she blinked. “John’s Momma, what?” she said. “John’s Momma died, you know, I mean passed away, and ever since, he’s been a jerk to everyone, and I’m sorry for his loss, but -” “Wait,” said the manager. “John’s Momma? Earline passed? Oh my goodness, when did Earline pass?!” The cashier frowned. “Last week, Wednesday or Thursday I think, remember he was off through the weekend?” The manager stopped and propped her hands on her hips. “John,” she said sternly. “We’re talking about John HisLastName?” “Yes!” the cashier said. To me, she said “Debit or credit?” “Debit, no cash back,” I said. She punched a few buttons. “Angie, John’s Momma did not pass. I saw her last night at church!” The cashier stopped, her mouth hanging open. I’m sure mine was hanging open as well; I know I was leaning forward to catch every word. “But… I sent him flowers! And a card!” the cashier protested. The manager’s mouth tightened up into a tiny pucker. As I walked away as slowly as I could, the manager was telling the cashier how she was going to rip John a new one and then she was either going to write him up or fire him. Oh yeah – and Earline was going to hear ALL about THIS. That’s what he gets for “killing off” his Momma in such a small town, I guess. (I had to wonder whether John was a Keith and the Girl fan, and if he’d gotten the idea from their show.)
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I got home from getting groceries, put them away, let the cats out into the back yard, and trudged out onto the front porch to put on my shoes for the trek across the yard to check the mail. Which is when I realized that the cops were setting up again, and I was all “D’oh! I guess he has to get back to the airport for his trip to Mobile for his big speech, so I guess he’s going back by here!” And I ran into the house to grab the camcorder, figuring that if I got a decent movie, I could pause and take a picture of any good frames. Except that the camcorder was not charged. So I hauled ass back into the house to grab my camera, and then stood on the front porch and waited for the procession. First, this cop came along on his motorcycle and yelled “Y’all, get back from the street!” to the people who were standing, um, by the street (there was quite a crowd at the church next door). And not a minute later the whole stinking procession came along, and this is the only picture I was able to get, STUPID HESITATING CAMERA. And that was the excitement for the week – nay, the month. The year? Whatever.
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Is it just me, or do these look like weirdly posed scenes, like something you’d see in the JC Penney catalog? I imagine a photographer yelling “Frick! You WANT him, you want him with every feather on your body, but Sugarbutt! You don’t even notice Frick, you’re just standing there being beautiful. Be beautiful, Sugarbutt! Be beautiful and feisty and unattainable, and Frick! Want him! Want him badly, but sadly, knowing that you can never have someone that beautiful. He’s out of your league! PERFECT!”
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Previously 2006: The meals sucked, but we got t-shirts that were pretty cute, so I guess it all worked out. 2005: Can I sue for emotional distress? 2004: No entry. 2003: I never said I had a long attention span. 2002: You can imagine the zany situations. 2001: No entry. 2000: Beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose.]]>


* * * I completely forgot to mention how my shitty Friday continued with the shittiness. I finally went to the mall and it SUCKED ASS because school is out and OY the teenagers and their wandering through the damn mall. I got home, got the stuff I’d bought out of the car, headed toward the side steps, and from the back yard came running Maxi and Newt. She had something hanging out of her mouth, and I thought “Ugh. Maxi’s killed another mole,” and walked by her. Then I heard squawking. And I looked over to see a baby mockingbird fall out of Maxi’s mouth, and it started hopping and flapping and squawking, and I sighed and said “DAMN IT.” I have a very strict don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy wherein if Maxi or Newt captures a bird or snake or mole or anything, really, and runs off with it, I don’t give chase. I figure it’s the goddamn circle of life and all that. But if they’re going to drop the small animal right the fuck in front of me, I’m not going to watch them kill it (unless it’s at least 78% dead already, of course) if it can be saved from the Jaws of Evil. So I dropped my bags and ran over, waving my arms and yelling “Drop it, Maxi! DROP IT!” (which was idiotic, since she’d ALREADY dropped it, and was just standing over it with glittery eyes, waiting for it to get tired so she could grab it up again), and then I pushed her away from it, and picked it up. It squawked once at me, and then just sat there, blinking at me. I went inside the house, picked up the phone, and called Fred. “I have a baby mockingbird,” I told him when he answered. “I have someone in my office and am in a meeting,” he replied. “Okay, ‘bye,” I said, and hung up. I eyed the pile of empty boxes in the corner of the computer room and considered putting the bird in a box until he either rallied and yelled to be set free, or died. And then Mister Boogers caught wind of the fact that I had in my hands a baby bird. He twined around my ankles, eyes glittering. “Oh Mother,” he said excitedly. “You have brought me a snack. Sweet Baby Jesus, Tommy, she brought me a snack!” Tommy ran from the other end of the house, followed closely by Sugarbutt and Miz Poo. They danced around my feet, meowing and peering upward, eyes glittering. “Cut it out!” I yelled at them. “Go away, you can’t have it!” The baby bird sat in my hand, not complaining, just staring at me the entire time. Finally, I decided to lock the gates to the back yard so Maxi and Newt couldn’t get in (yeah, I know they could TECHNICALLY climb the fence and get in, but so far they haven’t done that, so I’m not sure if they realize they can), put the baby bird under one of the trees, and hope he could either fly, or his Momma could help him find a safe place, or (as long as I didn’t have to see it), something would get him and it’d be the cirrrrrrrcle of liiiiiiiiiiife and all that shit. So I put him under the tree and went around to make sure the gates were locked, and from the other side of the fence Maxi and Newt eyed me with complete disinterest. I walked back over to check on the baby bird, and he was laying there so still that I figured he was dead, and I said with dismay “Awww, godDAMNIT.” and leaned down to look closer at him. Which is when he jumped up, flapped his wings, squawked, and ran away from me. “Good bird!” I said, clapping my hands like a freakin’ dork. “Good bird! Flap those wings!” He flappedsquawkedran again, and I decided to leave him alone. A few hours later when Fred got home from work, the baby bird was nowhere to be seen. Until the next afternoon, when we found it dead under a tree just outside the fence, loaded up with ants. Probably would have been less cruel to just let Maxi kill the damn thing. DAMN IT.

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Comments: Are you using canning salt or are you doing the salt-free thing? Until I got this comment, I had never heard of canning salt. I did a quick search and found that regular table salt has something added to it so it’ll flow freely without clumping up, whereas canning salt is pure salt. I used table salt in the batch of green beans I did the other day, but I’ll be buying some canning salt for future canning. I don’t believe in salt-free (and it’s such a small amount of salt added that I don’t think it’ll harm us).
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what kind of canner did you get? We’re thinking about it, if’n it’s easy enough for us lazy types I got the All-American 10.5 quart canner. It’s a small one, because we have a ceramic-top stove and I was afraid to try anything heavier. I got the All-American because the gardening guru Fred consulted recommended that brand, and so far, so good!
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Pressure cookers could — I’m *positive* — blow the roof right off of the house. There’ll be no pressure cooking in my kitchen. And canning… well, in my hands, canning would be a healthy serving of botulism just waiting to happen. Either that, or else the contents would expand and then the jars would explode and there’d go the roof right off of the house. Nope, no canning done in my kitchen either. That’s my concern, too, to be honest. I don’t particularly care for the idea of this monster pressure cooker (the thing is HEAVY) blowing its top, but I was careful to follow directions closely and didn’t feel like my life was in any danger at any point. And as far as botulism, that’s my fear, too. But I’m told that as long as the lid is down tight on top of the jar instead of bulging, it’s a pretty safe bet it’s not full of botulism. However, just to be safe, I think Fred should be the canned-food guinea pig.
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Is that orange fur on Tina Louise’s belly (if so… CUTE!) or… something else?!? When we first got the kittens, they’d just been spayed and neutered a few days before. I thought that that orange patch was the stuff they put on you to kill germs before they cut you open in surgery (though whether they use that stuff on kittens, I have no idea), but it’s been almost three weeks, and the orange is still there. Either Tina Louise isn’t much of a cleaner, or it’s permanent. I’m hoping for the latter.
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So the fact that you mentioned your laptop as a favorite toy, does that mean you got a new one? I was actually thinking about the old laptop when I said that, but yeah – I got a new laptop. It’s a ZT Affinity, but it may have to go back. We can’t get it online (Fred’ll be calling customer support this afternoon when he gets home), and what use is a laptop without being able to get online, I ask you? It’s got a 14″ screen, and it’s light as hell. It’s cute, but I’m not terribly crazy about Windows Vista at this point; I just may need to get used to it, though.
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I can’t help but notice all the posts now ending with Sugarbutt – I imagine that Miz Poo must be insulted by this turn of events. Hate, even! Miz Poo is a luvah, not a hater. She understands that sometimes Sugarbutt is more of a camera hog than she is, and she also knows that she’s the special Princess Kitty and no one else can replace her.
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I am looking for a cat tree myself and was wondering if you could/would recommend the person you bought your tree from? Think you could hook a sistah up with the name? I got my cat tree from Armakat, and I couldn’t be happier with it. I highly recommend the seller – I got exactly what I expected to get, it came quickly, and it was in great shape. Two thumbs up!
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Question – The cat litter that you use, do the cats track the stuff all over the room? I have only one cat and and she tracks litter all over the floor when she pops out of the litterbox. I would like something that isn’t so messy and trackable. I’ve used a couple different kinds, but not the kind you recommend – yet. Please tell me it’s not just wishful thinking that they make something to eliminate this. I use Fresh Step cat litter (I also recommend the Arm & Hammer cat litter, but use the Fresh Step because it offers “Paw Points” wherein you can “earn” crap your cats don’t particularly need, and I am ALL about that), and I wish it wasn’t trackable, but it totally is. Half the reason I have to vacuum, at minimum, every other day is because the cats track litter from the laundry room into the kitchen, and then to all points. I’m not aware of any litter that won’t track as much, but my readers are awesome – I suspect someone out there has a suggestion on how to stop the damn cats from tracking litter everywhere. Readers?
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The Spud? Has she moved out yet? I’m a stalker or anything, I was just wondering if maybe I could have her room. Hee! The spud is leaving in a little more than two weeks – her father is flying down here, and they’re driving to Rhode Island together (which is much better than her driving alone, believe you me!). You can’t have her room, because that’s going to become Fred’s room, and his room is going to become the guest bedroom. However, I’m suddenly struck with the idea of offering to let people pay to come stay with us in the guest room, feed the chickens, weed the garden, do the dishes and canning and blanching and freezing. I bet some city slickers out there would LOVE to pay for having to work their ass off, wouldn’t they?
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Hey Robyn, I thought you and Fred would get a kick out of this: The Journal of Beatrix Potter from 1881-1897 “Sun, Jan.27, 1884: There was another story in the paper a week or so since. A gentleman had a favourite cat whom he taught to sit at the dinner-table where it behaved very well. He was in the habit of putting any scraps he left onto the cat’s plate. One day puss did not take his place punctually, but presently appeared with two mice, one of which it placed on its master’s plate, the other on its own.” That is the SWEETEST thing EVER. Gross, but seriously sweet.
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Love the color in the laundry room. What is the color? This is the label on the can. It reads: Valspar One Gallon Signature Base 2 LA718 [Laura Ashley] Just Peachy Interior Matte 105-8 114-1X16 115-26.
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Do your cats (not the fosters) let you pick them up and hold them? I have three cats and they love for us to pet them and they will sometimes grant us the honor of sitting on or next to us, but if we try to pick them up and hold them, they cry like we are killing them and wiggle and squirm and try to get away!(I still do it ’cause they are cute little squishy balls of fur who must be kissed and snuggled, but they don’t much care for it!) It depends on the cat. Spot would go immediately stiff and freeze in fear if you picked him up, so we avoid doing that – but he likes to be petted when he’s laying in a cat bed or sitting on the floor. Spanky doesn’t like being picked up at ALL. Miz Poo loves to be picked up and snuggled and kissed and will let you do it as long as you want, as long as she doesn’t have something better to do. Mister Boogers enjoys the occasional holding and snuggling and MY GOD does that cat adore being kissed on top of his head. He’ll let you hold him for a good long time, too. Sugarbutt doesn’t much care for being held – though he’ll tolerate it for a few minutes – but prefers to rub up against you and purr and be petted. I like to pick him up so that he’s in a standing position with his rear legs on the floor and kiss him on top of his head (which he likes). Tommy is very easily overwhelmed and doesn’t much care for being picked up. When he wants love, he’ll let you know (and then after you pet him twice, he gets overwhelmed and bites your hand, the bastard). Maxi likes to be picked up for a limited amount of time – usually when we walk around the back forty, Fred will pick her up and carry her for a while, and she likes that for a few minutes, then demands to be put down. Newt doesn’t like to be picked up at all, but he will let you rub his belly for sixteen hours straight if you’ve got the stamina to do so.
* * *
Which of your cats is the eldest? How old? Our two boys are now 17 and 15 … Candy, the 17-yr-old, is just beginning to show his age. It’s hard, like watching a beloved family member start to slow down – I’m not looking forward to the inevitable eventual decline. Have been googling “old age cats” and it sounds a bit grim. Spot (13ish) and Spanky (almost 11) are the two oldest cats. Miz Poo’s going to be eight in November, and the others are quite a bit younger. Spot is definitely showing his age; I’m fairly certain he’s got some arthritis going on, because after he’s been napping he moves so stiffly that it hurts to look at him. He’s still feisty and able to take care of himself, though – Maxi was in the house yesterday and got a little too close to him. He hissed and smacked her and she ran off because she knows better than to mess with Spot. He can be a badass if he needs to.
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I love the paint color of the front room. Would you mind sharing what color it is and what brand? Thanks! The label reads: Valspar One Gallon Signature Base 2/ EB33-4 Celadon Interior Matte/ 103-20 105-2Y 114-24
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“Shocking Mr. Boogers” would be an awesome name for a band. AWESOME. I am tempted to go buy a musical instrument and learn how to play it, just so I can recruit a few other people and name ourselves Shocking Mr. Boogers. And now, ladies and gentlemen, what you’ve all been waiting for – SHOCKING MR. BOOGERS! [crowd goes wild] Awesome. I look forward to Shocking Mr. Boogers’ (though to be honest, it really should be “Shocking Mister Boogers”) first hit in the vein of Shock the Monkey – Shock the Boog. Shock the Boogie? Whatever, I’m sure it will RAWK.
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Fred came in last evening after he’d spent an hour picking stuff in the garden. I had just spent an hour blanching and freezing five pounds of summer squash and was washing up the 63,000 dishes I’d used. “Do you like being a farmer’s wife?” he asked with a grin. I shot him a look that should have caused his brain to fry. “NO,” I said. “I probably would, if we could hire someone to wash dishes fourteen fucking hours a day so I didn’t have to!” Honest to god, I spend an amazing amount of time washing dishes, even on days I don’t freeze or can. The problem is that the dishwasher in the kitchen is tiny and doesn’t work all that well, so I could toss dishes in the dishwasher and run a load when it’s full, but then I’d be running the goddamn thing twice a day, and still have to wash some of the dishes by hand. I do not adore washing dishes, in case you were wondering. “Well,” Fred said. “At least it should only be for the next few months, ’til the garden stops producing so much!” And then I shot him another look that should have caused his brain to fry. Except that he’s got the thickest noggin this side of Ben Affleck, so my hate rays were deflected and singed some fur off Sugarbutt’s ass instead.
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Pretty Toms. We call this his “sexy look.” It’s his default expression. Maxi and the Boogs, hanging out on the air conditioner unit.
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Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: I know I did the same lazy-ass, stupid-ass shit, and in retrospect she didn’t beat me nearly enough. 2002: Fred: Hey. You’re married to an old white man. 2001: No entry. 2000: I’m having a klutzy day.]]>


Saturday was the maiden voyage of my pressure canner, and it appears to have been successful. “Appears” I say, because we haven’t actually eaten anything I’ve canned, because that would be kind of beside the point. We’re going to wait a week before we do that. I canned four pints of green beans (the fourth pint wasn’t all that full, but it was close), and found it easier than I expected, once the beans were all snapped and washed and ready to go. Which brings me to a question – what’s the difference between canning beans raw and canning them cooked? Doesn’t the processing actually cook the beans? Is it that you can fit more cooked beans in a jar, or is there some other reason? I know someone out there knows the answer to this – tell me what the deal is, would you, please? Also, while I’m asking, can you or can you not (har!) can summer squash? The Ball Blue Book doesn’t offer any information at all about canning it, only freezing it. And lastly, thank you to those of you who recommended the Ball Blue Book. When I got the pressure canner, I eagerly looked through the manual, and I got seriously worried, because it made NO SENSE to me at all. One look through the Blue Ball Ball Blue Book, and I knew exactly what I was supposed to be doing. It’s awesome!

* * *
A few weeks ago I realized that I’d earned enough Fresh Step “Paw Points” to get a “snuggle sack” for the cats. So I ordered it, it came a lot faster than I expected, I took it out of the package, and left it on the floor near Fred’s desk until I could decide where to put it (probably the kitten room, I’m thinking). Now, the Snuggle Sack has some of that crinkly stuff in it so that when a cat climbs in, it crinkles. It sounds exactly – EXACTLY – like someone opening a bag of chips, and without fail when I first hear the noise I perk up and think “Who is eating yummy yummy chips, and why is no one sharing with me, and OH I hope they’re sour cream and onion!”, and then it is with great disappointment when I realize what I’m really hearing. “I are not a bag o’ chips, muthah.”
* * *
If that bit above isn’t enough to convince you that I have the memory of a goldfish (the joke being that they have such tiny brains and short memory that they spend their life swimming around their bowl going “Oh! A castle!… Oh! A castle!”, etc.), I had the following discussion with myself no less than three times in the course of one hour. “Oh, GROSS. What the hell is that, did Maxi kill a mole and leave it on the side step? I wish they wouldn’t DO THAT, now I have to go out the front door when I leave. Oh, it’s a leaf from the magnolia tree. Much better.” Three times in the course of an hour, the same conversation, word-for-word, I swear it. Finally I went out and kicked the leaf off the side of the stoop so it’d stop catching my eye.
* * *
The universe, it seems, does not want to let me get a single night’s sleep. If the spud isn’t calling me at 1 am to double-check her work schedule (AHEM, SPUD), the cats decide the middle of the night is an A-OK time for screeching and fighting and racing around and across my bed, or complete strangers are text messaging me. Last night (this morning) at 12:50, my cell phone beeped to let me know I’d gotten a text message. I checked to see what it was, knowing it wasn’t the spud, because she was at home, sound asleep. It was a text message from a number that was completely unfamiliar to me (though it was local), and the message read im so pissed off right now I texted back a succinct and to-the-point ? and pretty quickly got back sorry i texted the wrong number. As I fell back to sleep, I amused myself with the thought that I could probably have carried on a complete conversation with this person (teenager, I assumed) using only symbols. Such as: Them: im so pissed right now Me: ? Them: my parents are being ridiculous they dont trust me they always make me check in with them and they always make me run errands for them while they sit on their asses and do nothing Me: ! Them: i hate it here, this place sucks, i should just run away Me: 🙁 And so forth.
* * *
Spanky giggles evilly about his thievery of Sugarbutt’s favorite place to sleep.
* * *
Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: I’d say this country is going to hell, but that handbasket sailed a loooooong time ago. 2004: Yes. Robyn DID recently learn how to do popup windows. Why do you ask? 2003: Do I LOOK like an outside kinda gal? 2002: Which is when I realized that I’d actually dreamed the conversation and hug and kiss. 2001: No entry. 2000: No entry.]]>


It cracks me up every time I watch it.

* * *
It’s 7:20, and my day hasn’t started out terribly well. First Fred left for work, then woke me up five minutes later with a phone call. “How rescue-y are you feeling today?” he asked. “I don’t know, why? What happened?” “There’s this little black dog at the corner of ThisRoad and ThatRoad (a four-way stop), and he’s been here for the past few days at least. I think he might be a dropoff.” “You don’t think he belongs to one of the houses around there?” I suggested. “There really aren’t any houses around there,” he said. “There are houses on the other sides of those big fields.” “Oh yeah. Well, he’s been right around the intersection the past few days, looking really confused.” “Well, what the fuck would we do with him?” “I don’t know, but he’s awfully cute. He’s little, but not a puppy.” I pondered for a moment. “Well, I’ll tell you what. I’m going to the mall later. I’ll bring some dog food and water with me, and if he’s there, I’ll stop and see if I can get him.” “Sounds good,” he said. I hung up, knowing that if it had been a cat, I would have been out the door before he could have finished telling me about it. But damn – it’s one thing to rescue a dog that shows up on your front doorstep. It’s another thing altogether to go five miles down the road to rescue a dog. (But you know I will if he’s still there later.) Since I was now wide awake, I got up and went around the house opening blinds. Sugarbutt and Tommy followed me around, eyes wide with anticipation, hoping I’d open the back door. I collared the two of them, plus Mister Boogers, and opened the back door, then went around the back yard, closing gates. I did a few more small things around the house and then checked on the cats one last time before I went off to take my shower. Took my shower, blow-dried my hair, took my vitamins, and then pulled the dirty sheets off my bed. I went into the laundry room to put the sheets in the washer, glanced out the back door, and could only see Sugarbutt and Tommy. I left the sheets on top of the washer, and stepped out back, calling for Mister Boogers. No Mister Boogers. I slid my feet into my garden clogs (still wearing my nightgown) and went outside, calling again for Mister Boogers. No Mister Boogers. I let myself out of the back yard (still wearing the nightgown and garden clogs, for I am a fashion icon) and walked over toward the house next door. In the past, when Mister Boogers has jumped the fence, that’s the direction he tends to go. I called and called and called in my special high-pitched Mister Boogers voice. No Mister Boogers. I considered going inside and getting dressed before continuing the search, said “Oh, fuck it. No one cares.” and walked around the front of the house. No Mister Boogers. I checked the garden, the wood shed, the ditch bordering our property and the church’s property, the front of the house, the side of the house, under the cars. No Mister Boogers. I came inside, got dressed, and grabbed my cell phone. “I lost Mister Boogers,” I told Fred. We talked while I walked around the house, around the house next door, around the garden again, checked in the chicken yard, checked the ditch and under the cars. No Mister Boogers. “Goddamn I hate his stumpy little ass,” I fumed to Fred. “I am NOT staying home and waiting for his stupid ass to show up! I have plans!” “Okay,” he said. “WHO READY FOR THE SNACKIN’!!!!” I bellowed, pulling out the big guns. In the back yard, Tommy ran full-speed toward me, eyes bright. No Mister Boogers. I walked into the back yard and Sugarbutt and Tommy ran around like their asses were on fire. Sugarbutt ran up the tree a few feet, then jumped down when I yelled at him. After some discussion, I decided to put Sugarbutt and Tommy in the house, close the back door, open a couple of gate doors, and unplug the electric fence so Mister Boogers could get in the back yard. “What if he doesn’t come home?” I said, teary-eyed at the thought. “If he doesn’t, he doesn’t,” Fred said. “If he wants that badly to be free, nothing we do is going to contain him.” “Fucker,” I said. “Maybe he’s off with Maxi and Newt.” “Well, if he runs across Maxi and Newt, he’ll be okay. They’ll take care of him.” Maxi does love her some Booger. “Let me know if he shows up,” Fred said. I hung up the phone, took one look in the back yard, and then sat down at my desk. I paid some bills, did a little surfing, downloaded some KATG. About ten minutes after I’d sat down, I heard a banging noise at the back door. The sound of a cat trying to come through a cat door and being denied, is what that sound was. I ran to the back door, opened it, and Mister Boogers came casually strolling through the cat door. “You,” I informed him. “Are a fuckhead.” Sugarbutt is desperate to get back outside, but that’s not happening again anytime soon. I think we’re going to let them outside tomorrow morning and set up the camcorder to see just exactly how Mister Boogers is getting over the fence. Once we know how he’s doing it, we can figure out how to stop him from doing so. I called Fred to let him know that That Boogery Bastard was home safe, then went into my bedroom to make the bed. I got the clean sheets out of the closet and started to put the fitted sheet on the bed. And there, in the middle of the sheet, was a great big birdshit. How I missed it when I was folding the sheets, I do not know. I have a feeling the universe is trying to send me a message, but I’m not exactly sure what it is. No doubt I’ll go to see if that dog is still at the corner of ThisRoad and ThatRoad, and I’ll either run it over, it’ll be dead in the road, or I’ll somehow manage to chase it out into traffic and get it killed.
* * *
The bastard sleeps the sleep of the bastardly.
* * *
(9:46 am) Edited to add: I drove to the intersection where Fred saw the dog, and saw no dogs anywhere. I went up the road a little, turned around, and still no dog. I went through the intersection several times and didn’t see the dog. There’s a construction crew nearby, so either the dog got scared and ran off, or ran home (I hope) or maybe they’re feeding and watering him. I’m going to the mall in a bit and will go through that intersection both ways, so I’ll keep my eyes peeled for him. Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: Oh, the hilarity that ensues when your car and foster kitten have the same name! I could almost hear the laugh track in the background. 2004: PMS, anyone? 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001:No entry. 2000: Charmed life, have I mentioned?]]>


* * * There’s this Tim McGraw song called Red Rag Top, and the song is about a man reflecting back upon a relationship he had when he was 20 (she was 18). Ultimately, she gets pregnant, has an abortion, and the relationship ends. It’s not a new song, but they’ve lately been playing the hell out of it on the local country station, and there’s this part: We took one more trip around the sun, It was all make believe in the end that just makes me want to burst into tears every time I hear it. It’s not my favorite Tim McGraw song – Angry All the Time is, by far – and in fact I neither love it nor hate it, but that one bit, those two short lines somehow break my heart every single time.

* * *
The canning jars, canning book, and canning kit I ordered came yesterday. What was missing? The expensive-ass pressure canner. Not in the box, and according to the online tracking number I got, it was supposed to be in the same shipment. I want to email them and say “What the FUCK? If I’d known it was going to take so goddamn long to get the goddamn thing, I would have gotten up off my dead ass and gone to the STORE and bought one!” (Instead, I emailed them and said “Um, hi. Is my pressure canner shipping separately? Thanks!” No answer yet. FUCKERS.)
* * *
Hey. Look what the cat left for you! BOO! They left it in the middle of the kitchen rug, and I about screamed and ran around in circles. I was on the phone with Fred when I spotted it, and I said “I’m going to blow on it to see if it’s still alive” and he said “Don’t BLOW on it. Just poke it with something!” Just poke it with something. Right. So it could come to life and grab whatever I was poking it with and beat me to death with it? I THINK NOT. So I blew on it, and it kicked weakly, so I grabbed a plastic container, pushed it into the plastic container with a fork, and tossed it out the back door. I don’t believe I’d like to ever see another cicada in the house again THANKS ANYWAY CATS.
* * *
All of the kittens have officially been petted multiple times. Except for Tina Louise, they don’t LIKE being petted, but they’ll tolerate it. Grudgingly. For a minute or two before they run away. Of course, if they’re walking by you and reach out to pet them, they run off. They’re not CRAZY, after all. But if they’re in a position where they feel like they’re trapped – ie, on the cat tree or in the kitty condo – they don’t lose their minds if you pet them, aside from a few hisses. This is a huge step forward as far as I’m concerned, and it’s all due to Fred, who is totally The Cat Whisperer when it comes to this bunch of fosters. Clearly enjoying it. Or thinking “It BURNS. Your love BURNS MY SOUL, lady!” One or the other. A new litter box = Big Excitement in Kittentown. ’cause this is thriller, thriller night There ain’t no second chance against the thing with forty eyes You know it’s thriller, thriller night You’re fighting for your life inside of killer, thriller tonight (Bunches of kitten pics, hither.)
* * *
Previously 2006: The discerning decorator always considers that cats are decor accessories as well as beloved, spoiled-rotten pets and takes into account the decor of their home before adopting said animals. 2005: “If I can make four percoset get me high for the next year, you just might.” 2004: (Don’t lecture me, I KNOW. I swear I’ll wear sunscreen from now on okay, MOTHER?) 2003: No entry. 2002: Hell. O. Dolly. God in heaven, they were SO DAMN GOOD. 2001: Plus I’m taking this newfangled thing they call “pen and paper.” 2000: No entry.]]>