April 21, 2009 (Tuesday)

After today, I’m taking the rest of the week off from journaling, just ’cause I’m feeling uninspired. I’ll be back Monday bright and early! I’ll be updating over at Love & Hisses through the week, though, if you’re craving cute kitten pics. **dividerlinewillmissyousodividerlinebegspleasedontgonooneeverlistenstodividerlinesobsobsob**   Recently I was looking at the pictures that my Flickr contacts … Continue reading “April 21, 2009 (Tuesday)”

After today, I’m taking the rest of the week off from journaling, just ’cause I’m feeling uninspired. I’ll be back Monday bright and early!

I’ll be updating over at Love & Hisses through the week, though, if you’re craving cute kitten pics.



2009-04-21 (8)

Recently I was looking at the pictures that my Flickr contacts had uploaded, and I came across a cool picture Aimee had taken. Immediately, I knew I was going to try it myself. I took two cups, filled them with vinegar, and put an egg in each cup – then hid them in the laundry room cabinets.

The next day, I took out one of the cups and rinsed off the egg to find – voila! The shell was gone, and there was just a flexible membrane holding the egg together. I showed it to my parents, told them NOT to tell Fred, and went out and put it in a nest box in the little coop. Since Fred broke Sassy McGee of her broodiness several days ago, she hasn’t been laying eggs, and we’d just discussed that fact the day before.

2009-04-21 (9)

When Fred got home, he went out to feed the pigs and check for eggs and all that. Trying not to be obvious, I watched him as he went to the small coop to check Sassy’s nest box. Then I grinned like a fool as he walked back to the house. He walked through the door and looked at me with suspicion.

“What are you grinning about?” he asked suspiciously.

“I, uh, just an email,” I stammered.

“Want to see something really cool?” he said.

“What’s that?”

“Hold out your hand.”

I obeyed.

He put the egg in my hand and as he did so, he said “Sassy has started laying again!”

Then he went out and showed my parents, and they ooohed and ahhhed appreciatively.

“I told you they aren’t getting enough calcium!” I said, and then “We should try to hatch it!”

Then he started talking about making a video of himself breaking open the egg and putting it up on YouTube, and I couldn’t help myself – I got a great big shit-eating grin on my face, and he scowled at me and said “Am I being Punk’d?” I admitted that he was, and he said “You know, I should have known when I walked through the door and you were grinning!”

Too bad I can’t keep a secret, ’cause I was ready to keep the weird eggs coming for a few weeks before I told him the truth.



2009-04-21 (14)

I saw this “garbage bowl” in Kohl’s. A “garbage bowl” made of some lightweight material. $19.99.

Are you fucking kidding me? A special bowl to put by the sink and toss your scraps in? Is everyone aware that you can use ANY bowl for that, a bowl you already own, not a $19.99 bowl?

I wanted to station myself next to the display of bowls and if anyone looked particularly interested in buying the bowl, offering them $5 NOT to buy the goddamn thing.

Okay, I’ll say it: if you’re buying a $19.99 bowl to put your kitchen scraps in just because it has Rachel Ray’s name on it, YOU HAVE TOO MUCH FUCKING MONEY.

Better to just set that $19.99 (plus tax) on fire. At least it’ll keep you warm.

The “garbage bowl” will not.



2009-04-21 (13)

This remind anyone else of those “best friend” necklaces, where you get one half and your best friend gets the other, and you wear them around and everyone envies your friendship? No?



2009-04-21 (23)

If this thing hadn’t cost $59.99 (at TJ Maxx), I totally would have bought it for Nance‘s birthday (which is next month), just to fuck with her. I can only imagine her opening up the (big-ass) package and saying “What the fuck…?” and it makes me laugh.



2009-04-21 (10) 2009-04-21 (11) 2009-04-21 (12)

This is the bird’s nest that a bird (possibly a Nuthatch, but I’m not positive) built in the tarp above the littlest chicken coop. I put up a picture of the nest with the momma bird on it, but I happened by this past weekend when the momma bird was absent, so I took advantage of her absence to stick the camera in there and get a closeup of the nest.

Two eggs, looks like, and what I think is super cool is that there’s dog hair in the nest. When Fred brushes the dogs, I tell him to toss the hair outside the fence so any birds building their nests can use it. It’s nice to see they actually do.

Though with the amount of dog hair he gets when he brushes the dogs, an entire country full of birds could use nothing but George and Gracie hair to line their nests!



2009-04-21 (24)

Bluebird, keeping an eye on me through the kitchen window. That he’s still around is a good thing, right? Probably he has a nest somewhere close by?



The eggs the Silkie was sitting on hatched on Sunday. Baby chickens are cute – baby chickens sticking their heads out from under their Momma are cute times 10,000.

2009-04-21 (5)



Elijah, Ezra, Jasper and Phinneas are all going to be neutered on Thursday.

I’d say “poor babies”, but in my experience once I get the boy cats home at the end of the day, they don’t seem to realize anything’s happened at all. I’m sure Thursday evening they’ll be bouncing around without a care in the world!

2009-04-21 (15)

2009-04-21 (16)
She’s such a pretty girl.

2009-04-21 (17)
“Helloooooo good-looking!”

2009-04-21 (18)
“Who, me? No, what? I didn’t do it!”

2009-04-21 (19)
Caleb has earned himself the nickname “Trouble.” He was chewing on the cord to an alarm clock, so I unplugged it. He immediately went over to the wall where the end of a cable cord is sticking out, and started chewing on it.

2009-04-21 (20)
Crazy eyes!

2009-04-21 (22)
If I’d had any idea THIS was about to happen, I would have lifted the camera a little and used the flash to get it in focus. It makes me laugh and laugh.



2009-04-21 (25)
Miz Poo tried to get my parents to take her home with them. She was unsuccessful. Probably for the best – she’d miss Mister Boogers far too much. (HA.)



2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: I want to hear “Fine, thanks. Here’s your Supah-sized Diet Coke. Have a nice day!” Understood? I swear, I’m just going to STOP asking, that’s all.
2003: Some day I’ll create a housecleaning schedule and actually keep to it. Ha!
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: So, my last official day at work. Ho-hum.

26 thoughts on “April 21, 2009 (Tuesday)”

  1. You just CAN’T take the rest of the week off . . . . what willI do for entertainment!

    Have a great rest of the week & enjoy your time “off”

  2. I will go in half with you on the dinosaur for Nance. That would look FANTASTIC in her living room. The added bonus is that it would drive Felina bat shit crazy!

  3. Put me down for some $$ on that Dino for Nance. I know there is no chance I would ever see it in person but it brings me insane giggles to think of her getting that in the mail.
    Enjoy the week. We are heading to Vegas Sat. for a few days. We may or may not be back.

  4. Enjoy the rest of your week off; you need a break from keeping us all entertained! While you have all that “free” (hah) time, check out hotcouponworld.com and see about rocking the “butter bargains” and more. I’ve really saved so much since I found the site and learned how to utilize store sales with coupons…..I LOVE my free toilet paper….wheee…the excitement….too much to bear….

  5. Love the bluebird and jumping kitten photos-they rock. Kitten photo gave me a good belly laugh. Glad Miz Poo didn’t go-I’d really miss her. I would have laughed and not been able to pull off the egg thing w/Fred. That disolving egg yolk trick is very cool. Hope you enjoy the time off. I should take your lead and do more cleaning etc.

  6. You give and give and give…and here I am asking for more. Can we pretty please get some glamour shots of the supermodel couple George and Gracie? Kthxbye!

  7. I think it’s funny that you ranted about the “garbage bowl” because I remember you ranting about it before (maybe a year ago??) and I thought then to myself “she’s absolutely right!” and I still agree with you….

  8. Garbage bowl made me laugh… for that price, she could at least call it a compost bowl! Enjoy your time off, see you when you return!

  9. I, too, remember your earlier rant about the Garbage Bowl. I found myself in Kohls the other day and actually laughed out loud when I ran across that endcap. Fortunately there wasn’t anyone else around. I like the idea of the garbage bowl since my garbage can has to be behind a baby gate, but, um, can’t you just use one of your regular bowls for that? If Rachel Ray wants to send me one to try out, I won’t complain, though.

  10. I believe Rachel Ray was trying to pawn ‘garbage bowls’ too. What a hoot.
    Enjoy your week off although I will miss you during my morning coffee!

  11. I had a chewer, too. Went thru 3 printer cables, that one did. Not fun. Keith-tard likes to chew on wood and has destroyed a knob on a shelf.

    I was wondering if there is a difference between incubator chicks and mama raised chicks, personality wise, I mean. I’m certain they all taste the same.

  12. Hey folks, Rachel Ray has to pay for all that plastic surgery somehow (she looks like the Joker when she smiles now). At least garbage bowls are geared toward the spendthrift and stupid.

    Have a fun-filled break, Robyn. It’s just spring fever, I’m sure.

    Whenever I can get to a pet store, I always watch the kittens just hoping that they’ll do that crazy jumping-on-the-other-kitties thing.

  13. Hey wee-tard,

    You and I spotted the garbage bowl when I was down there last year (buying towels to replace the ones that ProActiv destroyed) and you wrote about it July 10th (I searched your site). And I don’t need no freaking dinosaur so shut the hell up, fools!

  14. Hope you enjoy your wee vacation, Robyn! When I brush our two doggies, I always fill a potatoe sack and then hang it by a tree. The birds love to peck at it and add the fur to their nests. I would imagine George and Gracie’s fur would insulate many a nest at crooked acres.

  15. That last kitteh pic needs to be submitted to lolcats reading “Invisible Horse” on the bottom, “ah holds teh rayns for u” above the kitty on the floor and “kthnx” above the other one.

  16. I’m going through George and Gracie withdrawals. How are they doing? I know there is nothing as cute as a little kitten but throw in a pictures of those two for us. Pyrs do what is called “blowing their coat” usually on an annual basis although some dogs will do it twice a year. Blowing the coat might be compared to Spring Housecleaning for the Pyr’s coat. Almost everything must go! Great clumps of hair can be gently pulled from the coat or they fall out. “out with old and in with the new”. Come winter they will grow in the thicker coat.

  17. I love the mirror pic. It totally looks like he’s checking out his profile. Too cute!

  18. I hear you about taking the week off, I did last week. I had writer’s block and felt drained of any creativity. It’s like I had to give myself time to get the juices flowing again. I had no idea you could do that to an egg, cute story!

  19. Update on the kittens *sad smile* we have one that is still going strong here. Three of them were placed with a family that had a cat that had recently lost her kittens. They could only take three, not the whole litter. Joe has been feeding them (the two here at the house) and caring for them better than i ever thought he would. He gets up in the middle of the night to feed them, even though he has to go to school(i take over during the day of course). Tonight the runt started acting funny. Before I could get my purse, she was gone. My heart broke first for her, she was such an adorable thing, but then it shattered for my little boy. He curled into a ball and sobbed while he held her. He wanted so badly to keep her. Ive assured him that he did all he could to help her, we all did.. she was just too little. My poor little boy.

  20. I became ill on the third day you were away from journaling. I went into the doctor convinced that I had swine-flu, or bird-flu, or west nile virus. (Something trendy!) — they told me I have a upper respiratory infection. — But after reflecting, I came to the conclusion that it was Bitchypoo withdrawals.

    Treatment? I need a snarky Mr. Boogers pic and a tale of Crooked Acres chickens or I will surely die! (Or, you know… I might get better because this is actually a cold… but surely the Med. School graduate has no clue what she’s talking about.)

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