6/2/11 – Crooked Acres Thursday

Sights from around Crooked Acres! Would you look at those lazy girlies, all piled up in their shelter, sound asleep in the middle of the day? I guess I can’t really point fingers on the topic; midday naps are pretty great. Since they know that humans usually mean food, they came out of their shelter … Continue reading “6/2/11 – Crooked Acres Thursday”

Sights from around Crooked Acres!

2011-06-02 (15)
Would you look at those lazy girlies, all piled up in their shelter, sound asleep in the middle of the day? I guess I can’t really point fingers on the topic; midday naps are pretty great.

2011-06-02 (16)
Since they know that humans usually mean food, they came out of their shelter pretty quick, and skedaddled over to the trough.

2011-06-02 (17)
“Where’s our food, lady?”

2011-06-02 (18)
“You has food?”

2011-06-02 (19)
“This is the trough, and you is s’posed to put food in it. How many times I gotta ‘splain it to you?”

2011-06-02 (20)
“What you mean it’s not eatin’ time yet? Izzat a trick statement? It’s ALWAYS eatin’ time!”

We made ’em happy later, though. They each get a cookie every evening, hand-fed by Fred. They’re still kind of getting the hang of it, and half the time the bravest pig grabs her cookie and runs off, and the littlest pig chases after her.

(That loud noise you can hear every now and again in the background is our neighbors setting off fireworks. It was Memorial Day – or possibly the day before. Our neighbors will seize upon any excuse to set off fireworks. I’m just grateful that they stop at a decent hour.)

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2011-06-02 (5)

2011-06-02 (6)

2011-06-02 (7)
George’s “wink” is cracking me up.

2011-06-02 (8)
Happy pups.

Here’s a short video with some chickens, and then George and Gracie DYING for their snack. They get very excited at snack time, can you tell?

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2011-06-02 (22)
Robin sitting on her nest in the front yard.

2011-06-02 (21)
Pretty, pretty eggs.

2011-06-02 (14)
Rose of Sharon abloom in the back yard (we didn’t plant it there, in fact at one point shortly after we moved in, I cut down all the shrubbery in the back yard, but this popped back up at some point. There’s honeysuckle back there, too.)

2011-06-02 (1)
Volunteer tomato plant at the back forty fence line. We’re going to leave it and see how it does.

2011-06-02 (4)
The compost heap is nothing but volunteer tomatoes. They’re super happy, covered in flowers, and thriving. We talked about transplanting them, but decided in the end that we’d just leave them for the summer and see how they do (I suspect they’re going to do very well, given how happy they are already!)

2011-06-02 (3)
Some kind of pepper. Cayenne, maybe?

2011-06-02 (2)
This may also be a cayenne, I’m not sure. Some kind of pepper, in any case!

2011-06-02 (13)
The beans are doing well. I’m hoping we’ll be able to eat some fresh beans, soon! Frozen beans are good, but they’re not a tenth as good as the freshly picked ones.

2011-06-02 (12)
One of the volunteer tomatoes I transplanted from the compost heap (before I started just leaving the volunteers where they were) already has fruit. I can’t wait ’til we get our first ripe tomato!

2011-06-02 (10)

2011-06-02 (11)
Squash is coming…

2011-06-02 (9)
Grow little squash plant! Groooooow!

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2011-06-02 (28)
“Outta my way! I got places to go, sisters to bite!”

2011-06-02 (25)
“Wait. This did NOT turn out the way it was supposed to!”

2011-06-02 (30)
I love it so much when they climb up the cat tree. It makes me want to squeeze and kiss them ’til they cry.

2011-06-02 (27)

2011-06-02 (26)
It took two days for them to get the hang of snack time. Now they know EXACTLY when snack time is, and they gather at my feet and howl ’til I feed them.

2011-06-02 (29)
I love how Cori’s reared back in preparation for chasing Cilantro.

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2011-06-02 (34)
McMaos in motion.

2011-06-02 (33)
Please note that the toy is hanging behind him, but Finnegan is chasing the shadow on the closet door.

2011-06-02 (32)

2011-06-02 (35)

2011-06-02 (36)

2011-06-02 (37)
That toy, hanging from a brace at the top of the closet door, is the BEST TOY EVER, as far as they’re concerned.

2011-06-02 (38)
Ciara in the sun.

2011-06-02 (39)

2011-06-02 (41)
Dance, monkey. Dance!

2011-06-02 (40)

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2011-06-02 (24)

2011-06-02 (23)
I love that Dorothy gets along so well with the other cats. EVEN Miz Poo!

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2011-06-02 (31)
It’s a Newt! In a box! A Newt in a box! What more could you ask for? Newt loves that box – in fact, he spends almost every afternoon sprawled out in it, sound asleep.

And, your last movie for the day. This is Coltrane, hanging out near the pig yard (outside the fence). He always likes to join us when we go out there to see the dogs and give the pigs their evening cookie. He has a very nasal “voice”, I think.

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2010: Up close and personal with Franco.
2009: I think Aunt Jodie and Uncle Kevin are douchebags for giving interviews pretty much to anyone who asks.
2008: I assume if I were on the verge of death, someone would have come running in to save me.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: “I like cheese, just not on a salad.”
2003: Now, how motherfucking stupid does the man think I am?
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.