11/5/10 – Friday

2011 calendars for sale ——–> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   I saw an advertisement last night for “Skating with the Stars” to start 11-22 after DWTS concludes. My initial thought was “who cares” and then they started naming who … Continue reading “11/5/10 – Friday”

2011 calendars for sale ——–>

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I saw an advertisement last night for “Skating with the Stars” to start 11-22 after DWTS concludes. My initial thought was “who cares” and then they started naming who was going to be on the show – Bethenny Frankel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m soooooo excited!!!!

Oh, I’m so there! I don’t watch Dancing with the Stars (except while Kate Gosselin – shaddup – was on) because I only have so much TV-watchin’ time per week, and it’s taken up with Hoarders, Animal Cops reruns, Grey’s Anatomy, Dr. Phil and Oprah (though I don’t watch every episode of those, maybe a couple of each per week, depending on the topic) and at night I watch an episode of Gossip Girl on my iPod before turning in. But I’m definitely going to check out Skating with the Stars because I love me some Bethenny.

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Ooooh, I totally dreamed about you last night! Well, not YOU exactly, but your house o’cats. I dreamed that the adoption business really tanked and NO kitties were being adopted. Then, in a crisis, you took in a litter of 7 baby meowsters of unquestionable adorability followed by three more cute-to-the-max kittens. There were cats and kittens everywhere and yet, you were totally happy and dealing with it. The only thing you worried about was when adoptions would start up again. i seriously hope this is not a ‘premonition’ dream. Those adorable babies need forever homes, even though they are waaaaay spoiled at your place. Maybe you are just too good with fosters????

It better not be a premonition dream! The only dreams y’all are allowed to have of a premonitory nature about us is the one where we win the lottery, y’all hear me?

(Have I mentioned that it cracks me up when y’all have dreams about us?)

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Who is behind Jake being all up in his stuff?

That’s Reacher (which I know because I can see his silver-gray tabby legs and white feet). There’s nothing the Bookworms enjoy so much as sniffing butt. Well, except for Rhyme who appears to have an earwax fetish, judging by the way I woke up this morning.

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I would like to sprinkle some glitter in the bowel prep (butt drano!), so that little sparkly flecks are present during the procedure. My colon will be the pretty, prety princess of all colons, and then it shall rule the world.

And then I want to read my medical records.

Yes, please do and report back! 🙂

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What is that amazing piece of furniture in the bottom left hand corner of that picture? I WANT!

That is the Room with a View, bought from Jeffers last year. I (and the cats) like it so much that I’m going to buy another one this year. On December 4th starting at 10 am Central time, the first 300 customers who buy a Room with a View at Jeffers get it for half price plus shipping!

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Robyn, if the Amish pantry has doors and it’s over by that counter . . . how you gonna open the left side door?

It’s built so that the doors don’t go all the way to the side – they’re set in a ways so that we’ll be able to open the door on the left (Fred and the Amish guy designed it that way). Once I get the doors done and they’re put on, I’ll take a picture to show you how it is.

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Do you wish you had an island in your kitchen for some extra counter space? If so, I think Fred should build you one 🙂 I was just wondering because of all the canning you do etc.

I do kind of wish I had an island in the kitchen – it would certainly make life a whole lot easier when I’m doing lots of canning or when I have a lot of veggies laying around in the summer. We talked, at one point, about Fred building an island, but the list of stuff I want Fred to make is VERY long, and a kitchen island isn’t anywhere near the top of the list.

(The top of the list, as far as I’m concerned: a covered porch off the laundry room. Not a big one, just one where we can leave our shoes and boots rather than dragging dirt and mud into the house. That’s been at the top of the list since we moved in here. It might happen this winter – fingers crossed!)

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It looks like it would be quiet where you are – is it? Aside from the chickens of course.

It’s actually not that quiet here. The road we live on is a busy one – it’s the main road to the area’s biggest employer – and we live closer to the road than I would like. The kitten room, which is on the front of the house, gets most of the noise from the morning traffic. I’d love it if the house was located at the back of the back forty, I think that would be just about perfect as far as noise goes.

It is super quiet at night, though!

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What is the square footage of your house?? You seem to have tons of space and really large rooms…your kitchen looks spacious, your laundry area, man I am envious of all that space…sink, storage, litter boxes…envious ; )

This house is roughly 2200 square feet. Our very first house, in Madison, was 2900 square feet. Our second house, also in Madison, was 2500 square feet. We seem to be going the wrong way. 🙂

I love this house, but – I know this is greedy – I really wish that the front room was divided into two rooms (so I could use the non-living room area of that room as a foster room).

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Did you realize that they now make whole wheat Ritz, and by God, they actually taste better?

I did know that they make whole wheat Ritz, but I did NOT know that they actually taste better. Next time I buy Ritz(es?), I’ll be checking out the whole wheat ones! When I was in Myrtle Beach with my parents, they had Roasted Vegetable Ritz(es!) and they were REALLY good. When I got home, do you suppose I could find that kind in the grocery store? OF COURSE NOT. I finally found some this week, at Walmart.

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Okay, since your lovely cupboard is full of food, what’s in all your kitchen cabinets? Are they as stuffed with odd-and-assorted crap as mine are? (We have a million cabinets, and they are all full of something.) Feel free to take pictures!

How about I show you what’s in ALL my kitchen cabinets? That’ll be next Thursday’s Crooked Acres tour – and I promise I won’t go wildly cleaning and decluttering all the cabinets first!

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The boys did well with their neutering yesterday. I picked them up in the evening, and they spent about half the drive home biting at the door to the carrier trying to get out, and the other half snoozing. When we got home, I let them out of the carrier in the foster room, they ate, and then they raced around like their tails were on fire.

It amazes me how the boys never seem to realize anything’s even been done to them. The girls tend to be a little groggy, but the boys? Nope. Let’s play! Let’s snuggle! Let’s eat!

Starsky is an excellent neckwarmer. (Behind us, that’s Buster on Fred’s desk.)

Doing dishwashing duty.

Reacher licking Hutch (who looks displeased) and Jake licking Starsky.

Jake’s so good with the babies.

And he knows it!

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Newtles giving me the Newt ‘tude.

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2009: I have been a canning fool this week.
2007: I thought if the remote was lost, you were screwed.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Did you think I was writing this from The Great Beyond?
2003: Wonder if I appear too old and feeble to help with the loading of the groceries.
2002: That’s your trivia fact for the day. You’re welcome!
2001: Amish country.
2000: No entry.
1999: Hey, this is some exciting stuff, isn’t it? What will I talk about next, dryer lint? Woohoo, somebody stop me!