
http://ofb.diaryland.com/032304.html [edited to add: that entry has since been moved here], and wanted to invite you to please put your thoughts into a letter for consideration for the August issue. Thanks for your interest in Playboy. [name deleted] for the Playboy Advisor Ain’t it always the way that when you call someone names in your journal, secure in the knowledge that they’ll never see it, they always do?

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Did you know that if you live in Georgia and are a woman, your right to pierce your genitals is in jeopardy! It almost makes me want to go have my genitals pierced in protest. ::cringe::
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Hey, reader Martha has a niece who is unbearably adorable. Her name is JoJo, and she’s a singer. A piece of her video along with a short interview was on MTV’s TRL yesterday, and I voted for her. You can hear her song on her site, here. I’m addicted to her song (It’s got a good beat and I can dance to it!) and have to listen to it every day. I’ll be buying her CD when it comes out.
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Speaking of music, I think that I may have – my god, this is hard to admit – developed the tiniest little crush on Clay Aiken. I KNOW! Don’t look at me like that, I’m embarrassed enough already! Look, I’ve always liked Clay’s songs and everything, but I saw his new video yesterday while I was waiting for JoJo to come on (or maybe he was on after JoJo, it’s all a blur now) and whoo! Just, whoo! Skinny little boys have never been my thing – and that eye-flutter thing Clay used to do while he was singing sure did creep me out – but I’m thinking I could make an exception. Heh. Be afraid, Clay. Be very afraid!
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So last year I had a couple of planters filled with Million Bells plants by the front door. As the weather got colder I had the idea that I might move the planters into the garage for the winter, with an eye toward reviving them in the spring, so I wouldn’t have to order more Million Bells and put them in the planter and all that. I never quite got around to moving the planters, though, and they stayed by the front door all winter long, brown and dead. Yesterday I went out to get the mail and glanced down at one of the planters to find that not only had green leaves started to appear…
But a couple of blooms had appeared, too! My plan is to cut the plants in both of the planters back drastically, and hit them with a dose of fertilizer. Hopefully they can be salvaged to bloom for another summer. And this fall, really. I’ll bring the planters into the garage. I will!
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