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Fred pointed me to this link over at FARK. Some of them are really funny – go check it out!
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I finally finished Wolves of the Calla (Dark Tower 5) last night, staying up ’til after midnight to finish it. Earlier in the evening, Fred and I went to bed early so that we could read for a while before lights-off at 9:00. Somehow, we started talking about my book, and Fred asked “Are the Wolves of the Calla really wolves?” “I don’t KNOW!” I said, all bent out of shape. “I don’t get to know yet! The whole ka-tet gets to know what they really are, but I don’t! And I consider myself a very important part of the ka-tet!” “Does the whole ka-tet really know?” Fred asked. “Everyone but you?” “Well, not the whole ka-tet. Eddie knows and he told Roland because Roland’s the dinh, but I don’t think Susannah and Jake know.” “Does Oy?” “No. But I still think I’m important enough to know, I don’t know why they gotta go whispering about it and not tell ME.” Yep. When you have a crush on a fictional character and whine about how no one in a NOVEL is telling you anything, it’s about time to get a life, say true.
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ANY HATE MAIL REGARDING THIS SECTION SHOULD GO TO FRED. Also while we were talking about Wolves of the Calla, I said to Fred, “That bastard Roland is cheating on me. He’s getting some in this book!” “Who’s he getting some from?” Fred asked. “Susannah?” “NO!” I said. “Oh right, she’s with Eddie.” “Right.” “Is he getting some from Jake?” Jake is a 13 year-old boy. “Har har,” I said. “Oh no, that’s right. If anyone was getting some from Jake, it would be Father Callahan!” We guffawed over that for far too long. AGAIN, HATE MAIL GOES TO FRED. SAY THANKYA.
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POSSIBLE AVERAGE JOE SPOILERS. Damn that Malena, or however the hell you spell it. I cannot BELIEVE she sent Dennis packing, he was my favorite! Hell, even Zach the ass was teary-eyed about it. But as Fred pointed out to me, Dennis is probably getting all the women he can handle, now. How useless is it to have a host when she’s only going to show up for a few minutes at the beginning of the show to tell us what’s going to be going on? Where is she when Malena has to tell the guys who’s going? And that whole “And the next person I chose to leave is…” thing is very awkward. Why isn’t she handing out footballs to the guys she wants to stay or something? I don’t know what the “big twist” they keep talking about is, but Fred has suggested that it has something to do with model-type guys, like she can choose a certain number of the average Joes to go and be replaced by hunka-hunka-burnin’-loves. Poor Dennis. ::sniff:: I still think Tareq is cute, by the way, but perhaps a bit impressed with himself.
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On The Bachelor tonight, it’s the reunion! I hope there’s a slapfight between LeeAnn and… well, anyone! Whoo!
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I think Fred’s getting the itchy feet. He’s been talking more and more often lately about selling the house. A good part of it is that the kids on either side of us are starting to really get on our nerves. They think nothing of tramping back and forth across our lawn, playing in our driveway, and this past weekend they were playing kickball on our front lawn, complete with hitting the front door with their ball several times and TROMPING THROUGH OUR FLOWER BED. I don’t know about you, but my mother probably would have smacked my ass for tromping around in someone’s flower bed and hitting the front door with my kickball (hee! ME playing kickball!). I would have deserved it, too. I know that kids will be kids and that having them occasionally cross our front lawn is no big thing. And if it was just that – OCCASIONALLY – I wouldn’t have a problem with it. But it’s constant, and the kids next door have a HUGE back yard, and yet they insist on playing in their front yard next to our driveway. I just know that one of these days they’re going to break a window in the house or the windshield on my Jeep, and then I might have to have a shit fit. (Probably not, though) I will only point out that 2 years ago when I liked the house in the nice subdivision on a 1-acre lot and front porch, Fred complained that it was too old and he didn’t like it. I bet he’s kicking himself now.
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My best friend from high school, Liz, is coming to visit next week, arriving Wednesday and staying until Sunday. It’ll be fun to have her here. Fred’s not so sure – she’s very into sports, and he’s afraid she’ll try to talk to him about sports. Heh.
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Someone asked in my comments yesterday if we’d gotten all the cats when they were kittens and if I had pictures of them when they were little. Naturally, I’m happy to share!
This is Mr. Fancypants when he was about 2 months old (for you new readers, here’s the story on Mr. Fancypants – he went missing at the beginning of this past summer and hasn’t been seen since). Miz Poo, at 10 weeks old. My favorite Miz Poo picture. I don’t remember how old she was – four months, maybe? We have no baby pictures of Spot, but here’s one of him when he was about two years old. And here’s Baby Tubs at around two months old. He had (and still has!) such pink little ears!