
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Red Tent) off of my wish list, which took me completely by surprise (surprises are good!), and I’d like to thank you properly.

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Notifylist.com, you sure do piss me off. I’m not getting my Jane notifies. I’m not getting my Allison notifies. What other notifies are you failing to send me, motherfucker? I hate you! I HATE YOU! I joined the goddamn notify lists so that I wouldn’t HAVE to type their urls in with my dainty little fingers, and also I don’t have all their sites saved in my “favorites” folder, because the reason I JOIN notify lists is so that all those bookmarks won’t clutter up my “favorites” folder, and YES, I do have a list of journals and blogs I read, but it is woefully incomplete, to wit: I began reading Allison AFTER April 16, 2003, and thus she is not on the list, and it is only because I was perusing Jane’s guestbook and saw an entry by the lovely (and now engaged!) Allison that I thought to myself “Hey. I haven’t gotten a notify from her lately!”, and went to find that she had updated TWICE since the last notify I got from her, AND I HATE YOU NOTIFYLIST.COM!!! (And of course as soon as I typed that, I got notifies from BOTH Allison and Jane.)
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Fred and I had an adventurous roadtrip down to Deliverance country today. He wrote about it (or at least the first part of it) in detail today, so I’ll wait until both parts of his entry are up before I address the whole adventure here. Just know that it was a little SKEERY.
Not our destination, but very close to it.
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On our way home from Deliverance country, we stopped at a roadside stand in Hartselle to pick up some apples (’tis the season, y’know) and a bag of plums, and while we were there we bought a small bag of raw peanuts to put in the back yard for the squirrel, who is visiting the bird feeders several times a day as he prepares for winter (there were actually two squirrels in the back yard yesterday – the regular one, and an interloper, who got his ass handed to him on a platter by the regular one, who has apparently claimed our yard as his own). Miz Poo went out into the back yard with me as I refilled the bird feeders and scattered some peanuts in the platform feeder on the ground. When I was done, Miz Poo came running over and sniffed the peanuts, then looked up at me with her mouth hanging open. It cracks me up when the cats do that, because they look so damn brain-dead. One of these days I’ll actually get a picture of it.
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Speaking of cats (aren’t I always?), Fred and I were laying in bed talking about the point in the future when we might get a new cat (which won’t be soon, so calm down!), and trying to come up with names. We tossed forth a bunch of “S” names. “Shibby!” I said. “Scooby!” Fred said. “Skanky! Skanky ho!” “Stanky!” There was a long pause while we thought hard. Fred turned to me, his eyes shining. Spanky, who was laying on me looked expectantly at him. “Shizzle!” he said. “Shizzle M. Nizzle!” I hooted so loudly that Spanky hauled ass away from me as fast as his little legs could carry him. Now if we only knew what “Shizzle my nizzle” meant…
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This is Dulcinea (Gizmo’s big sister)… ..and Gizmo, in the same window. SHE IS SO CUTE! Perhaps I’ve mentioned? 🙂
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Another sunset from our back yard.