
Anatomy of a Smackdown
(Starring Fancypants and Miz Poo)
Miz Poo: “I cannot stand your fanciness. I cannot, do you hear me? I will kick your fancy ass all over the place! I will, I will!” Fancypants: “Look into my eyes…” Miz Poo: “I am ready to spring forth and tear your fancy throat out with my sharp little teeth. I …. I….” Fancypants: “Look deep into my eyes….” ::eyelashflutter:: Miz Poo: “What was that?!” Fancypants: “It is just The Momma, trying to document my fancy ways.” Miz Poo: “I will spring… I will tear… I will… I am so sleepy…” Fancypants: “Feel the Fancy power taking you over…” Miz Poo: “I will hurt… I will maim… I will…” Fancypants: “Deeeep into my eyes.” Miz Poo: “Rub my belly?”]]>