
Pretty color, though. I had hopes of trying to shrink it, but it’s made of acrylic, so I doubt that’ll pan out. Better to just exchange it, I suppose.

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I got an unexpected check in the mail today – a refund of the co-pay I paid when I took the spud to the emergency room on Christmas night. Apparently there is no co-pay for emergency room visits on our insurance plan. Who knew?
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I got a couple of emails with “FAQ” in the subject. They’re not really questions I’ve ever been asked before, so I won’t include them in the FAQ, but I will answer them here, since there’s not really any excitement going on around here today (except that I’ll be taking the spud to Applebee’s for dinner. Yay!). Reader Laura asks: If you do have another child, will you tell us its name? Or call it Spud 2? I have no idea. We’d probably come up with a nickname for it, though I don’t think it would be Spud 2! And another reader Laura asks: I could swear that you said that you would like to hike the Appalachian trail, and that Fred wasn’t into all that outdoorsy stuff, but now with Fred’s hiking to geocaches, and you not having too much fun with that, I am wondering if I’m mistaken. I did say that, actually. I said that right after I’d read A Walk in the Woods, by Bill Bryson, because he has a real knack for making you want to do what he’s done. I would still like to hike the Appalachian trail, although I don’t know that I’d want to try to do it all at once, maybe do a section at a time. It would be awesome to do the whole trail, a section at a time, over the course of several years. I don’t know why I’m not interested in geocaching the way Fred is – maybe because he’s in far better shape than I am, and I feel like hiking with him would be a matter of him having to slow waaaay down so he didn’t lose me. Or maybe because it’s been cold as hell. Or maybe because my idea of a nice Sunday hike involves no mud or huge hills, but rather a nice gravelled or paved path that you can wander down and admire the chipmunks and squirrels. Fred does have a way of eventually sucking me into his interests, though, so you never know what could happen! And lastly, reader Jeannine asks: So you’re not married? Yep, we’ve been married since October 31, 1998 and together for 6 1/2 years. And they said it’d never last. FAQ questions I hope to get to over the course of the next few weeks include: * Why do you refer to your daughter as only the Spud. * Would you or are you considering Weight Loss Surgery? * What did you do when you worked at Fred’s office, and why did you stop working there?/ Do you ever think you’ll go back to work? / Do you like being a homemaker? Have you thought about pursuing a career other than shopping, reading, and ass-sitting? Like writing, perhaps?/ Do you get bored not working and staying at home? / * Has anyone in your real life spoken about your journal/site/etc.? How does your daughter feel about having her life written about? * Didn’t you go to the doctor and discover that you had a thyroid problem? What ever happened with that? * How did you and Fred meet? * Do you hold any degrees? * Why do you find it necessary to use foul language so incredibly often? Sometimes, it appears as though you’re forcing yourself to talk/write this way. Do you talk like this around your daughter? * Where do you get motivated to get up every day and do your exercise? and is it a struggle for you or has it become part of your daily routine? * What reason did you give your parents for moving out of state to Alabama? I know you were a grown adult but I always wondered how come they never thought there was a ‘Fred’ when you moved. If you have a burning question you’d love to have answered and it isn’t included in the list above, let me know! Y’all have a great weekend!]]>