
For those who requested it, the Weight Watchers Choco-Java-Rubbed Sirloin recipe is here.   Man, we are having one hell of a time finding a decent humidifier. Fred bought one a couple of weeks ago at Sears, and it leaked all over the damn place. I bought one yesterday at Target, it had obviously been … Continue reading “2-5-08”

For those who requested it, the Weight Watchers Choco-Java-Rubbed Sirloin recipe is here.


Man, we are having one hell of a time finding a decent humidifier. Fred bought one a couple of weeks ago at Sears, and it leaked all over the damn place. I bought one yesterday at Target, it had obviously been used and returned, it had no instruction booklet with it, and it also leaked.

For now, I’m keeping a pot of boiling water on the stove all day, and maybe I’ll just do that ’til the outside humidity picks up, then buy a really good humidifier over the summer.

We need some damn humidity up in this house – I’m itchy all the damn time, and Sugarbutt’s nose looks horrible. We’re giving him oil every day (and by “we”, obviously I mean “Fred”), but it’s not helping much.

I can’t complain too much about the weather, though – it rained all day Sunday and half the day yesterday, but it was in the high 60s, and it’s supposed to be in the low 70s today. I can handle rain if it’s not also really freakin’ cold out.

The temperature will be dropping back down into the 50s after today, but I can handle that. Anything higher than 45 this time of year, I’m happy.


A guy was supposed to show up and look at the fireplace in the front room, and give us a quote for how much it would cost to have a liner put in and a small wood stove, and after I spent all day at a low level of dread – I hate having to deal with workpeople (people PERIOD, really) – the guy never showed up. I had pulled the sheet out of the chimney (it’s there to stop the leaves and bird crap from coming down into the house – we had a cap put on the chimney last year, but it came off and the company that did it is no longer in business) to get it out of the way and to wash the sheet (it was NASTY), and after I’d tossed it in the washer, I looked around the laundry room and I reflected to myself for the millionth time that the way it was set up was very annoying to me, so I started rearranging.

Half an hour later, I’d pushed the refrigerator and freezer apart so that I could put the recycling stuff there, moved the two containers of cat food down the wall toward the doorway, moved the shelf unit we use for storage down the wall, which opened up space so I could move the bin of shoes and boots we keep by the back door so that it WASN’T blocking the washer, and put all the washing crap that was sitting on the floor (Borax, bleach, vinegar) up in the cabinets over the washer and dryer. At one point I turned around to say something to Sugarbutt, who was sitting by the screen door leading to the back yard, smacking at the cat door, and I saw every single chicken sitting on the back steps, staring expectantly at me, hoping I’d send some food their way. I wiped down the washer and dryer, and then I went upstairs, grabbed the Cat-It drinking fountain, brought it downstairs, and put it under the utility sink near the bowls of cat food. I’d had the Cat-It in the upstairs bathroom, because I thought it would help Spot drink more water. But having it up there now is a pain in the ass, because I have to carry it downstairs to the kitchen to clean it, and the cats don’t really spend all that much time upstairs these days, so I decided to relocate it. There’s no plug under the utility sink, so I ran an extension cord around the litter boxes to the area under the utility sink, cleaned out the Cat-It, refilled it, and set it up.

The Cat-It, by the way, is a hit with a couple of the cats, but not all of them are big fans. That’s about what I expected, so I consider it money well spent.

While I waited for the chimney guy to show up, I watched TV. Then he didn’t show up, and I was simultaneously thrilled because I wouldn’t have to deal with him, and pissed because I know I’ll have to SOMEDAY.


Joe Bob appears to be frightened of me. We kept him in the foster kitten room overnight Sunday night, and then Fred let him out yesterday morning, and before I left for the pet store he was perfectly fine. When I got back, I puttered around and did some vacuuming, and when I went upstairs to see where he was, he was hiding atop the cat tree. He let me pet him, but he didn’t like it much, and although he followed me back downstairs, every time I walked in his direction he ran away.

Fred thinks it’s because I smelled like the cat room at the pet store, but I think Joe Bob is just an INGRATE and hates me and that is FINE. Fucker. I don’t have to be loved by ALL my cats, but if he comes looking for love tonight, I don’t know that there will be any love to SHARE.



Brudderly love is alive and well.


2007: God. That sounds just like a herd of elephants, I thought.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2003: Pictures found.
2002: That’s just the kind of sucky slacking emailer I am.
2001: You know, if I had ANY self-control at all, I’d wait to buy these books ’til they come out in paperback.
2000: No entry.