
Our Roomba went missing and it wasn’t until I REPLACED my bed with a new one that I found it. Underneath my bed,it had traveled over and around mega piles of junk,and a huge underbed storage box to wedge itself in the FAR CORNER. I was spooked because it was kind of like finding a missing small pet, dead and covered with dustbunnies. Is it wrong that I found this hilarious? Like, “Where the hell did the Roomba go?!”, followed by frantic searching for it, followed by mystified shrugs and a decision to just not think about how the Roomba must have escaped to live with a family that would love it properly.

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In 2004, you put it this way: “Lord, I need a house on 50 acres in the country, with no neighbors anywhere around.” Well, you don’t have FIFTY acres, but you did get your home in the country. I guess you imagined it and made it so. I’m not dead yet – there might be 50 acres in my future yet! A girl can dream, anyway.
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Is that a can of whipped cream on your bedside table? 😉 No, we’re much kinkier than whipped cream. That’s a can of compressed air!
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Your [Snood] score makes me have serious self worth issues Robyn!!!!! Thanks! Well, Fred’s Snood scores make ME have serious self-worth issues, so I’m just passing along the love.
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How cool that you’ve discovered Weeds. I love that show and it’s so hard to describe it’s unique awesomeness to anyone who hasn’t seen it. Once you start with “well, it’s a about a suddenly widowed woman who starts selling pot to support her two sons.” It’s about SO much more than that. It’s about the boredom of suburbia and the unhealthy ways its inhabitants choose to cope. The situations that result are crafted for maximum shock value and hilarity but, even at its most bizarre, there’s something so uniquely genuine and incisive that even the teetotaler mom can recognize herself. There was this scene where Nancy was watching a home video of she and Judah*, and the “How did I get here?” look on her face was just heart-breaking. You can describe the show by saying it’s about a mom who’s selling pot to support herself and her family, but it’s completely NOT about that. *There are not enough men named Judah. I love that name.
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Maybe Fred could put a couple of boards in the chicken shelter so they can roost in the dry area instead of half out in the rain. Or they could haul their asses into the coop and roost out of the rain there if they’re so intent on roosting, the spoiled little brats. (I don’t think they were actually in the rain – there was a lull in the rain, and they all came out to roost, then when it began raining again, they went under the shelter.)
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I don’t comment much at all, but I just had to say that I haven’t been playing snood nearly as long as you have (you got me started on it), but I hit 500 games total last night. Apparently I have a nasty addiction. Now I’m embarrassed and wondering if there’s some sort of support group or something. It seems that you’re not alone.
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Mr Boogers loves me, too. He texted me and told me. Mister Boogers doesn’t have opposable thumbs and finds it too difficult to text anyone – he gives up and stomps off in a huff after texting a few LOLs. I think you’ve been targeted by a Boogalike.
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So, what are you going to do with that “prime real estate” when you no longer have a pond? Hell if I know! Maybe make the chicken yard bigger?
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I suddenly thought as I drove home last night — Fred hasn’t mentioned hiking in a long, long time on his blog. Nor you. Now that you are one-home owners again, and the “to do list” is a lot smaller — are you guys going to hike any more? Or are the hiking places too far away with the move to Smallville? We actually talked about this last night. We might start occasionally hiking again in the future, but Fred has kind of lost the drive to hike now that he’s got stuff to do here in Smallville. I’m sure there’ll be occasional hiking over the summer, but I doubt he’ll be hiking as often as he used to.
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You two totally have two extra cats. Who ya foolin’? OURSELVES, of course.
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What in the world are you going to do with the boog man [escaping]? Doesn’t this make twice? I think what we’ll probably do, at least until the fence around the back yard is up, is this: We’re totally going to become the talk of Smallville. (More Booger leash pictures hither.)
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So, you like Nicholas Sparks? I would never have guessed. So, what are his books about? I have never read them but with you being such a huge fan apparently since you have every book he wrote.. figured I would ask you what they are about. I DO NOT LIKE NICHOLAS SPARKS. I’ve only read one of his books and didn’t care for it. JUST ONE. ONE BOOK DOES NOT MAKE ME A NICHOLAS SPARK LOVER. They are about CRAP is what they’re about. Hmph.
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Zippy is one of my all-time favorites, too. Did you like the sequel? I haven’t read it yet. I read She Got Up off the Couch and loved the hell out of it. I like Zippy a bit more, but Couch is definitely worth reading. In fact, I think I’m going to read them both again, soon.
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OK, I love orange kitties, too. When my cat was missing, a stray showed up (eating the food I’d put out to lure my cat home). I befriended him on the porch, sitting with him, petting him, letting him sit in my lap. As soon as I brought him in, he became his now usual bitchy self. He aggravates the older cats (the kittens get him back, though), and meows bitchily if you touch him other than the occasional head scratch. He will sit in my lap occasionally, causing me to suspect his motives. Is Rufus broken? Rufus isn’t broken – he’s clearly just the exception that proves the rule!
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Hey Robyn, I’m sure you told us but I forgot. How many acres is your house on? Your property looks huge. It’s on 4 1/2. And I love how much land we have, but I’d love to have a bit more. Maybe a total of 10. See? I’m just never satisfied. Give me an inch, I want a mile.
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I know what I’d be thinking about if I didn’t have my headphones whilst on the mower and that leads me to the question: How’s the writing coming?? Any more book excerpts in our near future? I’ve been doing no writing at all (and there was never any book in the works to start with). Maybe one of these days I’ll get my ass in gear…
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I’m sure you’ve mentioned it before, but what year was your house built? It’s really, really cool! It was built in 1935. And thanks – we think it’s really cool, too!
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Any tiger trips lately? Not recently, no – but we’ve been talking about it lately, and think we’ll be going in the next month or so.
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I also don’t work and people think its really odd… although we are comfortable we are by no means rich, so I was wondering if people think its odd you don’t work and also wondering if you ever have and if so how many years have you worked? I feel so stange when people ask what I do for a living… and I never know what to say…. If people think it’s odd that I don’t work, they haven’t said so to me. I’ll occasionally have someone ask where I work, and I just say “I don’t.” If they ask what I do all day, I just smile and say “Whatever I want to.” It’s been about seven years since I quit my job at Fred’s company (I was the office manager), and I can’t say that I miss working at all. I keep pretty busy most days (in fact, it’s embarassing how much more people who have actual jobs get accomplished in the course of a day than I do), and every once in a while I consider looking for a part-time job. I like not working, though, and I don’t expect that to change.
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I apologize in advance, but I had to show you this link. At the same time disgusting and really funny. I think Fred needs a tattoo!
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I’m not a skimmer, I promise, but I’m afraid to ask my question in case you’ve already mentioned and I’ve forgotten the answer (FORGOTTEN the answer, I say, not skimmed it) and I don’t want to incur the wrath of Robyn. so very timidly I ask … when will the chickens start to lay? Don’t be afraid to ask – because I have to ask Fred at least once a week when the chickens will start to lay. It’s the kind of information that absolutely refuses to stick in my brain for some reason. I just called and asked him, and he said that they’re about 8 weeks old now and will start to lay around 18 – 24 weeks, so it’ll be at least another 10 weeks before they start. So maybe the middle to end of July? I can’t wait!
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Here’s another tip for anyone who has stainless steel sink. To shine it up like there’s no tomorrow, keep a spray bottle of Baby Oil (that stuff you used to use for tanning oil back in the really OLD days) and just spritz it onto your dull stainless steel sink (AND FIXTURES) and buff with a paper towel. IT’S UNBELIEVABLE! I’m loving the cleaning tips you guys are leaving in the comments. So here’s an assignment for you – what’s your #1 favorite cleaning tip you use often and are proudest of? Leave it in the comments so we can all benefit!
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I was severely tempted to download this ringtone for my phone, but I don’t guess I want Cartman bellowing “Moooom, kitty’s being a dildo!” when I’m browsing in Target. I have this ringtone assigned to my sister’s home and cell phone numbers, and she called last night when Fred and I were out running errands. I’ve been singing the song ever since, mostly to the cats. “Miz Poo is my best friend! Through thick and thin, we’ve always been together!”, etc. The cats don’t seem to appreciate it much. I have this one assigned to my friend Liz’s number, and it always freaks me out at first when it starts. It cracks me up – Liz and I were big Beavis and Butthead fans back in the day. I thought about downloading the Cornholio ringtone, but I don’t particularly want “I have no bunghole!” blaring across Target. I haven’t yet found an appropriate ringtone to assign for when my parents call. I thought about this one, but it could very well come back to bite me in the ass, so I’d rather be safe than sorry. This is the one that plays when someone calls me from our home phone number. I may have spent just a little too much time fretting over my ringtones, ya think?
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Previously 2006: Which to ME means “I’m not interested,” but to the operator apparently was code for “I might be interested. Try harder!” 2005: Now, I don’t know. I think that if your life is SO BUSY that taking the time to put a little pill in your mouth throws your entire schedule off, then perhaps it’s time to reorganize your life. 2004: You can’t have genius every day, y’know. 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: SHE WAS FIXIN’ TO GO DOWN THE HILL. 2000: Poor overworked, abused child…]]>