
Okay, so have you been painting that cat’s fingernails!! I have not – seriously, you think any cat would stand still for that? I use Softpaws on Tommy and Sugarbutt’s nails, and I highly recommend them, but you really have to start when the cats are young so they’ll be trained to put up with it. Oh my god, are those green eyes you have there, Robyn? It really depends on what I’m wearing. Sometimes they look green, sometimes they look blue. They tend to look blue when I’m wearing purple, and when I’m wearing a lot of dirt on my face, they apparently look green.

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Possible Amazing Race spoilers below; skip to the next section if you haven’t seen the most recent few episodes. Okay, this is what drives me absolutely raving batshit about Mirna. Firstly, she’s always moaning on and on about how everyone hates them, how they’re persecuted, how they’re the only team god loves, and how they’re the only honest, good team when she and Charla are always cutting in line and acting like assholes. UGH. Secondly, and mostly, what drives me absolutely raving batshit about Mirna is how she takes on the accent of whatever country they’re traveling through. That is, if they’re in, say, Italy she takes on an Italian accent WHILE CONTINUING TO SPEAK ENGLISH. What the holy motherfucking fuck is the point of that bullshit? Like if a cab driver can’t speak English, her hackneyed Italian accent WHILE STILL SPEAKING ENGLISH, might I reiterate, is going to help matters? Not to mention that in the most recent episode, she was all “Can you help me out, my sister?” to the travel agent in wherever the fuck they were, then the next second she was all bitching about how slow they were and how long it was taking. Also, I just want to smack the shit out of her. I’m sure she’s a LOVELY girl, but she clearly needs a good, hard smack. And I’m sure if someone gave her the smack she deserved, she’d spend the rest of the show whining about how persecuted she is. UGH.
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I watched the craptastic 80s (or possibly 70s?) movie Sooner or Later over the weekend. I recall being slightly obsessed with the book and the movie (and wasn’t there a sequel to Sooner or Later, the book? It seems like there was.), maybe because I adore the holy hell out of “Take My Breath Away”, as sung by Rex Smith, who played Michael Skye and who I thought was The Shit back in the day. But the movie doesn’t age all that well, because Michael Skye as played by Rex Smith kinda gives me the creeps with the knee socks whilst jogging and the bright red wet-looking lips and the onstage moves we’re supposed to view as sexy but are really rather cheesy. That girl who played the main character, though, she continues to strike me as flat-out adorable, though the bangs are a bit too heavy for her face. That was the look back then, though, I guess.
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I spent all day today cleaning the hell out of the floors. The thing about these hardwood floors is that they look amazing, but they’re hard as hell to keep clean. I walk around in socks most of the time and the bottoms of my socks were getting absolutely filthy from the floors. So yesterday, after I cleaned the guest bedroom (or rather, what’s going to be the kitten foster room until it needs to be a guest bedroom) and painted the trim and unpacked the rest of the boxes waiting to be unpacked, I vacuumed the entire house. Then I ran a Swiffer over all the floors, and THEN I mopped the holy hell out of the floors. And as I was putting the mop away, once the floors were dry, I walked down the freshly vacuumed and mopped hallway, and found a tuft of Spot hair twisting gently in the breeze. UGH. At least the floors are clean. Or actually, they probably aren’t and need to be mopped again. We very desperately need to get to buying some area rugs for the hallways and other places throughout the house. The problem, though, is that until everything else gets moved over from the Madison house we won’t really know how much floor space needs to be covered. Speaking of the Madison house, Fred spoke to a realtor earlier, who wanted to know if it was okay for him to go into the house to take pictures of the inside and send to his client in Virginia, who’s very interested in the house. We were just finishing up dinner yesterday evening when a realtor called and wanted to show the house between 5:30 and 6. That gave us just enough time to clean up the kitchen, make sure nothing was laying out that shouldn’t be (ie, dirty laundry, underwear), and to get the hell out of there. We ended up taking a drive down memory lane, drove by the house we lived in before the Madison house, drove down to the other side of Madison and by the apartment complex we first lived in. There are a lot of houses going up in that area, so we drove around and looked at them. We admired them – they’re pretty houses – and when I saw a box of flyers in front of one of the houses, I hopped out of the car to grab one. This house was 300 square feet more than our house in Smallville, on about 1/18th the amount of land, and cost more than twice as much. HO. LY. SHIT. It’s funny how what we look for has changed so drastically since we were last looking for a house. We look at the new houses going up, and it boggles our minds how little land they’re on.
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Sugarbutt: “Oh, I’m not getting involved in this one!” Showdown (Maxi finally hissed at Miz Poo, and Miz Poo just looked at her like “Your point is?”) HATE.
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Previously 2006: Fred was no help, because he was standing there laughing his ass off. 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: Nothing, by the way, pisses me off more than the crap that gets installed with the program you really want – Office 2000, I’m looking at you and your crappy Outlook friend. 2002: Mother Nature is getting ON MY NERVES. 2001: No entry. 2000: So if rainy days and Mondays always got me down, I guess I’d have been suicidal today.]]>