
Oh, how I really, really, REALLY liked Brokeback Mountain, to my great relief. I didn’t out-and-out sob at any point during the movie, but I did tear up many times. I tried, last night, to convince Fred to drive across the country this summer, stopping in Mooreland, Indiana (Zippy country) and ending up at Brokeback Mountain. Which is when he told me there IS no Brokeback Mountain. Damn it! I’ve never uttered this sentence before in my entire life, but last night I said it for the first time: “I’d love to visit Wyoming someday.” So pretty! Such a good movie. I might even have to buy it. Also, now that I’ve seen the movie, I can read the book of short stories – if I have a book and I know the movie’s coming out, I try not to read the book, because I tend to sit through the movie waiting for whatever I know is going to happen, to happen – and I’m looking forward to it. So, two thumbs up to Brokeback Mountain. Tell me what you thought about it (it’s okay if you didn’t like it – you’re ALLOWED your opinion. It just means you hate me. (kidding!)) in the comments, eh? PS: I was occasionally distracted by the fact that Heath Ledger’s accent sometimes crossed the line into Slingblade territory. PPS: Fred laughed out loud when, near the beginning of the movie, Jake Gyllenhaal was drinking some kind of hard liquor and I primly said “Hard liquor is the first stop on the train to Gaysville.” PPPS: NO, I don’t really believe that.

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Stolen from Janet. 1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? “I really need to remember to apply sunblock before I go outside in the morning.” (My forehead is getting pretty freckly) 2. When is the next time you will have sex? I don’t believe that’s any of your bidness. 3. What’s a word that rhymes with “DOOR”? Floor. 4. Favorite planet? I’ve always been partial to Mars. 5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile? My brother, who called… I don’t know, three weeks ago? Unfortunately at the time my phone was in the bottom of my purse and I didn’t hear it. 6. What is your favorite ring on your phone? I love the “O Holy Night” as sung by South Park’s Cartman I downloaded at Christmas. Currently my default ring is just the sound of a telephone ringing. 7. What shirt are you wearing? An ugly lime-green shirt.
9. Name the brand of shoes you’re currently wearing? They’re Easy Spirit slippers.
10. Bright or Dark Room? Bright, unless I’m trying to watch a movie or go to sleep. 11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? She’s so cute I want to stick her in my pocket and carry her around with me. (I won’t, though, Janet. Really I won’t!) 12. Hey Janet? Where’d #12 go? 13. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping, or fending off the advances of a little orange kitty who was desperate to lick my neck. 14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say? I don’t have a clue – I don’t know if I’ve ever gotten a text message on this cell phone. I’m not much of a text-er. 15. Where is your letter box? By the street. 16. What’s a word that you say a lot? “Huh?” 17.Who told you he/she loved you last? Fred, I’m sure. 18. Last furry thing you touched? Sugarbutt’s stomach. 19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? Uh… zero? Unless you’re counting multi-vitamins, iron, B12, calcium, Synthroid, and Metoprolol in the “drugs” category. 20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? None. I can’t remember the last time I used a film camera. 21. Favorite age you have been so far? I kind of liked 28, but I suspect the best is yet to come. 22. Your worst enemy? Myself. 23. What is your current desktop picture? A picture I took when I was in Hawaii.
24. What was the last thing you said to someone? “I got Rent for you; it’s on the desk by the door.” (to the spud) 25. If you had to choose between a million dollars, able to fly, which would you choose? The ability to fly. I’m sure – unless I was kidnapped by the government so they could do extensive and painful tests on me – I could earn a million bucks with my ability to fly. Even if I couldn’t, I’d still choose it. 26. Do you like someone? What, are we in middle school? I like lots of people, but I only LIKE LIKE one. 27. The last song you listened to? Settle for a Slowdown, by Dierks Bentley. 28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, would you jump in front of the bullet? I hope so – I’m not too great in a crisis, though, so by the time the thought occurred to me to jump in front of the bullet, the CSI team might be showing up. 29. If you could punch 1 person in the face who’s in your life right now, who would it be? Chloe Sevigny. Granted, she’s not so much “in my life”, but she’s the one person on earth I’d lunch to punch in the face, because her face DRIVES ME CRAZY. 30. What is the closest object to your left foot? The space heater. Shaddup, it might be in the 70s outside, but it’s still cold inside sometimes.
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Pet store kitty pics from Monday are here.
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An up side to having a teen who drives is that you can send her to do errands for you. In fact, I think she’s gone and gotten the majority of the CSI DVDs we’re working our way through. Also, I can make a lab appointment for her – and she can drive HERSELF. I don’t even have to leave the couch. Two thumbs up for the driving teen. Speaking of the spud, she’s decided to go to prom this year with friends, and this weekend she and her best friend are going to meet up at the mall to shop for a prom dress. Which means I don’t have to do any of that pesky “shopping” I dislike so much. I do need to call and schedule an appointment for the day of prom so she can get herself an updo, though.
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There was something else I was going to write about, but I’ll be damned if I can remember what it was. If anyone sees my brain wandering by, please send it in my direction, would you? Thanks.
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“That wild onion is REALLY getting on my freakin’ nerves, man.” “Dad? Whatcha got there? Is that the flashy thing that Mom’s always pointing at me?” I apologize for showing you a picture of my cat’s asshole*, but this picture cracks me UP. According to Fred, Tommy was coming to a sudden stop.
*I think “the cat’s asshole” should become a popular new insult. It pairs nicely with the phrase “the cat’s pajamas.” For instance: “Bob, what do you think of the new guy and his wife?” “Oh, the wife is the cat’s pajamas. The new guy, though, he’s more like the cat’s asshole. I can’t stand that guy.” All of today’s cat pictures were taken by Fred. You can see all of today’s uploaded pictures hither.
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Previously 2005: I had no idea that leaving the top of the washstand bare meant that you didn’t appreciate the washstand. 2004: (Yeah, yeah, cry you a river. I know. Bite me.) 2003: No entry. 2002: Apparently Fancypants’ evil twin (except that I’m sure Fancypants is actually the evil one) now lives in our neighborhood. 2001: No entry. 2000: I guess there’ll be no physical fisticuffs for me to go break up. ]]>