
8:30 this morning. I woke up at 7:15 when Fred went into the bathroom to take his shower, but I was having an excellent sex dream about Ben Affleck and wanted to get back into it. Ben and me, we had sex in the back of a van. Jealous? I would actually have preferred to dream about James Gandolfini – he’s much more my type. Speaking of dreams, I had a dream the night before last that Fred dared me to walk, naked, about a mile down the road to an old gas station. What’s worse is, not only did I do it, but some random guy walked up to me and started messing around with my boobs. I’d like to blame my weird dreams on the drugs I’m taking, but I don’t think antibiotics are supposed to have that sort of effect. I talked to my sister via IRC yesterday, and she said that my nephew is just getting over the flu. Is there anyone who hasn’t been sick in the last month? The flu and bronchitis seems to have run rampant in the on-line journalling community lately. helping with the laundry!
Here’s a shot of the kitten, "helping" with the laundry.
And here she is, "helping" with the dishes. Not much going on today – it’s Martin Luther King Day, so Fred and I aren’t working, and the spud doesn’t have school, therefore we’re just hanging around the house – so I’ll end this right here and now rather than yammering on about nothing in particular. But then, that would be the norm, wouldn’t it? Have a good day, y’all! —–]]>