tour, Spanky was taking his turn, sticking his nose under the bag and trying to crawl under there. "How cute," I thought to myself. "Maybe I’ll take a picture of him doing that when I come back down."
So I was upstairs in the bedroom taking pictures, when I heard a pounding sound, and then a rustling sound. I looked up to see a plastic bag come tumbling through the door and then head for the bathroom. Assuming, for some reason, that Fred had thrown a bag at me, I stood there and watched the bag go by, thinking to myself "How did he get it to keep going like that?" The bag flew through the bathroom and into the closet, and turned around, and only then could I tell that it was the bag from downstairs, with Spanky’s neck stuck through one of the carry-holes. When Spanky realized there was no sanctuary from the plastic bag in the closet, he flew back out through the bathroom, towards me, with his ears laid flat back against his head and an insane gleam in his eye. Naturally, I screamed in terror (hey, he ran across my face once when he was scared, and it’s scarred me mentally for life) not once, but twice. Who knew what sort of insane kitty-running-from-the-bag thing he would do? Well, what he did is run under the bed, which was the only safe place his freaked-out kitty mind could come up with.
Fred came into the room and shut the door so Spanky couldn’t continue to run pell-mell through the house. As I danced around, laughing so hard I could barely stand, he reached under the bed and took the bag off of Spanky. Spanky stayed under the bed, despite our coaxing, from then until about 8:00 this morning, and he only stayed out from under the bed for about two hours before taking refuge again. Obviously it’s safer under the bed, amongst the tons and tons of cat hair and hundreds of stray earplugs.
The pool temp hit close enough to 75 yesterday that I finally went swimming. Well, Fred claimed it was 73 1/2, but I found out later that he’d only been lying to get me in the pool, and it was only 73. The bastard! He came up with the greatest idea, though. While he was at Toys R Us, he passed the sale rack, and saw a 5-foot inflatable child’s swimming pool, so he brought it home, blew it up, and we put it IN the big pool, and took turns floating around the pool in it! I could easily imagine taking a nap while floating around in it sometime. It was great! We all went swimming when the spud got home from school today, and though the pool temp was 74, the sun wasn’t out, so it didn’t feel as warm as yesterday. It’s only a matter of time before it’s warm enough that we can go skinny-dipping at night after the spud’s gone to bed…