
In lieu of, y’know, a REAL entry today, I’m going to toss up a bunch of pictures I took Saturday when we drove up into Tennessee to drive about and gawk at the Amish people, and call it good enough.

We passed this really cool field where there were hayrolls (is that what they’re called?) as far as the eye could see. This picture doesn’t really do it justice.

The Amish house where we stopped so Fred could get popcorn. A HUGE container for $2. Whattabahgain.

More Amish houses.

Some colorful foliage (for the most part, we seem to have missed the changing of the leaves)

We happened upon a convenience store with 10 or 15 cats and kittens in the parking lot. Apparently, this is where they live, because the owners of the store feed them and provide litter boxes. This orange kitten was attempting to nurse, and mama wasn’t being terribly accomodating.

There were boxes for the cats to sleep in, but this little guy is the only one who was actually sleeping.

These guys were pretty scared. The tabby in the back actually hissed at me (is there anything cuter than a hissing kitten? I think not), and the others let me pet them, but they didn’t like it much. Have I mentioned how much I adore orange cats?

This cutie was really friendly. I called to him, and he came running, and followed me around for the 10 minutes or so that we were there, begging to be petted. Damn, I wanted to load all the cats up in the car and bring them home with us.

Another really friendly one.

More scared little kitties, and the friendly kitten was checking them out. I’m fairly certain there were two different litters and two different mothers.

Man, all I wanted was to just pet his little head, but he was so scared I couldn’t get near him.

After we (I) played with the kitties, we drove around the Amish colony some more, and then went to David Crockett State Park, where we ate lunch, and then Fred and the spud went on the swings.

They went on the merry-go-round, too. For that matter, so did I.

The lake at the state park.

Shoal Creek, running alongside the park. I got this picture on the way out of the park.

On the way out of Alabama, we passed "The Fiero Factory", which is surrounded by old Fieros. I don’t know about y’all, but when I was 17, there was nothing more in this world I wanted than a Fiero; I just thought they were the coolest cars ever. Even my Dad’s insistence that they were gas-guzzlers couldn’t sway me. Now, I just think they’re funny-looking ’80s throwbacks.

