8/14/11 – Jack and Percy!

Do you remember Starsky and Hutch? Of course you do! Well, last November Starsky and Hutch were adopted by Jennifer and her son Kiefer, in Indianapolis. They renamed them Percy and Jack, and those kittens (well, I guess they’re practically grown cats now, aren’t they?) have been doing really well. I got an update from … Continue reading “8/14/11 – Jack and Percy!”

Do you remember Starsky and Hutch? Of course you do!




Well, last November Starsky and Hutch were adopted by Jennifer and her son Kiefer, in Indianapolis. They renamed them Percy and Jack, and those kittens (well, I guess they’re practically grown cats now, aren’t they?) have been doing really well.

I got an update from Jennifer, and I knew y’all would want to see and hear about them too!

Long overdue but writing to say hi and let you know that Jack and Percy are doing great!!! And frankly, they couldn’t compete with the McMaos cuteness so sending an update wasn’t at the top of the list. Not that they can compete with the Spice Girls – they are super cute.

They are getting super big. So when they are galloping through the house, the earth shakes. They are constantly on the move (like wild buffalo with ADD and pictures never seem to turn out). I’ve included a few pictures of their yard browsing. They love being outside. They start pawing at the door to go outside as soon as I am home. So as soon as supper/dishes are done – I am herding cats in the yard. They are trained to the fencing system so I totally understand the collars that are less than glamourous looking. Top the good looking collar with bells and you have yourself a fancy collar. Yeah – no birds were safe so they are both hauling 3 bells on their collars to give birds a chance. Any bird that doesn’t hear or see them coming has to be a pretty idiotic bird. Not that we have fatalities – but there have been some close calls. And as Elaine mentioned to you the other day – when nature calls – they run to the back door and once they are inside – SPRINT to the litter box. They are in nature’s largest litter box and yet they wanna go inside to potty. Crackheads!! I think they were crack kitties and you didn’t tell me… 🙂

Jack was climbing on the trellis that support the clematis the other day and got stuck (yes, stuck) when trying to fit through one of the slots. I had to help him down. Should have called the fire department but then I wouldn’t have has to fix my make up and look decent!!! Yes, someday, one of these crack kitties is gonna get stuck somewhere I can’t get and then I will have to call the fire department..

Picture 748

Picture 749

Picture 750

Picture 752

They are still tormenting the 2 older cats routinely. But Big Bird, who loves sitting on the deck – I think he likes the company outside on his swing. He would never admit it!

Picture 758

And I know you are jealous of my lush grass – Jack has decided it is a great back scratcher. Enuff said… Jack is rolling around in the background of the 2 pictures and Willie dog is thinking “dumb cats making fools of themselves”!! Even Percy ventured into the picture wondering what Jack was up to…

Jack rolling

Picture 769

Picture 767

Enough of the Jack show – he is definitely not camera shy (but again he is always on the moving and doesn’t pose for me), onto Percy. Percy loves the bugs in the yard and probably is always the most in tune with bird watching/hunting. Hence, he sits quietly more often and his pictures are a little better (far from your quality). He actually posed a bit for me last night by the Butterfly Bush and in the yard. He is handsome.

Picture 786

Picture 788

And rarely – do they both sit still long enough to get a picture of them together. The stars aligned briefly last night and behold the monkeys together!! If they look like they are staring above me – they are. It took shaking a branch above my head to get them to look the right direction at the same time. Yes, they neighbors think I am certifiably whacky!!

Picture 779

Picture 778

We are having a great time with them and they are truly hysterical. Not sure they will ever slow down but I am sure the dog and older cats are praying for it every night! A few last pictures of them gardening. They are quite the helpers in the garden. I think??? Maybe some leaf scoops on them would help!!?? Yes!

Corney Jack

Picture 760

Picture 763
(All pictures in this entry ©Jennifer H.)

This weekend, Percy was stealthy enough (even with bells on) to catch a Cicada. Yes, I was a proud mom with the video camera while the poor bug buzzed/twitched/scrambled. To make it better, Jack stole the poor creature and was running from everyone while growling. Priceless! He would drop it briefly when it buzzed in his mouth. The fun ended when the bug quit moving. My pampered cats were not about to eat anything crunchy. It made for fun entertainment on a Saturday night.

Thanks again, Jennifer (and Kiefer!) – I think I can speak for a lot of other people, too, when I say that we love to watch those boys grow!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2010: No entry.
2009: Podcast suggestions.
2008: (Upon looking at Alan Cumming’s Internet Movie Database profile, I read this interesting fact: Has his own cologne called “Cumming.” and snickered like a 12 year-old boy.)
2007: I said “I’d find their plight more interesting if they weren’t quite so ugly.”
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: “Motherfucker!” was Fred’s response.
2002: Why yes, it IS a rough life, thanks for asking.
2001: No entry.
2000: Because I was so overworked over the summer, you know.

3 thoughts on “8/14/11 – Jack and Percy!”

  1. Look at those little babies in the cups!! They never sit still long enough, let alone pose them in something neat!!

  2. So Jennifer just called me to tell me that Percy and Jack are famous and have a whole entry to themselves. They are cute monkeys for sure. It cracks me up that they have to use the litter box in the house even when they are playing outside. Big goofs.

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