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I forgot to mention this: last Friday when I called my brother’s house to let him know that the car had broken down, I talked to him for a few minutes, and then I talked to my mother for a few minutes, telling her that AAA (who rocks) would be there in 30 or 40 minutes.
“Well,” she said. “Did you bring a book with you?”
Did I bring “a book” with me? HELL NO I didn’t bring “a book” with me – I brought FIVE books with me. When I was packing the night before, I said to Fred, “I’m going to be there three days. You think three books is enough?” and Fred said “You better make it five, just in case.”
The man knows me too well. We’re both of the same opinion when it comes to bringing books on a trip: too many is far, far better than not enough.
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Speaking of books, I’m currently
Goodnight Nobody.
Finished the night before last:
Shakespeare’s Counselor, by Charlaine Harris. The last of the Lily Bard series – and I’m so sad to think that there’ll be no more Lily Bard books. According to the FAQ on
Charlaine Harris‘ page, she currently has no plans to write another Lily Bard book, and her writing schedule is packed for the next three years.
Clearly there’s only one thing left to do: start on the Aurora Teagarden series.
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Since I still haven’t watched My Fair Brady, Breaking Bonaduce, Desperate Housewives, or Grey’s Anatomy from Sunday night, I’m going to slap up some kitten pics and call this an entry.
Oh, except I do need to say…

I’m dancin’! I’m dancin’! Amazing Race tonight! I’m dancin’!
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The bitter spray was a resounding flop. I guess that the need to suck is so strong that the bitter taste just can’t stop Callie from needing to do it. I’m a little at a loss on what to do, here. I feel so mean putting her in the cage, but I need to do it, because she can’t be dissuaded from doing her thing. I let her out of the cage this morning and she bounced around the room for a couple of hours with her brothers. When I noticed that she was slowing down, I put her back in the cage. She seems okay in the cage, but I feel like the Meanest Momma Alive. Fred and I discussed letting her out into the house and leaving the other three in the kitten room, but she’s still got a touch of the diarrhea. We discussed letting Smitty out into the house, and went so far as to let him run around our room for a little while last night, but if we let him out, we’d want to let a second kitten out to keep him company, and we’re not sure enough that they’re all over what they had, to let them out into the general population. I’d feel a lot better if the diarrhea was gone, though I’ll say that things are still improving in that area.
I gave Sugarbutt a quick bath last night, and you would have thought I was torturing him, instead of dipping his butt and back legs into a sink of lukewarm water to get a little bit of poo off. Big baby.
Someone suggested in my comments yesterday that I’m developing a fondness for Barrett. Honestly, my favorites change from minute to minute. One minute Sugarbutt’s my favorite, the next I think Smitty’s the bee’s knees, and so on. I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite; I love them all! They’re all just unbearably sweet.


Bear tries out his Matrix moves.

Sugarbutt inspects Smitty’s tail.

The kittens watching a feather toy. I love that you can see Bear and Callie’s fangs.

Sleepy Sugarbutt in the sun.

Kittens at the trough.

Best. Picture. Ever. There’s nothing about this picture that doesn’t make me giggle, from Bear’s crossed rapper arms, to Sugarbutt’s open mouth (I think he’s cheering Bear on) to Callie’s casual observation. I LOVE IT.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
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2004: No offense to you stoners out there, but the Warrens totally look stereotypical stoners.
2003: No entry.
2002: I think I’m going to start calling him The Todd.
2001: Does that kid’s face just scream “dilemmanated”, or what?
2000: No entry.]]>
I’m never worried about being a couple of minutes late to watch Dr. Phil or Oprah because I never miss anything.. Dr. Phil used to be funny, but he’s just milking it now and getting annoying.
I’d like to interject here that I don’t understand why the bitter spray doesn’t work, having tasted it myself in the interests of science.
I would have to say it even tastes worse than the Bitterguard they put in the Sesame Street bath color tablets.
My goodness – are those kittens cute or what?
You are so right about the intros to Oprah and Phil,
the season premere of Oprah I thought they would have to have paramedics the way the audience was spazzing out.
You have the best kitty pictures ever! How do you take such awsome pics?
That last picture is amazing and truly the best picture. Ever.
We just got those pop up red cubes for our (6 yr old) cats and they love them more than I thought they would. Are they a hit with the kittens, too?
Dear Robyn,
Okay, I don’t know why I care, but…is there such a thing as a kitty pacifier? Can you fashion one out of something? Like, maybe, I don’t know…a teeny baby bottle or the rubber end of an eyedropper?
Regarding the audience clapping and cheering wildly on Oprah and Dr. Phil, I can speak from personal experience from when I was at two tapings of Dr. Phil. I got SO tired of clapping. They have you do this many times, not just when they come out, I’m guessing so they can choose and edit the best shots. They have you do it after the show is over, too. I really enjoyed being at the tapings and would probably do it again if I have the chance, but I would so not enjoy going through the unending standing, clapping, cheering, somersaults and whooping.
I was thinking the same damn things about Oprah and Dr. Phil. Quit screaming people! Damn it!
Try using alum, you can find in the spice section of the grocery store.
heh. The vet gave us this stuff called “Ick!” cream to keep Monty from chewing on his bandage. He said, “This absolutely will work!” and put it on, then left the examination room for a minute. In that minute, Monty started chewing on his bandage. Wanting the vet to see, I didn’t stop him. The vet came back in and I smiled sweetly at him. “Your cream doesn’t work.” He exclaimed, “Crazy dog!” and I’m thinking, “Uh, yeah, can I have a refund for that?” (They had me pay for it anyway. Dammit.) ANYWAY. I’ve yet to find bitter anything that has worked with my dogs, so I sympathize.
How about that stuff they make for kids to quit sucking their thumbs? Obviously …not toxic.
I studied photography at art school, and I too think that is the best kitty picture ever! You should get that one framed and hang it at your house or at the shelter. Both of you (Fred and Robyn) are really good photographers!
All I can say is, at least it’s not Smittys brothers that are nursing on him, that would be even more disturbing.
Do they make a kitty diaper?
Hope those two kittens don’t get adopted together. Worse yet, if someone does want to adopt them together, I’d hate to be the one to explain why they shouldn’t be.
I really don’t know what you can do to stop her from “nursing”. I was thinking hot sauce, but I’m sure that would burn him, so I dunno.
I’m having a gross out concern here myself. We just got a new basset hound puppy and no sooner than you realize she went poop, she is turned around and eating it. UGH! Wish I knew what to do to make her stop, other than being right next to her the whole time she is outside and picking her up right after she gets done pooping.
Pets are so gross sometimes. My daughter tried to tell me dogs have the cleanest mouth of all animals. I told her, after I brought the dog in, “Now, let her give you a big wet lick”. She didn’t like that idea.
Mimi: I attribute it to being willing to sit and take pictures for hours at a time. You know, if you give a monkey a camera and let it snap pictures at will, sooner or later one of the pictures is going to be a good one. 🙂
Shelly: Oh, they LOVE the pop-up cubes; they love to roll them from one side of the room to the other.
Jane: There’s no such thing, unfortunately. And she won’t be redirected to anything else, damn her. Hey, at least I’m being SOMEWHAT discreet. I haven’t put up any pictures of her… YET.
Lena: Oh, this stuff has to be either the same stuff, or something similar. It’s nas-tay.
Ginny: I thought about a kitty diaper! Heh. I’m going to let the shelter manager know that when it’s time for the kittens to be adopted, she needs to be in a separate cage from Smitty. I’m sure the shoppers at the pet store wouldn’t much enjoy the show.
The Oprah screaming – gah! My head explodes from it. I almost couldn’t watch her season opener this year it was so unbearable. Although I had to laugh (and laugh again) when she had Bon Jovi on and the audience screamed louder (if possible) than they *ever* have for Oprah. She looked *so* annoyed. See, Ope? Irritating, innit?
I sure do like the larger size photos of the kittens better! They are ADORABLE!
I just have visions of the searches that are going to tag your site with the whole kitty BJ thing. I’m about snorting coffee out my nose about it. On the other hand, you’ve got to pity a kitten that misses her momma so much she’d resort to such an odd nipple.
That endless clapping and cheering is the reason I no longer watch Oprah.
The kittens are so cute!!!
I had a kitten that nursed on one of my dogs. The dog was just over a year and would snuggle up with the kitten and let him nurse and nurse. The kitten died (think he had some sort of genetic issue), so I have no idea if he would have continued to nurse into adulthood. Another cat I had would sneak up into bed with me at night and nurse in my hair. I would wake up with a soggy, matted mess on the back of my head and a happy Jake.
hmmm…if this keeps up, maybe you should rename Callie, may I suggest Lolita?