SAFE Haven for Cats, in the North Raleigh area of NC could use your help!
Safe Haven for Cats has a live auction every year. This year, however, not enough items have been donated:
“As all of you know, the live auction is fast approaching as it is scheduled for October 10. Last year at this event we made $10,000 and we desperately need to make this much again to help over 120 cats and kittens in our care today.
Unfortunately, at this time, our donations have been very slow. We are in danger of having to cancel the entire event. Please don’t let this happen!
We need each of you to look at items you might have, as well as work your networks of friends, co-workers, etc., to try to get additional items ASAP. The details are outlined below.”
Items large and small may be dropped off at SAFE Haven for Cats, 8431-137 Garvey Drive any day between now and Monday, September 28th. We are open from 8 am to 5 pm 7 days a week.
In addition items may be dropped off at Raleigh Auction and Estate Sales, 4900-A Craftsman Drive , Raleigh on the following days and times:
Any Tuesday through Thursday from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Sunday, September 27 from 1-3 pm
Saturday, October 3 from 10 am – 12 pm
Sunday, October 4 from 1-3 pm
Limited pick ups of larger furniture items may be possible on Sunday, October 4.
For a complete list of items we know we can sell please go to
Hey, anyone out there heard of Sensory Processing Disorder or had a child who suffers from it?
After doing some reading about it, I’m guessing that there are some overlaps with ADHD and Autism and Aspergers. In fact, so many of those overlap each other that I’m wondering how the hell anyone ever comes up with a solid diagnosis for one or the other!
Last weekend, when Fred and I stopped by the flea market in Cullman and then went to the Tool Shed to look around (AWESOME store!), we saw these signs which made us laugh.
(We need this one for the pig shelter, I think!)
Sadly, though, there were none that read “Horseshit Alley”, because I would have had to buy that one.
(I’ve claimed, since I was in my twenties, that I was going to win the lottery and then build a huge house with a long driveway, and name it Horseshit Alley just to piss the neighbors off. Hasn’t happened yet, but I’m still young!)
A few weekends ago, I was going to get groceries, and I glanced up at the garage as I pulled out of my parking spot. Hanging there was a huge Orb Weaver, so as I pulled out of the driveway, I called Fred and told him it was there.
Naturally, he went out to look at it, and took some pictures.
It stayed there for a week or so, then I think the rain we’ve had lately drove it into hiding or off to a more hospitable environment.
And in a related (perhaps) story, I slept in ’til 6:30 Saturday morning. What woke me up?
A spider crawling down my cheek.
(A little one, not an orb weaver. If it had been an orb weaver, I’d be writing this from the Great Beyond, having died due to a heart attack brought on by the horror of having something the size of my head crawling down my face. The baby spider was bad enough, believe me.)
Back in July, Janice left a comment, and in the comment she left a link to Ina Garten’s Easy Sticky Buns recipe.
I printed it out, and then I forgot about it, and then a few weeks ago I re-found it and decided to give it a try.
They are a BIG hit around here. The first time I made them, they got a little overcooked. The second time I made them, I cooked them for about three minutes less, and they came out perfectly. And then the third time I made them (this past weekend), I cooked them for about three minutes less AND cut the amount of topping (the butter and brown sugar part, not the pecans) to 1 1/2 teaspoons in each cup rather than 1 Tablespoon, and they were deemed absolutely perfect, don’t change a thing.
(I also left the raisins out all three times, because I don’t like cooked raisins. Blech.)
Like the name of the recipe says, they’re very easy to make (although I always have an issue with my second sheet of puff pastry sticking together, and that drives me nuts), and they’re easily halved so you can end up with only six instead of a dozen. Also, I recently bought a couple of Silicone Muffin Pans, and they make life SO much easier when it comes to getting the sticky buns out of the cups – they’re also a lot easier to deal with when I make Bacon, Egg and Toast Cups. No matter how much I buttered the muffin tins, my BE&T cups were sticking to the cups. With the silicone cups, not only do they not stick but I can skip buttering the cups altogether!
Highly recommended (the recipe AND the pans) – and thanks, Janice!!!
Sam is king of the (small) cat tower!
Every evening, I turn the hanging light on, and Sam is just obsessed with sitting and staring up at it. Maybe he thinks it’s the sun.
“Halp! Halp! CALL 911!!!” (Sam, with Bill laying behind him, biting the back of his neck.)
These kittens ADORE walking carefully (and sometimes not-so-carefully) along the footboard of my bed.
2008: No entry.
2007: I think I need more sleep.
2006: Photographic proof that I met a (Not So)Scary Internet Person and lived to tell the tale!
2005: I mean, it’s not bad enough the man has road rage, he’s got to have fucking walking-through-the-house rage too?
2004: “No, this is real time!” Fred sighed.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Written by hand.
2000: No entry.
I’ve worked with kids that have a SPD, as well as Autistic children for the past 15 years.
For the past 2 years, I worked with a little guy, Sam, who had it. He is now 5 years old, and functioning really well, but when he came to us, EVERYTHING terrified him. He was almost always by himself, or at most, with one other person. Any more, and he would run and hide in his room. He rarely sat down. Much preferred to stand, whether to eat, or watch TV, etc. Has never worn a button up shirt, or a pair of jeans. The list goes on….. Last spring he was diagnosed with Autism (ASD), most likely in the form of Asperger Syndrome.
Hope that helps a bit. heh
My son has a very mild case of SPD. He just started wearing sandals without socks, etc. With him, when he is board he self stimulates by rapidly blinking his eyes and making noises. Now that he is five, his issues are lessening. Email me if you have specific questions, I have studied this extensively since he was diagnosed.
I love when I catch my cats with their tongues peeking out, so cute and they look a little dorky which is always a plus.
I have been dying to try Ina’s sticky bun recipe. I saw her make these on her show. Thanks for the tips. I may have to make these this weekend.
I love that Bill is using the modesty paw. Such a polite boy!
Modesty paw-that is so cute! I love the color of his pad it’s looks reddish brown-I never had a cat with pads that color!
I think my friends son had that sensory thing too. He’s seven. Recently he was touching his groin in the supermarket and she said “What are you doing?” He yelled out “My penis is uncomfortable!”. Funny later but not at the time. Turned out his underwear was too tight. Made her crazy because she had the next size at home(bought on clearance-smart Mom). If only he’d told her sooner. My bf’s sister has triplet boys-two have ADHD issues and one has Asperger’s. The Asperger’s child is very hard to deal with even for his brothers. My nephew was considered “borderline autistic”. He was a lot like rain main-very smart but obsessed with things. My sister has a horrible sense of direction. She would get lost and he at 3 yrs. old would direct her back to where she needed to be. He did well at college and is doing well in his job but I think the social aspects are still more difficult for him.
My grandson (now 11) had/has sensoray integration disorder. As a baby couldn’t wear shoes, socks or any pants with seams down the legs. Absolutely couldn’t have anything on hands. Even terrifed of fingerpainting at the preschool age. food texture was another big thing. Didn’t eat many foods due to the texture. Now he is 11 and after a lot of occupational therapy doesn’t seem to be a problem any more. He also has apraxia (neurological speech disorder) I can understand about 85-90% of what he says.
Good luck with your iron infuuusion today!
Happy Monday…and thanks for the kitty pics as usual.
In light of your spider wake-up call, I will share the story of the time I woke up to find a cockroach crawling on my hand. Yes, a roach. I was living in New Orleans at the time, so I am sure it was a flying roach, but I don’t remember.
In 2004, you wrote “If I had to choose between Lindsey Lohan and Hilary Duff, I’d totally choose Hilary Duff because I think she’s adorable and Lindsey Lohan tends toward the skanky (JUST MY OPINION).”
Boy, can you call it or what???
Oh, lordy, have you seen this video yet?!
That is the cutest thing I’ve seen in a looong time.
I woke up with a baby spider crawling down my comforter and it was oh, so much more effective than an alarm clock in getting me UP.
And, how is The Hour I First Believed? I’m getting it from the library and was wondering if it’s worth it.
Sticky Buns – Mmm, sound good, just without raisins. Ewww.