sent this and made me cry first thing this morning. Bastard.
* * *
Did you know that you can FREEZE eggs? This is awesome news to me, because (I am told) chickens tend not to lay so many eggs in the winter, and even though they’ll likely lay more than enough eggs for us, I’d still hate to run out in the middle of the winter. Because I am NOT buying any more damn store-bought eggs, damnit. I used the last one I had in a meatloaf last week, and I vowed that another store-bought egg would never cross my lips again.
(At home, anyway. I’m not going to be an annoying “Is the egg in that recipe from a FREE-RANGE chicken, or one of the tortured chickens at a factory?” person in restaurants or at other peoples’ houses, I promise.)
I don’t know why I was so surprised to find that you can freeze eggs, but after all – you can freeze human eggs*, why not chicken eggs? Over the weekend I cracked a dozen eggs in a muffin tin (an egg in each cup), froze them, then slightly defrosted them so I could get them out of the damn cups, put each in a plastic bag, and put them back in the freezer.
(Fred pointed out that in the interest of saving the earth (goddamn hippie), I should have put all the eggs in one bag, then I could break off a frozen cup o’ egg whenever I need one. I’ll keep that in mind for next time, I suppose.)
*Probably you don’t keep your human eggs in your own freezer next to the homemade tomato sauce, though. Or maybe you DO. Just don’t mix them up with the chicken eggs. Human eggs, scrambled, taste just a bit too humany, if you ask me.
* * *
A few weeks ago on Rescue Me, Gina Gershon dismissed Kevin Costner’s Open Range as “too act-y.” (On a side note, I love the hell out of Denis Leary, but he kind of looks like a troll, and I feel that in real life there’s no way on earth women who look like Gina Gershon and Jennifer Esposito and hell, even Callie Thorne would take one look at his trollish countenance and throw themselves at him full-force. I mean, you could argue that it’s because he’s a firefighter and women just looooooove a firefighter, but the man can barely take two steps down the street without some woman or another demanding a quickie in the nearest phone booth. Are women in NYC that desperate? On the other hand, I think he is HOT (which is not to be confused with good-looking), so I have no leg to stand on. But, please. Tell me he doesn’t look like a troll. Okay, maybe not a troll; really, he looks more like Gollum and Gollum… is not a troll? Right? Or is he? I never paid no mind to those Lord of the Ring movies.

Fred has adopted and uses that description – “too act-y” – ALL the time now. We rented A Beautiful Mind last week, and he said “I don’t know. It’s not going to be too act-y, is it?” He’s expanded it to cover books. He opened a book on my bookcase, read a few lines, and said “Oh, that’s WAY too word-y.”
God knows that when we come up with good lines, we run them into the ground. To this day, we use “
Helloooooo Mr. Gingrich!” on each other.
Fred saw a Saturday Night Live skit with Norm Macdonald as Bob Dole, and so when one of us (hi) is feeling bitchy and accuses the other of thinking mean thoughts, said accusation might be met with “Bob Dole didn’t say that!” as code for “
I didn’t say it, but I cannot deny the truth of what you’ve said.”
I know all couples have their weird little in-jokes. Tell me about some of yours.
* * *
Okay, I’d write more of an entry, but I’ve been spending a LOT of time messing around with the new camera, and I have some cool pictures to share. Click on any of them to see the full-sized version – but be warned, those full-sized versions are HUGE.
Sights from around Crooked Acres.

Habanero. We have a ton of these.

Flitting in line at the feeder.

Fire ants devouring a dead cricket. Yeah, gross. But cool, too.

Baby cucumber from our second planting.

Egg, minutes from the source.

Gerbera daisy, on the front porch.

Okra flower.

Spot, trying to sleep if the crazy lady with the camera would go away.

Stinkerbelle, wondering whether she should flee, or flop over on her side. I told Nance yesterday that Fred spends so much time talking about how gorgeous Stinkerbelle is, that I feel like he’s having a midlife crisis, only instead of dumping me for a younger, prettier model, he brought The Other Woman to live in my house. I suppose I’m lucky that if I had to, I could take her in a fight. I think. She might be one of those dirty fighters, though.

Yesterday I thought for sure that I’d lost Sugarbutt. I couldn’t find him anywhere in the house, and repeated calling didn’t bring him running (well, sauntering. He MOSEYS when you call for him, unless it’s snack time, then he’s The Flash), so I got all worried, because I’ve been leaving his collar off so it wouldn’t rub on his neck, and the other day he tried climbing the fence (other cats might try climbing the wood poles of the fence. Not our Sugarbutt – he was climbing the wire part of the fence and having a time of it, too), so we started putting his collar on him, but yesterday I’d left it off. Finally, despite the fact that it was raining, I looked in the back yard, and in the corner, there’s a spot that is sheltered by many tree branches. Sugarbutt was laying there, watching the rain. Brat.
* * *
2006: I sense I’m being royally fucking screwed over by the goddamn advantage-taking photographer. Who’s probably lighting his cigars with $100 bills as he drives around in his limo.
2005: Ants ain’t fuckin’ welcome here, if you hadn’t guessed.
2004: No entry.
2003: What above the Bumsen is up with that?
2002: It’s the front yard or bust, baby.
2001: That’s pretty much how we all felt.
2000: That’s the price of getting old, my friends.]]>
Re: Weird Little In-Jokes…
From Young Frankenstein: for terms of endearment, sometimes my husband or I will say, “Taffeta Darling,” and the other will answer, “Taffeta Sweetheart.”
Is it just me, or did that chow look like he had tears in his eyes when he was in that pen?
Nope not just you Therese, it definitely looks like he’s crying.
I almost got tears in my eyes seeing Sugarbutt’s picture. I miss my orange tabby!
Anyway. One of our little “sayings”: When I’ll come home, or viceversa, I’ll say hello when I walk in the door and he’ll respond “It’s called a lance” taken from A Knight’s Tale. There’s times we can’t help but say it when others say hello and they look at us like we’re crazy. Of course all this said in our bad british accents.
I swear, you are the only blog I read that can make me laugh and cry in the same damn post. “Too humany”! I will laugh about that one all day.
Thanks, I need a really good laugh right about now.
And! Ladybug! Taffeta darling is one of mine too!
Nothing like Fred for ripping your heart out early in the day. It makes me want to go home from work and hug my dogs and cats.
Well, I do not have a mate (praise Jesus!) to share my little sayings with, but my children greet me after school with “Hey Laaady!”
I find Gordon Ramsay of Hell’s Kitchen oddly “hot” too. Is it just me?
My Grandmother gets as many hummingbirds as you do. I only see a scant few around here. Too urban for them I suppose 🙁
Do you cook your own hummingbird food? We have found that the cooked variety lasts longer. It is simply sugar, water and red food coloring. The actual recipe says to use as much sugar as water but I use a little less. Still makes it plenty sweet.
There are a few things my family say to each other that never to fail to make us laugh, while other people look at us like we’re crazy.
“You were too busy kickin’ it with Nicky at the Moulin Rouge!” when someone doesn’t do what you want. This was from an episode of Will and Grace.
“Ahhh, salmon skin roll.” said in a very wise voice, while pointing to your head, when you have a good idea-from an episode of Friends.
“Good day, I said Good Day!!” when someone is bugging you, said with hand raised in the air. From the 70’s show, and yes-we watch way too much TV.
You shouldn’t put all your eggs in one bag you know… Wait, that’s something entirely different.
Robyn, your photos are awesome! What a great camera (and photographer, too, of course!)
Years ago there was a semi-spectacular boat crash on the local news – they must have replayed the film a thousand times over the course of a slow-news weekend. Ever since then, any time anything is being overexposed, all one of us has to say to the other is, “The Boat,” and we both know exactly what we’re talking about.
We have so many sayings and they are mostly from TV.
“It’s a wand” is from American Inventor when a guy essentially invented a stick to protect walkers from bear attacks. The judges kept calling it a stick and he kept saying “It’s a wand”.
“That’s for sure!” is from when my nephew was turning 7 and I asked him what he was doing for his party and he said, “Playing musical chairs that’s for sure!”
There are others but I am unable to remember them because I am too sad about the doggies.
When someone is being too word-y and all full of themselves the BF and I will say, “However, it’s just a fancy but.” It cracks our shit up! not from a TV show- just our stupid humor.
I can relate anything to Seinfeld and make at least one reference a day. “It’s not a lie if you believe it Jerry” is my favorite.
Funny you mention that about the eggs, last week I borrowed from the library “Can I Freeze It” by Susie Theodorou. Has some interesting tips and recipes.
Our saying is “Bowl Pretty” “Teach Pretty” “Work Pretty” anything that someone is doing and you are not there to witness it, is “pretty.” We also quote Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail a lot. “I fart in your general direction,” and “I will taunt you a second time.”
It has also been a year since we submitted yawning pics, so can we do it again?
I have been trying to convince my parents to go DSL but they still have dial up. Their response is always “What’s time to a hog?” (They are 69 and 72 years old).
Anyway, when relaying this folkish saying to my boyfriend (who is half deaf) he kept mis-hearing me and thought I was saying “Let’s tie ’em to a hog.” I ask you, what kind of goofy southern saying could THAT possibly be? and why didn’t he ask me what he heck I was talking about?
I’ve tried using “Let’s tie ’em to hog” for miscommunications with the half deaf boyfriend but he can’t hear me anyway, so it’s only funny to me.
Almost all of my and Paco’s inside jokes are from Big Lebowski, for some reason.
“That’s, like, just your opinion, man.”
“New shit has come to light!”
“She kidnapped herself!”
Or Rushmore:
“O.R. they?” We actually LOOK for opportunities to use that one. Cracks me up EVERY SINGLE GODDAMNED TIME.
Or Royal Tenenbaums:
“Let’s shag ass!”
Rescue Me is nearly entirely skewed toward hyperbole, exaggeration, larger than life. It would stand to reason that he’d be inundated with hotties at every turn.
If you take it down to a reality level, each of those chicks are batshit fucking crazy. And it’s more common for women to be attracted to men who are not classically handsome, than men to go after less than supermodel women.
He’s also an alpha male (firefighter notwithstanding) which is a huge attraction factor–add funny and tall, and you have the Man Meat Trifecta.
P.S He doesn’t look like a troll or gollum or a goonie. You chose a horrible picture of him. Tsk tsk tsk.
Ours is “too much cornmeal in the bed.” Anytime we find something gritty in our sheets (we have cats, and occasionally snack in bed too) then we talk about getting the cornmeal out. Goes back to our honeymoon cruise. They had 24-hour pizza on the cruise ship, and one night about 2am we ordered pizza for our stateroom. The pizza had cornmeal on the bottom of the crust and it got everywhere. Always brings back memories. Good times.
Sad doggie story, but it’s true. I had a co-worker who’s parents dogs got out by accident. They looked and looked for them, but somehow they wonder to the interstate highway going through town. One got hit and the other stayed at the scene until the cops came. He kept trying to go next to the died dog, but the traffic was too heavy so it just paced on the side of the ride. They had tags and the parents had already called the human society so the poor dog did not have to wait to get home – her month flew over to the agency to pick up her lone dog.
The ratio of men to women in NYC is not favorable to women. Just saying.
We do something where one of us shakes our head at the other over something we did or said (kiddingly) and the other person starts nodding in response. The winner is the one who can keep a straight face the longest.
Man Meat Trifecta – i LOVE it!
My daughter and i were talking about pygmies a while back and pygmy was mistaken for ‘pig meat’ and now, whenever we can’t figure out (my kid’s a mumbler) what the other is saying we start saying “pig meat?” Odd, i know, but it makes us laugh.
Tastes too humany. Hee!
The BF and I have too many sayings to list, but a few favorites are from Seinfeld, such as accusing each other of having “jimmie legs” or adding “Not that there’s anything wrong with that!” He does a great, goofy Jerry Lewis impression and likes to croon “Hey, pretty laaaaaady!” in bed (always makes me dissolve in giggles). Also–and this is bizarre–he does a dead-on impression of Mr. Slave from “South Park” and lisps “Jesus Christ” when he wants to crack me up in inappropriate places.
Gollum is not a troll. He’s was once a normal hobbit (small humanlike beings around 3 feet to 4 feet tall) but the evil power and control of the One Ring extended his life, drove him deep into caves with no light, which changed him, and drove him mad and into the pathetic miserable creature that you see in the photo. I am such a nerd for knowing that.
OH, this was a funny, funny post! I loved it! I use sayings from the old cult classic “Buckaroo Banzai”. When I am disgusted with the world its: “It’s not my God-Damn Planet, monkey boy!” and “You’re all monkey-boys, anyway!” and “Lithium will no longer be sold at the pharmacy!” and of course I’ve blogged about this one, “NO CLAY POT FOR YOU!” wnen I want to deny someone something.
Here at work, we like to go eat at a local Thai restaurant. I, and one other lady, are stuck on eating their Pad Thai. The waitress keeps trying to talk us into eating something else, and i never do, but my coworker did once. She liked it, but she said that “it was good, but it wasn’t pad thai good” like the yogurt commercials, and she was bummed out that she didn’t get to have her favorite. So now when we see something or eat something that’s good, we say “It’s good, but is it pad thai good?” Only she and I know what that means and others around us don’t “get it.”
My husband and I say stupid shit all the time but for the life of me I can’t think of anything right now.
We have lots of weird sayings, but we also like to make up words. It’s hilarious. My mother has commented on our strange couples-language.
If I think of anything in particular, I’ll let you know what.
I know that when we’re stymied or frustrated by something or someone, we’ll scream out “Kyle!” like Tenacious D. If you’ve been Kyled, something or someone has just gotten the best of you.
Oh my husband and I have a MILLION of these.
The one that comes to mind, though, is that whenever Andrew says something to me in a tone that clearly conveys “you are so stupid” I’ll just finish his thought and say, “…bitch” It’s pretty hysterical, though it might not sound that way via a website comments listing, I guess. I’ll give you an example:
Me: Did you take out the trash?
Him: Of course.
Me: …bitch.
See? Funny.
Also, we live in Madison, Wisconsin, home of the University of Wisconsin and one Bucky Badger (the mascot). Alllll of the college girls around here wear those super short-short athletic shorts and they say “BUCKY” across the ass. So, for years now, we use the word “Bucky” to mean “ass.” As in: you have a cute Bucky.
Sometimes I forget that not everyone calls asses Buckys.
Our best in-joke relies on both the disparity in our heights and sizes (I’m 5’3.75″ and round, he’s 6’3″ and lanky) and our love of nature. When we pick on each other to the point where I get really irritated, I turn around, raise my hands above my head and yell “Rar, Biiiiiiiiig!” (Because some animals get fluffy or big as a defense mechanism). We both usually end up dissolving in laughter. And our other in-jokes rely way to heavily on naughty words and inappropriate body functions. ‘Cause you just can’t have too many dutch-oven jokes in a marriage.
Oh, and when something is mucked up, we love to yell, ala Death to Smoochy, “IT’S A COCK!”
My husband and I have tons of stupid inside-joke sayings. He calls me “my little piranha fish” from Fawlty Towers; when we are confirming something in conversation with each other, we’ll say “That’s correct, Alex” which comes from … some tv skit about Jeopardy. Oh, I just thought of another one – if either of us comes home with a box, or bag or any sort of container, we’ll say “what’s in the bag, bitch?” but neither of us has any idea where we got that from. Was it a movie quote?! Don’t know, but we use it all the time.
Regarding the hummingbird nectar – I make my own with just 8 tsp sugar to 1 cup lukewarm water. Stir until dissolved and viola! The red food coloring isn’t supposed to be good for them. They will come regardless of whether or not the sugar water is red. That’s why the feeder is red! 🙂 Also, you only need to clean and change the water about once a week. You can used distilled water and it will last even longer. FYI.
Terri – maybe it’s from Andrew Dice Clay’s Little Miss Muffet routine? … “What’s in the bowl, bitch?”
When our daughter was first learning to talk, she would try to say “I love you” but it would come out “nub you”. So, now the three of us very rarely actually say “I love you”; usually it’s “nubbas”, “nubbies”, “nubs”, “nubbaroonios” or some other variation.
My husband, daughter and I tend to “ping” each other with two kisses in succession, i.e. mwah mwah. Anywho, we’ve been doing this for years and now our parrot has caught on and also does the “pinging”.
We are big fans of “Strangers with Candy” so there are lots of things that we use from that show. “I don’t know why your resemblence to monkeys offends you. They are ADORABLE!” (jerri speaking to her filipino friend, whom she also refers to as a chimpapino) This is only funny because my husband is filipino (born here, though).
Instead of rebooting a PC, we call it rebutting.
Too many others to even think about…
My hummingbird feeder (HummZinger model) has the recipe stamped on it: Dissolve 1 part sugar in 4 parts water (no food coloring), bring to full boil and let cool. I fill the feeders at our lake house and it will last up to two weeks if we don’t get there every weekend. I sometimes make it slightly sweeter so the birds come to my feeders instead of the neighbor’s!
When something’s gone wrong (something at home, something we hear about in the news) and we want to make an ironic comment on it, my husband or I will imitate the one-legged Russian woman Tony Soprano sleeps with, and say, “I blame Putin.” In a really bad Russian accent, of course. We’ll probably be saying this 40 years from now, when our grandkids have no idea who Putin was.
And when one of us comes home really tired at the end of the day, we’ll say (a la Greta Garbo), “Gimme a wheeeskey, and don’t be steeeengy.” We don’t really want a whiskey, it’s just code for having had it.
That was a sad article but it bugs me because they’ve mixed the genders all up. They keep referring to the “male chow” who wasn’t “spayed” and got snarly when they tried to take “her” to the shelter.
Reminds me of something I witnessed as an 8 year old. Dog got hit by a car in heavy traffic. Someone was zooming to get through a stoplight and ran over the dog’s hindquarters. The dog was alive, howling unbearably, but he was undeniably doomed as the tire had passed over just below the ribcage and squashed everything. It was just a matter of time. My dad and two uncles, with some help from another motorist who had a baseball bat in the trunk of the car and someone else who donated a blanket to the cause, sped up that “matter of time.” One of only three times in my life I’ve seen my dad cry. (There was no possible way to move the dog, and it took only one blow; the blanket was both to protect the euthanizer’s clothing and to shield the dog from seeing what was coming.) We were supposed to be on the way to a beach trip but no one felt like going after that.
Did you watch *A Beautiful Mind*, and was it too act-y? Crowe’s accent drove me apeshit until I turned the captioning on.
When I’m in a cranky mood, TJ will often bring one of the cats to me and ask, a la Dieter, “You vant to touch my monkey?” Two other long-time favorites, one of which irritates the hell out of me are “That dog won’t eat them peas!” followed by sound effects of “*snarf snarf snarf slurp*” and (grrrrrrr) “I won’t drop the ashtray! *smash*” I was three damn years old, and I’ve offered to buy him (my dad) another damned ashtray if he’ll just shut the hell up about it already, but no, it’s more fun to mock me about something I did when I was practically an INFANT. That’s okay, every time he does it I tell him to quit being an “org” or he’ll wind up in “sugery” (pron. “sugary”) He never was great at reading, and “ogre” stumped him one memorable occasion. Spelling neither, and he left a note for my mom that her friend was going to have “sugery” at noon. We never let him live those down.
Oh hey Robyn, did you know that you don’t have to use red… ah, never mind.
Oops. Ignore the “testing” part of that. I was trying to do stealth. Didn’t work.
Hey Robyn – love your blog, try to read it every day. You made me laugh today at lunch, I bit into an excellent apple and thought – what a wonderful apple very “appley” tasting! You may have started something.
Some of our inside jokes:
From Monty Python: “its only a flesh wound”. No matter how big or small the booboo, after one of us asks “are you ok?”, that is the standard response.
From Big Labowski: “because, man”, which MUST be said in the Jeff Bridges voice.
From Star Wars: “I love you” (Hans Solo), “I know” (Princess Leia).
From Coupling: “Apparnetly”, said in a short, snippey tone with a rising inflection on the last sylable.
Tons of others, but those are probably the most used.
What a sad story! I hope that the dog will be adoptable.
I think I might have to grow Okra next year. That is a beautiful flower!
Humane-y! Love your blog, makes me laugh every day!
My FIL used to call my husband dumbass when he was a kid, not in a joking manner mind you. Now there are times when I’d like to say that but it’s SUPER taboo in our house. So instead I call him Turd Ferguson. It’s from a SNL Jeopardy skit, that’s the name Norm McDonald/Burt Reynolds used for his contestants name.
Also when I seriously hate someone and want to refer to them as the C-Word, I call them a C-U-Next-Tuesday. That’s from Sex and the City.
And Robyn, don’t you be haten on my boyfriend Denis Leary. He gives me a MAJOR tingle.
My hub and I use a lot of stuff from “The Landlord”- the youtube skit with Will Ferrell. Like Erin (above), we tease with the “bitch, bitch, bitch”. We’ll (read: I’ll 😀 ) just go “I want my moneeeey!”, or “Where’s my money bitch” just to break the ice. We also use the “Can I have 4 beers?” a LOT. A LOT. My 7 yo will say, “Do you want 4 beers?” as her take on it. Cracks us up.
Jenn Perryman- lmao at “too much cornmeal in the bed”- I woke my 4yo up from her nap with my laughing. from the other room.
“Too humany” cracked me up, as did starrs comment about “Rar Biiiiig!!”
We have a million of these. When we are talking and we use the phrase “One time” the other will quickly cut in and say (in a questioning tone) “at band camp?” (from American Pie). This is hilarious to us because my husband hated that movie, yet we quote it all the time! It is very difficult to NOT say it to other people who are not in on the joke!
Other favorites:
From My name is Earl “Don’t you judge me!” said jokingly with a heavy southern accent after you have just told someone that plan on doing something you shouldnt do, like eat ice cream for dinner.
If someone is talking about how great they are or bragging about something, we will say “Well smell ME!” I have no idea where that one came from!
When I was a kid my Dad would wake me up every morning by saying “It’s time to make the donuts!” (from the Dunkin’ Donuts commercial). Now I wake my daughter and husband up the same way every morning!
I told my husband about Fred and the chickeny chicken, and now we say all kinds of stuff like that, and not just food. For example, he was smelling a candle the other day and I asked what it smelled like and he said it smelled “candley”. The man is hilarious!
All I can say about Denis Leary is at least his teeth are better than Gollum’s.
Joanne, we do the Monty Python’s flesh wound saying too. We have 3 boys so it’s said often lol.
Most of ours come from the cartoon Over the Hedge.
Wanna help me find my nuts? (heh)
STEEEELLLLLLAAAAAAA! (when we yell across the house for each other)
Stand down sister (bob says this when I get bitchy, makes me laugh)
it’s not like he can walk on water (just said this one the other day news channel was interviewing lottery winner)
cause when you feel like a dirtbag it’s because you’re a dirtbag!! lol
If you havn’t seen Over the Hedge yet you need too. 🙂
Taken from this entry:
I am constantly telling my kids… “Do not test me child… I will go all BIDPep on you!”
once on an episode of Frasier when Lillith had just flown in Frasier asked, “I trust your flight was uneventful” and she replied, “the usual, up, down, bumpy over the mountains” my family used that for years – but then it got old.
LOL @ Teri. Candely takes the cake!
Some of our inside jokes:
“Dee-dee-dee” from Carlos Mencia
“Here’s your sign” from Bill Engval (I get that one a lot.)
Anytime my son says “Dude” to anyone, he gets the “Duude, duuuuude” from Finding Nemo when the turtle was waking up Nemo’s dad. We also have a tendency to sing that damned song, “Just keep swimming,” except we change the word “swimming” to whatever we’re doing at the moment. Walking, talking, farting, it all works.
Our house is replete with Napoleon Dynamite quotes, mainly because my husband looked JUST like Napoleon at one time in his life. Same glasses, same hairdo, same freaky tendency to draw ligers and such. So, my son (husband’s mini-me) does the whole, “:sigh: Bring me some chapstick” thing. “Gosh” is another word that is interjected into just about every conversation we have around here. Our favorite “in-joke” conversations have to be when we’re repeating parts (or all) of the tater-tots scene from Napoleon.
“Dude, gimme some of your tots!”
“No! I’m freakin’ starving! Go get some of your own!”
“UGH, GROSS! Freakin’ idiot!”
We’re such dorks.
Gawd. How sadly lacking are hubby and I with no phrases (or none I can think of right now).. Blame it on the fact we don’t watch a heck of a lot of tv!
When he gets home from work (gone 3 days of the week) I ask ‘how was work?’ and he says ‘fine’ and asks how ‘home and work was’, I say ‘fine’. We make coffee or pour wine depending on time of day and then settle in and talk…
Our funny quote is from The Big Lebowski but it is from the edited for television voice over.
There is a scene where a character says “This is what happens when you fuck a sranger in the ass!”
But on the television version they voice it over with “This is what happens when you meet a stranger in the Alps!”
It makes us giggle and we say it all the time!
Holy COMMENTS. I’ll read these later. We use “I’m not arguing that with you” from Joe Vs. The Volcano.
Just like Leigh, one of our inside jokes is from a television version of something naughty…
In Back To the Future, Biff comes into the restaurant and asks George – “How’s it hanging, McFly?” – but on the TV version – they change it to “How’s It Happening, McFly?” so when hubby and I call each other on the cell and want to ask what’s up, we’ll say “How’s It Happening, McFly?”
We also do various lines from Holy Grail and O Brother Where Art Thou –
I was cooking last night and somehow decided to channel Delmar and say “We-Thought-You-Was-A-Toad!” not really to anyone but myself.
My teenager, sitting at the computer, replies in her best Pete voice…
Do – Not – Seek – The – Treasure!!!!
That Sugarbutt is one handsome fellow. I love your pictures of him. He better quit that fence climbing, though!
My mom’s chickens lay all winter, it has to do with how much light they get. According to the internet: In order to keep hens laying all winter, artificial light can be used to equal 14 hours of light per day.
Also, I saw a dog get hit once and his buddy dog did the same thing: protected the body. I was screaming and stopping traffic and called Animal Control to come get them, I couldn’t even look, it was the most traumatizing thing I’ve ever seen. I also reported the dude who ran over the first dog, because he didn’t stop, motherfucker.
To end this comment on a happy note: all your kittehs are so lovely!
Hey Robyn- Next time you freeze you some eggs spray the tin lightly with some Pam or wipe a bit of Olive Oil in the cups. The frozen eggs will pop out slick as snot. Heh. BTW, I use the Mazola oil spray stuff instead of Pam. And tell Fred if you freeze them all together it’s inconvenient as hell because they can stick together and then you have a problem. Ponding frozen eggs on the kitchen counter is no fun and, more importantly, it reminds the kitties that you really are just staff.HA!