
I am completely out of new logos! I’ll leave it with the current one for now. Anyone out there feeling creative? Help a sister out! I needs logos! Thanks, Christine!!!! +++++++++++++++++++   Happy Labor Day, Americans and Canadians! Happy Monday to the rest of you. We figured it would take all weekend to find little … Continue reading “9/1/08”

I am completely out of new logos! I’ll leave it with the current one for now. Anyone out there feeling creative? Help a sister out! I needs logos!

Thanks, Christine!!!!



Happy Labor Day, Americans and Canadians!

Happy Monday to the rest of you.


We figured it would take all weekend to find little pigs – if we were able to find any at all – but the first place we looked (Dog Days Flea Market in Tennessee) had them. We ended up with girls this time around, and since one’s bigger than the other, we’re calling them “Big Pig” and “Little Pig.” Hey, if it ain’t broke, right?

These are the same kind of pigs as the last ones – Yorkshires – but they’re thinner and longer than the other ones were. They’re a lot friendlier than the other ones were at first, too, I don’t know if that’s because these were better treated in their initial home or because they’re girls, or what.

Big Pig loves – LOVES! – tomatoes, but has no use for donuts (they’re the cheap and crappy donuts, to be fair. Perhaps she requires a fancier donut?). She also ate the hell out of a miniature pecan pie Saturday night.

Little Pig loves the cheap and crappy donuts and will eat tomatoes but they’re not her favorite.

Neither of them was interested in celery (can’t say as I blame them) or raw eggplant (ditto). They’re eating the hell out of the grass in their yard, though. They “talk” to each other a lot, always grunting back and forth, and they stick together most of the time, too.

It was a lonnnnnnnnng week without pigs, and it’s really nice to have some out there again, ready and willing to eat (most) kitchen scraps and look cute and entertain us.

I don’t know how they feel about piggerdoodles, but I’ll be making a batch later today, so we’ll see!

In the almost-week of disuse, the wallow got even nastier. I have nightmares about falling in this thing, have I mentioned?



For the record, despite the fact that Fred’s been pushing for it for at least the last couple of months? We are NOT breeding pigs. Two pigs in that pig yard is the perfect number, I never smell the pig stink from the house (in fact, you have to get pretty close to the pig yard to smell them), and I have no desire to stress out over baby pigs.


Don’t be all “Oh suuuuuuure you won’t breed pigs, I bet this time next year you’ll have a whole OPERATION going!”, because you’ll note that despite Fred’s often-repeated desire to own goats, there’s not a goat to be seen anywhere on Crooked Acres.

No goats, no pig breeding.

I’ve said my piece and counted to three.



Kara seems to be getting more and more interested in the outdoors. She likes to sniff around the back door, and yesterday I had to push her back with my foot when she rushed the side door. If she ever gets to the point where she actually goes outside through the cat door, I’ll put a collar on her and let her hang out in the great outdoors. She seems leery of the cat door, though, so maybe she’ll remain inside. Despite having been allowed to come inside for the past year and a half, Newt still hasn’t gotten the hang of the cat door, so apparently it doesn’t come naturally to all cats.

(Maxi, on the other hand, goes in and out the cat door all the time.)

Zoe and Kaylee spend the majority of their time upstairs. I visit with them several times a day, and sometimes they come downstairs and look around (more Zoe than Kaylee), but they prefer to hang out on my bed.

When I go upstairs and they’re sleeping on my bed, I greet them and then lay down with them, and they look at me like I’m a great big interloper and WHY am I harassing them?

They don’t love me the way I love them, the little brats. They’ll tolerate my holding them for a few minutes at a time, but they don’t seek me out and ask to be petted.

Unless it’s Yummin’! Time!, of course. Yes, I’m still giving them morning and evening snacks consisting of a dab of chicken baby food and a dab of canned kitten food. They’re spoiled rotten and they LOVE ME when it’s Yummin’! Time! and I have a plate full of Yummin’!, but the rest of the time I’m just a great big slobbering goober who insists on PETTING them and KISSING them and wanting to snuggle them.

I know. I’m an unreasonable monster.

Kara disapproves of this “snuggling” nonsense.

01DSC03857 01DSC03893



I’m thinking we should have named him Teddy instead of Tommy. He looks like a great big stuffed teddy bear.



2007: No entry.
2006: The truth is, Fred has been excitedly pricing tractors every minute of every day since our offer on the house was accepted.
2005: Ahhhhh, smell that fresh, crisp autumn air! Why, it’s down to 90 degrees today. I almost need a sweater.
2004: She turned 86 last Thursday. She’s the only grandparent I’ve ever really known.
2003: (and you KNOW he insisted on it, was all temper tantrumy, screaming and beating his fists on the floor, wailing “ACTOR AND NOVELIST! ACTOR AND NOVELIST!”)
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.

12 thoughts on “9/1/08”

  1. “Said my peace and counted to three”
    I hadn’t heard that in YEARS. Not since my grandmom used to say it all the time, to get us, my brother and I, to stop the damn bickering already.

    And yes, that wallow is just about the most disgusting thing ever. In fact, when I scrolled to the photo, but not enough to read the caption, I thought maybe ya’ll had had a sewer eruption or something. Blech.

    Will the new pigs use the old wallow, since it’s full of the other pigs, uhh, stuff?

  2. I never heard that phrase (“said my peace and counted to three”) until I saw O Brother Where Art Thou? a few years back. My husband and I say it now.

  3. Let me warn you — my grandfather having raised both beef cattle and pigs (lots of pigs) that breeding pigs comes with a major downside…

    Sows (fully grown ones) can be mean. Sows with piglets are vicious. My kid brother managed to beat it over a fence about three seconds before the sow did, and you could hear her teeth snap on the metal.

    And boars (uncastrated) stink to high heaven and low hell. About the same way billy goats do.

  4. The new piggies are cute! I shudder to think of them setting hoof in that wallow, though.

    “I’ve said my peace and counted to three.” Too funny. O’Brother is one of my all-time favorite movies. That line, and when Holly Hunter responds to George Clooney’s question, “Why are you telling our gals I was hit by a train?” and she says, “Lots of respectable people have been hit by trains.” Cracks me up.

  5. Tommy looks so cute with his black coat and colourful claws. His entirely black outfit lets him carry his weight well.

  6. About the book Elayne was looking for; I’ve described the plot to those of my coworkers (at Borders) who have ten or more years in the book biz. No one recognized or remembered anything like it. Sorry!

  7. Check your email, woman. :p

    Love that picture of Tommy. If that’s not a belly in need of scratching, I don’t know what is! Glad the new piggies are adjusting nicely to their new home.

  8. Oh KARA!!! Ye of the expressive face!!!

    So when you say the kittehs are not giving you the love, may I ask if it’s… um… they’re just not that into you, or is it that they are that sort of kitteh?

  9. ACK! I meant to type “they AREN’T that sort of kitteh?” As in, they don’t appear to be overly affectionate?

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