
From reader Heather (who followed the link from Moosh in Indy), this father was a firefighter who was injured 10 years ago and is now a quadriplegic. He needs a tech makeover, and needs people to vote for him. Go check out his story and consider voting for him, won’t you? + + + + … Continue reading “9-30-08”

From reader Heather (who followed the link from Moosh in Indy), this father was a firefighter who was injured 10 years ago and is now a quadriplegic. He needs a tech makeover, and needs people to vote for him. Go check out his story and consider voting for him, won’t you?

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Cool/ interesting links I’ve gotten recently:

82 hours a year wasted by slow walkers. (Sent to me by Fred, with the subject of the email reading “I KNEW IT!”, because slow walkers drive him almost as bugshit as slow drivers.)

IRS Now Requiring Pet Tax Returns (thanks, Paula!)

How to “peel” hard-boiled eggs without peeling (thanks, Donna!). I tried this yesterday, but couldn’t blow the eggs out of the peel, I don’t know if it was the eggs, or if I lack sufficient lungpower. HOWEVER, I boiled them for 12 minutes on a slow boil, added ice and 2 tsp baking soda to the bowl of water I used to cool the eggs, and they peeled beautifully. I’ll be hard-boiling my eggs in that manner from now on!

To improve your marriage, shut the fuck up. Men and women communicate differently. Who the fuck knew?

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When Liz was here, I set up my laptop at the dining room table for her to use (we try to spoil our guests so they’ll come back!), and she was sitting and surfing on Saturday, and I was sitting at my computer, and she said “Oh, Paul Newman died!”

Only I didn’t hear the “Paul”, only the “Newman died!”, so I immediately thought of Newman from Seinfeld, and I said “Oh shit, you’re kidding! What did he die of?” and she said “Cancer, I think…”

So I surfed over to CNN.com, and I saw the headline that said Paul Newman had died, and I said “Paul Newman is dead too! What are the chances that… Oh.”


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I got my hair cut last week, I think I mentioned I was going to.

Here I am, before. Does anyone actually get up and style their hair before their hair appointment? Well, I don’t. I’m frizzy and frazzled and three-quarters gray, and that smile? I totally don’t mean it.


Here I am, home after the coloring and the cutting. This is how she styled it. I’m not feeling it.


And here I am, after I showered and styled it myself. With bangs:


And with the bangs brushed back:


My next appointment is in five weeks, and the next one after that is six weeks later. It’s scheduled for the week before Christmas. Which means Christmas is like 12 weeks away.


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“Iiiiiiiiiiii am the Stuuuuuuuuump of Constant Sorrowwwwwwwwww!”

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2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: I’m a badass, that’s right.
2004: I
2003: In adults, I am anti-”bye-bye”.
2002: Day in the life.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.

23 thoughts on “9-30-08”

  1. LOVE the new hair, m’dear. I can’t decide, though, which I like better: the bangs or the bangs brushed back. They both look terribly sophisticated. Which I know is the look you seek there at the epicenter of style, Crooked Acres. 😉 BTW, when DOES the Boogs album come out?

  2. In order for us to accurately measure the difference in the before and after, I believe that you must give us the same toothy smile in the after pictures. Then and only then can I really decide.

    Only kidding, of course, you look mahvelous, darling

  3. I think your hair looks great all three ways, and the color is very nice. Maybe you should mention to your hairdresser that you prefer your ears to show at the next appointment. Anyway, it’s the sign of a good haircut that it is so versatile.

    Now, I’ll just sing along with the Boogs.

  4. Nice hair! I like it better when you style it your own way.

    I was about to tell you the surefire method of having easy peeling eggs… which is to not boil them fresh, boil ones that have been in your fridge for a week or so and they peel with ease. Then I remembered that there are ONLY fresh eggs at Crooked Acres. How long does it take for an egg to go from chicken’s ass to the grocery store anyway?

  5. The hair is awesome and really shows off you fab eyebrows. I believe I’ve mentioned before that they are faboo with a wonderful natural shape. Rock on, lady.

  6. Your hair is totally cute! The color is great, too.

    I think the stylist was lazy when she did it. Your way is obviously so much better.

  7. Love the hair – that is a great color for you and I agree that your version of the styling (both with and without the bangs) is a ton better.

    Umm…HOW do you get pics of your cats with suck awesome expressions? And what the devil was he doing? The doesn’t look like a yawn?

  8. Christina: Don’t feel bad, I was just about to comment on how much I love the phrase! “Dude! That rollercoaster? That was suck awesome, man!”

    I think it’ll catch on.

  9. You look fabulous dahhling!

    Heather, I was so touched by the story I sent it to all my friends and family and then harassed all my facebook friends for a vote. Having worked with someone with a similar disability I darn well hope he wins!

  10. I’m a no-bang person, personally, person to person, person (bet it doesn’t look as good typed as I could say it, but whatever). I think the first picture is pretty cute, actually (the cut and color). But the look of dismay on your face kinda smolders the cuteness a bit. Not enough though – I still like it!! 🙂

    … And Franny is really enjoying the animals. Especially the fat, white cat. However, he did say “ooooh” when he saw the title of your page, the dirty ol’ word and all. Mwa-ha-ha. Neener. And now he’s asking what “neener” means. We’re having a great time, here. Thanks Robyn.

  11. Hi Robyn
    Just wanted to say that I used to feel the same way about slow walkers. With all due respect, I changed my mind one day when good friend’s mother, who was elderly and had to use a walker, was “nudged” and knocked down by an impatient truck driver. The truck driver, who saw what he had done, drove off, leaving her lying in the street with a broken hip. She later died. I guess the truck driver had more important things to do in his oh so very busy and important life than help a fellow human being, whose distress he had caused. My attitude now towards people who get impatient with slow-walkers is…take a valium and chill out. You’ll be a lot happier and, unless those 15 extra seconds spent at some intersection mean that now you won’t have time to discover the cure for cancer, I’d say they really aren’t all that important in the grand scheme of things.

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