I s’pose I should be flattered that ten people a day are searching my site for variations on the phrase “Crash Hot Potatoes” when I’ve never made them. They’re a Pioneer Woman recipe, she made them, she’s got the recipe, I’ve never made them myself but they certainly look delicious. I’m just not that into potatoes, really, or I’d have made them by now. She is far cuter and funnier and talented than I am (also, has more dogs), so I don’t know WHY y’all think it’s ME who put the recipe up, it’s not (though of course I’m flattered. If only we owned the amount of land they do!)! It’s her!
My friend Liz is coming to visit this week – she’s arriving tomorrow afternoon and leaving Sunday morning – and I have house cleaning to do. I’m not going to kill myself cleaning the house because she doesn’t really care about the state of my house (no one who comes to visit really seems to care about the cleanliness of my house as much as I do, of course), but I do need to clean the bathroom she’ll be using (Fred will use the upstairs bathroom for the duration of her visit) and vacuum the house and dust the guest bedroom and make the bed, then shut the guest bedroom door so none of the cats can get in there and make asses of themselves.
I’ll have to sternly warn her about keeping the bedroom door closed at all times whether she’s in there or not, because MY CATS ARE ASSHOLES, and I can guarantee that someone would run in there and pee on something, then disappear into thin air so we couldn’t tell who’d done it.
I’m sure SOMETHING will get peed on while she’s here, anyway. Because, my cats? ASSHOLES. Have I mentioned?
I also have a hair appointment tomorrow a little after noon, which will give me enough time to have my hair done, run home for a quick shower, and then run back to Madison to pick her up at the airport.
At least she’s not flying into Nashville this time. She got a kick-ass rate on her round-trip ticket.
We’ll be doing a lot of movie-watching and restaurant-visiting while she’s here. I expect I’ll have time to post something in the way of entries, but don’t expect my usual intelligent, well thought-out, thought-provoking prose.
This is the week when half the shows I watch are premiering, and I had to fuck around with the DVR for a long damn time yesterday, trying to make sure everything was going to tape. Because whoever’s in charge of scheduling shows HATES ME, I finally had to delete Grey’s Anatomy from the scheduled recordings so I could get The Office (yes, I could watch it on Hulu.com instead, but Fred doesn’t watch TV shows on the computer, he prefers his stupid, ridiculous, oversized TV and we both love The Office but I’m the only one who still likes Grey’s Anatomy) and Survivor: Gabon to tape, since our DVR only tapes two shows at a time. I can download Grey’s Anatomy via iTunes and watch it on my iPod, but I am annoyed at having to do so.
I also thought I was going to have to delete How I Met Your Mother from the scheduled recordings so I could get Heroes instead, but I realized that if I deleted Two and a Half Men from the scheduled recordings, there’d be no other conflict. Since we have (I shit you not) 40+ episodes of Two and a Half Men already sitting on the DVR, I think we’re okay as far as that show goes.
Yeah, I know. Fascinating.
I mentioned up there that I have a hair appointment tomorrow. I was scheduled for my usual 6-week cut and color the day I ended up going in for my plastic surgery in May. I thought about rescheduling, then decided I’d just let my hair grow out all summer long and decide what to do with it.
This means I’m WAY overdue for a cut and color.
(This picture cracks me up, because it looks like my eyes are looking in two completely different directions, one’s looking upward, one’s looking sideward. I’m wonky-eyed!)
What did I decide I want to do? Well, I thought about going for a chin-length bob, and I thought about just letting my hair revert to it’s natural mostly-gray, but in the end I’m going to have my hair colored and cut short, because I just don’t like having to mess with my hair much (as is obvious in that picture up there, I s’pose) and I’m not ready to go gray just yet.
(This is from last October and is probably about how my hair will be looking after tomorrow)
Cats news of note: Miz Poo is now nine years old – her birthday was last week and we didn’t celebrate it at all because we are cruel, uncaring assholes who deserve to have their beds peed upon. A few of you have been with me since I brought her home – BEFORE I brought her home, really, a few weeks prior to my adopting her, when I first laid eyes upon her and fell in love with her! And then dithered about adopting her, and finally did so. So it’s hard to believe she’s now considered a “senior” cat, isn’t it?
Also, it’s been three years since I brought Sugarbutt and Tommy and their siblings home with me to be our fosters. Of course, Sugarbutt’s name at that point was “Sad Eyes” and Tommy was “Barrett”, but I think their names suit them better now. Can you believe it’s only been three years since we first saw these little faces?
It seems impossible; it feels like they’ve been with us forever.
Sugarbutt’s life is a rough one, but he perseveres.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2004: Questions and answers.
2003: I feel like Eudora’s a creepy old lady hovering over my shoulder, reading my email, and threatening to tell my mommy on me.
2002: Anything more complicated than that, and I think you’ll have to look elsewhere.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
I remember when you brought Miss Poo home. She was (And still is) a beautiful cat. Those of us who have been here that long have seen Spud grow up, you and Fred become half of yourselves, and all the kitteh coming and goings. I still wonder about Fancypants. Poor fella. Have a great time with Liz. ~~Kath~~
Wow, I can’t believe it’s been 3 years already that you’ve had those boys.
The one thing at the top of my to-do list yesterday was sit down with the fall preview issue of Entertainment Weekly and set up the Tivo. I didn’t get it accomplished until 9:30 last night, but I was not going to bed until it was done, dammit. So you’re not alone. The beginning of the season is always hard because you have to record so many new shows in case they have potential, but then by mid-season, I’m usually down at least half what I started with because most of the shows suck.
WHY do they put all the good shows on Thursday nights??? I have the same conflicts except we watch Supernatural instead of The Office, so I feel your pain!
I remember you bringing Miz Poo home and please, PLEASE tell me it hasn’t been that long!
Happy Birthday Pooster!!
I’m cracking up at the last sentence of your bringing Mizz Poo home story….Sorry for all the kitten talk. HAHAHAHA. If you knew then what you know now. hehe. 🙂
Have I actually been reading your blog for over 9 years? That is a bit weird, in a good way, I suppose! 🙂 I love the Sugarbutt kitten picture. I really need an orange tabby kitten.
We got lucky dvr’ing our shows – the time shifting helped out enough that there were no conflicts.Maybe we don’t watch enough shows to have a problem. Why can’t they make a pvr/dvr that can record (I almost wrote “tape” – ha) 5 or 6 shows and then we wouldn’t have to worry!
Have fun with Liz!
Miz Poo is my favorite!
I had to do the same DVR dance this week… Thankfully, 90210 and Privileged get rerun later in the week! (Yes, I watch really crappy tv)
Hey! Didn’t you have a camera set up to see who was peeing on the bed???? Whatever happenend to that? Did you find out who it was????
Happy Birthday Miz Poo!!!!
OMG, Robyn, I LOVE YOU! Thank you so much for turning me on to Hulu.com!
I think I’ve mentioned — we don’t have TV or a dish, or a Tivo, or any of that kinda stuff 🙂 The only show I really wanted to see was The Biggest Loser — and thank you — now I can!!!!
Yippee!!!! And it plays soooo smoothly too!
OOPS, I did mention the Crash Hot Potatoes a couple of weeks ago in the comments. I must have made them sound too good to resist and lit a fire. Bad reader, bad reader.
Loved the house tour by the way. Your home is beautiful and so livable. It looks like you could just walk in and feel at home. You done good.
Aw, crap! I thought I had my Thursday dvr sorted out and you just reminded me I forgot Survivor! Last year ABC ran a Grey’s encore on Friday nights. I hope they do it again this year because I need my doctors McDreamy and McSteamy in high def on the big tv!
OK – am I the only one who wonders why you don’t take your shower BEFORE you go get your hair done? Or are you one of those fussies (like my daughter) who hates the way the hairdresser styles their hair?
Also – I love that picture of you and Fred!
And Also – what’s a girl who lives in the boonies with rabbit ears to do? I only get 3 networks, and I still struggle with watching/taping everything! I actually look forward to re-runs!!!
We got two DVRs just for Thursday nights. So many shows to record!
I at first was upset with the hubby when he wanted to get the HD DVR from DirectV. What, you wanna spend $200.00 on another damn recorder? We already have Tivo.
But now I’m glad he insisted because we still have the tivo connected and can record 4 shows at once. It works beautifully.
And oh my god the cuteness of sugarbutt and tommy. I’m dying over here!
What an adorable picture of you and Fred. Almost sent me into a diabetic coma. And I’m not diabetic. ;p
Barb in KS – I can only speak for myself, not Robyn, but: unless I’m only getting my hair styled (as in “formal gown event, had haircut in preparation last week”) I usually take a shower immediately after a hair appointment too. 99.9% of the time, if I’m in a salon it’s because I’m getting my hair cut. Maybe you know something I don’t, about how to get a haircut and not wind up itching like mad for hours because of all the little teeny tiny cut hairs that work their way under the smock no matter how much padding they put in the neck and how still you sit (or, like my mother-the-former-barber used to do for our home haircuts, no matter if they fasten the neck of the smock so tightly that I literally cannot swallow without popping it open).
But for me, the combination of being visibly speckled with hair bits all day, and the maddening, awful, horrible itching of itsy bitsy razor sharp hairs in all sorts of unimaginable places is just something I’d rather not deal with. In fact, I usually take two showers immediately after a haircut – shower one, then thoroughly blowdry my hair, then shower two to rinse away any little hair stubblies that got worked loose during the showering and blowdrying process. And I still usually find little cutends of hair in my sheets for a day or two afterwards…
Anyway, so it’s not necessarily about being “a fussy,” for some of us it’s about not scratching ourselves bloody or looking like we just rolled out of a hair-colored haystack.
Wow. I can’t believe how long you have been writing a journal on the internet.