
Last year when I was in Maine, my friend Liz lent me seasons 1 through 4 of The Footballers’ Wives. I finally got around to starting it last week, and I have to say it’s a total soap opera, but I’m enjoying it. I find myself compelled to call people “love” and to say “innit?”, … Continue reading “9-16-08”

Last year when I was in Maine, my friend Liz lent me seasons 1 through 4 of The Footballers’ Wives. I finally got around to starting it last week, and I have to say it’s a total soap opera, but I’m enjoying it. I find myself compelled to call people “love” and to say “innit?”, and so on. I’m certainly enjoying all the naked male behinds that pop across the screen pretty regularly, too. For the first five episodes or so, I thought Kyle’s name was Carl, though, because I swear to god that’s how they’re pronouncing it.

In any case, I’m enjoying it. I’m most of the way through season 1 and Liz assures me that the show only gets better from here on out!

I should have known she’d be right about my enjoying the show. She was the one who introduced me to Seinfeld (years before I ever watched the show, she’d call me up and tell me about an episode she’d just watched), she turned me on to Oz, and she’s been watching The Office from the beginning, so clearly she knows a good show when she sees one!

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Someone (hi, Elaine!) recently sent me a Think Geek catalog. I’d been to Think Geek before, but not in a while, and I like having catalogs around to look through when whatever we’re watching is boring me.

I swear to you, if this t-shirt:


came in anything other than black, I would already own it. I laughed out loud when I saw that.

I also like Do Not Want! and You read my t-shirt. That’s enough social interaction for one day.

… must not buy t-shirts, no matter how funny they are. Must. NOT.

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It only got to the mid-70s yesterday, and it was HEAVENLY. It won’t last – it’s supposed to go up into the lower 80s in a few days – but it was nice while it lasted, and I know it’s going to cool off soon enough. It was way less humid than it’s been, so I got a ton of towels and cleaning rags washed and hung out to dry, and they dried in record time.

You know how when the weather starts to get cooler, people tend to look around in surprise and say “WHERE did Summer go?!”

Ever notice no one EVER says “WHERE did Winter go?!”?

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“Will the 11:10 box to Hell be leaving on time, please? I have a very important appointment with the Big Guy.”

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2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Just call us the three bears.
2004: small things that will remind me of my grandmother.
2003: Man, this whole running-a-business thing is strictly FOR THE FUCKING BIRDS.
2002: Fred (as if narrating a book): “She was a bitter-butted woman….”
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.

13 thoughts on “9-16-08”

  1. Did you and Fred watch that football show from a few years back, on ESPN? It was called Playmakers, I think, and we enjoyed it so much. But then I think there was some uproar over it being TOO realistic about the players’ off-field lives or something, and it only survived that one season. Anyway, it was good.

    Also, what’s your favorite dusting product/method? I hate doing it, too, and don’t very often, but when I DO, it seems like I just end up moving the piles of dust around…

  2. I don’t know about anyone else, but here in Georgia, I’m like “It’s still summer? Seriously? Will it never end?” I’m definitely more of a winter person – nice winter clothes, thick blankets, rainy Saturdays on the couch with a book…..sigh.

  3. We have nine kittens and we desperatly need to find homes for them. All nine are white/light tan striped with blue eyes. We live near Athens Ga. If any of your readers are nearby please send me an email. We have loved on these kittens from day one but we can not keep them as we already have five cats and four dogs. Thank you Robyn for passing this along to your readers!

  4. I have had a shirt thing going on for a while, $10+free shipping on the daily shirt at http://shirt.woot.com/ and sometimes the shirts are good and sometimes awful but I look every morning, it’s the first thing I usually look at, I have bought 2 shirts for myself and 2 for friends…check it out.

  5. After growing up in Ohio, we lived in the South for 6 years, (South Carolina for 5, and Georgia for one before relocating back to the midwest (Iowa, where we are NOT moving from!)Those 6 years years cured me of hating winter. Now I crave it. I can’t stand sweating. I love the coziness of cold, “hunker down” weather, I love it getting dark earlier (more of an excuse to go to bed early), and I love winter clothes, boots, and fires in the fireplace. Summer that drones on and on depresses me. I am odd.

  6. I’m with Lisa! I live in Virginia and I’m always sad when spring arrives because the hot, humid summer is right around the corner. I love autumn and winter!

  7. I just passed, on my way home, a car with a license plate that read: McLoven. I thought of your rooster and laughed. I’m quite sure that’s not the reaction the driver wanted.

  8. I don’t get the T-shirt, “Every time you can has” ?? I guess I’m a dork and not a geek – will someone explain-

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