8/6/09 – Thursday

New episode of Dumbversation is up! Nance titled this one “Robyn takes it to a new level of nasty”, and I have to say, she ain’t kiddin’. My only excuse is that it was late (which you can tell by looking at my squinched-closed eyes). * * * * * * * * * * … Continue reading “8/6/09 – Thursday”

New episode of Dumbversation is up!

Nance titled this one “Robyn takes it to a new level of nasty”, and I have to say, she ain’t kiddin’. My only excuse is that it was late (which you can tell by looking at my squinched-closed eyes).

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So yes, we have a boat.

We haven’t been out on the boat yet – Fred is going to pick it up tonight (I think) and get a lesson from the guy who’s selling it to us, and then we’ll take it out Friday and likely at some point (or points) over the weekend and when I don’t update on Monday it’ll be because we’re stranded somewhere on the river and I’m bellowing “Oh, you haaaaaaad to have a boat!” at Fred. That’s the plan at the moment, anyway, things could change.

I decreed that the boat’s name is going to be the Stanley B, which was one of Mister Boogers’ nicknames, and is more nautical and jaunty-sounding than “Mister Boogers” would be, but Fred has said that he doesn’t necessarily agree to that (he suggested the Sea Chicken or Sea Kitten).

I like how he thinks he has any choice in the matter.

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These kittens, oh. I can’t stand how cute they are. The worst part is that they have each other to play with, so they’re mostly uninterested in me, so they go running by me to jump on each other, and sometimes I have to grab them and force a snuggle. They are most unimpressed by the forced snuggles, let me tell you.

Probably once their eyes are improved and I don’t have to put terramycin in them three times a day, they might warm up to me a little. Something about seeing a tube of ointment poking at their eyes seems to put them off, go figure.

Yes, the little black kitten is cross-eyed, but it doesn’t slow him down in the least. To be honest, it makes him look even more adorable, if you ask me! (And, the black kitten is a boy – I sat and stared at the kittens for a long time yesterday, and except for two of them, I can tell them apart (since you’re curious, I know, we have “biggest kitten with lots of white on his face, girl kitten with almost as much white on her face as the biggest kitten, diamond-faced hernia boy, black kitten, and the two brown tabbies I can’t tell apart.” But I’m working on it!)

I got one of them to purr for a brief moment yesterday during a forced snuggle (and by “forced snuggle”, all I mean is that I pick them up, hold them against my chest, and pet them ’til they either meow sadly or try to turn around to jump down. I don’t try to hold them if they’re actively struggling against it, I promise), then he remembered that I don’t impress him much, and he squinted up at me and refused to purr any more.

Silly little brats – I will make you love me!

2009-08-06 (11)

2009-08-06 (10)
They are all very fond of the Petmate water fountain.

2009-08-06 (9)
Diamond-faced hernia boy gets a belly rub.

2009-08-06 (7)
Wild things.

2009-08-06 (5)

2009-08-06 (4)

2009-08-06 (3)

2009-08-06 (2)

2009-08-06 (1)
Kittens gone wild!

I brought some canned food into the kitten room yesterday morning, because I think it’s never too soon to start spoiling them and causing that “Lady brings us yummy food, therefore we LIKE the lady!” connection in their little brains. Most of them sniffed at the food and moved along to the solid food in the bowls. The little black one, though, climbed onto one of the plates of canned food and ate and ate and ate. He finished off that plate (which held 1/3 of a small can of cat food) and moved on to a second plate. I didn’t want him to get sick, so I let him have a little of that plate, then I took it away from him. He glared at me with his funny little cross-eyed glare, and then allowed me to rub his belly.

All heart, that one.

2009-08-06 (8)

2009-08-06 (12)

2009-08-06 (6)

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2009-08-06 (13)

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2008: Meet Michele the chicken!
2007: (Miz Poo, upon seeing me pick up a fly swatter and walk toward her, whines and runs away. Like I beat her spoiled ass on a regular basis! I don’t, but I oughta. She deserves it.)
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: The morning I wake up and find a cricket in bed with me is the day I start closing the cat door at night, believe you me.
2002: No entry.
2001: Yeah, like YOU don’t have a voice in your head that reads things to you…
2000: No entry.

15 thoughts on “8/6/09 – Thursday”

  1. I just LOLed at the picture of black kitten with the tongue out. That goes in the Hall of Fame of Anderson pictures. Seriously funny. I think it is a CO submission for sure.
    I like calling the boat The Stanley B. A very nice way to honor our lost sailor.
    So, will we be seeing the cats with life saving vests on riding on the boat? Water skiing perhaps??? How is Maxi’s head doing?
    I have not had a chance to listen to you and Nance yet. Can’t wait.
    Just now at the Fetta-Andrews kitchen table…
    Dave: Look out, she is going for your raspberries
    Me: Nah, they don’t like fruit
    Gracie Lu: Lick, lick, lick
    Dave: And she just licked her butt, Ah hahahahahahaha!

  2. I have to second Elaine on the picture of the black kitten with his tongue out. Classic.

  3. You should name the boat Chicken of the Sea (not that Fred wants to be known as a wimpy Captian or anything!) Congrats and happy, safe sailing!!

  4. I have to agree with the picture of the cross-eyed black kitten. I have a weakness for the cross-eyed ones since my own cat is still slightly cross-eyed and is even more adorable for it.

    In other news, I finally had a bitchypoo dream. Well, it sort of started out as one anyway. I was on Robyn and Fred’s new boat with a bunch of other people for a launch party. Fred was played by John Goodman, only after a while, he wasn’t Fred anymore (though he remained John Goodman); he turned into the father of a friend of mine (the odd thing is that this man died about 6 years ago. Just wait; you’ll be asking yourself: ‘THAT is what she thinks is the odd thing about this dream?”). He said he bought the boat because he never did anything for himself, but he still has to buy a house for his wife and pay for some other stuff. Anyway, after a while, we were glad we stayed in the marina because the ocean was getting crazy from a storm that was a-brewin’ and Fred didn’t know how to drive the boat in that kind of water. The next thing I know, I was swimming in the middle of the huge waves along with someone else (I think it was my boyfriend) and we were trying to demonstrate the danger of the undertow so everyone would be safe. Then we were clawing our way onto the beach and running as fast as we could to outrun an ENORMOUS wave that would surely kill us. We ran and ran and then realized what were were actually running from was Godzilla coming out of the ocean. Suddenly we were Japanese, and we found a car and raced out of Tokyo while everyone foolishly decided they would be safer IN Tokyo. We finally got far enough away and decided to hide from Godzilla by living in the trees tops of a massive thick forest we found.

    I don’t even want to know what it means. Sadly, this is not atypical of my dreams. My poor addled brain.

  5. The cross-eyed cat is so cute, but its freaking me out. Will he grow out of it? How can he function like that, and I hope someone will adopt him. (i’m a worrin about the little fella)

  6. “So, hoist up the Stanley B’s sail/See how the mainsail sets/Send for the Captain ashore, let me go home!”

    🙂 Honestly, it was the first thing I thought of!

  7. Its the boat chick again.

    Favorite all time ever boat name is OSIBAB. I thought it was a foreign word so tried to google it and found out it means “Oh Shit I Bought Another Boat”

  8. Totally agree about the tongue out crossed eyes black kitten picture. Too too adorable-and I don’t think it will hurt him adoption wise. It wouldn’t stop me. He looooves his food too-he’s my kinda’ kitty boy. I like the Stanley B-all beach boys sounding and tribute to the boogs as well. Chicken of the Sea is great too. I don’t think the dumbversation was nasty at all-you are grown ups and have warnings posted on your sites. Anyone offended-don’t let the door hit you in the ass!

  9. Add me to the list of people who like the little black cat. He’s adorable!

    Mister Boogers would probably het the boat but be glad that you named it after him. ;-D

  10. Add me to those that lurve the cross-eyed kitty! But then, I have a weakness for animals with any kind of deformity. I just think it adds character, y’know?

    I’m totally jealous of the boat, but shocked (SHOCKED, I say!) that Fred would even consider a pastime that took him away from his precious Crooked Acres. What the hell is going to happen if yall are out past dark??

  11. “I like how he thinks he has any choice in the matter.” My dog thinks I’m insane because of the snorting and cackling. I think I interupted his nap.
    I like the idea of the boat being named after the Boog.

  12. Foster names?


    (An homage to Dumbversation. I’ve only seen one episode of Entourage, and that was last week, so there might be a better girl.)

  13. I sure hope life jackets come with that new boat!! I’m worried about you guys. Love that Stanley B. name. I’m so overwhelmed with all that kitten cuteness. Please give them some cuddles from me. So cute!

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