
Holy cow! Thanks, you guys, for all your comments and emails. You are, as usual, The Awesome. My ego is now so swollen my neck can barely support it! A lot of lurkers came out to comment, and I love it when that happens. Rest assured that I am going nowhere and passwording nothin’. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ … Continue reading “8/5/08”

Holy cow! Thanks, you guys, for all your comments and emails. You are, as usual, The Awesome. My ego is now so swollen my neck can barely support it! A lot of lurkers came out to comment, and I love it when that happens.

Rest assured that I am going nowhere and passwording nothin’.



You remember Dramatic Groundhog, right?

Now check out Dramatic Kitty!



You tell me: double-bladed mezzaluna knife. Worth it, or no? And if yes, tell me about your mezzaluna knife, where you got it, and how much you love it.



You ever get the feeling that someone’s been going through your stuff or sitting at your desk? Lately, I’ve been coming downstairs in the morning and my keyboard is just… I don’t know. Not where it’s supposed to be. And my mouse is much closer to the edge of the desk. It’s very odd.

I can’t imagine what would explain such a thing.



I think y’all should know that we have owned MisterBoogers.com for TWO AND A HALF YEARS and it took me about an hour altogether to get it up and running.

I know, ridiculous.



Y’all, I seriously DO NOT KNOW what the hell it is, but Sugarbutt and Mister Boogers have got a serious hate-on for Joe Bob. He’ll be sitting on the floor minding his own business and just SOMETHING about his very existence sets Sugarbutt (who has always been a lover, not a fighter) or Mister Boogers (who’s always been a hetter) off. Last night Fred went out to close up the chicken coops and I was loading the dishwasher before I joined him, and all of a damn sudden, there were cats screaming and I whipped around to see Joe Bob and Sugarbutt with a death grip on each other, both of them yowling at the top of their lungs. I yelled so loud that Fred heard me and came back inside just as I got them separated.

At least there was more Sugarbutt hair floating around in the aftermath than Joe Bob hair.

Fred helped Joe Bob get to his “safe place” – atop the bookcase in the kitchen – and he stayed there for the rest of the evening.

Yesterday I was on the phone and heard a hellacious scream. I recognized it as Stinkerbelle’s voice, and followed the sound to the laundry room to find that Joe Bob had cornered Stinkerbelle behind the washing machine and it was PISSING HER OFF. He doesn’t have to touch her to piss her off (I don’t think he’d actually instigate a fight), all he has to do is block her from getting past him.

I don’t know what the issue is, but it’s pissing me off. I hate to see Sugarbutt and Boogie pick on Joe, and I hate to see Joe pick on Stank. I suppose it’s the principal of shit rolling downhill, but I think the Stank would disagree with the idea that she’s downhill from Joe when it comes to the pecking order in the house.

They just better stop with the middle of the night fighting, because I will TOTALLY toss all of the troublemakers out back and make them fend for themselves.

Yeah, I don’t believe me either.




Kaylee never quite dares to come all the way downstairs. She prefers to sit on the stairs and observe.


Miz Poo gets cranky without her full 23.75 hours of beauty sleep.



2007: No entry.
2006: The man KNOWS romantic conversation, doesn’t he?
2005: That Jane, she’s a smart and wily one.
2004: No, there are no current plans for Fredbyn offspring.
2003: I think we’re going to change Miz Poo’s name to Miz Money Pit.
2002: No entry.
2001: Picture entry.
2000: The word of the day is shopping.

23 thoughts on “8/5/08”

  1. Yikes! Miz Poo looks like she means business!

    Your cats must be going through a pecking order shuffle. Our 4 rotate and do that every so often. Just when we get used to it, they decide enough is enough and go through it all again. Not only do they fight and scuffle, they block each other from eating, using the litter box, and leaving/entering rooms. They are the Jr. High School mean girls of cats.

  2. NOW I understand why I felt so full of the het when I started up my computer. I don’t think the Internet has ever KNOWN such het. You go Boogs!!!

  3. If you MUST have a mezzaluna, get a single-bladed one. The double bladed ones are a bitch to clean in between the blades.

    In my opinion, you can do just as good a job with herbs using a good quality, sharp chef’s knife. The mezz’s are cute, but they’ll end up being just another thing in the kitchen that you don’t really use very often.

  4. I didn’t get to comment yesterday because we just got back from vacation and I’m a disorganized shrew BUT I need my Bitchypoo fix every morning!! That was the part of the vacation that sucked: no internetzzzzzzz out in the freaking sticks. Bah. It’s just a good damn thing there were two wee doggies and a kitty where we stayed is all I’m saying.

  5. Also, please tell Mister Boogers that I added him to my feed reader. He will probably het that, too, but whatever. 🙂

  6. I don’t know if anyone has asked you this yet, but have you seen or are you watching Real Housewives of Atlanta??? I love those shows, but I don’t know if I can watch the Atlanta one. I saw one episode and I wanted to jump through the TV and kick them all in the back of the throat. Oy!

  7. Hmmm. Maybe it’s the heat. It’s so hot and humid in WI right now. Ugh. Last night – Hellcats 3 was filming at my house. I woke up more some much to screaming cats. Or I was just bad cat momma – I fogot to feed them before I went to bed. They were probably fighting over the last piece of kibble. They are probably all sleeping with full bellies except for Andy – Mr. Scarf and Barf.

  8. I have a similiar chopper that I never use. I was always having to arrange the food to get it chopped and then it wouldn’t be the right size of chop.

  9. I’d have to vote NO on the double bladed mezzaluna. What ever food you are working with just gets stuck between the blades and clean up is a major pain in the tookas. And then theres all the blood to clean up because I can’t seem to grasp the concept of 2 knives stuck together when it comes to washing up after I use it.

  10. Double mezzaluna: Looks like it would work much faster than a single blade, except I don’t like stainless steel for knives because it’s so difficult to sharpen/keep sharp. I use an Alaskan ulu and I love it for chopping garlic, herbs, nuts, etc. It looks like this:


    I guess you could skin a caribou with it too, if you had one.

  11. Completely random, but thought this was so cute..heh. “Ham and eggs…A day’s work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.”

  12. I have an Alaskan Ulu as well. Though I know people swear by them I rarely used it in the kitchen.

    Now I use it for cutting lead for my stained glass.

  13. That one picture reminds me of Sixth Sense, “I see dead people.”

    And OMG Mister Boogers, how beyond funneee. I have it on my bookmark toolbar.

  14. Have the ‘rocker knife’, never use it. I like a chef’s knife for chopping and a long blade paring knife for everything else.

  15. hee! as one of the arctic girls in the mix, it was really funny to see an Ulu of all things linked here. I don’t have one, i have no need for an ulu. I can’t stand eating caribou, even if they are annoying when they block up the roads! *bad arctic girl, bad!*

  16. Double Mezzaluna knife: I say no. It is a gadget that’s only good for one thing and you probably have a drawer full of gadgets that will do the same job – knives. A good, well-sharpened chef or santoku knife will do the same job and many more. The mezzaluna is also awkward to use, IMO.


  17. Robyn, I’m sorry, I thought I had bookmarked the entry about the big buckets at Lowe’s that you use for litter boxes (the dimensions and how you cut them), but I can’t find it. Can you link to it in the Friday questions, please? I’ve recently seen my big boy miss the box by having his front feet on the floor instead of on the rim of the box (which points his butt almost straight down) and I think a bucket would solve the problem if all the cats would use them. Thanks.

  18. At first I thought Mister Boogers was picking on Joe Bob because JB has gotten his pic on your site for the past few days. I guess that’s not the reason since he has his own site! I’m kind of afraid to leave a comment on his – is he sarcastic? Or would he just sigh and glare?

  19. With all the fighting going on… you know what that means? Another episode of The CATPRANOS!! 🙂

  20. Ha! I thought I was the only one cat crazy enough to make a site so that my cats can blog! Hallie and Henry (my cats) will have to link to Mr. Boogers!

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