What I’ve always loved about writing here, about my site not being passworded, is that anyone can read. I get people who wander across my site during a fit of boredom, read several (or several hundred) entries, then wander off again.
The problem, of course, is that anyone can read and unless I want to ban IP addresses, I can’t control who’s reading here.
It’s wearing when you know that someone is reading what you’ve written and then turning around to sneer behind your back about it. Someone who digs frantically through your archives looking for a reason to be offended and chooses the most innocuous stuff to be offended by.
It’s wearing, and on Friday in a fit of overwhelmed stress, I made the decision to take down my site completely and start over in a new, private, passworded location. Fred and my sister eventually convinced me not to, and in the end I had to agree that I would miss writing here too much, and I’d miss having almost nine years of history behind what I write.
This is my site. And I will write what I want to write. If you don’t like something I’ve written, rather than rail on and on and ON about the utter nerve of me writing what I want how I want, I would recommend that you get over yourself.
This is MY SITE. Mine. I will write what I want to write. How I want to write it.
And if you don’t like that, then I suggest you remember that no one invited you to the party, and close your browser and go away.
Maybe you could start your own site. Clearly you have too much time on your hands.
It occurred me when writing the above that the two women who asked last week that I not refer to our dinners by the names of the chicken who comprise it might think it was referring to them.
Rest assured, it’s absolutely not.
I don’t think it’s going to be terribly hard to avoid calling our meals by the name of the chicken who died to make it possible in the future, given that we only have two chickens left who are named, and they won’t be going anywhere for a good long while.
But I still think that Summer Vegetable McLovin Pie is FUNNY.
So, we haven’t gotten a blue egg in a long, long time. I think it’s been a month since Fred last brought one in and showed it to me, and before that they seemed to be kind of misshapen and thin-shelled.
Last week, we noticed that Frick looked raggedy, feathers falling out, like she was molting. Chickens usually molt when the weather gets colder, so to have her molting in the middle of the summer seemed a bit odd, but we didn’t think a lot about it. Then she started acting unlike herself – she stayed off, alone, and stopped running over to us when we walked into the chicken yard. She’s always run over to us in hopes that we had food – I’ve called her my puppychicken for as long as I can remember – but she wasn’t doing that anymore and I don’t know how long it was going on before we noticed. If we put food right in front of her she’d eat it, but she wasn’t seeking it out.
Last week suggested that Frick was going to be the next chicken to “go”, and I said “NO FRICK WON’T GO!” and talked about how she’s the only chicken I considered a pet?
The irony is that she was probably already dead when I typed that.
Friday night we went out to shut up the chicken coops, and I looked specifically for Frick to see how she was doing. She’s always on the roost near the door, that’s her spot, but this time I didn’t see her. I asked Fred if he saw her, and he walked into the coop to look and saw her nowhere. He looked under the small coop (she’d been spending time under there – the chickens like to go under the coops during the day when it’s hot out, and it’s been particularly hot lately) and didn’t see her, and then he looked under the big coop and said “She’s behind the steps!”
He got the handle to a broom and pushed at her with it. And then he said that he thought she was dead.
She was, and she’d been dead a long time.
After doing some research online and talking about it, we’re convinced that she was egg bound. It bothers us both that we put off her behavior to molting, when if we’d realized that she was egg bound we could have tried to help her. I hate the thought of her going under the coop and dying behind those stairs. I hate the thought of her being in pain.
It’s probably weird to y’all that I can happily talk about eating a chicken one minute and then terribly miss Frick the next. All I can say is that I always considered her a pet and I already miss seeing her goofy little face.
Good ol’ Frick.
(I know what you’re thinking, and no. We didn’t. And neither did the pigs. We don’t eat our pets.)
It was actually not a good weekend to be a Crooked Acres chicken. Late last week a Jersey Giant (black) mother chicken hatched three eggs. On Saturday Fred went into the coop to check on them, and one of the three newborn chicks was laying off by herself. He put her under a heat lamp in the garage and dipped her beak in water several times. But she wouldn’t open her eyes, she felt cool, and her breathing was labored. Within a few hours, she was dead.
The surviving newborns are just fine, and none of the other chickens are acting in any way sick. But you can bet we’ll keep a close eye on them from here on out.
River likes to climb up my shirt and hang out there. So does Zoe. Sometimes they both get in there and start fighting. It’s quite fun, as you can imagine.
Kara considers putting the smack down.
Joe Bob, atop the bookcase in the kitchen – his favorite place to hang out when he’s not outside.
2007: No entry.
2006: I reflected for a moment that I wasnβt hovering over him in the dead of night, so I didnβt know how I could have possibly scared him.
2005: See that? I made a thinly veiled joke about his age! I am SO FUNNY!
2004: As for where the odd socks go – the bad ones go to hell, donβt they?
2003: Oui, I am back! Let the rejoicing begin!
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: So we were at the beach this morning by 10.
I am so glad you decided to come back…your journal was the first I ever started reading and I’ve been reading it forever…I would be lost without you!
That Joe Bob is the happiest damn cat I’ve ever seen. Always with the little smirky grin.
I’m glad you decided not to leave. I look forward to reading you every weekday morning. I feel like I cannot start my day without having read your entry.
I know you don’t know me from Adam, but I’ve been reading I think since the beginning, and I would miss you a lot if you decided not to share what is going on with Crooked Acres and all the cats.
I’m glad you’re staying. I tend to obsess over things like you’re going through: “WHHHHYYY doesn’t everyone like me? WHHHHHHYYY???” Then I realize I’m not particularly fond of a lot of people, and obsessing takes up a lot of time. Then I obsess some more.
Although we’ve never met, and we’re unlikely to, I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed getting to know you through your blog. I admire your dedication to writing, and I love your style.
Please remember that for every one person acting like an idiot, there are a LOT of us out here that like what you do. We’re just not always as vocal about it.
Plus, if you change things, where will I get my Newt fix? The site needs more Newt!!
I’m eight and a half months pregnant and trapped in Texas, where it was 107 degrees yesterday. I’ve spent the last week frantically digging through your archives, but not to sneer! I love your writing and getting off the sofa right now is so hard, so your “random entry” button has been a Godsend. I’m very glad you didn’t move the site. π π
I’m so glad you’re not going away- and so very sorry about Frick.
Hey Robyn,
Sorry about Frick. Don’t beat yourself up over maybe missing something going on with her. Animals are notorious for keeping pain and illness hidden. Survival instinct kicks in. Cats are particularly bad. That is why I make myself crazy watching my furbabies like a hawk. Anything new or different causes me to evaluate their health. Of course, it is usually just boredom and wanting to try something new. Plus I think they just like the attention they get from me when I am trying to diagnose their non-existent illness.
If you do decide to change your site to password protected will we have an opportunity to apply to be your friend? Will there be a rigorous application process? If we make the cut will there be hazing? Perhaps you could hold training camp at Crooked Acres. Seriously though, sorry you ran into another asshole. Seems like a lot of the blogs or community boards I visit have a run in with some asshole who feels it necessary to take over the board and force their personal opinion on all the others. I am sure that your readers have vastly differing opinions on any number of topics, including those that you write about. However, what makes your site work is that we all choose to keep our commentary civil and we are willing to let others have their opinion. What I have seen on other sites is that if you can stand to ignore the asshole and not react, eventually they will get bored, take their ball and go play somewhere else. Hang in there.
Oh yeah, I meant to add that I read a few entries in your archives a while back and laughed so freaking hard that there was leakage. Please don’t go away. We luurrvves you and would miss you terribly.
Girl, I am soooo glad you decided to stay. To he ll with those folks. You are the bright spot in our days. Sorry to hear about poor Frick. Just remember this – she had a good chicken life…
HELL NO, YOU CAN’T GO!!! Call your food whatever you like! Swear and cuss! Gloat about your surgery! Do lots lots more of whatever pissed off that twit!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!
Now that I’m done ranting, I’m so sorry about Frick. I don’t think it’s weird at all that you can shift from eating a chicken to missing a pet; there’s a difference. And she was a special little lady.
I am so glad you have decided not to go away! I have enjoyed your site for a couple of years now and have enjoyed your writing immensely. I dont know what gets in someones mind that they can be offended by what they read in someones else’s blog. They have the choice whether or not to read it. Even when Fred asked his readers what they thought of posting his chicken processing I thought “hhmmm, might just skip that post”. (Did read it though and it was very interesting) You have the choice to post what he wants and so does anyone else. Whether we choose to read it is our choice.
So Sorry to hear about Frick, but as you have always said, they will have a great life while they are at Crooked Acres. And Frick did!
Sorry to be so crass, but if someone doesn’t like your site, fuck them! I hate when self-righteous people come trolling around websites and try to pick them apart to make themselves feel better. It’s all because of jealousy and it’s ridiculous when grown ups find it necessary to try to make other people feel like shit in order to make themselves feel better. People who do this have some serious underlying mental problems and instead of researching things in your archives to pounce on, maybe they should use that time to pick apart the yellow pages in search of a good therapist.
So sorry about Frick.
Even sorrier that some people are such asshats to you. Clearly there is something extra special lacking in their lives so much so that they have to try to drag your life down to their level of misery. Losers.
Right on, Robyn. It’s YOUR site, and the reason I read you every single day is because you are you. Somehow you cut through the bullshit and avoid the cattiness (ha! except for the cats!) and manage to keep it very real, right down to what/who is on your dinner plate, which I don’t mind knowing about. I don’t comment a whole lot, but you’re the first thing I read every morning and I would really miss it if you went anywhere. Sorry to hear about Frick, but she had a great chicken life.
Thank you for not going away. I have read you for years and would miss you terribly! I do not understand why the people(obviously LOSERS) who do not like your site, what you write, cats etc…do not just opt not to come here. I guess because being a LOSER means you are just too stupid to figure out how not to come back? Thanks again for staying.
Your journal is the first I started reading daily. I am glad you decided to stay.
Sorry about Frick. That really sucks.
I went thru that same thing, Robyn…someone kept leaving nasty comments on my blog telling me how stupid I was and that my children were monsters, blah blah blah…..I thought about password protecting my blog, also, but after many warm and loving comments from my readers, I decided not to do that.
I agree, it is YOUR blog and whatever you want to talk about is up to you.
Thanks for not password protecting!!!
I want to add mine to the list of people that are glad you didn’t go away. I’ve been reading you faithfully for years and, though not in a weird way, refer to you all the time as “my friend Robyn”. I would miss you terribly.
I’m so sorry to hear about Frick.
Girl, you’re one of the few ‘old school’ journallers still left! So many of the rest of us stopped a long time ago (some for the reason you almost did) and it’s good to see that not everyone gave up. You’re an inspiration and you’re loved. π
Thanks for keeping your writing public. I really enjoy taking a trip to Crooked Acres each weekday morning before I start the daily grind π
So sorry to read about Frick. She was lucky to arrive at Crooked Acres and lead the life of a pet.
It’s a sad fact that the anonymity of the internet allows small minded people to denegrate others in order to feel better about themselves. I still believe in the general goodness of people. Thanks for continuing to let us share your blog. You brighten my days!
Hi Robin, sorry about Frick…. I can imagine that the “downside” of Crooked Acres life is, well, death. Whenever you raise a lot of animals and grow a lot of food, you really particpate in the cycle of life, eh? Still s u c k s though.
Glad your loved ones talked you into staying around as OUR loved one! Because we do, do, do lurrrve you something awful! What also s u c k s is those people who aren’t happy unless they try to make others miserable…. Karma is an interesting thing — they will get theirs someday soon! Don’t even give them another thought. They aren’t worth it.
Besides, who would I receive ridiculously funny Christmas cards from if you went away???????
So sorry about Frick! But that is what happens when you have pets and animals unfortunately. And NEVER stop writing public, screw the haterzzz ;).
Oh my gosh, I virtually killed your chicken! That was me {in case ya forgot} asking about was Frick going to be your next meal. I feel so bad now, like I sent a curse out… Poor little Frick – RIP. π I always giggled whenever you said “I love the hell outta that Frick!”
And as far your taking your blog down? I am SO glad you didn’t!! Don’t let a few assholes ruin things for you. This is YOUR blog. If you want to talk about explosive diarrhea for an entire week, that’s your right as the blog owner. Screw ’em I say!
I have always been a fairly quiet reader, posting every now and then. Sometimes I stop and realize that I have been reading you blog for four to five years! I love your blog and sometimes I think we are the same person! I hope some fool doesn’t ruin it for the rest of us.
Sorry that you lost Frick, poor little hen.
Don’t let the losers get you down. I can’t believe people are reading through your stuff with negative thoughts running through their mind. Probably reading all the comments today, too. What is wrong with YOU people who are being a$$hats???? They are LOSERS.
Geez Robyn, Third paragraph, I get it. I always looked towards your blog and how I could be more like your blog to avoid my own problems and now I find out it’s affecting you too. I’m so appalled about this sort of behavior. I wish there was something that could be done. You can’t harass people in real life so why is it okay to do so on the internet? You can’t slander someone is real life so why is it okay to commit libel on the internet? It’s inappropriate behavior to make fun of people in real life but for some reason on the internet being respectful of other humans is not important. That said for the most part, for the great most part, your readers adore you and would hate to lose your blog. There’s always spoiled apples in the grandest of orchards.
Poor baby Frick. She was a cute little chicken. I went and looked at the tags with Frick on them and the one with her and Sugarbutt doing the model shoot was too funny.
And my dear, I have been reading you for at least five years. I can’t imagine what anyone with half a brain cell and a speck of a sense of humor would find to take a affront to. You always warn people if there’s going to be something gross, upsetting or spoilerish on TV stuff. You are entitled to your own opinions on stuff.
It’s your place, fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke.
So glad you have decided to keep the site the way it is. You’re a part of my morning routine – get up, drink coffee, go to the gym, come home, make breakfast, read Robyn’s entry. Please don’t go!
Long time reader – but I don’t think I’ve ever posted in the comments. So, the quick basics – I love reading your site everyday and I’m glad you didn’t pull any plugs!
Umm – don’t these moronic asshats know Fred from your blog? Don’t they know that Fred has demonstrated multiple times over the years (documented on your sites) that he is easily able to track people’s IPs? And then deliver the info-smackdown upon them? They’ve got to be idiots.
So – keep it real Robyn! We’ll keep lurking and loving your blog (and cheering when Fred busts them down techno style!).
Sorry to hear about Frick.
On a lighter note, I’m glad you didn’t let the wieners get you down! Good for you. This is your place, not theirs. My feeling is: you started this site and you should be the one to close it up if you WANT to, not because some butthole came along.
Thank you for keeping your public site. Yours is the first one of my bookmarked blogs that I visit each day and I really enjoy it. I hope you know that for every crankypants who has nothing else to do than write mean things about online journalists (and seriously, why would you take the time? Just go read something else), there are hundreds who appreciate each person sharing his/her life.
So sorry to hear about Frick but she was well loved and cared for and that’s really what’s so important.
I am ALSO glad you aren’t going away – I’ve been reading so long and just yesterday I found pattypan squash at the farmers market and said to my husband “oh, Robyn has a recipe for this!” – AND HE KNEW WHO I MEANT. Don’t go anywhere – you’re too awesome for crappy people.
Aw, I’m sorry about Frick. That just sucks.
As to almost shutting the site down, well, I’m glad cooler heads prevailed. Where would I get an almost daily dose of funny cat pictures and sarcasm and really good cussing? I’d have to start taking pictures of my own cats! That would irritate the crap out of them and then I’d have to start sleeping with one eye open, because these boys aren’t kidding around.
So, in summary, keep up the good work!
I’ve been reading your site for sooooo many years that my husband knows who you are when I tell him what’s happening in your world. Please don’t take down your website! You have so many fans, don’t let rude Internet bullies shut you down.
So sorry to hear about Frick. I know you’ll miss her.
Thank you for staying. I love reading you and you are an inspiration to me in so many ways.
What is wrong with people?? Anyhow, I’m glad you’re still here. And I’m sorry about poor Frick.
Really sorry.. about annoying internet people and Frick.
I’m so glad you decided not to leave. I’m not a big commenter and you don’t know me from Adam, but your journal has been a daily part of my life since 2001, and I’d miss it a great deal. (Hey, I’ve been reading you longer than my marriage lasted; it’d be hard to give you up. π )
You don’t know me, but I love reading your site. I’m glad you didn’t take it down. I’m a bariatric surgery patient and you’re one of my inspirations.
I’m so sorry about Frick. I actually teared up reading about her.
Thanks for not leaving us! Your journal is the first I started reading years ago and the first I check out every morning still. I love you guys and even though I’ve never met you or Fred, I consider you guys my “friends”. Thanks for being you!
I’m sorry about Frick, I know that she was your fave. Ever since you found out he was a she, she has had a special place in your heart. It stinks that you had just said that she wasn’t going anywhere and then she died…freaky and sad.
I am sooo glad you decided to stay. You are right..this is YOUR site and you can write about whatever you want, I too do not comment often..but I read here every day. I can’t wait to get my daily dose of Bitchypoo…even my 10 year old son knows who you are (the cat lady with all the pictures). I found you and Fred way back in 2003 and have been reading you both ever since. I live my life vicariously through the two of you. So please Robyn…promise you’ll never go!!!
I am so thankful that you didn’t take the site down. I know that you have had problems with people in the past…but can’t see the reason why at all!
I am so sorry about Frick. I know that had to be hard.
Please keep writing. I couldn’t go on without my daily dose of kittens and chickens. π
Sorry about Frick taking the big roost to the sky. Please don’t stop writing. You are the first blog I read everyday. I go into withdrawl’s when you go on vacation and I hate that people want to be mean to you. Please don’t leave.
It’s because of you I only buy free-range chicken eggs now. I told my daughter that free-range means that there are herds of them roaming the plains of Kansas. I got it from a comedian that I can’t place right now. Cracks her up every time. Now she wants to know when we are going to start buying lettuce and other veggies from the free roaming vegies in the plains!
Robyn, I am so sorry about Frick. π
I am glad you decided to keep your journal up and public. I’ve been a lurker pretty much since the beginning, before Fred had his journal. For the life of me I can’t remember how I found you, but I am glad I did.
Dude your website kicks serious ass & cannot be taken down. I’ve been reading Bitchypoo for so long it has become a part of my routine (for which my husband makes fun of me for). Don’t ever change!
Sorry about little Frick. : (
Keep hangin in there Robyn. You put a smile on alot of peoples’ faces everyday. Your ‘adventures’ are what keeps me entertained and I talk about you often to my clients. (I’m a hairstylist) SDon’t let ’em get you down.
As a friend of mine once said: “fuck em all but 6 – you’ll need pallbearers.”
Sorry about Frick. God knows you have a heart as big as the US for all your animals AND pets. Any animal that crosses your path lives a better life because of it.
I have also been reading your blog for as long as my feeble mind can remember.Glad you decided to stay. Everyone in my world knows what I mean when I say “oh , did you see Bitchypoo today?”
You’ve gotten me through many boring hours of “floor duty” at the real estate office.
So sorry about Frick too. What a shocker.
Robyn – let me add my voice to all the others that are SO glad you didn’t let a couple of assholes take you away from us. If Fred does give ’em the smackdown, as an earlier commenter suggested, can we see the thread? Pleeeeaaase??? I do love it when assholes get their come-uppance.
SO sorry to hear about Frick, too. I loved that you picked one chicken out as your special pet.
Thank you for not pulling the site down! I’ve been reading for several years and love to start my day (or take a mid-morning break) to read your site. I’ve especially enjoyed the farm life twist.
Aww, so sorry about Frick! (Question: do you know the lifespan of a chicken?)
I’m so glad you didn’t go away. I miss so many favorite journalers…Athena, Renee (justme.org), Aimee (hippycrites), Katie (miss mermaid), and many, many, many others, and I’d be devastated if you went away too!
Why do some people need to be assholes? I am so glad that you decided to stick around. DO NOT let them win!!!! On another note I am so sorry about your loss. Frick was awfully cute.
Frankly, I think trolls are a sign that you’re doing something right because whether people admit it or not – it’s just an extension of their own jealousy.
I am so glad you are not pulling your site down. Some days (especially when I am working) your Cats, Chickens and the hilarious stories and captions you put here are the only thing that keep me smiling – okay laughing out loud. Now if you had a dog, you could sic (sick? whatever) him on those complaining asshats. But then you would have to deal with the dog the rest of the time, so nevermind. But maybe you could just rent a dog for special occasions.
Sorry about Frick. In a way I thinks pets become our kids that never grow up.
I’m glad you’re staying, the day wouldn’t seem right without you.
Things I’ve tried because I’ve read your blog:
1. Eating Healthy (’99 or so)
2. Body for Life (2001 or so)
3. Writing a Blog (husband — main subject — nixed) (’99-’00 or so)
4. Attempted to convince husband to purchase country house (’07 or so)
5. Attempted to convince husband to raise our own food (’08)
6. Accept our reality (no land or gardening/animal husbandry ability) and adjust what animal products we buy so as to be more aware of animal’s quality of life and death (’07-present)
7. Parental block disabling — we used a tough one for our curious/brilliant/bad children, we had to get rid of it because I couldn’t read you (’04)
8. inquiring about Lap-Band because of inability to follow through on #1 (’08)
9. Reapeating #1 because I don’t know if I can deal with a “whiny bitch” of a pouch (’08)
Anyway, I really love reading your blog. It is not only entertaining it is Informative!
I’m sorry about Frick. When my youngest child was born I had to put our dogs out 24/7 because the younger dog had a UTI and I couldn’t keep up with the newborn and the endless pooch pee-pee while the antibiotics kicked in. We were all heartbroken when the (much) older dog died on our back porch while we were busy with other things one morning. She had certainly seemed “off”, but we just … I still get teary eyed thinking of that poor, sweet dog by herself.
I’m so glad you decided to keep the site going! I pretty much never comment, but I read every day, and I’d miss you if you stopped writing. You always manage to crack me up (that’s what drew me in in the first place – one of your hysterical stories!).
I’m so glad you decided not to move and password your journal. This is YOUR place to come and tell about your day and I’ve NEVER read anything on your blog that anyone should be angry about. On another note, I’m sad to hear about Frick and the new baby chick:(
I’ve been reading you since 1999 when I was pregnant with my daughter who is now going into 3rd grade! I look forward to reading you everyday so I’m so glad you decided to stick around. I would be devastated if I couldn’t read about you and the kitties anymore. *sniff*
So sorry about Frick. What would be a normal lifespan for a chicken anyway I wonder?
What C said. But also there are just some sick unhappy people out there that luv to try and make others unhappy. I’ve deleted at least 3 blogs because of that kind of crap.
I’m glad you stayed. I’ve been reading since 1997. It would be like a friend dying should you remove BitchyPoo.
I’m sorry for your loss of Frick but when she was alive you and Fred cared for her in every way. That’s what we do for those we love. If it had been meant for you to know how to help her you would have went the length to help her.
oops 1999… got my home computer 1997
Add me to the list that now only buys free-range eggs because of you guys.
I found Fred when I was in the process of losing 80 pounds through exercise and better eating. I’m about to do another marathon and EVERY TIME I line up at the start of a run or a triathlon I think about how I was able to get there – starting with the inspiration I got from you and Fred. I can’t imagine you being gone!
Robyn, I’m glad you decided to keep your site up. Many times it’s given me a lot of laughs when I needed one. I’m also sorry about poor Frick and the little baby.
I am also a non-posting lurker type (except once I think) who would miss you so very much if you left. I read every day and would totally stalk you if I still lived in Huntsville. Thanks for writing.
With animals it is often very hard to tell if they are actually sick except in hindsight. because Frick would eat when you but the food in front of her , I wouldn’t have realized how sick she actually was either.
I know the other day that you said you are over populated in the cat numbers, but that Joe Bob’s life seems to be one big celebration because you adopted him.
You didn’t mention if the complainer was someone you actually knew in real life. That would be troublesome. But if it was a random stranger: WTF? In either case some people need to get a life.
Now the big question I have is what is the natural life span of a chicken anyway?
I think the more popular your journal is, the greater the odds are that you will get ignorant readers/trolls who say stuff just to get you riled up because they have no life. (For example, I do not have this problem on my own blog haha) I’m glad you didn’t let them shut you down! It’s your journal and you can write about whatever you want, the way you want, and people who don’t GET THAT just piss me off!!!
I’m so sorry about Frick…
Glad you are sticking around, girly.
Almost had me in tears with Frick’s story. π Very sad.
I know you’ve read this 66 times already, but….ditto. Very glad you’re still writing and I’m really sorry about Frick.
yeah…what THEY said. You are my first internet stop every day (& have been since waaaaay before your RNY). I also find myself saying “my friend, Robyn” in a non-creepy way lol. You were also an inspiration for me to have RNY (I will be joining the “Loser’s Bench” on 8/25/08!). Continue doing what you do & sharing it with all of those who truly APPRECIATE you!!
Yeah, Robyn, thanks for not leaving. I would miss you so much, and how would we ever find out how the pig slaughter came out? It seems to me that the real glory of the Internet and blogs and all is that we CHOOSE to read what’s on it. If I don’t want to read you–if you offend me, or bore me, or ????, then with a simple click of the mouse I can go elsewhere. Likewise with the haters. So WTF is the problem, haters????
But I never click you off (:-}) I LOVE you, and your cats, and chickens, and pigs, and squash bugs. Keep on keepin’ on, Robyn. Bon courage!
Robyn, I am so sorry about Frick! I will miss your writing about her.
Your blog was the very first one I ever started reading. I donβt think I have missed a day in like 7 years. I am so glad that you decided to keep going despite the idiots who butt and cause problems for you.
It is true, if you donβt like it go elsewhere and take your baggage with you! The rest of us get a lot of enjoyment and even education with your adventures. You have been a great “hostess” to us here and wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it.
Hi Robyn,
I would like you to know how your journal has influenced me. I found you website about 8 years ago from dottisweightlosszone message board. Someone had written that a good weight loss blog to read was whatever Fred’s site was called back then and that his wife had a journal also. Then there was a warning that both blogs like to cuss. A lot. That was enough to get me interested. You made laugh but because of your journal entries about the Avon 3 day walk, I signed up and participated in my local 3 day. I counted calories with you, did strength training with you and looked into wls because of you. Oh yeah, I won your yellow smiley face hat from one or your give aways. I’m actually surprised how much you have positively influenced my life I’ve seldom commented or e-mailed you. Mostly I’ve just read. Anyway, thank you for writing your journal. It does make a positive impact.
If people don’t want to read about you eating McFlappy and the other one then they should not read your site. I have read your site every weekday for years and enjoy everything that you write and that is why I read your site. If I didn’t want to hear about certain aspects of farm living or just your life I would simply not read your site anymore.
Thank you for sticking to your guns, Robin. KEEP WRITING, Chicken guts, Jalapeno Jelly, Dyson vacuuming, Cats, cats, kittens more cats, and all!!!!
“But I still think that Summer Vegetable McLovin Pie is FUNNY.”
That’s because it is, and I’m disgusted that readers would try and mold you into whatever it is they want. It is not for you to keep the whole world comfortable. You just do what you do, tell us about your life, and I will be honored to read it.
I’ve commented here and there in the past. I also wanted to add to the 72 (!!) comments that say how glad we are that you’re staying. I read your blog in the morning when I do my treatment (I have to do several meds in the AM for cystic fibrosis) and when you’re on vacation, I always feel like some thing’s missing. I feel like not only am I entertained, but I learn something new.
Just like everyone else, I’m so glad you didn’t take your blog down Robyn! I’ve really learned a lot from reading about your and Fred’s adventures in country living, and (being stuck in the city) I’ve enjoyed living vicariously through you ^_^
Thank you for blogging!
I’m very glad you decided to stay. Thank you very much. I mean that. You’re an amazing writer.
People who make anomymous asanine, snarky and bitchy comments about other peoples websites astound me.
It’s not as if you ASKED them here. This is your online “house”. The fact you opened the door to strangers is nice and polite. But the fact is, it’s YOUR “house”.
Kind of like them opening your *real* front door, walking in and pissing on the floor then complaining about the cats. Not acceptible in the slightest.
I am glad you are staying without a password- I have been reading your site since damn near day one… I was working night shifts when I started reading. I love your style of writing and you give so many good points/tips. Thanks for being YOU!!!!
There isn’t much I can add that hasn’t been said already. Robyn, I am so thankful you decided to stay. It is obvious that you give so much joy to so many. I always have a good daily laugh from your entries and beautiful pictures. I have been reading you for over 5 years and would truly be lost without my daily dose of Bitchypoo.
I too am so sorry to hear about Frick. There is a special place in heaven for the way you and Fred treat animals, this much I am certain of.
PS: That new header is just beautiful. Your home is my idea of the picture perfect country home! Enjoy.
Oh No, I thought you were going to take your site down. Please don’t! I’ve been reading you and Fred for years!!!
It is the best online journal/blog out there. I cannot tell you how many times you have brought a smile or laugh out of me while reading. In fact, I’ve read you on my blackberry at work and almost got in trouble laughing out loud! I get some of my best ideas from you and Fred too. Tell the “nastie’s” to take a hike, whoever they are. Too bad you can’t block certain IP’s
I’m a newbie compared to many who have already commented, but I will echo their sentiments that I am glad you decided not to be censored. We make a choice when we blog publicly which means there will be the occasional hater/idiot. I know from experience that it is hard not to let it get to you. Sorry you are having to deal with it. I wish all of us who do read/love your site could give the moron a major ass kicking for you!
I am sorry about Frick. I grew up with chickens and egg layers and pets (never food) and I *still* remember when Golden Girl died (she was my favorite). Sniff.
So glad you decided to stick around. I have enjoyed reading your blog for several years now. I check your site daily right after CNN and our local paper. Since we can’t have cats due to severe allergies I love to read about yours. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the change in both you and Fred from City Folk to Country Guy & Gal. I know that you will miss Frick and you have our sympathy. This is your site, these are your cats, your chickens, your meals – if someone else has a problem with it they can just get the hell out – the rest of us would miss you terribly.
Robyn, I’m sorry about Frick and any distress some sicko has caused you!
I LOVE reading your blog and I’m so happy you’re not giving it up!!!
At the risk of repeating many of the previous 82 posts, I’m damn glad you didn’t go anywhere. It would have felt like losing a friend and not knowing why if you’d taken your blog down. I’ve read yours and Fred’s blogs from nearly the beginning. I design the occasional blog header for you. You send me a freebie when I’m a lucky draw. We trade Christmas cards, for damn sake! I *lurve* you and your brilliant musings. HELL NO, YOU CAN’T GO!
So sorry about Frick.
Fuck the buzzards for getting you down. Can I bitchslap anyone for you? Please?
Because I have to give advice, let me just say that the Sneering Person deserves none of your time or energy. Most likely SP is a sad, miserable, lonely person. She sees you being happy and healthy and fabulous and the only way to feel better, somehow, is to try to drag you down to her level. Giving SP any attention at all just encourages her (I’m assuming her). Don’t give her any more blog space and try to not even think of her. Yeah, I’m no good at that, either, but try. Such people should be allowed to stew in their own misery until they decide to do something useful about it.
And poor Frick! But she gave you eggs and as much love as a chicken can and in the end taught you a bit about caring for chickens as her final gift. I know I learn a little something from every litter of foster kittens and you probably do, too, so she’s helping the chickens who come after her. And, is eggbound what it sounds like? Because it sounds horribly painful. Poor girl!
Just remember:
Say – bitch, press delete button. Hag – del, “Get a Fucking Life” – del, Just delete – no comment needed to be made, etc. This world is so GD catty and not in a good way. Sorry about Frick. In the farming world, it was just her time. I’m not sure how one would un-block a chicken, but if it’s like a turtle or lizard it requires surgery. Do you do surgery on a farm animal?
ROBIN!!!! I love your blog and would shed some tears if you stopped! Let the haters hate and you just keep being you, because that is why we read this blog!!
So glad you’re sticking around. The internets (tm Dubya) would be ever so dull without you. And I’m terribly sorry to hear about Frick. π Finally, I have to say that “Summer Vegetable McLovin Pie” puts me in the mood for a song…
Summer McLovin’, had me a blast
Summer McLovin’ ate him so fast
Had a bird, his range was free
Horny and tasty was he…
Well, I’ll join the lovefest! π Robyn, you are the BEST — your journal is the best. You are an excellent writer, interesting, funny, gracious to your readers in every possible way. Shame on people who just want to come around and rain on others’ parades. To them I say get a life, get a hobby, get a little bit happy and stop trying to bring other people down.
I am so glad Fred and Debbie were able to change your mind! I would cry and cry if you had to change your format one little bit. Because I love you just the way you are!
Keep on being real. π
Hi Robyn,
I am glad you’re staying and I’m glad it wasn’t me! π
Hi Robyn,
Sorry to hear about Frick. And, while I am a relatively new reader, I’d be lost without my daily Bitchypoo fix!
I’ve had quite a few friends on Livejournal lock down their journals lately because of stalkers and anonymous posters leaving creepy messages.
This is your journal, you should be able to express whatever you wish to express here in whatever way you want to express it.
Don’t let an idiot or two spoil it for you or for the readers who love you exactly as you are!
Just gotta say…damn, there are a lotta Lisa’s (or is it Lisas??? never sure…) that read your blog!! Lisa’s of the ninner-net (my daugher’s phrase), UNITE!!
We’ll gladly kick the trolls’ asses for you!!
*sniff* Sorry about Frick.
Glad you didn’t go password protected! I love your site even if I only comment infrequently, and your readers (save for those assholes who did that to you) rock, especially with all the love y’all have sent to my little guy when he was very sick. *HUG* I’m glad you’re still here and let us read your journal.
Wow, look at all these posts! You are loved π I would also be one of the sad ones if you took this site down. I love reading about you and Fred and enjoy getting Christmas cards from you for the past two years. The internet would not be the same without you, and the haters are just jealous of your popularity and your way with words. To hell with them.
It would be HORRIBLE if your journal went away. I feel like I know you and Fred! (Not in a stalkerish way π I do have to admit, it did make my stomach turn a wee bit when you named the vegetable pie. I don’t know why… Hey! That rhymes! I’m sorry about Frick!!!! :((((
Aww I’m sorry to hear about Frick
And let me tell you woman
LIKE HELL YOU ARE CLOSING THIS WEBSITE!!! You don’t have our permission (tee hee) I wouldn’t have anything to read while I have my lunch at the office, and I wouldn’t have anyone to thank for encouraging me to get the lap band surgery instead of going to ‘that’ school [remember my email? :)]
oh and fuck those motherfucking fuckers!!
HTF did I miss you taking your site down on Friday?? or am I misunderstanding, you just *decided* to but didn’t actually do it, and then changed your mind? I think I know what the situation is (unless it’s a new/different thing) and all I can (will) say is, I’m glad you’re standing your ground – you’ve more courage and stubbornness than me, for sure! I really wish, now, that I had started my blog under a pseudonym for that very reason, but… oh well. Anyway, if it ever does get to that point that you DO have to move or go passworded, hey – you gotta do what works for YOU, and I just hope I’ll be in the first round of people who get the password.
So sorry to hear about Frick and the chick… did the other chickens seem to notice or care at all that she was dead behind the coop steps?
Your blog, your rules. Also, I’m WAY squeamish about food, but I still love reading all your names. Please keep doing it.
I’m glad you came back. I love to read your journal and get your recipes! Those that choose to tear you down are just jealous and they are acting out at something they don’t like in themselves – they have to make someone else miserable because they are. Good for you for not letting them ruin what you enjoy!
Frankly Robyn, I think you should rat the person out; But I know you are too kind to do that. I’m glad you’re not closing up shop, and I’m sorry about Frick.
First, I’m sorry to hear about Frick. π
Second, I generally lurk and rarely comment, but I have to tell you that I’m very happy that you decided NOT to shut down the site. Yours is one of the few blogs I continue to read purely for pleasure.
So there are a few ASSHOLES out there. Fuck em..seriously. Jealousy is a sad and ugly thing. But for every asshole, there are innumerable people who read and enjoy this place. There are also many many others who I’m sure you’ve helped on the road to weight loss and a better life. I know for a fact my 27 year old son read One Fat Bitchy-Poo before his gastric bypass in May of this year (he’s lost 90lbs so far) – you helped him by knowing what to expect from someone who has been there instead of “just” from his doctors and counselors. I, for one, appreciate that, and I know he does too.
So keep on keeping on – and to those assholes out there who have nothing better to do? Piss off.
just like the other 100+ comments.. I’m glad you didn’t take the site down either. I’ve been reading you for years, I think you were one of the first online journals I found and I’d miss reading. I’m not sure what happened, but I’m really glad you decided to stay.
and I think Summer Vegetable McLovin Pie definetely belongs in your recipe section, as a tribute to McLovin.
Nothing new to add…it’s all been said and said well…so I’ll just add my “I’m so glad you’re not going anywhere! You’re one of my daily reads.”
And so sorry to hear about Frick. π
Three or four year lurker and Robyn lover here. Anyone that doesn’t like what you write here can SUCK IT. Seriously, who cares what they think about you, they’re assholes. If you knew them in person, you wouldn’t like them anyway, right? Freakin’ trolls hiding behind their anonymity and being anonomously nasty.
So sorry about Frick. Poor baby. π I had a pet lovebird that died, eggbound, some years back, and it was devastating. I caught it right away, and took her immediately to the vet, to no avail. So even if you knew, it may have made no difference, and then you’d have suffered with her. :'(
I want to add my vote of support to you!!!
Please don’t leave me!!!
I MUST have my daily dose of Fred/Robyn and Crooked Acres!!!
I need you!!! Please don’t leave me!!!
I admit it; I’m addicted!!! Helplessly, totally, and unadbashedly ADDICTED!!!
I have been with you and Fred since the ONEFATMAN site!!!
Let me know who the freaks are that dare to offend my little Robyn–and I’ll take care of them!!!
I’m still bereft(?)that Fred has scaled back on his postings.
Poor Frick. I’m so sorry. I hate that she must have suffered.
Luvre, always,
I am so, so sorry to read of Frick’s untimely passing.
Thank you for keeping this site open for all of us to enjoy. Whoever the malcontent was, well, he/she can stay miserable. His rant (or whatever) is more a reflection of him than of you.
I hope you’re feelin’ the love from all your readers.
I’ve gotta say, if you’ve gotta eat meat, you guys are doing it right. One of the reasons I became a vegetarian was because I couldn’t bear the thought of the meat in front of me as a live animal, and so I always had to sort of dissociate it as just another product from the supermarket. I have no idea how you can see a chicken alive one day then eat it the next, but those little birdies are lucky as hell to have a decent life before they become dinner, so kudos.
… If you realize it or appreciate it, you have become more than “just a blog” to a lot of people. The above comments attest to that. You are a positive, loving, funny, role model for many of us.
…Like me. I know as long as you have more cats than I do, I’m still doing okay !!(hehehe) Believe us Robyn, you would be missed awful bad if you left us.
…And if you left where would I get to look for Miz Poo pictures ? (there aren’t nearly enough of Her you know.)
… And poor Frick, her life was short but sweet.
…FYI.. I wear a size 13 wide shoe. And if you would like me to drive it up someones ass… Just let me know !!!
I’m going to add my bit to the flood of comments. I’m very glad you’re still here where you belong–where people can drop by and enjoy your writing and photos. Yay for Fred and Debbie for talking you out of going away.
Poor Frick. I’ll miss seeing pictures of her antics. And THANK GOD you’ve decided to hang around. I’ve been quietly reading you forever and would be lost without you. Nothing better to get your day started than a cold Diet Coke and reading your latest entry.
Hi Robyn
You gave me quite a bad turn when I read that you wanted to shut down your site. I have enjoyed reading on and off for several years, and would hate not to be able to do that anymore. So glad you are still here!
Just wanted to say I am a friendly reader from Tucson- who reads you daily…first thing I do most days! Love all you write about everything…especially what you guys are eating, your recipe links etc.
Who cares about the haters, they are everywhere.
Know that you have dedicated readers that love your blog.
Keep up the great work!!!
I’m so glad you decided to keep the site up and public. I mean, I’d beg for a password if need be, but I think you inspire and help so many people who would miss out if they couldn’t find your site.
I have less than a handful of sites that I still read from “the beginning” and you are one of them. It just would not be the same without you.
I’m so sorry about Frick. I have a difficult time with the entries that relate to the “food animals” (I’m a big ole wussy, tit baby, vegetarian who can’t seem to handle the reality of these things) and it bothers me even more (duh, obviously!) when it involves a pet of yours.
Yours was the first journal I ever read too – don’t ever go! The day doesn’t seem right without a quick peek at Crooked Acres. Knickers to anyone who doesn’t like what they read – there are plenty of other sites to mosey round. Just ignore them and they might go away. Thank you for sharing your lives with us, and don’t let anyone put you off1
I was on vacation for a few days and catching up. I was sorry to hear about Frick.
And ditto the other 116 comments!- My day is not quite right if I don’t read bitchypoo.
Keep on going.I love reading your site.I don’t get people who make issues and start drama.Nobody always agrees but life goes on.Don’t let anyone put you down!!